Immortal Desires (Well of Souls) (27 page)

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"I canna…" He needed to tell her before she left. The words stuck in his throat; bitter ashes burned his tongue. Eternity looked like a wasteland to him now, nothing but shades of gray to fill his days.

Robert cleared his throat. "If I might present a solution? I'd like to offer Deanna the same opportunity I gave to you. Since it's your clan that is in such disarray, I thought it might make sense to have you work as a team."

Ian couldn't believe what he was hearing. To have Deanna Immortal? By his side forever? He looked up at Robert's solemn face, Deanna's puzzled one.

"It would have to be her choice," Robert said softly.

"Of course." Ian stood, wanting to tell him to do it anyway. That was unfair and selfish but how he yearned to press his case.

"And you'll leave now," Robert finished.

Before he'd had a chance to argue the point, Ian found himself back in his apartment in Boulder, alone.


Boulder, January 2013

A sliver of light shone on the carpet as Ian paced the floor in the dark. Cold stars glittered through the window, the empty void of the sky matching the hollowness he felt inside.

It had been hours since he'd come back, so sure that Deanna would greet him mere minutes after he arrived. Not that he would fault her for wanting to keep her humanity. But he'd been so sure…

A soft knock on the door broke the silence and Ian leapt to answer it, flinging it open with such force it banged against the wall. It wasn't her, only one of the other Guardians inquiring as to Robert's whereabouts. Ian feigned ignorance and closed the door swiftly, slumping against the wood before sliding to the ground.

Why hadn't he spent those last moments telling her how much he loved her? The chance to do so was gone forever now.

"Ian? Why are you sitting in the dark?" an amused voice called from the bedroom.

"Deanna?" Ian lurched to his feet, rushing through the room to find her.

"Sorry. Robert thought I should pop in here on my own but I misjudged the room." Her arms reached up and hugged him around the neck as Ian lifted her off her feet.

He buried his face in her hair, an inarticulate cry escaping his throat. Deanna met his wild joy with fervor as she crushed her lips to his.

"Shame on you for doubting," she breathed into his ear. "Our paths belong together. Where one goes, the other follows. It's as simple as that."

"Have I told you how much I love you?" Ian's heart beat so fast he thought it might fly out of his chest.

"Not lately. I haven't heard it in forty-seven years. Tell me again."

"I love you." Ian kicked the bedroom door closed, determined to keep her by his side.


Otherworld, Aeneas Council chamber of the Guardians

Deanna shifted from one foot to the other as she stood between Ian and Robert, content to let Robert do all of the talking. He was making an impassioned speech about pairing more of the lost souls to their mates in the same way as she and Ian, instead of arbitrarily recycling them. It was hard to tell if they were listening; the thirteen black-robed figures sat with an eerie stillness, their cowls hiding their faces. She got the impression they were all staring at her instead of hearing his eloquent words.

"Deanna Mackay." The voice reverberated through her mind, causing her to jump. She still wasn't used to that, although sharing thoughts with Ian while they made love certainly added an extra dimension.

Robert cleared his throat and Deanna felt her cheeks grow hot. She wrenched her mind back to the problem at hand and stepped forward.

"Do you understand the implications of Kyndeyrn's plans?" This time he spoke out loud, apparently not wanting to sully himself with her errant thoughts.

"I do."

"It is against our better judgment to go along with this, although we admit your pairing exceeded our expectations. Since we still don't understand the pattern behind interfering with your clan in particular, we've decided to try Kyndeyrn's suggestion."

Why do they keep calling Robert

"Because that is his name," the voice boomed inside of her head, causing Deanna to wince.

"We will allow you and Ian to try shifting the souls together in the way you deem best," he went on in a conversational tone once more, as if he hadn't given her a head-slap a moment ago. "We will monitor your first efforts and decide on their success before making a final decision on a course of action for the future."

They faded out, one pair of eyes catching the light as he or she stared at Deanna before disappearing. The somewhat feral gleam made her shudder and thankful for their absence.

"Well," Robert clapped his hands together. "I guess we're in business. I have just the pair in mind to start with. One of them is a direct descendant of yours, in fact."

Deanna glanced over at Ian and saw him shrug. He didn't have a clue, either. She linked arms with them both, just happy to be here, no matter what the future held. "Whatever you say, boss. Can we get out of here now?"

Robert's laugh carried through the aether as he whisked them all home.


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Immortal Desires

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