Immortal Heat (The Guardians of Dacia Book 1) (32 page)

BOOK: Immortal Heat (The Guardians of Dacia Book 1)
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"You mean I am stuck here in Dacia?"

"This is the land you've always fought to have. That is what the medallions were all about," Zamolxis explained. "This is all there is left of Dacia and you are here until you wish otherwise…but 'otherwise' may not be to your liking."

"This is all that I have? But this isn't the real world. This is an alternative timeline created as a sanctuary," Aiden rambled with disgust.

"And it's all yours, brother," Rick said.

"I don't want it. I relinquish my entitlement." Aiden sneered angrily.

Stillness settled in the air as if they waited breathlessly for the fury of the gods to rain down upon them all. Draylon turned from dragon back to man.

Stepping forward he bowed humbly in front of Zamolxis. "My Lord, Dacia is the land of my family. This is the sacred ground of my forefathers. You sent us here to protect the Dacians and that is still my desire in whatever form I can be of assistance. If no one wants this land, I will tend to it as you once ordained."

Rick stepped forward. "Draylon, you do realize that if you do, you will not be able to leave Dacia. Now that the medallion is once again back together the portal will close forever."

Zamolxis looked down at his Zmeu. "Rick is right. Are you willing to give up everything you've had in the last millennium on the outside?"

Having changed back, Marilyn stepped forward and bowed at their god. "Yes, we are."

Draylon looked at her.

"My whole life I've felt I never really fit into society—now I know where my true destiny exists."

"You and Diane did well, Rick. You should be proud." Zamolxis turned to Rick and then to Diane. "You both should be proud."

He turned his attention back to the young couple standing naked and vulnerable before the all powerful god. "Are you positive about your decision?"

They both nodded and agreed verbally.

"Then I pronounce you, the Guardians of Dacia. You will uphold the truths of our past, secure the vision of the future and rebuild, strengthen and replenish the faith of the Dacians as the laws allow."

It wasn't quite a ceremony, but it was a proclaimed declaration by their god. Rick was still uncertain of what he needed to do. But it looked like Dacia would now be in proper hands.

"What about me?" Aiden stepped forth. "I am a leader of my own people. And I want retribution for the desecration of my property and clan."

Sariana stepped forward, placing a hand on her father's arm. "This was an unfair test all those years ago. And the rules you set down when the Great Divide took over declared that neither clan could kill or destroy upon the other's property. Both parties were wronged here recently, but I do think rebuilding Aiden's fortress is the least you could do."

Zamolxis growled low in his throat and finally relented. "All right. But if that is the case, Aiden will be on the outside again and controlling his vampires." He looked to Aiden. "Sorry, I can't remove the curse—it's not mine to remove. You'll have to take it up with Derzelas. But I don't want you running around without supervision, either.

"I am keeping you confined to Romania. You will maintain your image as professor of Romanian History and Romania's Minister of History. Your clan will have to learn to adjust to their environment. But there will be no more inhumane treatment of your kind. You will learn to have them adjust to the life in a civil manner. And you know what I am talking about. I will have Zamara keep an eye on you from time to time."

Sariana was about to object but a stern look from her father put her lips into a pretty pout.

Zamolxis nodded to Rick. "All right, you know what needs to be done. I will give you forty-eight hours for your people to make their decisions before I close the portal."

Rick held the attention of his clan that stood around. "Zamolxis has spoken. The portal to Dacia will be closed forever in less than two days. You must decide whether or not to stay or leave here and learn to adapt into the mortal world. You are welcome at any of the Livedel facilities around the world for guidance and support."

Marilyn stepped forward. "Wait!" She held up her hand and approached Zamolxis. Rick waited breathlessly. Marilyn hadn't been instructed in dealing with a god.

"You can't close Dacia forever. I won't be able to leave to visit friends or family if they decide to leave."

Rick walked up to her, hoping she hadn't angered Zamolxis by questioning his ways. "Sweetheart, the medallion being placed together on the podium makes it so."

"No. I disagree." She shook her head at her father. "The medallion was supposed to bring the clans together…not shut a portal. The clans still aren't together and may never be. A thousand years didn't make a difference, but it did bring us all to this moment."

Marilyn turned back to their god. "Is it possible to keep the portal open so those true Dacians, whether from Vamier's clan or from the Delvante side, may come here in peace to celebrate, worship and eventually combine their efforts to become united in their own way? This is the land of their forefathers and they may wish to carry on the traditions."

No one spoke. Zamolxis' studied Marilyn as if she had three heads. She was part Zmei—it wouldn't surprise Rick at all. Zamolxis' turned to Rick.

"I'm sorry, my lord. I hadn't had time to teach her the proper protocol…" Rick began.

The god raised his hand. "No…no…she's right. Nothing has really changed, and yet she's looking towards a peaceful solution, bringing tradition and history as our great connection back into play." He narrowed the distance between himself and the young woman. "What do you propose?"

Marilyn looked around nervously, biting her lip. Draylon stepped up beside her and their eyes met. They were communicating with each other. A quirk of a smile threatened to explode from her, and she nodded at her mate.

At the podium, she carefully removed the two pieces of the medallion. Taking one to Aiden, she handed him half before turning to Rick. "Father, this is yours." She handed him the Dragon piece instead of the wolf. "You are the one who saved the Zmeu. You are the prophet. Uncle Aiden." Aiden looked up when he heard his name. A look of surprise crossed his face. "I've given you the wolf side to remember where your roots lie and also as a reminder that you will be welcomed in Dacia in peace only."

"I'll be damned." Zamolxis laughed heartedly. "Zamara, your mother was right. It takes a woman to keep the peace…or at least try. We men, mortal or immortal, can be hardheaded at times. Hell, it only took me a couple thousand years to figure that out."

"Well that's settled then. The portal remains open, the pieces of medallion are where they need to be and it looks like there's going to be some changes around here. So I'll leave you to it." A knapsack and bedroll fell from the sky and landed at his feet. He blew a kiss up to the faded moon peeking through the thick cloud cover. "I'm off. I've got things to do now that I am back for awhile. Thought I would see how the world has evolved. But I'll be checking in from time to time to see how My People are getting along." He paused. "Just a word of warning, don't piss off any other gods if you can help it."

Everyone still stood around in awe, not sure what to do.

Draylon stepped forward. "I suggest we get our Vamier brethren inside before Derzelas decides to return. There is cleaning up to do after the massacre. But we would like to extend an offer of peace inside the walls until we can come up with a new, modern day reform that is agreeable to all parties in general."

Draylon offered his hand to Aiden. Rick wasn't sure his brother would take it. He still stared at the half of the medallion. "I was given the dragon half of the medallion centuries ago to remind me of my atrocities against the Zmei—the wolf part was our father's emblem." Aiden's voice shook with emotion as he looked up at Rick.

It was the first time he'd said '
' father…ever.

"Then it is time you had it, brother." Rick held out his hand, too. Aiden looked at both Draylon's and his.

Aiden tentatively stepped forward, and the three men exchanged hearty handshakes and nods of optimistic approval. "It's been centuries of war and distrust." Marilyn came forth. "I don't expect everything to be resolved…but it looks like a good start."


Marilyn worked right beside some of the Dacian wolf clan who'd agreed to help out in rebuilding Aiden's fortress—the one she'd torn down trying to free Draylon. It was a peace offering they'd agreed on the day of the bonding when Vamier had his people clear the deceased from the Delvante Compound corridors.

"There's a message from your father." Draylon stepped up to her, his dark suit too pristine in this atmosphere.

"Read it to me, I'm in the middle of clearing this pile of rubble."

She directed a bulldozer in to lift another load of stone and concrete as she cleared the last of the smaller debris with a shovel.

"You look so adorable in a hardhat and all smudged—"

"Careful there, Draylon—you're much to pretty to be splattered with a shovel of dirt," she warned. "What's my dad say?"

"Things are going well at Livedel. He's settled into his office and new house. Your mother is finally talking to him in the board room at least but is still torn between coming back here to Dacia and staying in Frederick."

Please, gods…let my mother stay in Frederick.

"I heard that." Draylon smiled. "And I couldn't agree more."

"What about Tina and Mike? How are they doing?"

The last she heard, they'd become rather close. Being kept under surveillance, the two bonded. As excited as Marilyn was at the prospect, Draylon wasn't sure it was a good idea.

"He says here…'I've hired Tina to go over the accounts of a new merger. Jack Reynolds, a CEO of a technology firm in Dallas, Texas is looking to join forces with Livedel. It'll be good for her since she caught Mike cheating on her." Draylon's voice drifted off, his brow wrinkled, and then nodded his head, as if he knew.

She tossed her shovel to the side. "Cheated on her. Why that low-down, skuzzy, two-bit…" Marilyn could feel her lip curl and a snarl tear from her throat.

"Easy, Marilyn…I'm sure it's not what you think. I've known Mike a lot longer than you have. He has some issues—"

"Yeah, well one of them is being a bastard! Cheating on my friend. Tina doesn't need crap like him. I've worked to get her away from those kinds of relationships."

"Yes, well it's not for us to say. Tina is still young, she needs to find out who she is and what she wants before she can do anything else. And Mike will always be Mike, he can't help who he is."

"I still don't like it." She harrumphed. "What else does Dad say?"

"He says he sends his love and support and will see us for the first delegate meeting of the Dacian Council next month."

"Good. I'm looking forward to that." Still, she was unsettled by Tina's news. She'd always been there when a dating disasters happened. Now she was on the other side of the world…and most of the time in another dimension.

Draylon sashayed his way over to her as he refolded the letter from her dad. There was a gleam in his eye, dangerous, full of fiery passion.

"I'm warning you now…I'm filthy," she said upon his approach.

"I know. You are a filthy, filthy woman."

"I meant covered in dirt, sweat and enough concrete du—"

None of that seemed to matter as Draylon swooped in, stealing her breath away with his heated kisses. She captured his face in her canvas glove covered hands. Some of the crew stopped to applaud and howl their approval.

Draylon waved one hand in celebration to his wolf pack and slowly broke the kiss into smaller, subtle pecks.

He kissed her neck, teasing her unmercifully into heat. "Dinner?"

"Um…Uncle Aiden…and I…and then discussing…history."

Another kiss along her jaw. "But you're dirty."

"I…I…brought a change of clothes."


"Meet me there in ten minutes—"

"Nope." He picked her up. Her hardhat fell to the ground revealing her auburn hair to the waning sunlight. "I'm not waiting for you to meet me."

"You are such a beast…"

"But you love the beast in me."

She touched his face lovingly. "That I do, my Zmeu."

About Loni Lynne


Born in north-central Michigan, Loni Lynne still loves the quiet woods, lakes and rivers in Otsego County and the Victorian era bay side houses of Little Traverse Bay. But after decades of moving around the country as a child and twenty-five years of marriage to her personal hero, she calls western Maryland her home.

Serving in the United States Navy didn't prepare her for the hardest job ever, being a stay at home mom, to her two wonderful daughters. After years of volunteering as a scout leader, PTA officer, and various other volunteer positions, all while still writing snippets of story ideas, her husband decided it was time for her to put her heart to
a story. He gave her a laptop, portable hard drive and his blessings to have a finished manuscript, ready to be sent out to the masses in one year. He created a writing monster.

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