Read Immortal Love Online

Authors: Victoria Craven

Tags: #romance, #love, #spirits, #paranormal, #warrior, #historical

Immortal Love (6 page)

BOOK: Immortal Love
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“If not a game,” she snapped, “what is it you
expect of me?”

His face looked weary. “Nothing this night,

He began to undress, removing his tunic

Eleanor moved to the hearth and stood with
her arms crossed over her chest as though to protect herself. “If
you don’t plan to bed me, why do you remove your clothing?”

“Unless I’m on campaign, I’m not accustomed
to wearing garments while I sleep.” He sighed. “And I feel it’s
important that you grow accustomed to the sight of your husband’s

He turned and sat on the bed to remove his

The scars that webbed across his back brought
a spontaneous reaction.

“God’s blood! Who could have done such a
Who could have whipped him like an animal?

He straightened, eyes focused on some distant
place. “We have both seen men’s evil, Eleanor. In that we are not
so different.”

Then he finished removing his boots and
britches. As he stood before her naked, she turned away feeling

“Do I repulse you?”

It took a moment to find her voice. “N . . .
no. But I, I have never seen a man naked before. If men needed
tending, Martha usually took care of them.”

“Before long, the sight of my body will no
longer make you ill at ease.” He walked toward her. “Let me help
you with your gown.”

She ran to the other side of the room.

“You have had a long day and need your rest
for tomorrow. You will be more comfortable in your chemise.”

“I said no.”

“You will strangle yourself in the middle of
the night with all the layers of clothing you wear.” He sighed
loudly. “I have vowed not to take you without your consent. Now
please, make yourself comfortable and let me help you with your

Eleanor studied his face for any trickery.
She saw none. Her mind made up, she turned her back to him and
braced herself to keep from trembling. “Very well.”

Tenderly, he moved her hair over her shoulder
then gently

unlaced her dress and slipped it down her
shoulders. He offered his hand as she stepped out of her gown.

Scurrying to the bed, she slid between the
sheets and pulled them up to her chin. Her heart leapt into her
throat when Dominick’s hand reached over and tucked the furs around

“Sleep well, my bride. You’re safe.” Dominick
blew out the candle and rolled over, giving her his back.

Safe. Can I truly believe it?



t’s done, my lord.
The king’s general, Wolfingham, has married Lady Eleanor. Godwin
now belongs to him.”

Dominick the Immortal!
heart grew dark at the thought of William’s henchman, and he glared
at the messenger.

Godwin and the fair Eleanor had been promised
to him. She had been close to surrender before King William
intervened and sent his fiercest general to steal all that should
have been his.

His temper flared and, roaring, he swiped his
hand across the table, knocking platters of food and cups full of
wine across the room.

“God’s blood!” His fist slammed down on the
table. “If William thinks he will keep me penned in, he is sorely
mistaken. I will defeat the bastard Wolfingham and send him back to
the fires of Hell. And Lady Eleanor will pay dearly for
” he couldn’t help smiling at the
image of her cowering at his feet, “

nightly, for defying me.”

He turned to the nearly forgotten messenger.
“Find the men I sent to Godwin. I have need of information.”

The man stepped back slightly. “They are
dead, my lord.”

McPhearson’s face burned with rage.


The messenger pressed on. “Somehow they were
spotted in the forest and attacked. One made it to the border
before he died.”

“Incompetent fools.” Frustration churned like
a vat of old stew. “Send word to Liam that I need him here,
immediately. If he resists, tie him to his horse and drag him

“Yes, my lord.” The messenger quickly turned
on his heel and ran out of the great hall.

Yes, bringing his brother here would most
definitely be useful. Liam hated William as much as he. Between the
two of them they would defeat Dominick the Immortal and his army,
take Godwin and push William’s borders until there was little left
of his kingdom.

Taking the stairs two
at a time, Robert hastened to his chamber to begin planning to take

ominick woke feeling
refreshed and well rested. The waves crashing on the rocks below
reminded him of his childhood, and a lullaby long forgotten played
in his mind. Remembering his mother’s sweet voice always left a
small ache in his heart. He had long since been abandoned by his
parents, but the pain of rejection always left emptiness.

He rose quietly so as not to wake Eleanor
then dressed quickly and threw more logs on the glowing coals in
the hearth. He blew on the embers until flames began to lick the
firewood. By the time Eleanor woke their chamber would be warm
enough for her to climb out of bed and dress without freezing.
Seeing that done, he went down to the great hall to break his

As the scent of fresh baked bread filled the
hall, his mouth watered in anticipation.

As soon as he sat down Martha set a trencher
of stew and a platter of bread in front of him. Her hands shook
slightly as she poured fresh water, and guilt washed over him.

His hands gently captured hers. “Martha, you
have nothing to fear from me. I will not harm you.”

“How can I believe that, when you haul my
mistress back to Godwin like she’s a criminal?"

For some reason it was important that she
understand his motives. “Believe me, Lady Eleanor had no idea of
the danger she placed herself in by running away.”

“Danger, my lord?”

“McPhearson’s men were waiting for her in the

“How do you know that?”

He dared not explain about Erik’s ability.
“That is no matter. Without the protection of this marriage, Lady
Eleanor is in peril of losing Godwin to our enemies.”

“She would never know peace with such a
monster as McPhearson,” Martha spat with venom.

Reaching into his tunic, Dominick pulled out
the pantry keys and placed them in her hand. “Take these as a bond
of trust.” He wrapped her fingers around them.

Martha looked at him in surprise, and he knew
she realized the meaning of his gesture—the keys to the castle
symbolized faith in the person who held them.

Finally she smiled. “Be good to her, my lord.
She’s had much sorrow in her life. My heart would break if she were
to be disappointed.”

“I will do my best.” He met her smile with
his own.

She curtsied slightly. “If you’ll not be
needin’ me further, I have work to do in the kitchens.” She placed
the keys in her pocket then looked at him for approval. He nodded.
“It’s good to have a full pantry again. We were close to starvation
before you came. Thank you, my lord.”

“You’re most welcome.”

She took her leave and headed off to the

Dominick hurried through his meal, anxious to
get started on the repairs to Godwin. Outside, his men huddled
around campfires to ward off the early spring chill. Spotting Zenon
talking to one of his guards, Dominick called the servant, and he
quickly jogged over.

“Yes, my lord?”

Dominick gestured toward the castle. “Zenon,
what supplies do we need to repair this roof?”

The servant rattled off a long list of items,
then Dominick sent him and four of the men to obtain them. Logs and
boards were already being prepared for the building of the new
stables and permanent pens for the animals. Within an hour men were
digging postholes for the fences and hammering frames for the
outdoor kitchens and stables.

Looking up at his chamber windows, he
wondered if Eleanor was still sleeping. Thoughts of her lying in
his bed with her hair streaming across her pillow tugged on his
desire. He could have easily taken her the night before, but that
was not his way and never would be.

Firmly he brushed his feelings aside. There
was too much work to be done. Godwin was his home now, and it was
in dire need of repair.

The sun was rising
higher, the air beginning to warm. He picked up a large mallet and
began pounding posts into the ground.

leanor woke to the
sound of hammers and raised voices. If she hadn’t known better,
she’d think the castle was under attack. Reluctantly she slid out
from under the furs. A cheery fire warded off the morning chill.
She stood before it and let the heat penetrate her skin. It was the
first time she could remember sleeping through the night.

Dominick had kept his promise, but for how
long? How long would he tolerate his abstinence? She stared at the
sword still lying on the bed. Would she ever find the courage to
remove it? Her near rape by McPhearson and her father’s acts of
humiliation made her wonder how she could ever trust a man.

The insistent pounding outside pulled her out
of her reverie and reminded her of the work that needed to be done.
She dressed and headed for the great hall, where Martha offered her
fresh bread and mouth-watering stew. Eleanor tasted the fare, then
looked up at Martha in wonder.

Her maid seemed to read her thoughts. ”His
lordship’s wagons arrived today, full of wheat and grain. I have
seen them. His men hunted yesterday for fresh game. Likely our
people are celebrating their new lord’s arrival.”

Eleanor’s hand went to the wedding ring
hanging around her neck as she recalled what Dominick had said
about putting more meat on her bones. “So his plan is to have an
obese bride.”

Martha grasped Eleanor’s shoulder, “No, my
dear, just a healthy one. You’re looking gaunt of late.”

Eleanor stared at her. “You seemed to have
forgiven him quite quickly.”

Martha sat beside her. “Lord Dominick and I
had a talk this morning.”


“What you didn’t know was that there were
McPhearson spies hiding in the woods. If you had gone any farther
you would have been captured.”

Eleanor threw her hands in the air, “Why
would you believe such a story?”

Martha’s back went rigid. “You think so
little of me that you believe I can’t tell a liar from an honest
man?” Martha touched Eleanor’s hand. “You have been keeping those
terrible memories far too close. Let them go, my sweet girl. Let
them go.”

Eleanor’s shoulders slumped. “How do I do
that Martha? What incantation can I say that will chase those
memories away?”

“Face them and send them away. View them from
a distance as they truly are-events from your past. Allow Lord
Dominick to be part of your healing.” Martha pulled out the ring of
keys. “We have already come to an understanding.”

“What sort of understanding?” she asked

“He gave me these and vowed never to harm
us.” Martha stretched out her fingers to show Eleanor the

“Lord Dominick gave you these? He must be
desperate for allies in this castle.” Eleanor wondered if Dominick
had an agenda.

Martha gave her a reproachful glance. “Lord
Dominick was being generous.”

“No man gives anything without expecting
something in return.” Eleanor could not keep from being

“I have nothing to offer Lord Dominick.”

“Your loyalty.”

A pained expression crossed the old servant’s
face. “Do you think me so shallow that my loyalty can be bought?
Loyalty is earned, my lady.”

“I don’t think you shallow.” Eleanor sighed.
“I just think judgment should be reserved until we know this man’s

“Don’t be blinded by another man’s actions.
Lord Dominick seems to be a man of his own.”

“We shall see, Martha, we shall see.”

Eleanor took a spoonful of stew. She hadn’t
realized how hungry she was until then, and soon her bowl was empty
and her stomach full. This was the best she’d felt in a long while.
During the four months of McPhearson’s siege her men had been
unable to hunt or fish. Fields had been burned during the harvest,
and almost no grain had been salvaged. She had been very close to
surrendering until Dominick and his men came. Denying she was
grateful was difficult.

She went to the bailey to see the progress
and found men working on the roof. The sun was warm, but a cool
breeze prickled her skin, and she wrapped herself tighter in her
shawl. Shading her eyes, she looked up to where the men were
working. It wasn’t difficult to find Dominick where he helped put
tiles on the roof. His black hair was tied back, allowing her full
view of the breadth of his shoulders. Not one inch of the man’s
body was soft. From his shoulders, his torso angled down to a
narrow waist. His britches fit him like a second skin.

Her mind went to the night before when he had
stood before her naked. His smooth, muscular chest was void of any
hair. His arms bulged with muscles, and his stomach reminded her of
a washboard. She swiftly turned away before her eyes settled any

She puzzled as to why he had not bedded her
the night before. She was grateful, but still confused. Most men
would have had her on her back and ravaged before the door to their
chamber was closed. Perhaps he had a mistress and had no need.

Surprisingly, the idea of his taking a
mistress bothered her. Too many times she’d seen her father bed his
mistresses purposely to humiliate her mother. Lord, or no lord, her
husband was not going to take one.

But was she ready to be a wife? The thought
stopped her cold. Dominick was a stranger. How could she possibly
think of being a wife in the fullest sense of the word? She

BOOK: Immortal Love
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