Immortal Memory (Book One) (3 page)

Read Immortal Memory (Book One) Online

Authors: Sylvia Frances

Tags: #romance with a demon, #angel falls in love with a mortal, #angels and demons paranormal romance, #angels among the living, #angel and human love, #angels among us romance

BOOK: Immortal Memory (Book One)
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The cell phone buzzed on the table. Her
body froze like a block of ice. Simra picked it up and gasped.
Tristan’s name blinked across the screen. She dared to answer as
chill bumps bit into her arms.


Static crackled and faded on
her cell until the person disconnected the call. There was the
light scent of smoke again.
I’m really
starting to lose my mind now. Either I’m delusional or this is a

Tristan called her from the darkness of
the bedroom. “Come, Princess.”

Her racing heart leaped to her throat,
and she gasped in disbelief upon entering the room. He sat on the
bed with a zealous smile. “Tristan, I thought you were dead! How’d
you get in my house? Leave. Now.”

His wicked but charming smile stirred
all the unbearable memories with him she tried to forget. “I’ve
come to be with you, Baby. Always and forever. Our moments together
are just beginning.”

His possessiveness caused her to
shudder. She pressed her lips together. The notification of a text
message buzzed from her phone, and she read it. A message from
Mandy stated:




Tristan bolted from the bed, and his
fanatical smile turned into a monstrous frown. “Leave your high
school and college sweetheart out of this. And stay away from my
deceitful brother. They’ll only tear us apart.”

Jeff was never her boyfriend and she
had tried to convince Tristan countless times in the past. Her
insides jolted with rage and fright. He eavesdropped on their
entire conversation!

Simra clenched her fists.
“You have no brother! At least you never told me about him. What
else are you hiding? We’ve been torn apart for a while now,
Tristan, and you caused it. Go home, and don’t come back!”
answers tonight.

Tristan snatched her toward him when
she turned to exit the room. His cold whispers against her ear sent
shivers of dread down her body. “Dr. Hanley’s my brother. He wants
to kill your grandmother. Zach’s dangerous. And I’m watching you,
Princess. Every move.”

Turning to shove him away, she almost
stumbled when she found no one there. Was she dreaming? Or had she
gone completely mad? Searching the entire house for Tristan, she
found nothing. More tremors slithered up and down her

Perhaps he did commit
suicide, and his ghost returned to possess her. Unless she dreamed
everything, nothing else could explain these disturbing incidents.
Maybe Mandy was right, and stress caused her to imagine things.
Ghosts weren’t real. Simra needed to be on guard with
She must tell Mandy about what just happened!

Grabbing a dark red jacket to wear to
the dance, Simra also grabbed the car keys with her trembling
hands. She couldn’t stop her maroon Honda Accord’s tires from
squealing out of the garage. She had to get out of that house.
There were no longer any moments she felt alone. The feeling of
someone watching her all day exhausted her.

Simra tensed after realizing it had
been years since she walked into a church. Arriving on time, she
parked her car beside Mandy’s vehicle. She walked inside the large
fellowship hall. The soft romantic music loosened her shoulders

The colorful flashing lights swirled in
waves as couples danced beneath them. Love and adoration glistened
in their eyes. Other men and women sat on couches against the wall
and drank pink punch from their clear glasses.

Her heart stung to remember how happy
Tristan made her in the beginning. He destroyed what they had. No
other man would ever have her heart. She’d never love anyone like
she cared about him.

Fighting back tears, she squared her
shoulders with determination. Simra shifted her focus on the
present. Aromas of roses and cinnamon candles tickled her nose with
delight. She made her way through the crowd of people smiling at

“Earth Angel” began playing and caused
her body to sway with the rhythm. This was always one of Lucinda’s
favorites. It must’ve had something to do with her grandparents’
young love.

Someone’s familiar voice caused her
heart to hammer like a wild thunderstorm. “Lucinda?”

Simra turned and her breath caught in
her throat when Dr. Hanley gave her a surprised look. She studied
his spiked hair and midnight blue dress shirt with black slacks.
Simra didn’t even dress for the occasion. She probably appeared
slack to him. Oh, her knees were wobbling! She refused to be
affected by this man. He was evil like his brother.

“Why’d you say Grandmother’s name like
that? And what are you doing here?”

Was he stalking her like his brother?
The doctor also seemed to know about the call from Tristan’s phone
earlier. She needed to either get a grip or wake up! The lights
painted the doctor’s face in brilliant shades. Zach’s gaze shifted
around them and looked at her again. He appeared lost there for a

Taking her hand in his gentle and
smooth grasp, he kissed its top. “Simra, I meant to say you have
the same features as your grandmother. I was invited here tonight
by a friend of the church. Let’s start over and talk about this. I
realize we began on the wrong foot. Allow me to make it up to you.
May I have the honor of sharing this dance with you?”

This might be a way to find out more
information. A part of her was frightened of him. Nevertheless, a
bigger part of Simra felt strangely safe with him. Besides, how
could he harm her in such a large crowd?

“Are you following me, Zach? Why do you
linger around me and my grandmother so, and how’s Tristan your
brother? I’ll dance only for a few minutes. Then, I must find my
cousin and friend.”

He pulled her into his arms to dance,
and his enchanting familiar eyes stirred unwanted emotions in her.
“I’m not like my brother. He has evil plans. I was sent to stop
him, and I need your assistance to do this. I’m here to see your
grandmother for a different reason other than what he told

Her body flowed in perfect
harmony with him, and time stood still. Her pulse quickened with
every movement. “Then what
you want with us? Do you and Tristan have a
different dad? Is that why you have separate last

Zach’s touch melted Simra
like warm honey. “We
have the same Father many, many years ago. Then,
he chose someone else to obey and a different path. That’s when
everything changed. I’m not going to kill your grandmother. God
sent me to collect her soul when she dies from my brother’s curse.
I’ll send her to Christ. You must understand. Azazel lies, and you
shouldn’t believe his tricks.”

He squeezed her hand with affection.
“It’s a long story to explain why he and I have different last
names. Azazel is one of the fallen angels or a demon. I chose not
to follow his dark master. Today’s been a bit strange, you think?
This isn't a dream. Everything’s real. God sent me to stop Azazel
from wreaking havoc. I need your help to destroy him. He’s gone too
far this time.”

She withdrew from him with haste, and
her cheeks burned with heat. “You must be insane! You’re not doing
anything to my grandmother. I’ll make sure of it! You and your
brother stay away from her or else. How do you read my every
thought?” Her body melted with a soft fire when he stepped

He lifted her chin with his
finger. “Your grandmother’s dying because of Azazel. I’ve only come
to deliver her soul to God
she dies, not kill her. How could I murder such an
innocent and beautiful child of God? That’s something Azazel wants
to do. That’s why he cursed her with this disease.”

Zach framed her face with sincere
concern. “He wants to destroy all who love you and are protecting
you. Azazel has evil plans for you. You have such a pure mind and
can’t imagine his plans for you and Lucinda. Angels see many
things, but God knows all.”

He dropped one hand and kept one
resting on her cheek. “The Lord didn’t commit these horrible
tragedies in your life. He brings nothing but peace, not evil. We
must stop Azazel before it’s too late. I’m here to help you. Visit
your cousin and friend now. You’re the spitting image of Lucinda
when she was younger. This song and our dance reminds me of many
memories we shared. Thank you for giving me the honor, earth

Simra’s skin became clammy and numb
when he left her with a smile. ”Stay away from her!” She watched
him disappear into the crowd.

Thousands of questions overwhelmed
Simra about him, about his brother, and especially about Lucinda.
Simra's curiosity did increase when Lucinda first met Tristan. She
claimed she knew things about him and begged her granddaughter to
end it. Her grandmother swore she'd never tell Simra how she knew
about Tristan so well. Simra just needed to trust her.

Lucinda also acted as if she knew about
Zach. However, her grandmother seemed too comfortable around him.
No, what was she thinking? Impossible!

Whoever heard of angels and
demons taking the form of humans? Somehow, these two freaks were
reading her thoughts. But how?
Lucinda must
be protected. This ‘angel’ should
be trusted.

A man’s arms hugged her from behind,
and Simra jerked around to slap Zach. Instead, her hand froze when
she saw the bold stranger. She launched into the man's arms with
excitement and for security all at once. “Jeff!”

Jeff chuckled with a glass of pink
punch in his other hand. “Loosen up, Sim. You’re so tense. It’s
great to see you! It’s been forever. Grab a drink and sit beside me
and Mandy on the couch over there.”

Simra tried to find Zach in the crowd,
but he vanished. She placed a strand of hair behind her ear. “We
miss you so much. I’ll pass on the drink, but let's catch up with
each other.”

Mandy stood from the couch to hug her
cousin. Her six-foot height towered over Simra. “You all right,
cousin? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

Simra tried to hide her uneasiness.
“You can’t imagine the things I’ve seen today. Feeling any better

Fidgeting, Simra took a seat beside her
cousin and friend. Could Mandy and Jeff see Zach and Tristan?
Lucinda did. If Zach was an angel, how did she feel his touch? His
caress melted her like hot caramel, unlike the frigid contact with

Mandy leaned back on the couch with her
legs crossed. Her cropped burgundy hair gleamed in the crimson
lights. “Sim, there’s a rational explanation for what's happening.
Let’s talk about it so we can figure it out. I’m doing much better
and am returning to work on Monday.

"I love how both of us own the
business. When one of us is sick, the other takes care of things
around there. I couldn’t do it without you. Next week will be much
better. I'll be there to have your back. We'll see how Tristan
likes that.” Mandy’s lips widened into a quick smile, and she
winked at Simra.

Jeff sipped his punch and glanced from
Simra’s cousin to her. “So it’s been forever since I’ve seen you,
Sim. What’s the news?”

Simra's only hope was to introduce Zach
to them. Only then would they not believe she'd lost her mind. “You
and Mandy talk often?”

Jeff grunted, and Mandy bit her lip in
hesitance before she answered Simra. “Well…yeah, we’ve been in
contact recently.”

Simra couldn't control a smile from
crossing her lips. It was obvious. Her cousin and Jeff were dating.
That explained why he considered returning to Longview. They were
perfect together.

Simra beamed and forgot her own
troubles for a brief moment. “You enjoy working as a private
detective, Jeff?”

His bashfulness faded away with a firm
look. “The job’s very demanding and dangerous, but I love it.
Dallas is full of illegal activity because of the city’s massive

His rigid expression changed into a
quick smile. “I do still find time for fun now and then. You know
me. However, I’m considering moving back here. It’s less stressful,
and Dallas isn't home. Tell me more about your involvement with
Tristan and what’s been going on lately.”

Simra's excitement about Jeff and
Mandy's relationship vanished at the mention of her ex. She told
him about the recent events but left out the possibility of seeing
ghosts. Quint was the first person she mentioned. “Tristan and I
dated for six months and were engaged a year. His jealousy isolated
me from everyone after he proposed. Even after I broke it off, I
haven't felt safe. I didn’t discover his cruel secrets until the
last year.

"He made himself seem so perfect at
first, and he made me very happy. Then, I found out he sold drugs
for a living later. It's a mystery how the cops never suspected or
caught him. It's like he knew precisely how to fool them. No one
can deceive and manipulate a person the way he does."

Simra searched for Zach without finding
him and remembered what he said. "It's almost like Tristan's a

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