Immortal Promise (6 page)

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Authors: Magen McMinimy,Cynthia Shepp Editing

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Urban, #Psychics, #Vampires, #Witches & Wizards, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Immortal Promise
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Chapter Twelve


“I told you there would be a cave,” Holly said brightly, as she stood with the roar of water at her back.

Lothar smiled. “And it looks like we were lucky and nothing is living in here.”

Holly turned wide eyes on him. “You
mean, like bats?” She nearly squeaked the word.

Lothar chuckled. “Exactly. I can see pretty well in the
dark, and I know you can too, and I don’t see anything, but how about you conjure up some lighting?”

“I can do more than that.”

Holly’s lids slid closed, and the shallow cave began to shimmer as pieces of furniture appeared—a table with two chairs, a group of six or so candles, a couch, a coffee table with more candles, and even a fire pit near the entrance came to life with flames.

“Now you’re just showing off,” Lothar muttered playfully.

Holly smiled. “I can conjure things I have felt and touched before. I could conjure up some food, but it wouldn’t provide any actual sustenance. You could eat it, but you will still be hungry.”

“Good thing you don’t really need
food, and I can fish for mine.”

“Uh, actually I still eat food.” She bit her bottom lip and looked away.

Lothar moved to the couch and sat down. “Maybe we should talk a bit about what exactly you are. I know Evan turned you, but you walk in the sunlight, you eat food, and you wield a lot of magic. What happened?”

She sighed as she sat next to him. “The whole story about the rogues wasn’t all a lie. Some
vamps were curious about the Light Fae leader’s sister. Evan turned me because I asked him to and because we both thought it would be safer. The magic is elf magic. It’s gotten stronger as the years have gone by and once I was turned, it seemed to nearly double. I think it’s because my body changed and it became stronger, lending more power to my magic. I don’t know for sure why I can walk in the sun, but I think it’s because the Immortal Four gave me immortality before I left…” Holly trailed off as she considered how much to share with Lothar. What she believed to be true was something that affected all the warriors and Rowan alike. “After Evan changed me, he was able to withstand the sun. We think it had something to do with the Immortal blood that runs through my veins.”

Lothar arched a brow. “Are you sure it’s not your warrior bloodline?”

Holly shook her head. “No, I am sure that it’s Alistair’s blood that gave Evan the ability to day walk.”

“What makes you so sure it’s the Immortal Four blood?”

Closing her eyes, Holly took a deep breath. Here came the ugly truth that had her fleeing the Middle World. “Because I don’t carry a warrior bloodline.”

Lothar furrowed his brows momentarily before the meaning came to
him, and his face softened into something along the lines of empathy and understanding.

“Yeah.” She smiled. “Esperanza made the decision to sleep with an
elf. Nine months later, I joined the family. Tyr wasn’t my father, but I loved him like he was.”

Lothar saw a sheen in Holly’s violet eyes. Time
didn’t fully heal all wounds. Being an empath, he understood that better than most. Lothar put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her against him.

“He loved you, Holly. His face would light up every time you entered a room or
any time someone even mentioned your name.”

She nodded. “I know
.” Her voice came out as a whisper. “But my mother never wanted me. And as soon as I was old enough, I got the hell away from her. If not for Bain, she would have let me go as soon as Tyr died.”

Lothar squeezed her a little tighter. “That is her sin to answer for, not yours. You were a child born into poor circumstances
and, while your mother failed you, the rest of your family took you into their hearts without question.”

Holly burst into tears; the thoughts of her father, sister, and brother flooded her. Until the warriors started coming
around, she’d done just fine not thinking about them. But right now, in Lothar’s arms, she was suffused with the past.

Lothar pulled her petite form into his lap and reclined into the couch, lightly stroking her back. “You were always loved, Holly.”

“I know, and it probably should have been enough, but Evan offered me something more. He offered me a different kind of love.”

Lothar nodded. He understood what she had needed then
—someone to love and protect her, not because of familial duty, but because of her. Like he had wanted to. Lothar questioned what he was about to say. With his gift blocked, he’d have no way to read her response, but he let the words past his lips and freed them from his heart. “He offered you the love I always felt, the love I was too cowardly to express.”

Holly sucked in a deep breath. “Now you’re finally willing to say it?”

Her voice hitched, and she continued to sob. At a loss, Lothar continued to stroke her back. “Yes, I thought I’d never get to tell you. I guess I just needed you to know.”

Holly was quiet as she let her sobbing calm and took in his words. She buried her face in the crook of his neck. Her sobs
slowed, and her tears dried up as she finally spoke. “Do you know how many times I wanted to hear you say that? You’re an empath, of course you knew. Why didn’t you tell me?”

Lothar smiled. “Because you were so
young, and your brother was a barracuda.”

Holly laughed and shook her head. Lothar adjusted them so they lay wrapped in each other’s arms but stretched out on the couch.

“That he was… can you tell me about him and Rowan? What are they like now?”

Lothar set
about telling Holly about her siblings. About Izzy and Bain and about Rowan and what a strong leader she was. He also told her a bit about what had happened with Esperanza and Izzy.

yawned, and Lothar pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long day for you.”

She nodded. “Because I have to find a way to flash us out of here.”

“Yes. You’re our only chance off this island.”

“Ok but
, Lothar?”


“We aren’t done talking about your confession.”

“Good, I was thinking you were avoiding.”

“No. I was digesting. It’s a bit surreal to finally hear you admit that you loved me.”

“Love, Holly. Not loved, there is no past tense for me.”

“Good, because I’ve always been in love with you. I loved Evan, but I knew it wouldn’t last, and I knew it wasn’t like how I love you.”

Lothar nodded and kissed the top of her head again. “Get some sleep,” he said softly.




Chapter Thirteen


Holly awoke alone to the steady sound of the waterfall beating its way down the rock face. Sitting up from the couch she’d conjured, she scanned the cave only to find she was alone. Using her magic, she split the water like she was opening a curtain over a window and peered into
the pool that sat below.

Holly watched as Lothar’s head breached the water’s
surface, and he treaded in the center of the pool. The water was crystal clear, and the sun shone off the glistening drops that clung to his bare chest. Replacing her clothing with a purple swimsuit, she stepped back and got a running start before leaping off the rock edge that sat almost halfway up the nearly hundred-foot waterfall.

Lothar turned in time to see Holly’s small frame fly through the air and hit the water. The surface didn’t seem disturbed by her body
penetrating its’ surface as the waterfall fell hard and fast around her. A smile lifted his lips as she broke the surface and made her way to him. She swam right into his arms to wrap hers around his neck.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning to you, too. That was quite the entrance.”

She nodded. “It was the only way down
. What are you doing out here?”

Lothar chuckled. “I was trying to catch some
breakfast, but I am pretty sure you just ran them off.”

She smiled sheepishly. “Fish isn’t really a breakfast food anyhow.
Besides, I am fairly certain I saw a mango grove on our flight yesterday.”

“Mango’s it will be then.”

He grabbed her thighs and pulled them around his waist. Heading towards the shore, he let his wings span out behind them.

Holly pouted, her bottom lip just barely pushing out.

“Why the pout?”

“We’re leaving the water already?”
Her lids fell halfway down her beautiful eyes as she questioned him.

“You’d rather swim than
eat breakfast?”

She laughed softly. “I wasn’t actually thinking about swimming, Lothar,” she said
softly, before moving in closer. “I had other things in mind.”

Her lips brushed softly against his, her tongue slipping out to brush across the seam that barred her entrance. Lothar’s lips
parted, and Holly took the opportunity to taste every bit of his warmth. She pulled his bottom lip between her teeth and suckled softly.

Lothar held back a growl as Holly’s lips worked him into a frenzy. His hands slid from her thighs to cup her ass. He ground his hips into her
heat, his cock aching to slip home inside of her. Something his body had long craved. For years, he had wanted to claim her, to hold her, and to support her. To be the one person she loved, and to be allowed to love and cherish her. He’d lost too many years with her and now he found it hard not to dive in with both feet, and still caution warned him not to rush this. To take his time to explore every inch of her curves. Reaching between them, Holly slid her hand over his boxers, her fingers slipping under the waistband, until they were met with hard flesh.

Lothar sucked in a sharp breath as her finger danced over his sensitive skin. “Holly,” he warned. “I am hanging on by a
thread, and if you keep that up—I…”

“You’ll what, Lothar?” she purred as she stroked him gently.

“You should stop.” He was barely able to coherently utter the words.

“Is that really what you want? There is nothing stopping us now. No guard dog brother, no innocence or age issues, and most importantly… I love you and you love me. We’re alone in this beautiful place. So, I want to feel you inside of me, I want to kiss you, I want to feel your hands on my bare
skin, and I want us to make love. So do you really want me stop? Is all of that not what you want?”

“That is everything I have ever wanted.”

“Good.” She slammed her lips back to his and pushed his boxers down. It didn’t take much magic to make her bikini disappear. Lifting her hips, she positioned herself over his cock and came down slowly, taking her time as she took him inch by hard inch until he was fully seated inside of her sheath.

“Mmm,” she purred as he filled her, stretching her body to accommodate him.

He groaned softly as her lips moved in time with her hips. The slow and perfect rhythm held him hostage. She pulled back briefly to catch and hold him in her stunning gaze, the sweet innocence of her face belying the temptress within.

The water lapped around them as Holly picked up her pace, Lothar helping as he palmed her ass, lifting and bringing her down hard as he thrust into her.

Her climax grew, the pressure pushing her to primal levels of pleasure. Her fangs lengthened, nicking Lothar’s tongue as he kissed her thoroughly. Holly suckled his tongue, the sweet, crimson nectar pushing her closer to the edge, satisfying one need only to cause a deeper one to arise. She pulled back, her gaze locking with his, a silent question burning in her hooded gaze.

Lothar smiled, his deep thrusting inside of her never faltering as he tilted his
head, exposing his throat to her. “I will give you anything you want, love. You already captured my heart and soul, so if you want my throat, if you want my blood, you need not ask. You can have all of me—I am yours.”

Holly kissed him hard. “I love you, Lothar. I have for so many years.” She lowered her lips to the pulse at his neck. Her tongue ran over
it, and she sucked at it gently before sinking her fangs into his sensitive flesh. Holly drew long, slow mouthfuls of his blood into her mouth, letting the blood linger before swallowing.

Holly threw her head back as waves of pleasure flooded her as Lothar’s blood,
body, and touch sent her over the edge. Her scream of his name was barely drowned out by the roaring water behind them.




“Bain is going to lose it,” Rowan said as she and Cree headed to his office.

They’d left Evan only a few minutes ago, heading back to the Middle World with some old questions answered
. They knew who the drifters were, and they knew why the drifters were helping to move select families from Darion’s rule. Rowan had agreed to work with Evan towards registering all the Fae he had helped into the Human World and for those he still intended to help. The Human World was becoming a refuge/sanctuary for those who could no longer handle Darion’s rule. This was a strike against the Dark and would only add to the tension that was already caused by Katarina and the succubi. A move that if Kat had come to Rowan about, she would have led the charge to save the women from him herself. Rowan regretted nothing that was happening, but had no fallacies that these moves would go unnoticed and, more importantly, un-avenged. Darion would strike out, and Rowan had a sneaking suspicion that he had already made a very strategic move. Esperanza.

She had a feeling that if she stormed his
castle, she would easily find her mother. She knew that others would question her lukewarm concern for Esperanza, but she knew all too well that her mother was cold enough to handle herself with the Dark leader. They had a past that others rarely recalled.

What weighed heavily on Rowan was the news of Holly. There were too many new questions left lingering in the air. Where had
taken Lothar? Were they ok? What would Bain do when he saw her again? How would Bain respond to her being a vampire? Most importantly, Rowan questioned how and when to tell him. She loved her brother, but he was a hotheaded, arrogant ass sometimes, and she was sure he would storm Evan’s compound to try to beat, torture, and intimidate answers out of the vampire that she believed Evan really didn’t have.

“Rowan? Did you hear me?”

Rowan lifted her face to Cree, a sheepish smile on her face. “I am sorry; I was lost in thought.”

“What do you want to do about Bain?”

She shook her head. “I don’t know. I think we should keep him on the search for Mother and wait to drop the bomb about Holly… If for some reason we don’t find her and Lothar alive… I don’t want to re-break his heart over our little sister.”

Cree sighed
. He understood where Rowan was coming from, but he didn’t agree with keeping Bain in the dark.

“Don’t sigh at me, Cree, there is too much going on for us lose Bain to his anger and pain.”

Cree nodded. “Fine, what’s the plan?”

“Gather the warriors; it’s time to make a plan. We have two of ours we need to bring home.”


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