Immortal Wounds: Book #1 in the Immortal Wounds Vampire Series-Paranormal Romance/Vampire Romance/Romantic Fantasy (30 page)

BOOK: Immortal Wounds: Book #1 in the Immortal Wounds Vampire Series-Paranormal Romance/Vampire Romance/Romantic Fantasy
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“Damen,” Raymose hissed like he’d just said something vile.

“Good afternoon, Raymose. I see you’re still looking after Lady Phoebe—Luther’s loyal soldier to the end.” His eyes narrowed.

“I’ve always looked after her. Luther never made me.” Raymose’s grip tightened around me.

Damen laughed. “I’m sure Marcus won’t mind you holding his bride to be like that,” he jeered.

I threw my head back, as if bored by the conversation. “Like you care.”

“Careful Raymose, there’s blood flowing through her veins now,” Damen mused—he was enjoying himself far too much.

“I’m aware of her humanity,” Raymose spat. He set me down swiftly, positioning himself between Damen and me.

“You don’t think you can protect her?” Several more wolves emerged from the trees, each baring their teeth. Raymose had one hand behind him, pushing me back, and his sword drawn out in front of him with the other. “I’ve fought more,” he hissed.

“Yes, but have you had to defend a damsel in distress at the same time? One that bleeds no less,” Damen’s words were taunting.

“I’m not in distress!” I moved myself beside Raymose. “I’m not going with you, Damen. I’d throw myself in that ravine before I let you take me.

Damen laughed heartedly. “He wouldn’t let you do that. Raymose has loved you far longer than I have.” His laughter echoed all around us.

I looked over at Raymose to see him looking at me out the corner of his eye—he wasn’t denying it.

This had to be a bad dream, a
bad dream.

“You shouldn’t have done that,” Damen growled as he looked at the two dead wolves behind us.

“I didn’t have a choice; he was trying to kill me!” I shouted.

“You?” Damen looked at me in disbelief.

“Yes me.”

“And the other?” he asked.

“That would be my privilege, Beast. Although, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity if he hadn’t been trying to kill Phoebe as well,” Raymose spat.

“They wouldn’t harm her. I’ve instructed the pack to watch out for her.” Damen glanced at the wolves beside him—they were cowering slightly.

“Well, I think I’ll pass on your
. As you can see, I don’t need it.” I raised my sword.

“You’d kill me?” There was pain in his voice.

“You’re not giving me any other option.” I answered softly. I gripped my sword tighter.

He nodded his head. “There is still hope. I felt it when we kissed.”

“You kissed!” I corrected sharply, as I did my best to ignore the look of outrage on Raymose’s face.

“Same, predictable Damen,” Raymose mocked. “Luther warned you not to harbor feeling for his daughter. He’ll be interested to know you haven’t changed.”

“You fool. You can’t take her to Luther. She’ll be killed! She’s part wolf now, or can’t you tell!” he snarled.

Raymose turned his head slightly, glancing my way.

“I told you I’m not the same,” my eyes dropped.

“It doesn’t matter,” he spoke to me. His voice was soft and gentle.

“You think you have a chance with her?” Damen scoffed, taking a step forward. “Get in line.”

“Stop it!” I could feel tears starting to build. “I’m not a prize to be won! I’m not your Phoebe!” I grabbed onto Rain and started to run.

“Phoebe!” Damen shouted after me.

With great effort, I pulled myself up and dug my heels in. Rain moved like we were on fire. I didn’t know where we were going, and I didn’t care. I cried hard into his fur. I couldn’t believe I ran away like that. I literally threw Raymose to the wolves—Raymose, who was also in love with Phoebe. How many men could possibly be in love with the same woman?

Damen was insane, and Marcus was going to kill me for sure—or was he already dead? God, don’t let him be dead.

“Faster boy!”

It hadn’t taken Raymose long before he caught up with me.

“Phoebe, stop!”

“No! Raymose, just forget you saw me,” I pleaded, not looking back at him. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

He reached over and pulled back on the reins. Rain halted abruptly throwing me off him.

“Phoebe!” Raymose jumped off his horse and rushed over to me.

I tried to roll over, desperately gasping for air.

“Phoebe I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you; I forgot you couldn’t ride well.”

I knew he was trying to comfort me, but I couldn’t help but shoot him an irritated look. Was there anything I
do right, aside from seducing every eligible hunk around?

“Accident,” I gasped.

“Just try to breathe slowly.”

“Raymose?” A voice called from behind him. I recognized it immediately.

I looked fearfully into Raymose’s eyes. I couldn’t speak yet; I still couldn’t breathe right. I was sucking in large gasps of air that my lungs seemed to reject. How was I going to explain to Marcus why I was here? My breathing worsened as I panicked.

“Do not worry. I’ll stay with you and explain,” Raymose whispered as he smoothed my hair off my forehead. His face looked suddenly sad. “I know you love him.”

Raymose tilted his body so that Marcus could see that it was I he was hovering over.

“No!” Marcus hissed. He flew off his horse with Richard close behind him. “Phoebe,” He put his arms around me, his eyes searching every inch of me. He cradled my head on his lap, trying to calm me. I was still trying to breathe and wasn’t going to be a big participant in this conversation

Marcus turned to Raymose with black eyes. “What have you done to her?” he growled.

“No!” I gasped, as I reached up and pulled at Marcus shirt. “Not . . . his . . . fault!”

“Well that’s not exactly true,” Raymose admitted casually.

Marcus's face was tense. I could see the muscles in his jaw tighten as he glowered at Raymose.

“You see,” Raymose began. “Phoebe was in a particularly hairy predicament when I found her. She was in the middle of a . . . how shall I put this, you know I don’t like to exaggerate . . . fight to the death with a pair of werewolves.”

I sucked in so much air that I started choking uncontrollably. What in the hell was Raymose doing?

“What!” Marcus thundered, ignoring my pleas for air.

“She actually managed to kill one. If it’s dead body hadn’t been lying across hers, she may have had a sporting chance with the other.”

Marcus looked murderous.

“Naturally,” Raymose boasted. “I had perfect timing and was able to slay the mongrel with little effort.”

I tried to make myself smaller, hoping I would disappear into a speck of dust and blow away.

Raymose laughed lightly to himself. A broad smile had taken residence on his face. “We mustn’t forget our delusional friend Damen—he’s the comic figure in all of this.”

“Raymose,” I begged, my breath returning to me. “He’s going to kill me as it is.”

“Nonsense Phoebe, Marcus is really very understanding.” He winked at me.

I tried to sit up but Marcus held me firm—I wasn’t going anywhere.

“Where was I . . .?” Raymose asked playfully, ignoring the tension that loomed over us. “Oh yes. After I realized that it was Phoebe here whom I had just saved—Phoebe, who you neglected to tell me was alive—” Raymose shot Marcus an eerie look. “I planned to escort her to safety, when Damen, being the gentlemen that he is, decided to persuade her to come with him—under the protection of his faithful pack, who had just attacked her.

“Where is Damen now?” Marcus growled through gritted teeth.

“I don’t know,” Raymose admitted, all joking removed from his face. “After Phoebe fled, his wolves attacked me. I only had time to kill one. Damen was already chasing after her. I got to Phoebe as quickly as I could.”

“How are you responsible for this?” Marcus was still gritting his teeth. He hadn’t looked at me since Raymose had begun talking.

“I tried to stop her horse and she fell off. I’d forgotten what a bad rider she is,” Raymose teased.

Marcus turned his attention to me. “What were you thinking?” he hissed angrily. His arms thankfully released me.

I squirmed out from under him. His eyes were dark, deadly, and they were fixed on me.

“You could have been killed!” he shouted.

I instinctively jumped behind Raymose and hid myself. I was such a coward.

“Easy Marcus.” Raymose’s tone was firm as he protectively asserted himself in front of me.

“Step aside, Raymose. She isn’t going to weasel out of this. She nearly got herself killed—again! This isn’t a game!”

I gripped onto the back of Raymose’s shirt tightly. I knew he’d protect me, even from Marcus.

“Stop scaring her!” Raymose growled angrily. “She wouldn’t have risked her life if she wasn’t worried about you in the first place. History is repeating itself—yet again.” Raymose’s tone was sharp.

A cricket chirping broke the silence.

“I’m sorry I made you worry.” My small voice squeaked out from behind Raymose. “I couldn’t stand the thought of you out here by yourself. Richard wouldn’t leave me to help you, so I came looking for you myself. Damen said he was going to kill you. I couldn’t let him take you away from me.”

“There. You see: it was all in the name of love.” Raymose’s tone lightened to the point of condescending.

I peered out from behind him. Marcus had his back to us. His arms were tightly folded across his chest—obviously considering what to do with me.

Raymose looked back at me, winking his eye.

I mouthed “Thank you.” I could feel the tears leaking out the corners of my eyes. I couldn’t explain it, but somehow I remembered Raymose: His never failing kindness. His compassion for others—a strange quality for a vampire, I’d always thought; his endless devotion to my well-being. He did still love me. Damen had been right about that.

I grabbed onto Rain and pulled myself up.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Marcus asked without turning to look at me. His tone was cold.

“I’m removing myself from this equation,” I said flatly.

He turned around. His eyes were dark, unforgiving. “Get off

“No!” I blurted out. My face hardened. I stared bravely into his black eyes. I could feel my pulse quicken. I gripped onto the reins tighter for strength. He looked terrifying.

“I explained why I had to come. I won’t keep putting you in the position of having to protect me. I’ll deal with Damen myself. It’s me he wants anyway.”

I could see the vein in Marcus’s neck pulsating. He was furious beyond words.

“Phoebe, you can’t go alone; it’s too dangerous.” Raymose’s eyes were pleading. I knew he’d come with me if I asked him to—he’d follow me to the ends of the earth if that were what I wanted. Part of me wanted him to come with me. I felt suddenly alone and afraid. I couldn’t do that to him, or to Marcus—I wouldn’t!

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