Immortal Wounds: Book #1 in the Immortal Wounds Vampire Series-Paranormal Romance/Vampire Romance/Romantic Fantasy (39 page)

BOOK: Immortal Wounds: Book #1 in the Immortal Wounds Vampire Series-Paranormal Romance/Vampire Romance/Romantic Fantasy
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“Of course. Phoebe you’re scaring me. What is it?” His eyes, soft and brown, looked wearily into mine.

“Well . . . the day you left, remember when you said you didn’t want me riding Rain because—” I took a deep breath, “. . . you were worried I might . . .”

“You fell off the horse, didn’t you?” He rose from the bed. “That’s how you got hurt, isn’t it? Phoebe, please don’t take offense, but you’re a terrible rider.”

My mouth popped open. “I am not!” I protested. “Raymose say’s I’m much better now,
for your information, I’m doing quite well with a sword too.” I folded my arms in a pout.

Marcus threw his arms into the air as he shot me an exasperated look. “Alright. Refresh my memory. Why didn’t I want you riding then? I can only imagine what your mind concocted. You blew that whole conversation out of proportion. I simply was afraid that if you were—” He stopped. A look of confusion, then shock, and then wonder took hold of him. His eyes looked me up and down. “Phoebe?” He sat down beside me. He reached out as if to touch me, then paused. He swallowed loudly. “Darling, are you . . .” he froze. The words stuck in his throat.

I gave him a small smile and nodded.

“Are you sure?”

“Uh hum.” I nodded again.

“How long have you known?” His face was still full of wonder. This was as much of a shock to him as it was for me.

I cringed a little. “Since tonight.”

“But you were leaving . . .” He looked at me in disbelief, and then realization took over. “You were going to leave without telling me!” He accused. His tone grew angrier by the second.

“You weren’t home! And it’s not like we’ve been speaking,” I pointed out defensively.

“You should have phoned me. Phoebe, don’t you realize how dangerous that was for you to leave on your own? Damen could have hurt you.”

I pursed my lips. “You told me I should leave. I didn’t think you wanted me anymore.” My voice cracked, losing its momentum of anger. Saying that aloud tore at my heart. “If you came for me, I wanted it to be because you love me. Not because you feel some obligation to me.”

“Obligation? You’re my wife! You’re having my child! I
an obligation to you!” He reached out and took my face in his hands. His eyes were full of concern. “Phoebe I love you. You! Nothing is more important to me than you. Tell me you know that!”

I didn’t have to search his eyes long for the truth. “I know it,” I admitted.

His mouth claimed mine, his kiss, branding me forever. Wiping away all doubt I had about him not wanting me anymore. I couldn’t believe what a fool I’d been.

“I love you,” he breathed. His arms wrapped around me now, lifting me up onto his lap. “You realize your sword fighting days are over.” His words were absolute—adorable—as if that would ever really stop me.

“Don’t worry.” I played with a lock of his hair, twining it around my finger. “I’ll wait until I feel better before I—”

“You will not have a need to practice,” he interrupted. “I’m not leaving you again.”

“Marcus you can’t stay with me. Luther needs you. I’ll go home; I’m ok with it now. I know you love me.”

“I do love you,” he said, giving me another reason to smile. “But you need me too. You’re going to stay right here where I can look after you. I won’t leave you, ever again.”

Stubborn man. “Marcus, be reasonable. You know that’s a promise you can’t keep.”

“I’ll find a way.”

I took a deep breath. There was no arguing with him—now anyway.

“I think we should take care of these scrapes,” he reminded me gently. I had all but forgotten about them.

“They don’t hurt so much anymore . . . well, except for this one.” I turned my arm, examining my elbow. It was the worst.

Marcus retrieved the first aid kit from the bathroom and gingerly cleaned my arms. I examined his handy work. He was getting pretty good at patching me up. He didn’t even grimace anymore. I took that as a good sign, especially for a vampire.

“What are you thinking?” His eyes flickered to mine as he applied the last bandage.

“My blood . . . it doesn’t seem to bother you anymore.”

He laughed. “Let’s just say I’ve grown used to the sight of it.”

“So the temptation is gone?” I smiled excitedly.

“Only if I hold my breath.” His laughter had subsided. Marcus’s face grew serious again. “As long as you bleed . . . you will never be entirely safe with me. Phoebe, you must never forget that. You must never forget what I am.” I knew he spoke the truth, although I couldn’t imagine myself safer with anyone else.

I snuggled into him, our bodies falling back onto the mattress. I inhaled deeply, taking him in. For the first time in weeks, I felt like I could breathe.

“Marcus?” I hesitated. “Everything will be alright, won’t it?”

I looked up into his golden eyes. He smiled warmly. “Yes, my love. Everything will be alright.”

I rested my head back against his chest, my arm holding onto him. “I missed you.”

He pulled the blankets over me, tucking me in tight beside him. “I missed you too, Darling.” He kissed the top of my head as he reached over and clicked off the light. “Now sleep.”

Chapter 29: A Narrow Escape

I woke the next morning feeling much better. With the rate my body healed, I thankfully didn’t have to endure pain for too long. I smiled to myself. Marcus was home, and everything was good between us.

I looked around the room for him, my eye noting that the balcony door was slightly ajar. The sound of soft voices coming from outside told me I was not alone.

I got out of bed and peeked through the door crack. Raymose and Marcus were in the middle of what looked to be an intense conversation—both their foreheads were creased.

“Luther said they’re moving this way,” Raymose spoke gruffly.

Marcus sighed. “They should be here in three days time.”

“You know they outnumber us.”

“We’ve been outnumbered before . . . we’ll be fine.” Marcus forced a smile for his friend.

“Are you going to ask her to come with us?” Raymose jerked his head in the direction of my room. I ducked back, hoping he hadn’t seen me.

“No!” Marcus hissed.

“Marcus, she’s good. She could help us. She’s almost as good as she used to be. I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s as if she remembered how to fight. She’s almost the same except—”

“Except for her not being immortal!” Marcus interrupted angrily. “She’d be killed! She was very nearly killed last night. Had I been a second slower . . .” Marcus turned his head away, hanging it. I could feel the anger emanating from his body.

“Damen has always been a coward,” Raymose mocked. “It wouldn’t surprise me if while the rest of us are fighting, he’s back here trying to lure her away.”

“He will not have the opportunity,” Marcus hissed under his breath.

“Yet . . . he seems to continue to slip through your defenses.” Raymose’s tone had become condescending.

“What are you saying? That I’m not able to protect her?”

“I’m saying you were very lucky last night. You cannot command Luther’s army and offer the level of protection she needs. You’re stretched too thin.”

“What would you have me do?” Marcus growled.

“Maybe it’s time to tell Luther—”


“Marcus. He can protect her as you cannot.”

“No!” Marcus growled. “She’ll be at their mercy. I won’t have her anywhere near another vampire.”

Raymose shook his head. “Well you can’t leave her here. What if you don’t come back?”

I clutched my heart, trying to slow its beat. “Yes,” I thought, what if he doesn’t come back?

“Richard will be with her. I’ve instructed him to take her home.” Marcus looked uneasy. “The further away she is from the fighting, the better.”

They were silent for a moment.

“Raymose. If I do not come back . . .” Marcus paused. They looked at one another; it was as if they had a private understanding, an understanding that didn’t need words.

“You know I will.” Raymose put his hand on Marcus's shoulder.

“She will need you Raymose. You won’t have the luxury of roaming free. She can’t be alone now, not ever!”

“She won’t be.” Raymose gave Marcus's shoulder another pat. “I’d prefer not to look after her under those circumstances my friend. You’d better survive. It will kill her to lose you.”

I couldn’t listen to another word. I quickly composed myself and bounded out the doors happily.

“Raymose!” I squealed, flashing him the biggest smile I could muster. He picked me up in his arms and twirled me around.

“Morning sleepyhead!” He laughed. “Oh, sorry, how’s the back?” His smile was as bright as ever. If I hadn’t just been eavesdropping, I wouldn’t have guessed that he’d just pledged to take care of me in Marcus's stead.

“Pretty good actually; I feel great!”

I looked over at Marcus. He looked as though he were going to be sick.

“I’m sorry. Did I interrupt? I saw you both out here . . .” I rushed over to him and hugged him tightly. I buried my face in his chest, trying to compose myself once again.

“No, Raymose and I were just talking. Did we wake you?” His tone was edgy.

“No. I just . . . felt hungry. I was going to go down to the kitchen and fix something to eat.”

“I’ll have Charlotte send something up. You should rest,” he urged. His expression was one of worry. “You still look a little pale to me.”

look pale?” I laughed, grinning at the two of them. “Would anyone care to join me? I was thinking of having breakfast on the patio.”

“Now that
be interesting,” Raymose joked.

I shot him a disapproving look that didn’t stay on my face long. “I’ll see you later then?” I asked, looking to Marcus.

“We’ll be down shortly,” Marcus promised as I kissed him briskly on the cheek and left them to their conversation.

Sarah brought my breakfast to the patio. I munched on scones and fruit while I waited for Marcus and Raymose. I pondered over the conversation I’d just overheard. Marcus and Raymose were both extremely anxious. Was the war with the werewolves only a few days away? I shivered.

Whatever it was, Raymose thought I could help. He said I was as good as I used to be—or almost as good. Did he want me to fight with them? That would never happen. No way Marcus would allow that, especially now. I had to admit, I was less than confident in my abilities myself. But if I could help them somehow . . .

I finished my breakfast and decided to walk down to the horse stables. Rain always made me feel better. He neighed loudly when he saw me come in.

“I don’t think we’re going to practice today boy.” I rubbed his neck affectionately.

He started bucking his hind legs. I jumped out of his way as a hoof broke one of the boards on his stall door.

“Damn it Rain, calm down. You’d think a werewolf was out—” I stopped. My eyes grew wide. The last time he’d acted like this, a werewolf was outside. My heart was already in my throat. I looked toward the stable door. With the ruckus the other horses were making now, I couldn’t hear a thing outside. I reached for the latch just as Rain kicked the door out. I covered my head—protecting it from the debris that flew at me.

Rain neighed loudly as he reared up on his hind legs. I didn’t think about it this time. I leapt onto his back, holding onto the harness I’d forgotten to remove yesterday. We burst through the stable door and were at a full run when I looked behind me—he was huge, bigger than any of the others—faster too.

Rain shot across the lawn and down the path toward the pond like a bolt of lightning. I held on as tightly as I could, trying to stay as close to his body as possible.

I glanced over my right shoulder. I screamed as the giant wolf lunged for me, knocking me clear off my horse.

We flew through the air together, a ball of flesh and fur, landing in the pond like a boulder from the sky. I could feel my body sinking under its weight. I kicked and pulled through the water until my head broke through the surface.

I roared out in pain, holding onto the back of my shoulder. I could feel the deep gashes left from its claws. I looked around frantically, searching from side to side. I couldn’t see it anywhere.

I started making my way back to the bank when a low growl from behind stopped me cold. Everything was in slow motion. I could feel every blink my eye made. Every breath I took echoed as I exhaled. The water slowly rippled past my body as the wolf moved closer. And then . . . my heart stopped.

I was too scared to move. I was chest deep in water. I couldn’t get away if I wanted to. I cringed, turning my head to the side. I didn’t want to look. I closed my eyes tight, waiting for it to attack. Something soft and smooth touched the side of my neck from behind. It wasn’t fur . . . it was flesh.

I gasped. His scent was stronger than ever. Then I sighed in relief; thanking God it was only Damen.

“You’re trembling.” He spoke softly in my ear. I could feel the heat of his breath on the side of my face. He pressed his body up against my back. The muscles that made up his chest gave the sensation of leaning against a rock. “You didn’t think I’d forgotten you?” he mused, grazing my ear with his lips.

I turned my head just enough to see Damen standing behind me. He pushed my hair aside and gently kissed the back of my neck—I cringed.

“You’re not afraid of me are you?” His question was taunting.

“A little,” I admitted. “I’ve never seen you as a wolf before—I mean in the daylight.” My voice cracked.

He slowly turned me around so we were facing each other. He didn’t allow much air between us.

“Sorry about that,” he said looking to my shoulder. “That must hurt.” His eyes lingered on it for a moment. “You bleed far too easily.”

“It’s fine!” I lied. I wasn’t about to let him know how badly he’d hurt me. I tried to ignore the blood that ran down my arm.

“I see that’s not your only injury.” He took my hands in his, examining them.

“I tripped,” I admitted, feeling foolish.

He laughed heartedly. “I really should have turned you completely. It wasn’t fair of me to leave you so . . . blunderingly human.”

I frowned. “It was dark; I fell!”

“Don’t worry, Love. It’s a problem that’s easily remedied.”

I shifted uneasily at his term of endearment.

“I can’t stay long, Phoebe. But I had to see you again, before I leave.”

My breath caught. “Where are you going?”

He smiled wickedly. “Don’t tell me you’ll miss me?”

I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. I was starting to feel a little dizzy. “So why did you want to see me?” I asked flatly, getting us back on track. “Aside from wanting to throw me in this pond—yet again!”

That got me a small smile. “To ask you to leave. To ask you to go home, like you’d planned.” His face had grown serious.

“Why should you care if I go back home?”

“In a day’s time, an army of werewolves will come through Northern England. We’ll take the island and then work our way across the mainland, exterminating them as we go.”

“Them.” Meaning vampires. My mouth popped open. “Why would you tell me this? You must know I’ll tell Marcus.”

“Because you’re one of us. I don’t want you killed . . . and despite what I think of Marcus, I know he’d put your safety first. When you tell him, he’ll insist you leave.”

I thought back to the conversation Raymose and Marcus were having on the balcony. Marcus had said that Richard would be taking me home, but Raymose wanted me to stay and fight—this had to be the impending battle they spoke about.

“Why would you care if I survived or not?” I spoke up, my voice sounding a little braver.

He inched closer, his eyes once again falling to my shoulder. I shivered. “You know how I feel about you. I know you can feel the connection between us.” His eyes were piercing, blue and beautiful. He moved closer still. The water, not bothering to notice his body moving through it, remained glass-like. He took my hand, placing it on his heart. I could feel the heat of his skin before I even touched it, and when I did, his heartbeat quickened.

His chest was that of an avid body builder, not unlike Marcus's. Only Damen’s skin looked as if he’d spent his days playing in the sun.

“You’re immortal . . . how does your heart still beat?” I stared at my hand on his chest.

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