Impact (13 page)

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Authors: Cassandra Carr

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Impact
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“Fuck!” was all he got out before he poured himself into the condom and then collapsed on top of her, forcing her down into the mattress with him still buried inside her.

As her tremors died down, the only thing she could think to say was, “Wow.”

“That all you got—wow? Did I fuck you senseless, Jessie girl?” She turned her head to look at him and saw the smug grin of a supremely satisfied male who’d just laid claim to his territory.

“Get off me, you’re heavy,” she grumbled, and he grunted and rolled to the side.

He narrowed his eyes at her. “You okay?”


“You’re sure? You’re not lying to me?”

“No. I’m really okay.”

“All right then. I’m gonna go get somethin’ to clean you up. Stay here.” It was clear he expected no argument and wasn’t getting one from her. She could hardly move her limbs, much less get up. A warm washcloth settled over her skin, gently running through her folds as she purred in contentment. Then she felt something cold hit the globes of her ass and she jumped. “Relax, baby. It’s lotion. It’ll help with the soreness from the spanking. I won’t lie, though, you might feel it for a couple of days.”

The thought of sitting down tomorrow feeling the soreness from the spanking sent a rush of heat to her pussy and she barely bit back a moan. She cracked open one eye. “And you look broken up about it.”

“Hey, I told you what the consequence would be. You disobeyed me and I punished you, just like I said I would. But I have to admit fuckin’ your red-hot ass after I’d spanked it was a huge turn-on.”

“I’ll bet.”

He went back in the bathroom and then came out a few minutes later. “You know, we still haven’t shaved your pussy. I know you’re too tired tonight, but darlin’, your little kitty is gonna be smooth as a baby’s bottom very soon.”

“Mmmm,” she replied, already drifting to sleep.

Chapter Seven


Conner woke up the next morning and looked over at Jessica. No doubt she’d be sore. No matter how gently you go your first couple of times trying anal sex, there’s bound to be some sensitivity. He should probably leave her alone for at least a day, but his dick definitely didn’t agree. It lay flat against his belly as images from last night ran through his mind. At this rate he’d have to try to convince her to suck or jerk him off, and considering how dead to the world she looked, he doubted either was happening.

Rising, he then padded to the bathroom and brushed his teeth before hopping in the shower. Ten minutes later he was back in the room getting dressed when she rolled over and sat up, her hair standing up in a million directions and her eyes half-closed. “What’re you doing?”

“I figured you’d be sore this morning so I was gonna get outta your hair and give you time to rest.”

“I am a little sore,” she admitted with a soft smile, “but that doesn’t mean I want you to leave.” Her eyes shifted away, brows drawn down. “Unless you want to go… In which case, of course, go ahead.”

Sitting down on the bed, he took her hands and pulled her onto his lap. “I don’t want to get away from you, sugar. But I’ve been going at you pretty hard and I figured you deserved a break.”

The fierceness of her facial expression eased and she smiled at him. “What about you?”

“What about me?” he asked with a smirk.

“Do you want me to…you know…”

“Bake me a cake? Teach me how to knit?”

She punched him on the shoulder. “You know what I mean.” His dick hardened as she blushed furiously.

Trailing his index finger down the soft plane of her cheek to caress her jaw, he asked her, “How can you still be blushing about sucking my cock after all the stuff we did last night?”

“I don’t know.” She hid her face in the crook of his neck.

“Well, let me put you at ease, darlin’. I’ll live through one morning of not gettin’ my rocks off.” He changed his tone. “Now lie down and rest. Don’t make me spank you again.” A shiver went through her and he had to hide his smile. The way she reacted to his dominant side made his cock harder than any sub he’d ever played with. The thought both aroused him and scared the shit out of him.

He scooted her under the covers before pulling them up. Dropping a kiss on her lips, he stood back. “I’ll see you at the arena, but Brady and I are flying out right afterward to go home to Texas to grab my rig so we can make it to Oklahoma City by tomorrow afternoon. So I guess we won’t see each other ’til tomorrow night. Rest up then, darlin’, because by then I’ll have thought of about a million different ways I wanna fuck you.”

He heard her sharp intake of breath. Winking, he turned to leave. “Take care, sugar. If I don’t see you today, travel safe.”

“You too.”

He left Jessica’s room and made his way back to his hotel to grab his stuff and stow it in the rental car. He was meeting Brady for a late breakfast before attending another sponsor event in the afternoon. It was expected the top bull riders would attend as many sponsor events as they could, especially the ones without families to work around, and Conner didn’t mind. He knew what side his bread was buttered on.

They went to the arena and did the event and then hung around until it was time for the draft for the bulls. Jess was there, of course, making her notes of which bulls were selected so she could get the appropriate paperwork done before the competition began. Conner debated about what type of bull to draft. His shoulder hurt more than he was letting on and another good jerk could put him out of commission for a while, but he wanted to finish in the money and keep his ranking high. He ended up deciding to draft a bull rated in the top third, but definitely not one of the rankest. It may not finish in the money, but he had plenty of competitions left in the season and he needed to go easy on his shoulder.

With the decision made he swung by the medic area to ice down the bothersome shoulder, adding some to the bruise on his thigh while he was at it. He shot the shit with some of the other riders while he was there since he’d seen little of them due to all the time he was spending with Jessica. A few of them asked where he’d been lately and if he’d found a nice piece of ass. Conner kept his mouth shut, though the impulse to tear their throats out for calling Jess a piece of ass was causing him to clench and unclench his fists. Of course, they didn’t know it was Jessica they were talkin’ about, and he had no plans to blab about their relationship. Hell, he didn’t know what he’d say if he did. It felt as if they were doing more than just fucking, but damn if he knew how to define it.

He got his stuff ready with Brady like usual but the whole “piece of ass” thing stuck in his craw. What did she think they were doing? Was she gonna go getting all clingy on him? A warm feeling stole over him and his heart skipped a beat. Well, fuck him. Did he
her to get clingy? No. He didn’t want a girlfriend. He couldn’t live the kind of life he wanted out on the road, so it was better to slake his lust for now and look for something more permanent once his time with the tour was over.

By the time he was slated to ride, he’d pushed all other thoughts aside to concentrate on getting on the bull and riding the eight seconds. As usual, Brady helped him prepare, and he felt confident as he nodded and the gate was opened. The bull spun and he went with him, keeping his center over the top of the bull’s back. But then all hell broke loose, and before he knew it the damn thing had bucked him off. Cursing to himself, he ran to the side of the ring while the bull fighters corralled the bull. Slapping the rails in disgust, he pulled his mouthpiece out and jammed it into the pocket of his vest, swearing silently. One of the bull fighters handed his rope to him and he slunk out of the arena. There was no way he’d finish in the money after that ride.

He knew he had to keep his head in the game long enough to help Brady for his ride, so he circled back to the chutes, pasting a “don’t talk to me” face on. People gave him a wide berth and he made it there with a few minutes to spare.

“Tough ride, man,” Brady said, clapping him on the back after Conner had removed his vest and thrown it in his duffel.

“Did you see what happened? One minute I was centered and the next I was on the ground.”

Brady shrugged. “Hard to say. I’m wondering if you weren’t angled too far back and maybe when he bucked you jackknifed. You know how those things go—one second you’re perfect and the next you’re eatin’ dust.”

“Yeah, just pisses me off. I could have used the money.”

“I hear ya, man.”

Soon it was Brady’s turn to ride, and he got bucked too. At least he was able to capture a small amount of prize money due to his higher score yesterday, but neither was in a great mood as they returned the rental car and settled in for the redeye flight. Conner hadn’t seen Jessica before they’d had to leave. He’d only had time to send a quick text message telling her they were leaving and he’d see her the next day.

The plan was to land, catch a few hours of sleep at Conner’s ranch, and then load up his trailer before hoofing it up to Oklahoma City for the next event. Luckily Oklahoma City was only a few hours away and check-in lasted until seven in the evening so they didn’t have to kill themselves to make it up there. Despite that, both of them were bone-weary by the time they pulled into the arena parking lot at five-thirty, and Conner couldn’t wait for a shower and a nap.

He also couldn’t wait to see Jess and sink his cock into her wet, warm pussy. The thought of doing that and then falling asleep inside her had kept him hard for the better part of the ride up there. As soon as they’d checked in to the event he called Jessica.

“Hey. Where are ya?”

“Hey yourself. At the arena.”

“Cool. So are we. Come see me in my rig in the parking lot.”

Brady spoke up then. “You two are not having sex in this trailer while I’m here. She’s got a perfectly good hotel room. You wanna fuck, you do it there.”

Conner laughed. “Did you hear that?”

“Yeah, I did. Were you planning to give him a show?” She sounded a little breathless and he chuckled, wondering how she would react to being with him at Decadence.

“I figured we could take a cab together. Well, unless you’re into exhibitionism.”

She snorted and Brady added, “Some other time maybe I’ll wanna watch. But now, get the hell out. I need some sleep.”

Conner ignored him. “Meet you outside in a bit.”

“Sounds good,” Jessica answered.

If he wasn’t so tired he’d be rubbing his hands together and coming up with all the things he wanted to do to her, but right now all he wanted was to push into her pussy and fall asleep. He hoped to hell she agreed to let him, because he couldn’t think of anything sexier than going to sleep knowing his dick was buried inside her.

* * * * *


Jessica couldn’t wait to see Conner. It was totally irrational—she’d seen him yesterday, but already it felt like a million years. Her brows drew down as she thought about it. What was she doing with Conner? Would he say it was a relationship? It wasn’t as if they ever went anywhere, really, so it didn’t qualify as dating in the strictest sense, but she couldn’t help but feel as if there was more to them than just screwing around.

There were times when Conner looked at her, when he touched her, that she could almost believe he wanted more, he felt more. She knew it was cowardly, but she was too scared to ask him how he felt. What if he said all he wanted her for was sex? She knew she was falling in love with him. She could admit it to herself. But if he didn’t feel the same way and he broke her heart she didn’t know what she’d do. It wasn’t as if they wouldn’t see each other—they worked on the same tour. There was no way to escape him.

She didn’t realize how far she’d walked until she almost ran over Conner. Her heart jumped into her throat when he leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Didn’t I tell you to stop chewing on your lip? Am I gonna have to spank that pretty ass red again?”

“Geez, Conner, you scared the hell out of me.”

“I’ve been walking toward you for a while, Jessie girl, you just weren’t paying attention, which is something else we should probably talk about. I don’t like the thought of you walking around with your head in the clouds all the time. It’s not safe.”

“I don’t—”

“Then how did I sneak up on you? How did Tucker? If I wasn’t so tired I’d take you back to your room, pull down those jeans and panties and paddle your ass bright red. But I’m exhausted, so we’re gonna go to sleep and I’ll punish you tomorrow.”

Her own tiredness chose that moment to take over. “Oh you think so?” He was going too far if he thought he could spank her for any little thing.

He rounded on her and looked down, his eyes hot with lust and natural domination. “I don’t think so. I know so.”

“Go back to your trailer, Conner. I don’t have time for this shit.” She started to walk but he caught up before she took more than a step around him.

He pinned her arms behind her and plastered his body to hers. Her body reacted, her nipples beading against her bra and her pussy warming and clenching. “What the fuck is goin’ on, Jessica? First you say you wanna learn about BDSM, you wanna be dominated, but when I act like a Dom you throw a hissy fit. A Dom takes care of his sub and if he thinks she’s being unsafe he’ll sure as hell spank her for it.”

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