Imperative: Volume 1, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (136 page)

BOOK: Imperative: Volume 1, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice
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“I . . . I hope to have success this Season, madam.” 

“Good.  Find her a gentleman.  She has a dowry, she should rise from her roots, but not too high, she should be humble and aware of her origins.”  Lady Catherine cast an assessing eye over Caroline.  “And you must find a new modiste.  You will never secure a marriage dressed like a poppy.”  Caroline’s mouth opened and then her eyes widened when she looked to the door.  Lady Catherine followed her gaze.  “Darcy!  You look like you have been brawling!”

“Good morning, Aunt.”  Elizabeth stood and the rest of the women joined her.  Darcy bowed and remained still, assessing the situation, and chose to end it.  “Ladies, pardon my interruption, but it seems that I am in time to bid you farewell?”  He met Elizabeth’s eyes and smiled to see her unspoken relief.  “May I see you to the door?”

Elizabeth walked across the room and took his outstretched hand.  “That is very kind of you, dear.”

“Well, I arrived home and noted the time.”  He raised her fingers to his lips.  “Have you forgotten our appointment?”  His lips twitched.

“Oh, I am afraid that I did!  I must change my dress.”  She turned apologetically to the women.  “You do understand?”

“I admire punctuality.  Mrs. Hurst, Miss Bingley, do not overstay.  Darcy . . . a word at the door, please.”  Lady Catherine breezed past them, shooing Caroline and Louisa before her. 

“Of course, Aunt.”  He saw Elizabeth’s eyes dancing and leaned to her.  “What am I about to hear?”

“Our ardent embrace in the snow was noticed.”  He blushed and then shrugged.  Elizabeth touched his warm cheek.  “I am so glad that you came home.  What is this appointment?”

Darcy leaned to her ear, “Our honeymooning was interrupted and I have been without you for four hours.  That will not do.  How right you are that you must change your dress, love.” 

“How am I to look at the servants again without blushing?  I was afraid to leave my chambers this morning for fear of encountering them.”  Elizabeth whispered.

“If the ones I have encountered are any indication, they will not lift their eyes from their feet.”  Their gazes met.  “I have something for you.”

“I can well imagine what that might be, Mr. Darcy.” 

“I bet that you will never guess what is in my pocket.”  Elizabeth groaned and he chuckled.  They started walking down the stairs to where the ladies were donning their coats, and rubbing his hand over her bottom, he gave her a little pinch.  Elizabeth started and immediately pinched him back.  Darcy jumped and they exchanged glances.  “Truce?”

“Truce.”  She agreed and gasped when he pinched her again.  Glaring, she turned to find his eyes twinkling and whispered, “For now.”

Chapter 41


r. Darcy.” 

“I am smiling, again?” 

“I am afraid so, sir.” 

“I will attempt to rein in my glee.” 

“I would appreciate it, sir.” 

Darcy concentrated on smoothing his expression while Parker deftly scraped the last of the shaving soap away.  He felt the warm damp towel wiping his face and raised his hand to touch the impeccably smooth skin.  Parker looked him over and had a very pleased expression on his face.  “What is this; shall I chastise

“This was the first shave where I did not have to hesitate over wounds.”  Parker retrieved a block of alum and turned to find Darcy examining his face in the mirror.  “You see sir, the bruising is entirely gone and the cut is quite healed, the scar is a pittance.”

“A small reminder of a day I will never forget.”  Darcy murmured as he turned his head.  “I did not realize the change, it has been so gradual.”  Parker cleared his throat and Darcy closed his eyes as the crystal was rubbed over his wet face.  A second, larger block was placed in his hand to rub under his arms.  Parker set them aside and retrieving a bottle of cologne, poured a small amount into Darcy’s palm.  He rubbed his hands together and applied it to his throat and chest.  “There, I am perfectly groomed, ready to step, briefly, into the fray.” 

“The weather has worked to your advantage these past weeks.” 

“It was certainly a fine reason to remain at home, but my dear wife deserves a night away.”  Darcy smiled.  “Tonight we repair the damage of our hasty marriage, Aunt Catherine’s pronouncements, and . . . set the stage for Georgiana.”  Very quickly he donned his shirt and nodding at the pair of cufflinks his man suggested for the evening, was soon in his coat and ready. 

“Quite excellent, sir.”  Parker examined him critically.

“If you do say so yourself.”  Darcy smiled at the lift to his chin. 

“When do you expect to depart for Pemberley?  I understand from Judy that your plans have changed?”

“Yes, I received a letter from my aunt suggesting that if we are to continue hiding my sister’s situation from the rest of Pemberley, we will need to depart for Dumfries within the next fortnight.  Otherwise, she may as well stay in place and let everything be exposed.”  He closed his eyes.  “Sometimes I think that would be the best plan.” 

“Sir . . .”

“Do not mind me, Parker.  I am not looking forward to the next months.”

“You are doing the right thing, sir.”  Parker handed him a handkerchief and his watch, and turned away to straighten up the dressing room.  “There is the continuation of your honeymoon to enjoy.”

“Ahh.”  Darcy’s smile returned and seeing his reflection in the watchcase, he put it away.  “Indeed.  Good man.” 


ELIZABETH READ over the letter Bingley had begged her to write and folded it.  “Well, I tried, Charles.  The rest is up to you.  If you are as persuasive as another gentleman I know, you will be fine.”   She dripped some wax over the page and bit her lip.  “Where is Fitzwilliam when I need him?  He wears his seal.”  Looking around her dressing table she laughed and pressed the patterned lid from a silver cachou box into the warm wax, and admired her handiwork.  “Well, it is not the great Darcy coat of arms, but it will do.”  She picked up her watch and seeing the time, hopped to her feet. 

Darcy arrived at the doorway to Elizabeth’s dressing room and stepped back before he was noticed.  She was alone, clad in a robe made of pale pink silk.  Judy had finished her hair and the long curls were somehow tamed into an upsweep, impossibly held in check by the jewelled comb he had given her for Christmas.  Darcy’s tongue wet his lips as he considered the bouncing path those curls would take when he removed the comb later that evening, and flexed his fingers in unconscious anticipation. 

Elizabeth remained still before the dressing table, her head was bent and she held something in her hand.  Craning his neck, he finally spotted a sparkle of diamonds and slowly, he smiled.  Her index finger traced over the face of the watch in the same tender way that she caressed his cheeks, and then she laughed, “Dear, silly man.”  She set the timepiece down and after looking at it with a smile for a few moments, lifted her bare foot to rest on the chair and pulled back her robe to expose her leg.  Darcy’s eyes darkened and he drew in a breath as he watched her pouring lotion into her palm and rubbing it into her skin.  The gentle scent of roses floated through the air.

“Lord, help me.”  He whispered and gripped the door.  It moved slightly, enough to make Elizabeth look up.  Seeing nothing, she returned to her activity, moving to her other leg, and then opened her robe to rub the lotion over her belly and all around her breasts.  “Oh my . . . Lord,
me . . .”  He moaned.  At last the robe fell from her shoulders, and nude, she worked the lotion into her arms.  Darcy’s nostrils flared and his fine buckskin breeches were suddenly far, far too tight.  Elizabeth set down the bottle and picked up a silver box.  Opening the lid, she lightly touched the surface and bending towards the mirror, applied the sheen of salve to her lips.  Darcy groaned.  The reflection of her face and breasts in the mirror, the sight of her firm round bottom bent over the table, had him so hard that he was in great danger of spilling.  Just as he was about to throw open the door, Judy appeared from another doorway carrying a chemise.  Muttering an oath, he spun away.  Elizabeth just caught sight of his coat in the mirror and turned in time to see his rapid retreat. 

“Oh Will!”  She whispered and self-consciously covered herself with her arms.  Darcy would have loved her blush. 

“Mrs. Darcy?”  Judy asked.  “Are you ready?”

“Oh . . .” She turned from the door.  “Yes . . . I think that we should hurry, I do not want to keep Mr. Darcy waiting.”   

A quarter hour had passed when she left her dressing room and learned that her husband had gone downstairs.  She found him in his study, leaning against the mantle and staring into the glow of the dying fire.  Elizabeth stood at the door watching him.  A glass of wine dangled from his hand and from time to time, he lifted it to his lips.  Elizabeth approached and rubbing her hand down his back, she took the glass and took a sip.  Darcy attended to every movement. 

“Is it good?”

“Very.”  She said softly as he tugged the glass from her hand and set it on top of the mantle.

He stood looking at her from head to toe, and she felt just as nude as she had been in the dressing room.  Darcy lifted a finger and traced the face of the watch pinned to her gown and smiling, bent and kissed her, then drawing away slightly, whispered in her ear.  “Mrs. Darcy.”

“Yes, Mr. Darcy?”  She smiled against his smooth cheek.

“I would like very much to remove this lip salve.”  He whispered and drawing her into his arms kissed her deeply, and then nibbled his way around her jaw to her ear.  “I can think of a number of other things I would like to remove as well.”  She laughed and he rubbed his hands along her waist to cup her bottom.  “You find me amusing, do you?”

“Perpetually.”  Closing her eyes she drank in his scent of orange blossoms and rosemary.  “What is this?  Is it new?”

“Number Six.”  His eyes twinkled.  “I thought that you might like it.”

?”  She laughed.

“What are you wearing?”

“Milk of Roses.”  Darcy’s brow rose and she giggled.  “All right, my scent has just as silly a name as yours.”  They leaned into their embrace.  “You were watching me.”

“You saw me?”

“When Judy came.”


“Perhaps . . .”


“Perhaps you would like to apply some lotion to me sometime?” 

Darcy’s head tilted and he saw how pink her face had become.  “How bold you are, Mrs. Darcy!”  She blushed a brighter shade.  “I would love to.  And I would love you doing the same to me.”  Nudging her face with his nose, she looked up to receive a slow kiss.  “We should go.  I have a surprise for you.”  He laughed with how quickly her head snapped up and at the curiosity that filled her eyes. “Well that certainly won your attention!”

“What is it?”  She demanded as he took her hand and led her to the door.  “A gift?”

“Mmmm.  No.”

“A destination?”

“We are attending a performance, love.  Eventually.”  His eyes twinkled and he kissed her fingers before letting go so they could don their coats.  “I will not tell you another thing.” 

“Obstinate, annoying man!”

“I thought that I was dear and silly?”  Her mouth gaped and without a moment’s hesitation, he kissed her.  The maids holding their hats looked down at their feet while Lowry lifted his chin to the stairs. 

“Shall we have a cold supper ready for your return, sir?”

“No, it will not be necessary.”  He finally looked away from Elizabeth’s bewitchingly bemused eyes and to his butler.  “We will be eating out.”

“Where?   Where do people eat out?  An inn?”  Elizabeth tilted her head and looked doubtfully at her amused husband.  “Well how should I know?  When do I ever take a meal outside of a home?”  He opened his mouth.  “And travelling with you does not count.” 

“Picnics?”  Darcy laughed at the glare that burned into him.  “Just be assured that we will indeed eat.”  A mischievous smile tugged at his lips and taking her hand, he led her to the door.  “Come, my love . . .”

“Will!”  Elizabeth laughed and she happily followed him up and into the carriage.  “I demand to know what you are up to.”

“You sound frighteningly like my aunt.”  His eyes twinkled.  “Our aunt.”

“I wonder if she will ever own up to that admission.”  She curled against his side and watched him arranging the rug over their knees.  It was only five o’clock; the performance was not to begin until eight.  “I suspected you were up to no good.  We are far too early.”

“Mmhmm.”  He smiled and raised her hand to his lips.

“No clues?”

“Not one.”

“Something to chew on?”  She looked up to see a stern look and one raised brow.  “Poor choice of words?”

“I was not the one parading around naked . . .”

“No, you were the one spying.  One of these days you might hear something that you regret while eavesdropping.” 

“And that instance will be replaced by the countless times I hear something I treasure.”  Darcy touched her warm cheek.  “You are full of blushes tonight, dear, and I do not believe it is all due to my admiration.  Are you nervous?” 

She felt his concern and nodded.  “Your aunt defending me before Caroline Bingley does nothing to affect the opinions that have been forming of me throughout your circle.  How many invitations have we received since word went around that we are in Town?  I have been overwhelmed by the growing stack from the curious and am grateful for a turn of weather that kept the visitors at their homes and us in ours.”  Darcy took her hand and squeezed, but he felt the tremble.  “I am terrified of doing something wrong.” 

“I could reassure you until I am blue in the face but unfortunately, the only way to prove to you what I already know is for you to simply experience the event.  May I tell you that for the first time in my life, I am anticipating this night?  I cannot wait to arrive and show all of those ladies what they were lacking.  My only regret is that this is not a ball and I will not be dancing with the loveliest lady in the room.” 

Elizabeth felt another blush creeping up her face and lifted her chin.  “You speak glibly tonight, Mr. Darcy.  What happened to my tongue-tied husband?”

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