In-Between Work and Play (The Jocelyn Frost Series Book 1) (20 page)

BOOK: In-Between Work and Play (The Jocelyn Frost Series Book 1)
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“Also, remember
that, for someone like me, who was drafted to work at the BCW from Earth, we
are already restricted in our traveling privileges.  Like I said earlier, I’ve
been working there for five years, and I only get one weekend pass a month. 
Normally, that’s spent visiting my mother.”  I pressed my lips together as I
tried to think of something else to add.

“The point that
Jocelyn and Dex have failed to mention is: this place is amazing.  Demigods and
demigoddesses will stand in line to come here, no matter what.  Your business
is more than just providing people with a place to have safe sex.  It’s giving
them a place to live out their fantasies.  That’s what makes it so special,”
Finley added while rubbing Caress’s back.

Okay, so that’s
two points for Dex, two points for me, and one point for Finley.  Five valid
points.  They had to agree. Right?

“It’s one thing
to have an idea, and quite another thing to put it into production.  Do you
have any estimates of how much all of that will cost?” Whisper asked.

“No, I don’t.”  I should have thought about that.  “How about a contraceptive
spell?  Is there any way I could purchase a copy of that?”  Hey, it was worth a

This time,
Caress was the one raising a brow.  It must have been a daughter-of-Freya
thing.  “Our ability to ward against pregnancy is a lot like your ability to
produce light.  It’s innate.  There is no spell.”

I could produce
light?  News to me. 

“Jocelyn was
raised on Earth,” Dex said as he gave her an odd look.

Caress took in a
deep breath as something dawned on her.  What she realized, I wasn’t sure, but
it seemed to relax her posture.  “I’ll tell you what…” She shared a look with
Whisper before turning her gaze back to me.  “My siblings and I will discuss
your proposal tomorrow evening.  There are both positives and negatives
associated with undertaking such a large business venture.”

“How do you even
make a condom?  Do you use goat bladders or something like that?” Whisper
wondered aloud.

They all turned
toward me.

“Goat bladders
are a bit old-fashioned and not as effective as modern day condoms.” I had to
think about it for a moment. “I think they’re made of latex now.”  Confusion
appeared on the sisters’ faces. “It’s a byproduct of the rubber tree.  I can do
some research when we get home and send you the details for the materials that
are needed for mass production.” 

Another yawn
escaped Caress’s lips. “Good.  That would be most helpful.”

Finley stood. “I
think that about covers everything.  Dex, Jocelyn, I think Caress needs her

I felt like
saying, “Who are you?  And what did you do with Finley?”  But that would have
been rude.  Not to mention, I’d only known the guy about two days.  Who knew?
Maybe there were more aspects to his personality than just horn dog and
annoying big brother?



Finley stayed
behind, while Dex and I went up to our room.  Our discussion with Caress gave
me a lot to think about.  Personally, I felt like I dropped the ball. I should
have investigated the materials that were involved in manufacturing condoms,
along with a step-by-step handout, explaining in detail how to make them. 

“I think that
went well.”  Dex gave me his coy grin.  We wove in and out of the demigods and
demigoddesses lingering in the lobby.  Several couples were spread out on the
furniture, floor, and along the walls, banging their frustrations out on each
other.  There were even a couple of threesomes going at it.

I don’t know why
I stopped, but it completely mesmerized me.  How were they all so willing to
fuck in public?

Dex grinned. 
“Did you hear me?”

“Huh?”  Two of
the threesomes merged together several feet in front of us.  “Talk about

Dex followed my
gaze.  “You know, Joce, this whole condom project may take a couple of weeks,
maybe even months, to get started.  I know you have restrictions that prevent
you from traveling, but Finley, Hamish, and I don’t.” 

He pulled me
into the elevator.  Once the doors closed, my brain tried to comprehend what he
just said.  “So what?”

Dex lifted my
blue sapphire necklace.  “Let me buy this for you, and we can take turns
getting it warded.”

Heat traveled
down to my girly parts.  We might not have been able to have sex every day, but
it would at least have allowed us to be together on a regular basis. 

The choice was a
no-brainer.  Finley could come here and be with Caress, and Hamish could
finally sleep with Gwen.  “If you make a special trip out here, you’ll come
right back, right?”

His pupils
dilated. “As long as we are together, I swear to Hathor you will be the only
woman I make love to.”

That was good
enough for me.  I threw my arms around him and pressed my lips on his.  The
elevator dinged, announcing our floor.  Dex led me out into the hallway.  He
broke our kiss and picked me up like a newlywed. 

I wrapped my
arms around his neck.  As he ran back to our room, I licked and suckled his
throat. Balancing me on his knee, Dex pulled out his key. Once we were inside,
there was no turning back.  As soon as my feet touched the floor, he lifted my
shirt over my head.  My bra was tossed, leaving me to wiggle out of my pants
and panties.

 “By Osiris,
you’re beautiful.”  His gaze slowly traveled down my body.  My knees felt weak
as his eyes settled on my naked hips.  “Turn around.”

I swallowed hard
and slowly spun in a circle.  “I’m glad you like what you see.”

“You have no
idea.  Part of me wants to ram myself into you over and over again, and the
other part wants to take it slowly, making sure you enjoy your first time.”

I bit my lip,
facing him once again.  My girly bits cheered just imagining how amazing that
would feel.

He spun me
around before whispering into my ear, “Go lie on your stomach.”

I wanted to
question him, but my curiosity got the best of me.  The sheets were already
turned down, so I crawled up onto the mattress. 

Cradling a
pillow under my head, I did my best to relax.  My hips settled into the
mattress, and I allowed my legs to part.

Dex took his
time making his way over to the bed.  I lost sight of him while I was getting
comfortable, so I had no idea what he was doing.  The lights dimmed, but were
not completely turned off.  Soft music was piped in from overhead.  It kind of
reminded me of spa music, and helped me relax. The scent of lavender wafted
around me.

The clinking of
glass drew my attention to the bedside table.  A tray of lotions, body butter,
and lubricants sat there. Dex, now shirtless, picked up one of the bottles.  “I
want you to relax.”

“Okay.” Yeah,
right.  My anxiety level was pretty high.  This was my first time.  What if I
turned out to be awful and he hated me for it?

“Let’s move this
pillow so it rests under your breasts.  You can press your forehead against
this towel.”  I did as he instructed.  “Lift your ankles.”  Another towel slid
into place.  “If, for any reason, you feel uncomfortable, let me know and I’ll
stop, okay?”

I took a deep
breath.  “Okay.”

I heard a slight
squirty sound, as if he were rubbing something onto his hands.  A warm
sensation tingled across my back as he lightly stroked my shoulders.  Once the
warm oil melted across my neck, shoulders, and back, my brain began to shut
down.  His strong hands worked my muscles, in more ways than I could mentally

I felt so good.
He kneaded away the tension in my back, and then focused on my arms and hands. 
When he paused, I thought for sure he would move on to lovemaking, but I was
wrong.  With fresh oil, warmed by his hands, he spread it across my buttocks. 
My hips rolled into the bed as his palms kneaded each cheek.  I expected him to
continue on, with my genitals, but he surprised me again.

Ever so slowly,
he made his way down one thigh at a time.  Each muscle was given special
attention until he was rubbing the balls of my feet.  One foot at a time, he
massaged his thumbs in circles, relaxing my nerve endings. 

He paused once
more.  The soft texture of a towel rubbed down my body. 

“Turn over.”

I did as he
commanded.  My legs lazily remained spread apart as the pillows were
readjusted. Dex took the time to massage my scalp.  My eyes closed, and the
tension I felt earlier was completely gone.  Every muscle in my body felt at

His hands
continued to work down the sides of my throat, toward my shoulders.  They
fanned my breasts, causing my nipples to tighten.  The more he caressed them,
the more sensitive they became to his touch. 

He moved on,
rubbing my abdomen with slow strokes.  His thumbs rubbed down the outside of my
thighs, and then returned by ascending my inner thighs.

A moist,
slightly rough, but gentle sensation spread from my vaginal opening to my
clitoris.  My eyes opened and my heart rate increased.  Staring up into my
eyes, Dex lay between my thighs.  His tongue worked one side of my lips before
switching to the other side.  I whimpered when he stroked that sensitive spot
with all those frazzled nerve endings. 

Ever so slowly,
he worked every inch, making sure it was a complete and thorough massage.  His
tongue plunged up inside my core over and over again, going back and forth
between my vagina and clitoris. 

My hips rolled,
trying to take more of his tongue inside me.  When I thought I couldn’t handle
anymore, my muscles tightened, sending me over the edge. 

Dex groaned.  He
increased his pressure as he lapped up my essence. 

Still flying
high, I felt his lips lingering over my navel as he made his way up to my
breasts.  He suckled each nipple, one at a time. 

My eyes opened
so I could watch him enjoying himself.  He slid up the rest of my body in order
to plant a moist kiss on my lips.

A hot, smooth hardness
rubbed my vaginal lips, which spread apart effortlessly, granting him special
access to my core.  Ever so slowly, he pushed his member up inside me. 
Inch-by-inch, my muscles parted.  The pain was minimal at first, but the deeper
he plunged, the more it hurt.

I clung onto his
shoulders, digging my nails into his back the further inside me he went.

dripped down the side of his cheek.  “Keep on breathing, Joce.  We’re almost
there.”   His eyes lovingly focused on mine.  With a slight thrust, I gasped
when I felt his hipbone pressing up into mine.

His lips grazed
mine once more.  They teased mine apart and our tongues rubbed together. 

Minutes passed
as my body molded to his.  When the pain was almost gone, I rolled my hips. 
Dex took that as the cue to slide his member up and down my vaginal walls.  His
thumb rubbed up against my nub, increasing my pleasure.

He pulsed faster
and faster inside me until my muscles squeezed him so tight, I thought I
glimpsed Valhalla. 

Warm liquid
saturated my core, leaving me content and satiated.

Dex broke our
kiss.  His thrusting slowed as his member softened. 
“How are you feeling?”  He asked. His fingers lazily stroked the side of my
breast, down to my hip, and back again. 

“Wonderful.”  I
reached up to cradle his cheek in my hand.  “Thank you.”

He kissed my
palm. “You’re welcome.”  His hips stopped moving, but he remained inside of
me.  Gathering me up into his arms, he shifted us so that I could lie on top of
him without breaking contact. 

There was so
much I wanted to say to him, but words escaped me.  Never in my entire life did
I feel so thoroughly loved.  I never wanted the blissful feelings to end, nor
did I want to feel them with any other man. 

I rested my head
on his chest.  Listening to his heartbeat, I fell asleep. 



I don’t know how
long I slept, but when I woke up, I could still hear Dex’s heartbeat.  Granted,
I wasn’t exactly mounted on top of him, but at least, our limbs were still
entangled together.

Sheepishly, I
peered up at him through my lashes.

“Good morning,
Sleeping Beauty.”  He gave me a coy smile.

I smiled shyly
back.  “Good morning.  Did you sleep well?”

“Never better.”


“Really.”  He
pulled me up to straddle his waist.  Evidence of how well rested he was started
pushing against my rear.

I braced my
hands on either side of his face, shaking my curly locks, which cascaded over
my shoulders.  “I don’t know if we should do this again so soon.”

Dex ran his
fingertips up and down my sides.  “Are you in any sort of pain?”

I thought about
it for a few seconds.  “I’m just a little stiff.”

“So am I, love.”

Heat warmed my
cheeks.  “Yes, you are.”  Biting my lip, I pushed back on my knees.  I didn’t
really have the chance to pleasure Dex with more than my body, so taking him
into my hands was a new experience.  I lightly stroked his shaft from the base
to the head. Holy Helheim how did that ever fit inside me?

“Don’t look so
scared.  It was a perfect fit last night.”

“Yeah, but wow,
you’re…” I was starting to feel a little overwhelmed.

“Try this.”  He
reached over to the side table to grab a bottle. 

I continued to
work his member with one hand while taking the bottle in the other.  The label
read, “Hercules Lubricants—Cherry Popping Strength!  Designed specifically for
a demigoddess’s first time, second time, and as many times after that, when
needed.  Contains Apollo Healing Ointment.”

“Are you fucking
kidding me?”  I laughed.

“Nope.”  Dex
grinned.  “Rub some on me before I explode.”

“Right.”  I let
go of him for several seconds to lather up my hands.  Rubbing a fair amount on
him, his moans grew louder.  With an extra dab, I pushed it up into myself to
mix with my own personal lubricant.  Any lingering stiffness instantly

“Joce, please!” 
After tossing the bottle to the side, I took him into my hands once more,
saying a silent prayer to Freya to allow him to fit.  Scorching heat parted my
lips and I positioned my hips to take him inside me at an angle.  Shifting my
gaze, I found him clinging to the sheets with his head thrown back. 

“Touch me, Dex. 
Don’t let me do this alone.”

His lustful gaze
met mine as I continued to slowly lower myself onto him.  Maybe I pushed him
too far, but I didn’t care. 

Stretching me to
the max, I finally touched down on his pelvis. Dex pulled me closer, gripping
my thighs.  His hips bucked up into me, demanding we move faster.  I rolled my
hips forward, letting all my sweet spots enjoy the ride. 

Each time I came
down on him, I added a little more speed, until my body had no more wiggle
room.  Clenching his shoulders, I milked him for every drop of essence he could

Panting hard, I
collapsed on his chest.  His wild heartbeat assured me that he was as undone as
I was. 

“Mine,” he

I lazily held up
my head. “Mine?”

His fingers
stroked my back, moving down past my buttocks, and settling on my core. 
“Mine.”  He grunted again. 

I snorted,

He grunted
again.  His inner baboon had clearly decided to make its presence known. 

I placed my hand
on his cheek and dragged it down to his heart.  “Then this is mine.”

Rolling me onto
my back, he braced himself on either side of my body.  “Deal.”  His member
thickened against my thigh. 


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