In Darkness We Must Abide: The Complete Second Season: Episodes 6-10 (41 page)

BOOK: In Darkness We Must Abide: The Complete Second Season: Episodes 6-10
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Armando was flush with life. Vanora’s cold fingers in his grip were slowly warming from his touch. The supernatural forces that gave him life were cruel. Only when he was glutted on the blood of humans did he not only fully appear but also feel human. The stolen life would soon fade, but for a short time he had a body temperature, a heartbeat, and the ability to heat his lover’s chilled hand.

The icy wind billowing through the shattered windshield actually made him shiver in his coat. It had been so long since he’d felt mortal, so it was strangely refreshing. But the cold also worried him. Vanora was violently shivering in her coat, her scarf up around her face. Sleet was in the forecast, and Armando hoped it wouldn’t fall before they reached their destination.

Restored to full power, Sheila and Alexander followed the car on foot. The two vampires were swathed in shadows and hidden from the world, but Armando sensed their preternatural presence. He also felt Sheila’s accusing gaze. The female vampire was suspicious of him, and he didn’t blame her. The truth was close to being revealed. He hoped he could somehow find a way to delay the inevitable. As Vanora discovered bits of the truth, he was gradually unshackled from Aeron’s edict, yet he could not divulge the last bit of information that would both release and condemn him.

The rental house was a small bungalow in a modest neighborhood. The For Lease sign stood amidst freshly cut brown grass, and the two trees in the yard were stripped of all their leaves. A single-car garage sat at the end of a cracked cement drive. Sheila emerged from the shadows long enough to manually lift the door for the approaching car. Roman’s sports car slid into the velvet blackness, the headlights catching the silvery threads of a large orb weaver web. Armando parked and turned off the car just as the garage door thumped closed, instantly drowning the vehicle in darkness except for the glow of the street lamps seeping through cracks in the ceiling. Dust stirred and swirled about in the pale beams of light.

Vanora coughed, then sneezed, covering her mouth with her hands. Armando’s eyes were better acclimated to the gloom, and he hurried around the car to help her out. Continuing to sneeze, Vanora fumbled with her purse, a bag of fast food, and a large Styrofoam cup filled with soda.

“Let me get that,” Armando said, holding out his hand.

Vanora shoved the drink toward him but clung to the purse and bag of food. Still sneezing, she looked miserable. Armando clutched the damp cup and guided her toward a narrow door. It creaked open, and Alexander waved them into a tiny laundry room.

“Step up,” Armando said quickly, remembering the human couldn’t see as well as he could.

Vanora stumbled a little, but Alexander caught her arm and guided her into the house.

“Sorry about the dust,” Sheila said, materializing behind Alexander. “We just finished getting the house ready for renters and haven’t touched the garage yet.”

Sneezing one last time, Vanora shot Armando an amused look. He couldn’t help but smile back at her, despite not knowing exactly what she found so comical. The vampire couple directed them through the house to a kitchen with a built-in breakfast nook. Two benches and a narrow table were tucked into a space with windows on three sides, but the old-fashioned shades were drawn, blocking out the light from the street. Vanora sank onto one bench and slid over for Armando to join her. She was still shivering, so Armando shrugged off his coat and laid it over her shoulders.

Alexander leaned against the refrigerator and folded his arms over his chest.

“I put the heat on, but we shouldn’t turn on the lights,” Sheila said, sitting on the kitchen counter. “The neighbors are nosy, and the last thing we need is police showing up to see if there was a break in.”

“Thanks for turning on the heat. I’m freezing.” Vanora grimaced. “I didn’t mean to break the windshield.”

“How did that happen?” Sheila asked, glancing briefly at Alexander, who matched her look.

“My power...” Vanora answered, lowering her eyes.

Armando was both proud but worried about Vanora’s ever-growing abilities. He hated that she had no one to guide her.

“She was upset about the mansion burning, and her magic went a little haywire.” Pushing the soda toward Vanora, Armando wished he’d ordered coffee for her instead. The ice inside the container clinked loudly.

Vanora sucked on her drink nosily, looking embarrassed. “It was either the window or Armando.”

Sheila’s eyes flashed red. “Really?

Vanora fussed with her scarf, obviously not wanting to respond. The growing tension in the room already had Armando on edge. It only made sense that he’d be under suspicion after the revelation that Aeron was Carlotta’s Master. It was only a matter of time before Vanora and the others uncovered that he, too, was Aeron’s creation.

“You need to eat, Vanora.” Armando ignored the other two vampires, concentrating on the pale young woman next to her.

Hands trembling, Vanora extracted the cooling hamburger and fries from the crumpled bag. Her lips had a bluish cast, and her eyes were lined with red. Worried, Armando rested an arm about her shoulders and dragged her into his side. He’d emanate body warmth for a little longer, and he willingly offered it to her. Vanora gratefully nestled against him and forced food into her mouth. It was rather endearing to Armando how she tore bits of her hamburger off to eat instead of bringing the sandwich up to her mouth.

“No one can find us here, right?” Vanora asked between bites and a few fragrant fries.

Alexander shrugged.

Sheila sighed. “Who knows? I’m not sure anyone made it out other than Alexander and me.”

Armando winced while Vanora choked on her soda.

“No one?” Vanora whispered.

“Are you certain?” The sinking feeling inside Armando intensified. This night truly was the end of all that Roman had created. That thought created great remorse within Armando, but he was also glad that Roman hadn’t witnessed the fall of his family.

Sheila exchanged looks with Alexander. The mute vampire shook his head soberly.

“I doubt it. You don’t know what it was like in there,” Sheila said at last. “Or do you?”

Vanora paused, a fry hovering before her lips. Her lavender eyes flicked toward Armando.

“I’ve been in vampire battles. I know what they’re like. Aeron is powerful. I know that the likelihood of others surviving is very slim.” It was the truth. It felt good to be able to speak honestly. Armando was sick of lying to friends.

“And you know Aeron?” Sheila’s words were barbed with distrust.

“All the vampires of Europe know of Aeron. Many don’t dare speak his name out of fear.” Again the truth, but also a diversion. Let them think he was fearful of mentioning Aeron instead of being bound by his Master’s edict.

Sheila arched her brows while Alexander took the moment of silence to sit across from Vanora and Armando. The mute vampire’s gaze was speculative and dangerous. He cast a significant look in Sheila’s direction.

“We need to talk, Armando. You and me. Now.” Sheila pointed up a narrow hallway.

“Sheila,” Vanora started.

“Look, love, I know he’s your boyfriend or whatever, but I don’t give a rat’s ass right now. I want answers to questions I have about tonight. And I want him to answer them away from you.” Sheila’s boots thumped against the floor as she hopped off the counter.

“Why?” Vanora’s hand settled on Armando’s thigh, her fingertips digging in.

“Because if he comes with me willingly, away from you, I’ll be more inclined to believe what he’s saying.”

“How does that make sense? He could lie to you either way?”

Panic laced her words, and it hurt Armando to see her fear.

“But him coming with me will show that he’s willing to leave you in Alexander’s care and I won’t worry about him suddenly absconding with you.”

“He rescued you!” Vanora protested.

“We hijacked your getaway car,” Sheila reminded her.

Armando rubbed Vanora’s hand, glad to feel that the chill had left her flesh. “I’ll go with Sheila. Stay with Alexander. He’ll protect you.”

The Australian gave him a satisfied look, pointed him toward the hallway, and waited.

It was strange to realize that he trusted Alexander and Sheila with Vanora’s safety even more because they were suspicious of him. They were clever and strong, exactly the type of people that would be able to help him protect her.

“Armando, you don’t have to-” Vanora started.

“Yes, I do.” Armando kissed her cheek, savoring the feel of her skin against his lips.

Reluctantly, she let go of him.

“I promised your sister and brother I’d take care of you,” Sheila said to Vanora. “We’re not going to let them down.”

Armando could feel the weight of Vanora’s gaze as he scooted off the bench and stood. Striding down the narrow hallway, Armando glimpsed a narrow living room, two bedrooms, and a bathroom in passing. At the end of the hall was a long narrow enclosed porch that now served as a family room. It was even colder than the rest of the house, and the shadows of the swaying trees slithered over the drawn shades.

Sheila shut the door behind them and stood with her hands on her hips. “Do you know Aeron?”

The wording had changed, but he could still answer. “Yes.”

“From where?”


“How do you know him?”

Armando exhaled and tucked the tips of his fingers into his jean pockets. “He waged war in the area of Spain where I lived. When I first saw him, he looked like a blood-soaked god. I’ve never been so terrified in my life.”

“And he let you live?”

“No. He mortally wounded me.”

“But you’re still here.”

Armando was very careful with his words. “I’m more resilient than I appear.”

“So you’ve had battles with this guy?”

“Yes. And he’s a terrifying foe.” Armando carefully skirted the truth, the power of the edict holding his tongue in check.

Sheila’s eyes narrowed. “So why didn’t you tell us?”

“I told Roman. I warned him of the older vampires who were coming. Remember?”

“You didn’t tell Roman who it was though,” Sheila pointed out.

“Names are meaningless.”

That surprised her. “What do you mean?”

“Is Sheila your true name?”

His question unsettled her further. “Uh, no.”

“I have other names, other aliases. I just recently returned to my birth name. How many names have you and Alexander had over your time together?”

“Four. Five. Something like that.”

“Aeron the White and Terrible holds no meaning to the vampires on this side of the so-called pond. If I‘d told Roman his name, what would it have changed? You and I both know how stubborn Roman was. Vanora did manage to convince him to leave, but by then it was too late.” A fresh stab of pain reduced him to silence for several seconds. Throat clogged with remorse, Armando ran his fingers through his curls, feeling the damp cold that still clung to his hair.

Sheila took a step toward him, her eyes gleaming in the murky shadows filling the room. “Emily asked Aeron if you were going to take Vanora to him.”

“Emily said what?” Incredulous, Armando gaped at Sheila. “Emily?”

“I told you she turned traitor on us. She told Aeron that you had taken Vanora to see Greg to uncover Carlotta’s whereabouts in hopes of her leading you to her Master. Emily then said something about you taking Vanora to Aeron.”

Relief filled Armando instantly. “Of course she did. She thought Aeron would be waiting for us at Carlotta’s. I’m not going to take Vanora to Aeron.” It was the truth. Armando had even turned off his phone so that Aeron couldn’t command him to take Vanora to him. If he heard his Master utter the command, Armando would have no choice other than to obey.

Sheila stared at Armando for a few tense moments, then her shoulders slumped. “Oh, God. You’re right. Fuck! I was so freaked out when I heard that. It’s just you brought Carlotta into the fold--”

“Yes, I did, but Carlotta has her own life and is incredibly secretive. I was her lover for years, and I had no idea where she lived that entire time. I seriously doubt Aeron knows.”

A clatter outside instantly jerked the attention of both vampires to the door at the rear of the room that led to the backyard. A soft rap of knuckles against wood followed.

Motioning for Sheila to be silent, Armando dissolved into the shadows and glided to the window closest to the door. Peering through a slit in the blinds, he saw Tracy standing on the outside stoop. Immediately, he unlocked the door and dragged her inside.

Sheila gasped and hurried to Tracy’s side. “You made it!”

Armando scrutinized the back yard, then shut and locked the door. “Were you followed?”

Tracy lifted her tear-stained face. “No. No. I’m alone...” A sob escaped her lips, and she covered her face with her shaking hands.

“Ben?” Sheila dared to ask.

The crying woman lifted her face, and her expression said it all.

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