In Deep Shitake (A Humorous Romantic Suspense) (47 page)

BOOK: In Deep Shitake (A Humorous Romantic Suspense)
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The only black cloud hanging in the horizon of her mind was the reaction Ross had to Milton’s planned article. She needed to get to him as soon as possible to tell him that the story was dead. His film financing was safe.


* * * * *


Just as he arrived at the hotel, his cell trilled.

“Aaron,” Ross said. “I’m glad you called. I have some news. I’m not sure whether it’s good or bad.”

“Tell me later because I
I have good news.” The agent’s voice was gleeful.

Plopping down on the sofa, Ross propped his feet on the coffee table. “Good news?”

“You’re performance in the parade is already the talk of Hollywood.”

“That was no performance—" Ross began, but Aaron cut him off.

“Whatever it was,
, it’s made you hot, hot, hot,” the agent said breathlessly. “I just talked to the producer of the
sequel and they are totally behind you as the star. Multi-million dollar payday too.”

“Really?” Ross asked. A thrill like a shot of adrenaline directly to the heart coursed through him. He'd been striving for this for the last ten years. He hadn't wanted to do a sequel but no one could deny the power it would give Ross in the industry. “No handing the torch off to someone younger?”

“Absolutely not,” Aaron answered. “I
hand it to you. For somebody who didn’t want to ride a parade float, you certainly did it with a genius touch.”


* * * * *


In the end, Mo couldn’t resist going home to shower and change before locating Ross. She had to feel sexy and attractive for this conversation. She might need every bit of feminine wiles in her arsenal.

Mo wiped nervously sweaty palms on her black skirt as she approached Ross’s hotel room door. Her bare legs were newly shaved. She’d topped the outfit with a silky cream-colored blouse with faux pearl buttons. Her hair was loose and curly around her shoulders.

Reaching the door to the room, she inhaled deeply before knocking. This was it.

Ross opened it almost immediately. His cell phone was to his ear and when he saw her he smiled. “I’ll call you back later, Aaron,” Ross said. “We’ll see about the sequel.” He cut off the call, jammed the cell in his pocket before tugging Mo inside. “I was just about to call you.”

“Really? What were you about to call me?” Mo asked wryly as the door shut behind her.

Ross laughed as he sat down on the sofa and pulled Mo into his lap.

“I have something to tell you,” Mo said.

Ross kissed her, stopping her words. “You don’t have to say anything.”

Reluctantly, she pulled back. “Ross. This is serious. I need to tell you something important. It’s about Milton.”

“Milton doesn’t matter. His story doesn’t matter,” he said, kissing her neck. His hand went to the buttons of her blouse and began unfastening each pearly button.

Mo couldn’t resist. She had to take a sip of his lips. She tugged at his hair to bring his head back up so she could put her mouth on his. She felt the sides of her blouse open. His hand found the strap of her bra and slipped it down her shoulder. She was quickly losing conscious thought to the sensations of the moment.

No. She jerked her head back. “No, Ross, we need to talk first.”

“It isn’t necessary. I don’t care about Milton,” he said, his eyes glazed. “I released the story about what happened in the last few days to a guy at People magazine. I just got off the phone with him before my agent called. He’s sending someone over for photos. The story will be national by next week. Let Milton put his version in the tabloids. It won’t matter.”

His head bent to take a nip at her breast and she tugged him back up. “What? I thought you’d feel humiliated.”

“Doesn’t matter. You matter,” he said seriously.

“Yesterday you said even an accurate version of events could ruin your financing.”

“If it does it does. There will be another film.”

magazine?” Mo said. “That’s pretty public.”

Ross was quick to answer. “It was the only way I could think of to prove to you that you’re more important than any film. After the way I behaved the last time Milton pulled an ambush, you deserved it.” His eyes darkened. "As Stephen Dagger would say... 'You're my air. I can't breathe without you.'"

"Stop it," Mo said. "I can't take you seriously when you quote Dagger." But in her heart she gloried in his words. She'd thought no man could be this romantic.

"Okay," Ross said, dropping a kiss on her lips. “You’re like a cheeseburger with peanut butter and onions.”

“Like a what?” Mo laughed.

“A PBO cheeseburger.” The sincerity in his voice shot through her whole body like electricity. “I can’t resist you. You were hard to find. And life hasn’t been the same since you came along. I can’t give you up.” He stroked a hand through her hair. “I’m hooked.”

Tears welled in Mo’s eyes. A lump in the center of her chest exploded into a thousand pieces. She was finally someone’s PBO cheeseburger. Laughter bubbled up and turned a bit hysterical.

“What is so funny?”

“I stopped Milton’s story.”

“You what?”

“I stopped it. Milton’s story isn’t going to run in a tabloid or anywhere else.”

“What about your job?”

“I quit. No job is as important to me as you are,” she said.

Ross shook his head. “I can’t believe it. How did you do it?”

“Milton had a great website.”

Ross shook his head uncomprehendingly. “I don’t understand what that means but it doesn’t matter.” He rubbed himself against her. “With you in this position, I have more interesting things to think about than Milton.”

“Oh yeah? Like what?”

“Like what was your choice of underwear for this little skirt.”

Ross’s hands delved up her calf, over to the inside of her thigh.

Mo groaned. “Well, I couldn’t wear panties. It would cause a panty-line,” she said breathlessly as his hand caused tingles to shoot up her leg.

“I’m just hoping I won’t encounter any resistance,” Ross growled, biting her ear as his hand continued upward.

“I’m not even wearing a thong,” she murmured.

“Hmmm, perfect,” he said, kissing the side of her neck.

She gasped as his hand delved inside her and found an interesting, sensitive, spot.

“More than perfect,” she said.




Author's Note


**Thank you for reading
In Deep Shitake
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A Girl, A Guy and A Ghost"
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Sacrifice in Stone"
- Mara's blood brought Garrick to life, freeing him from his statuary prison. But the reprieve may only be temporary and freeing Garrick forever may require Mara to sacrifice herself.


"Undisclosed Desires"
- When circumstances conspire to force Grace to reveal her undisclosed desires, the result is carnal pleasure beyond her dreams…where wildly exquisite sex turns best friends into lovers.


- Accidentally opening a vortex sucks!



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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or to actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.




To Kim F. who was my inspiration for Imogene and is a lovely friend.




Thank you to my excellent editor, Wendy Ely. My appreciation also goes to the designer of my beautiful cover, Kate Sterling. I also thank my friend George G. for his "one liner"...he knows which one. Thank you to my BFF, Paul S, for his counsel on the strip club scene. Special Thank you to Elena Gray for a new proofing of the manuscript.

Table of Contents

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