In It to Win It (16 page)

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Authors: Morgan Kearns

BOOK: In It to Win It
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He flew in the direction of the Redmond Lake, which was nothing more than a pond that grew wider with the spring run-off. The thing that made it famous amongst the local teens though was the submarine races. More than one of his buddies had been busted by local law enforcement while making out with their girlfriends. Grayson had managed to avoid that kind of embarrassment.

She laughed and pointed down. “Oh my gosh! It’s really not very deep, is it?”

No. Have you ever been there?”

Who hasn’t?” she answered, a little too defensively.

You?” he guessed.

I have too.” Still on the defense.

Color seeped up into her cheeks, making her even more adorable. She was always beautiful, but man, put jeans on those long legs and pull all that brown hair back and Grayson fought the need to drool.

She was still looking out her window when she admitted softly, “I went swimming there a couple of times when I was a kid, but never to make out.”

She sounded so disappointed. He, on the other hand, couldn’t be happier about the fact that no other guy he knew had kissed her lips.

Or had they?

Who was your first kiss?” he blurted.

She whirled around in her seat and stared at him, open-mouthed.

I’m just curious.” He shrugged. “Mine was with Lizzy Mortenson in second grade.”

She laughed a little, the soft chuckled made louder through his headset. She looked at him and made a point to roll her eyes with added exaggeration. “That doesn’t count. When and with whom was your first

Last night,” he heard himself say without a second of pause.

The smile died on her face. Her entire body went stiff and she settled back in her seat, turning to stare out the window. By all appearances she was relaxed, but Grayson could tell by the set of her back that she was far from it. She was rigid with tension and it had been two little words that slipped from his tongue that had done it to her.

He would not apologize for them. He meant them. Kissing Jane last night had been better than any other kiss prior to it. Unwilling to push her further he continued to fly around their small community. There was no need to point anything out; she knew all the landmarks as well as he did.

Eventually she would learn to trust him. He hoped.


THE RODEO GROUNDS IN SALINA LOOKED SO small. The cemetery where her grandparents were buried looked so peaceful. She would like to see it in the summertime when the grass was green. They flew over the high school and Jane could see the faded white lines from a long ago played football game.

There were so many memories that accompanied this town. Good ones … and bad ones. Mostly they consisted of wanting the boy who didn’t realize she was alive except for the brains that would help him ace whatever class he needed help with. Back then, she’d jumped at any chance to spend more time with him, even if they were only talking protons and neutrons or subjects and verbs.

Before long they were back at the airstrip and with expertise Grayson brought the plane to a safe landing. Jane stood at the doorway of the hanger and watched as Grayson did a final check of the plane and locked everything up. He dropped the padlock and it clanked against the metal it kept secure.

He walked toward her with long, purposeful strides and Jane’s heart jumped up into her throat. She was frozen where she stood, her eyes locked on his. He grabbed her hand in his and tugged her against him. She went willingly, although a little stiffly. She loved the feel of his chest, so hard and solid, against hers. He pressed a quick kiss to her forehead.

Did you have fun?”

She nodded, holding tightly around his waist. He was so warm. She leaned her head against his shoulder and reveled in the feel of having him so close. When the time came for her to walk away, it would be moments like this that she would cherish forever.

Where are we going next?” Her voice was shaky and she inwardly cringed. There was no reason to give Grayson more ammunition to use against her. It was bad enough that he was making forward statements like his first real kiss being the one they shared last night. She hadn’t been able to figure out what kind of game he was playing. She had to admit that whatever it was, he was playing it really well.

I was thinking we could stop by the drive-in and get some burgers.”

You’re gonna let me eat in your Jeep?”

Hell, no,” he said with a laugh. “They’ve added a new dining room for people who don’t want to eat in their cars or take their dinner home.”

Ten minutes later they were seated
the drive-in. He led her to a table that was tucked back in the corner, which wasn’t visible from the door or from the windows outside. Of all the tables in the place this one was the most secluded.

Jane wondered for a moment if he was embarrassed to be seen with her. Her stomach flipped; it was high school all over again. She was just getting ready to excuse herself to go to the bathroom when Grayson reached across and took her hand.

This is my usual table.” He squeezed her hand reassuringly, and pointed to a small plaque that read: ‘reserved for Grayson Pierce’. “Most people are good to just leave me alone, but sometimes an out-of-towner strolls in and thinks they can interrupt my dinner because they need my autograph. That’s when Bailey added some extra walls to hinder the view of this table.”

Why would he…?”

Grayson laughed and shrugged. “He just likes me, I guess. But what’s not to like?”

I’ve been asking myself that same question,” she muttered.

Dinner went fairly smoothly. She and Grayson talked about everything—and nothing. Bailey made an appearance, making sure that they were happy with their burgers. The now-elderly man still stood over six feet and was built like a brick shithouse. His abdomen was now soft and had a paunch, but his shoulders were still wide enough to warrant going through doorways sideways.

You remember Jane Alexander?” Grayson said.

Bailey stood back and stared at her. “My, my, you are truly a beauty,” he said. Jane blushed as he continued to stare. “You are now as beautiful on the outside as you always were on the inside.” He turned to Grayson. “She’s too good for you, my boy.”

I know,” Grayson said, smiling.

It’s good to have you both home. Dessert’s on me. Apple or cherry?”

Cherry,” she and Grayson said at the same time.

Bailey grinned, shooting an approving look between them. “I’ll send it right out.”




BY THE TIME THEY GOT HOME, JANE WAS exhausted, not necessarily physically either. Emotionally, she was drained. She and Grayson had fallen into an easy togetherness that both thrilled and terrified her.

Both of them changed into pajamas and plopped down into a chair in front of the TV. Grayson reached across and plucked her hand out of her lap. His hands were much larger than hers—and so much warmer. A fire crackled romantically in the fireplace. The lights from the tree twinkled brightly. They sat in companionable silence, until finally Grayson released her hand and shot to his feet. His fingers formed a fist and he cursed under his breath.

What’s wrong?” Her adrenaline shot through the roof.

He spun his arm in the shoulder joint like he was a big, handsome windmill. “My damn arm’s asleep.” He sucked a breath in through his teeth in a hiss, and then massaged his upper arm.

Then the remodeling began.

Grayson lifted the tiny table from between their chairs and put it against the far wall. With no effort at all he moved her recliner until it was side by side with his. He eased her back into her chair and sat down himself, taking her hand in his once again, as if nothing out of the norm had happened.

Jane though couldn’t get over what had happened. He’d literally rearranged furniture so that they could sit closer. And yet it still wasn’t close enough for her.

They watched KHB’s ten o’clock newscast. After the weather, he yawned. “Is it okay if I turn it off?”

She nodded. “Yeah. I’m kinda tired.”

What do you want to do tomorrow? I know you haven’t been home in a while. Is there anything special you want to do? Anything you want to see … from the ground, I mean?”

His question surprised her. She didn’t have any idea what she wanted to do. She’d assumed that Grayson had their entire time together planned out. Obviously not.

Um … I don’t know. Can I get back to you in the morning?”

Sure thing.” He stood and offered his hand. She took it, and hand in hand they went up the stairs. He paused outside her door. There was not enough oxygen on the planet as he stared down at her. Only their hands touched, but she felt the heat from that minimal contact through her entire body.

Good night, Jane. Sleep well.” He lifted their joined hands and kissed the top of hers. He heaved a sigh and dropped her hand. “I have to stop there or I’m afraid I won’t be able to stop.”

And with that, he turned and went in the door down the hall.






ANE WASN’T SURE WHAT TO THINK OF GRAY-son’s final comment before he left her standing alone outside her bedroom door. Confused—and totally aroused—she went inside and closed the door behind her. Dousing the lights, she climbed into bed and stared at the dark ceiling.

She was all too aware that only a few feet down the hall Grayson was attempting to sleep as well. Or maybe he drifted off as soon as his head hit the pillow. She doubted it though.

There was no denying the chemistry between them. His statements were blatant and obvious, even if she was too chicken to believe them.

He wanted her.

Jane just wasn’t sure for what.

When they were alone, he said all the right things. Did all the right things. But when she wasn’t looking, when she wasn’t expecting it—and they had an audience—Grayson turned into a man she didn’t know. A man she didn’t
to know.

She wanted to trust him. Heck, she wanted to do way more than just trust him. She wanted to leave her bed, walk down the hall and climb into his. And do a whole lot of

Was that the thing that would cause the change in him again? She had heard of more than one man who was charming right up until the ‘I do’s’. Was Grayson not very good at maintaining the good guy façade, letting it slip?

No, she decided. Grayson was a good guy. Wasn’t he? Was there a trigger for his bi-polar act? She shook her head. As far as she could tell there was no real trigger that brought it on.

Thoughts tumbled in her mind until at some point her eyes closed and she drifted into dreamland.



SHE WOKE THE NEXT MORNING WITH THE sheets wrapped around her legs and most of the pillows lying on the floor.

She hadn’t slept
last night.

As if the sheer force of wills it took to keep her eyes open wasn’t a good enough indication. She stretched and tried further to convince the rest of her body that it was time to wake up.

She had no idea what to put on the itinerary for today. What would they do? What did she want to see?

The questions had just crossed her mind when she knew exactly where she wanted to go. She hurried to get showered and once again dressed in jeans—she liked her jeans—and a white, long-sleeved t-shirt.

The scents of bacon and eggs made her mouth water as soon as she’d opened her bedroom door. She hurried down the stairs, hearing the pop and sizzle as the food cooked. She paused in the doorway that led into the kitchen and admired the view.

Grayson stood at the counter, his back to her. His butt filled out the jeans he wore. Apron strings hung down from his waist, tied in a sloppy bow.

What can I do to help?” she asked.

He turned and she burst out laughing at the big red lips with the phrase ‘kiss the cook’ written in white across the black apron. His gaze dropped to the object of her amusement and a smile spread to his lips.

Instead of laughing, why don’t you do what it says?”

By the cocky gleam in his eyes, he thought he was extending a challenge she wouldn’t take. He was wrong. She walked right up to him and, with a hand on each cheek; she kissed him full on the lips. What she didn’t expect was for him to wrap his arms around her and pull her close. He deepened the kiss, his tongue slipping between her lips. He tasted of mint and desire.

She wanted to lose herself in the kiss but, as Grayson last night, she couldn’t start something she couldn’t finish. Grudgingly she pulled away from the kiss and gave him a quick, chaste one to soothe any hurt feelings. Before he could comment on her retreat, she said, “How can I help?”

He motioned toward the fridge. “Can you grab the orange juice and the butter, please? And the bread from the pantry?”

She did as he asked then she went about the task of making toast. Grayson’s kitchen was awesome; it was well lit and modern and useful. Jane’s own kitchen was tiny. It worked, since she usually only cooked for one—and the oven was only used to bake cookies (the frozen ones from the dairy section).

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