In Meat We Trust (56 page)

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Authors: Maureen Ogle

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See also
Communipaw Abbatoir; slaughterhouses

Abilene, Kansas,
See also
McCoy, Joe


See also
rural activism

Agricultural Adjustment Act,

See also
agricultural subsidies

agricultural crises

in Georgia, 1920s,

in 1920s,


in 1970s and 1980s,



agricultural labor,

See also
confinement; factory farming

agricultural legislation (process of creating),


agricultural subsidies,


See also
agribusiness; agricultural crises; agricultural subsidies; alternative agriculture; consumer economy; factory farming; livestock; urban growth

changes in geography of,
criticism of,
and geopolitics,
impact of railroads on,
inefficiency of,
and inputs,
investment in during 1970s,
land prices, impact of on,
and national economy,
“revolution” in mid-twentieth century,


alternative agriculture.
See also
community food security

growth of,

hostility toward,


legislative support for,
livestock production and,

lobbying for,
in mid-twentieth century,
National Campaign for Sustainable Agriculture,

rationale for,
regulation of,


support for,




alternative foods,



See also
beef; community food security; poultry

American Agriculture Movement,

American Farm Bureau Federation,

American Heart Association,

American National Livestock Association,

Anderson, Andrew D. (Andy),


See also

animal protein factor,

See also




See also
livestock feed

Armour, Philip,


See also
dressed beef; Beef Trust

Armour, Simeon (S. B.),

Armour & Company,



See also
Armour, Philip

Atwater, Wilbur,


See also
dressed beef

canned products,

Choice (grade),
consumption per capita,
declining demand for,

demand for in nineteenth century,
Good (grade),

influence of income on consumption of,

preservation of,
Prime (grade),
as status symbol,


“beef famine,”

Beef Trust,






Berry, Wendell,


boxed beef,


boycotts, meat,

Brighton, Massachusetts,

broiler industry,

See also
chickens; factory farming; Jewell, Jesse D.; poultry; vertical integration


Bureau of Corporations,

Burroughs, Wise,

See also
DES (diethylstilbestrol)



See also
Slaughterhouse Cases; unions

Butchers’ National Protective Association,

Butz, Earl,

“buy local” campaign,
See also
community food security



See also
meatpacking industry


cattle feedlots; confinement; factory farming; manure management

Caprock Industries,


Carson, Rachel,


See also
cattle feedlots; DES; western range


in colonial era,
and corn feeding,
decline in number of farmers producing,
digestive system of,
drives and droving,

in early U.S.,

feeding of,

herds of in western U.S.,
supply of relative to demand,
and “Texas fever,”
traders and trading,


cattle-corn-hog complex,


cattle feedlots,



Center for Rural Affairs,

Center for Science in the Public Interest,




Chicken McNuggets,

See also



See also
broiler industry; poultry

Chittenden, Russell H.,





See also
urban growth


Coleman, Mel,


See also
Coleman Natural Meats

Coleman, Nancy,

Coleman Natural Meats

founding of,

growth of,


meat industry’s complaints about,

regulatory woes of,
sale of,

colonial America,


commerce, regulation of,


Commoner, Barry,

Communipaw Abattoir,


community food security,



Community Food Security Coalition,





See also
manure management

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