In Stone's Clasp

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Authors: Christie Golden

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy fiction, #General, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Epic

BOOK: In Stone's Clasp
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Praise for
by Christie Golden

“Ms. Golden weaves a splendiferous tale of exotic magic and the courage of the human heart. Her characters stand out within a tapestry of emotions, where hope is the loom upon which love and desire, fear and despair and stubborn perseverance continue to weave. An elemental tale with an amazing, and unforeseen, climax keeps the pages turning seemingly by themselves. This is a definite gem in the world of sci-fi fantasy and a must-read for those who love to hope and hope to love.”

The Best Reviews


On Fire’s Wings
is a sweeping story peopled by emotionally complex characters—characters the reader is given time to get to know, understand, and either love or despise. Yes, there’s a strong romantic subplot involved, but the story is about Kevla’s life—from her meager beginnings to the days in which she realizes her own inner power and is faced with what that power brings to her…and ultimately takes from her.”

Revision 14


“Truly a gifted author, Christie Golden pens a rare tale overflowing with emotion. With carefully chosen words, she draws her readers into the lives of Kevla, Jeshemi and the Arukan clans, imprinting them on our hearts.
On Fire’s Wings
is a work of art, filled with pictures, sounds and colorful characters, all combining to form an unforgettable adventure.”

In the Library Reviews


TOP PICK! 4 1/2 stars—“The desert country of Arukan is an original and compelling creation, far from the typical lush forests and medieval villages of fantasy fiction…Golden is not afraid to take risks in her writing, and the resulting unexpected and sometimes uncomfortable twists and turns definitely pay off here.…A gripping and satisfying tale.”

Romantic Times


“Christie Golden leads us on a journey across the exotic terrain of fantasy as well as through the complex landscape of the human heart…from its gasp-inducing first pages to a rousing I-can’t-read-this-fast-enough conclusion,
On Fire’s Wings
is a vibrant opener to a richly imagined new series.”

—Mark Anthony, author of The Last Rune


“The plot is full of fascinating cross-currents, not just between the emotional and adventurous parts, but also between destiny and stupidity. The story holds an overall pattern, a goal towards which everything wants to flow. But because the culture is badly flawed, a lot of the characters make mistake after ghastly mistake, dragging things off course. The question then becomes can Kevla straighten out the resulting mess before it’s too late?
On Fire’s Wings
holds great appeal for fantasy fans, with its epic plot and exquisitely detailed scenery. Romance fans will enjoy the intricate web of relationships amongst the characters.”

Hypatia’s Hoard

In Stone’s Clasp


First edition September 2005




ISBN 1-55254-360-9


Copyright © 2005 by Christie Golden


All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the editorial office, Worldwide Library, 233 Broadway, New York, NY 10279 U.S.A.


All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.


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This one’s for the men—


May it serve to honor the Fisher Kings and wounded heroes who have survived their own seemingly endless winters and emerged, whole, into spring.




Cast of Characters


In Arukan

Jashemi-kha-Tahmu: Tahmu’s son, Kevla’s half-brother and the Flame Dancer’s Lorekeeper, deceased


Kevla-sha-Tahmu, formerly Kevla Bai-Sha: the Flame Dancer


Dragon, the: Kevla’s Companion animal


Meli-sha-Tahmu: Kevla’s half sister


Sahlik: head servant of the Clan of the Four Waters, five-score


Tahmu-kha-Rakyn: Kevla’s father,
of the Clan of the Four Waters


Yeshi Bai-Sha, formerly Yeshi-sha-Rusan: wife of Thamu, mother of Jashemi and Meli


In Lamal



Ice Maiden, the: legendary coldhearted woman


Ivo: headman of Skalka Valley


Lukkari, Altan: Lamali bard, twin brother to stillborn Ilta


Lukkari, Ilta: stillborn twin to Altan


Lukkari, Ritva: Altan’s mother


Lukkari, Veli: Altan’s father


Ovaak, Larr: Jareth’s boyhood friend


Paiva: wise-woman/healer


Ranin: friend to Olar Tulari


Relaanan, Kivi: wife to Orvo, mother to Taya and Vikka


Relaanan, Orvo: headman of Two Lakes, father to Taya and Vikka


Relaanan, Vikka: youngest daughter of Orvo and Kivi


Tulari, Gelsan: head woman of Arrun Woods


Tulari, Mylikki: daughter of Gelsan


Tulari, Olar: son of Gelsan


Vasalen, Annu: Jareth’s daughter


Vasalen, Jareth: the Stone Dancer


Vasalen, Parvan: Jareth’s son


Vasalen, Taya: Jareth’s wife


Other Players

Advisors to the Emperor


Emperor, the: enemy of the Dancers, very powerful


Ki-lyn, the: magical creature imprisoned by the Emperor



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