In the Dark (2 page)

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Authors: Alana Sapphire

BOOK: In the Dark
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Despite the fact that I got grease all over my Armani suit, I whistle on the way to my Mercedes. I can’t remember the last time I changed my own tire, let alone someone else’s. It’s her. I want her. The problem? I’ve always adhered to a strict ‘no dating employees’ rule. Workplace romances are never a good idea. They affect the balance of power – my power. You never know what a jilted lover will do. I’ve never encountered anyone who tempted me to break it…until her. Not that anyone has tempted me at all lately. And tempt me, she does. I had a hard time keeping my lustful thoughts at bay, especially when I was crouched by the tire, and her lovely legs called to me from where she stood beside me. Her eyes were my undoing.
Those eyes…a man could drown in those pools of liquid gold




My brain has been out of commission since Friday. The weekend did nothing to ease the effects of what happened that night. It’s Monday, and I’m sitting at my desk, my thoughts still frazzled. After a year of admiring him from afar, Rick just waltzed up to me. The only explanation I can come up with is that fate has finally brought us together. Anyone could have walked into the garage, but it was him. However, I’m no idiot. Just because he helped me doesn’t mean he wants me. He was only being a gentleman, as he said, and probably doesn’t even remember my name by now. I try my best to put it out of my mind and get some work done. Walter has a big meeting coming up and I need to work on his presentation. I’m knee deep in the PowerPoint file when I receive a call from Martha, Rick’s assistant.

“Hey, Martha.”

“Hey, Kelly. How are things on the fourth floor?”

“Same as usual. You know how it is.”

“Yeah, girl. Listen, Mr. McAllister wants to see you in his office at two.”

“Me? Why?”

“I have no idea. He just told me to pencil you in.”

“Okay, Martha. Thanks.”

“See you later.”

Well, he remembers my name after all
. But…why would he want to see me?

I take calming breaths, trying to convince myself it’s not for the reason I hope it is. He scheduled a meeting. Obviously this is business.
Yeah, after a year of no contact, he suddenly wants to discuss business with me
. My heart can’t take this.
Fix it, Jesus

By lunchtime, I’ve exhausted all the possible reasons he would want to see me. None of them made me feel any better.
Oh, God! Maybe I
insult him and he’s going to fire me.
No. That can’t be it. That’s just stupid. Shit. I don’t know if I should dread the next two hours or eagerly await my meeting on the top floor.

At one-fifty pm, I begin my journey upstairs. I don’t think I’ve ever been this nervous. Pulling my bottom lip between my teeth, I start chewing on it the way I always do when my nerves get the best of me.

“Hey, Martha,” I greet her as I approach her desk.

“Kelly, dear. He’ll be with you shortly. Just have a seat.”

I nod and take one of the chairs opposite her.

Martha is a nice, older woman, who looks like she could be in her late fifties. Her black hair has turned almost completely grey, and her green eyes are framed by wrinkles. She’s tall and imposing, which is probably why she’d landed this position. You have to be tough to be Rick McAllister’s assistant. I once heard that Rick only hires men and older women for the position just to avoid temptation. Everyone knows about his strict policy of not dating employees. Being reminded of that only makes me more nervous about why I’m here.

The door to his office swings open and he steps out, followed by three men. They shake hands, making promises to play golf sometime. As Rick watches them leave, his eyes meet mine and he smiles. I stand on uncertain legs and move toward him.

“Miss Black! Come in.” He flashes those perfect teeth.

With a nervous nod, I enter the office, and he closes the door quietly behind us.

“Please, have a seat.”



I walk around my desk and drop down into my huge chair. I can’t help staring at her, but
gaze is pinned to the floor. She drags my attention to her legs as she crosses them at the knees. Fuck, she has amazing legs. She’s chewing on her bottom lip, and the action only makes her more enticing. It should be me making her lips swollen with my kisses. What a picture she paints – fully dressed and still able to send blood rushing to my groin. I groan inwardly at the sight. All the women who readily make themselves available to me, fade into insignificance. They’re all just means to an end. None of them arouse me the way this little woman does.

I clear my throat, trying to get my thoughts in line. “I trust you are well?”

“Yes, sir.”

“And you got that tire fixed?”

“Yes, sir. On Saturday. Somehow the air just ran out.”

“I see. Next time, you call for help. There are some sick people out there.”
God forbid anything should happen to her.

“Um…okay, sir,” she replies, slightly confused.

I suppose her reaction is appropriate. After all, she doesn’t know me. I want to know her. Especially now when she’s chewing her lip, I want to know her intimately.

“May I ask why you’re chewing on your lip like that?”

Her head jerks up toward me and she releases it. Her eyes glitter, and her lip – red and swollen – beckons me.

“Nervous habit.”

“No need to be nervous,” I assure her.

“Sir, I don’t mean to be rude, but…why have you asked me here?”

“Right to the point. I like that. Well, the answer is simple, Miss Black.” I lean forward, cross my arms on the desk, and stare into her captivating eyes. “I asked you here because I wanted to see you.”




Oh, Heavens above! Don’t toy with me!
Did I hear him right? He wanted to see me? I shake it off. It could be business related, though I don’t see how. I swallow hard and attempt to find out more.


“This is not business related, Miss Black.” His lips curl up into a smirk.

Could this man be any sexier?
“Sir…I don’t understand.”

“Let’s just say you left quite an impression on me Friday night. I wanted to ask you if you would accompany me to dinner this evening.”

Oh, God. Yes!
“I don’t think that would be appropriate, sir,” I say instead, wondering how I even managed to form the words.

“I have spent the entire weekend thinking about the propriety of the situation. Frankly, I don’t care.”

He spent the weekend thinking about me?
“What…what about your policy?”
And mine.

“It’s more of a preference than a policy.”

I’ve been dreaming about this day for a year. Why am I hesitating?

“Trust me, Miss Black. Your answer will have no bearing on your job. I am not that petty.”

“No, that’s not it.”

“Then, what’s the problem? Are you not attracted to me?”

Are you fucking kidding me?
“No, that’s not it either.” I look away in embarrassment.

He raises a curious brow. “So you are?”

Shit. A blush spreads over my entire body. Am I attracted to him?
Is water wet?

“I have a policy of my own about…socializing with people at work, especially my bosses.”

“Oh, I see.”

He leans back and steeples his fingers, contemplating my reply. After what seems like eons, he rises from his chair and walks to where I’m sitting. My gaze travels over him as he approaches. His suit fits as if it was molded for his body, and his blue tie is a perfect match to his eyes. He’s a vision. A vision who’s now sitting next to me.

“I understand that I’m putting you in a difficult situation, but I wouldn’t have asked you if I didn’t think you’re worth it.”

“I am?”

He takes my hand in his and lightly runs his thumb across my knuckles.

“I think so, yes.”

Oh, shit!
I’m trying to remain calm but having him so close is wreaking havoc on my senses. The way my body is reacting to his touch, I think I might come right here, right now. “I…I’ll have to think about it.”

“Okay, Kelly. Do you mind if I call you Kelly?”

“Yes, sir.” I catch myself, realizing my mistake. “I mean, no. I don’t mind.”

“Good. I hope to hear from you very soon.”

Bringing my hand up to his lips, he places a soft kiss above my knuckles. I watch him, lips parted, mouth dry. When he stands, so do I. He leads me to the door, my hand still in his.

“Good day, Kelly.” He releases me and opens the door.

“Good day, sir.”

I stumble out of his office and almost run to the elevator. Thankfully, Martha isn’t at her desk, because I’m not in the frame of mind to answer any questions. In the elevator, I think about the conversation I just had, and pinch my arm in disbelief.

Well, I’m wide awake.
I want this more than anything but I can’t rush my decision. I’ve fantasized so many different scenarios of how we would end up together, and now that it’s happening, I have no idea what to do. I have to think about my career. If I get involved with him, any achievement would be perceived as me sleeping my way to the top. I can’t let that happen. I won’t.

I finish Walter’s presentation, email it to him, and head home. Trying to figure out my next move keeps me up most of the night. I wish I could talk to Rosa but it might be best not to involve anyone else. When my alarm sounds in the morning, I’m still no closer to a solution. The devil on my left shoulder says ‘fuck propriety and get your man!’ The angel on the right says ‘this time, I must agree with him’. With a heavy sigh, I get ready, and head to work.

As I settle in at my desk, a young man walks in, carrying a bouquet of pink roses.

“Miss Black?” he asks with a polite smile.

“Yes, that’s me.”

“Then these are for you, pretty lady.”


“Yes, ma’am. Just sign here.”

I sign the handheld device and he hands me the flowers. He nods and is gone before I can even give him a tip. I bury my nose in the flowers and remove the attached card.


Meet me at the Blue Marlin.

Tonight. 9 pm



R? Rick? Oh, my God!
I thought he would have given me more time. My heart leaps at the prospect of seeing him outside of the office. I have to go. I can’t
go. I mean, I should at least hear him out, right? No matter what happens, I can’t turn down a date with Rick McAllister.

I’m already planning my outfit when Walter waddles in. The only word I can find to describe him is ‘rotund’. He’s short, almost bald, and wears thick, tortoise shell glasses. I can’t even tell what color his eyes are. He’s a sweetheart, though, and only a few weeks from retirement so that makes him even more easy-going. I hope his replacement won’t be an ogre.

“Good morning, Kelly!” he greets me with a jovial grin.

I flash him a bright smile. “Good morning, Walter.”

“Well now, roses?” His eyes widen as he notices the bouquet on my desk. “Who’s the lucky man?”

“There’s no name on the card.”
It’s true.

“A secret admirer! Although I’m sure you have a lot of those. Why, if I was thirty years younger I’d snatch you up myself!” He chuckles and I can’t help but smile. If only he knew the deserted wasteland that is my love life.

“And what exactly are you snatching, Walter?”

We both turn to see Rick waltzing toward us, and I jump to my feet nervously. He strolls in with that confident air of his and takes my breath away. His grey, pinstriped suit fits immaculately, as usual, outlining his amazing body.
Holy fuck, he’s gorgeous!

“McAllister, what brings you all the way down here?” Walter smiles and extends his hand to Rick.

He takes it with a smile. “Oh, nothing really. Just passing through.” Then, he glances over at me with a curt nod. “Miss Black.”

I want nothing more than to throw myself at his feet in worship, but I restrain myself. Barely. Instead, I stand rooted to the spot.

“Good morning, sir. May I get you gentlemen some coffee?”

“No, thanks. I’m not staying,” Rick answers.

“In that case, see you around, Rick,” Walter says as he walks to his office. “You can bring mine right on in when you’re ready, darlin’.”

“Yes, Walter.”

Closing his door, he leaves me alone with Rick. His smile fades and he regards me with furrowed brows.

“Does he make a habit of flirting with you?”

That caught me off guard.
he be jealous?
“Walter? He’s harmless.”

“Yes, well…” he quickly regains his composure. “I just came by to see if you received my gift.”

“They’re beautiful. Thank you.”

He nods in satisfaction and turns to leave. At the door, he faces me once more with a smirk. “One more thing. Don’t keep me waiting, Kelly.” He turns, walking off with his hands in his pockets.

Don’t keep him waiting. I know he’s not just talking about our date tonight. He wants an answer, and soon.



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