Read In the Rain Online

Authors: Erin Lark

Tags: #bdsm, #in the rain, #m/f romance, #erotic romance, #bdsm romance, #kink, #submissive

In the Rain (12 page)

BOOK: In the Rain
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on the bed," Thayre said somewhere below me. I pressed my heels into the
mattress, and with his direction, I parted my legs. "Like that."

I was tempted to open my eyes and
look at him, but not knowing was as exciting as whatever he'd planned on doing
next. The front of my mind tingled as I mentally scanned my immediate
surroundings for Thayre. I knew he was close. I could hear his even breaths,
but he wasn't close enough for me to feel them, yet.

But any time I thought I heard
something—every time I was sure I felt warmth hovering above my skin—I tensed.
My clit throbbed, and I bit my bottom lip to keep from moaning or worse—moaning
from my own frustration.

I was sexually in need of release.
Sure, I'd had my fair share of one-night stands, but they either ended before
we reached the bed or the man I was with hadn't bothered to pleasure me before
doing the same for himself.

And while Thayre and I had slept
together, this was different. The awkwardness of our first night together had
passed, and we were rapidly heading into unknown territory. I wanted this—needed
this—to sub for him. Though I couldn't say if the same went for him.

I swallowed and took an uneven
breath. I ached to open my eyes and see where he was. To keep my eyes shut and
relinquish all of myself to whatever he had planned. I wanted to reach out to
him and touch his skin, his abs. Instead, I placed my hands palm down on the
comforter of the bed, clawing at the fabric as Thayre's hands held on to both
of my legs.

God," I exhaled, and lifted my head off the bed.

tongue on my clit. Two fingers parted my pussy lips, slipping inside a moment
later to hook against my G-spot. At this point, wearing a blindfold wouldn't
have mattered. There was no way in hell I'd be opening my eyes anytime soon.

between sucking on my clit and circling it with his tongue, Thayre kept the thrusts
of his fingers even,
never going any faster than was necessary for me to feel that cool
flame coiling around the base of my spine. Already I was nearing my climax. All
it would take from him was a little more
pressure on my G-spot, or to keep doing those circles around my clit.

stopped. He withdrew his fingers, and I whimpered as much from the absence as
the taste of my pussy on his lips when he kissed me.

me..." I licked my lips. "I want to suck you." I pressed a hand
against the swell in his pants and smiled when I was rewarded with a groan.

he said, almost too
quiet for me to hear. "But I want to fuck you first."

shuddered. "You won't get any arguments from me."

Another kiss. Then he stood to get a condom from his nightstand. "Stay
right where you are."

quickly got out of his pants and tore the foil with his teeth, grimacing as he
rolled the condom on his hard cock. My mouth watered at the thought of tasting
him, but that could
come later, after I'd had him inside me.

returned to the foot of the bed, and without any warning, he thrust inside,
stealing all the air from the room. I gripped at the bed sheets. Rocked my hips
and drew him in as deep as he could go. His shaft brushed my G-spot, spending
ripples of endorphins all throughout my body.

was no going slow this time. No teasing. Thayre's abs trembled from exertion as
he withdrew. Thrust in again, all the while, circling my clit with the pad of
his thumb.

fucking tight," he said, his teeth chattering the slightest bit.

smiled and tightened my kegels, laughing when his breath caught.

going to be like that,
is it?" He exhaled. Thrust harder. "Think you can do that until we

shivered. "Depends on how fast you go."

saying another word, he strengthened his strokes, thrusting hard and fast while
I tried, and failed to tighten my kegel muscles around him. But even then,
he didn't stop. I begged my eyes to stay open, to focus on his hips and the way
he fucked my clit with his hand. I knew I wouldn't last long, and given the way
his breath caught, neither would he.

me feel you come," he said, slowing his thrusts so they were on this side
of bearable.

took a breath. Held it. Closed my eyes and let my head fall back. He circled my
clit one way, then the other. Every time I thought I had a handle on his
rhythm, it would change, and we'd have to start all over again. But each time
we did, it took less time for me to reach that point
of too close and close enough so I wasn't tumbling over the edge.

growled around my frustration when he changed the speed for the hundredth time.
By now, I was fighting to hold on that much
longer. I knew I didn't need his permission, but his thrusts had slowed to a
crawl, which either meant he was nowhere near finishing, or he was edging
himself as much as he'd been doing for me.

close," he said, drawing me to his presence in the room. "I can feel
it. Your clit's so fucking hard. All it would take is one. Good. Thrust."

My. God."

thrust hard against my G-spot, and white specs crowded my vision. I took a
breath. Held it again, but every thrust forced the air right out of my lungs. I
grabbed at the sheets. Lifted my back off the bed. Snapped my mouth shut to
stifle a moan.

thank God, this time he didn't stop. My pussy convulsed around his cock,
getting tighter with every thrust as he sent me over the razor thin edge.


room fell silent. My hearing was lost behind my orgasm. I didn't care. Not when
it felt this good, and certainly not when I was with him. Thayre said
something, but hell if I could understand the words. I was a million miles
above the bed.

thrust in as far as he could go. Once. Twice, gripping at my hips as he let a
low groan and came.

shivered, and once I found my way to Earth, Thayre had me under the covers of
the bed.

you be up for seconds?" he asked, getting up to throw the condom into a
nearby trash bin.

me five minutes," I said, my hands shaking when I sat up, "and I will

smiled, then joined me in bed. "Good, because I'm not done with you yet."


morning, I could barely move. Every time I bent over to grab some silverware,
my muscles complained. But I smiled, as much from the memory as the cause. In
total, I think I may have gotten two hours of sleep, if that.
After coming for the third or fourth time, I lost count.

what amazed me was Thayre could go for as long as I did. I'd never heard of men
who were capable of climaxing multiple times in one evening, but he showed me
it wasn't only possible,
he was also hard to keep up with.

mind was in a fog for most of the day. My second wind had come and gone by the
time the lunch rush was over, and I still had four hours to go before I could
call it quits.

was in the process of carrying a tray of dirty dishes to the washroom when a
hand on my shoulder stopped me.

I talk to you for a minute?" Jason asked, not waiting for me to turn

just let
me put these in the back."


shrugged my arm away from him, set the bin on the counter, then faced him. "Can
this wait until after hours? If you haven't noticed, we're shorthanded today.
Lisa's out."

know—I fired her." He crossed his arms over his chest. "Thought that would
get your attention. And no, this can't wait. My office. Now."

dropped my gaze, wiped my hands off on my apron and followed him into his
excuse for a workspace. It was a mess, just like everything
else in this place. It didn't even have
enough room for a desk and more than one chair. He sat, while I stood.

the door." Once I did, he continued. "Seeing as performance is low,
I'm going to need you to stay late tonight and cover Lisa's shift tomorrow."

hell I will.
As it was, I'd already worked close to sixty
hours this week. Covering the rest of tonight, tomorrow and Sunday was way past
my limit. Not like I
hadn't exceeded it already.

can't," I said, not looking at him. "I have plans tomorrow."

cancel them."

clenched my jaw. "You're in a bind, I get it, but I can't cancel plans I
made weeks in advance." It was a lie of course, but he didn't need to know

can and will if you want your job to still be here on Monday."

glared at him. "And lose another part of the wait staff?" Without
Lisa, I was the only one
around willing or foolish enough to run double shifts. He didn't have enough
staff to cover everything else. "Besides, you can't fire me because I
don't work on a day I had off. You'll have to handle tomorrow on your own. I'll
stay tonight, and come in early on Sunday, but tomorrow isn't an option."
promised Thayre last night I'd go to practice with him.
I turned to open
the door, pausing to add, "Do me a favor and interview the new staff
yourself. I don't have time to run interviews, much less have enough time to
train them before they're kicked out again."

didn't wait for a response, and fortunately, he didn't bother me the rest of
the day. I rarely talked back to my boss, but I was sick and tired of getting
dragged around because of his mistakes.
You really need to get a better job.
I could worry about that later,
I met up with Thayre.

* * * *

the address into my GPS Saturday morning, I made the fifteen minute drive from
my place to where Thayre and Transcendence were practicing that day.
He'd mentioned the other night how it was in town, but he failed to say
anything about it being right
next to Town Hall.

I went in search of a good parking space, I could see their music had drawn a
crowd. A few people gathered on the corner outside the building, possibly
listening to whatever snippets made it past those pale brick walls.

the clock on my dash, I still had time before I was scheduled to meet with him.
He'd actually offered to take me with him, but looking back on when we
practiced in school, having some unexpected audience first thing in the morning
was unnerving to say the least. And if these kids were around the same age as
Tabby, it was probably the last thing they needed.

once I'd gotten out of my car, I moved away from the bit of music I could hear
and decided to check the local bookstore instead. I'd planned on going in to
browse the new titles until I saw a flyer in the window for Transcendence.
Confused as to why I hadn't noticed it before, I walked to the next store,
which also had a flyer in the window.

highlighted a show they had coming up in a few weeks, and while it wasn't Webster
Hall, it still left butterflies in my stomach.
You haven't agreed to
anything yet.
I'd only come
here to watch them practice. I just had
to keep telling myself that.

by the bookstore again, I kept walking. I could've gone to the Music Barn a few
streets over, but what was the point of coveting a violin I couldn't afford? I
shoved my hands in my pockets and headed toward Town Hall.

crowd outside was larger now. The closer I got to the building, the louder the
music became. The butterflies in my stomach grew.

myself for whatever waited beyond those wooden doors, I took a breath, then
stepped inside. The hallway in front of me was lined with doors on both sides,
along with photos of local monuments.

didn't take much for me to figure out exactly what door to open. As the music
played, I gravitated toward it. I paused outside, not wanting to draw their
attention while they played, so I waited for a break in the music, which came
much too soon for my nerves to have calmed down at all.

winced when the door creaked on its hinges as I slipped inside the room to take
a seat at the back. For all intents and purposes, the room was setup like an
auditorium, and I immediately thought of the nights we played in high school.
It may have been a different building, but the feel and smell was the same.

glanced up at me from his place onstage, but continued talking to the other musicians.
As he did, I noted the baton in his hand, the stand of music in front of him and
the violin case at his feet. I'd half expected him to wear a suit to practice,
and was somewhat disappointed to see him in a button-down shirt and slacks.
but professional.

a wave of his hands, the music started up again, the very gentle melody
vibrating off the surrounding walls. At the moment, each of the musicians were
playing a stringed instrument, and while Thayre had said they were accompanied
by other sound groups, I didn't see any of them on or around stage.

music stopped again, and Thayre dismissed the players for what I assumed was a
short recess. He dug into a duffle bag on one of the front seats, pulled out a
water bottle, then came to join me.

honest," he said after taking a swig. "What did you think?"

scratched my head. "Honestly? You need more instruments. Where was the
bass or the trance you played for me in your studio?"

put the cap on his water and tucked the bottle under his arm. "We'll be
meeting with everyone else next Wednesday. Right now, I'm trying to get our
introductions planned out. They need a bit of work since we're one violin

shook my head. "You aren't going to let up on that,
are you?"

so long as I see an opportunity in front of us, no."

BOOK: In the Rain
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