In the Shadow of the Wolf 3 - Splintered Lies (11 page)

BOOK: In the Shadow of the Wolf 3 - Splintered Lies
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When someone knocked on the front door, Nick glanced at Mark expecting him to bound to his feet and answer it the way he usually did, but the boy and wolf were so absorbed in one another they hadn't heard a sound. Shaking his head, Nick got to his feet, balancing Kristi on one hip and let her take control of the book. She crowed her delight opening and closing it as they crossed the room and into the entry leading to the front door. Kristi smacked Nick in the face with her favorite page, which happened to be attached to the rest of the book, just as he opened the door. Trying to get the book out of his face, laughing and reprimanding Kristi good naturedly all at the same time, he had no idea who stood on the porch until an all too familiar voice commented on the situation.

"You see? This is why I had to come back, there's no way he can manage alone."
Speechless Nick pushed Kristi's arm down until he could see over the book. "Joe."
"Doe, Doe, Doe," Kristi declared in a sing-song voice.
"Still a mocking bird," laughed Jamie and Nick realized Joe wasn't alone on the porch.
"Brrrr, Brrrr, Brrrr."
"Come here you," Rob grinned at Kristi and she went willingly into his arms. "I think your dad needs a few minutes with his guest." Jamie followed the pair into the house tickling Kristi over Rob's shoulder and making her squeal.
"A few minutes." Nick couldn't wrap his mind around the fact Joe stood on the porch in the bright sunlight. Nick's eyes fell on the backpack slung over Joe's shoulder and looked up to meet his gaze. "What's going on?"
Joe gave a half shrug. "I got over myself, some, mostly." He shook his head laughing. "I don't like being alone, wolf thing I guess."
"Is that all?" Still hurt from Joe's habit of disappearing when needed the most Nick refused to give in to the hope trying to bloom in his chest.
"I'm damaged goods and have been remanded to The Home for Wolves at Risk. They say I might have to share my room though, you know anything about that?"
Nick didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "You're staying?"
"For good." Joe met his eyes levelly. "If I run again, you're coming too."
Eyes shining Nick reached for Joe, only to have his arm snatched back by Jamie. "Come here, you guys have to see this, shhhh."
Curious they followed Jamie back into the house. Joe pulled the door closed and dropped his backpack on the floor against the wall. He caught Nick's hand in his own as Nick allowed Jamie to tug him to the living groom. Rob balanced Kristi on one hip, watching something in the corner, a quiet smile on his lips. Nick turned to see what had captured his attention and froze. Where Mark had spent the morning talking and soothing Corbin, two boys lay tangled together nose to nose. They stared fixedly into one another's eyes. One was Mark, the other Nick had never seen before; shaggy dark hair hung around his face and shoulders. He clung to Mark.
"I told you, there are things worth shifting for," Mark's quiet voice carried through the silent room and all three men watched in stunned silence when Mark leaned in and Corbin eagerly accepted his kiss.
"Mark fell in love with him," Rob sounded amused.
"He's the same person, whatever shape he's wearing," Joe remarked.
"My point exactly." Jamie sounded smug and Rob aimed a half-hearted swing at his head. Kristi squirmed and he sat her on the floor. Looking determined she crawled over to the cuddling boys and poked Corbin's foot.
"Crrr." She frowned at him through narrowed eyes. "Crrrr."
"She knows who he is." Jamie laughed.
"She's smart that way, but are you sure her playing with the naked boys is really acceptable in any society?" Nick's tone was dry and Rob glowered at him. Jamie laughed at them.
"You're right, munchkin. That's Corbin without his fur, but I think he and Mark want some alone time. Outside?"
Kristi squealed her pleasure at the word 'outside' and Nick stood back with Joe as Rob led the pair to the back yard.
"Their first success, Doug's gonna have a fit." Joe commented still watching the boys. "You know, it figures. Mark's finally sidetracked and now I have to live with him. Life isn't fair."
"Shut up." Nick rolled his eyes at Joe's nonsense and led him to the back of the house, with a pause to collect his bag. "We can get you settled while Kristi's busy. The rooms are all full; you'll have to bunk with me."
Joe followed Nick into the bedroom. His bag hit the floor and he closed the door with a bump of his hip. Eyes fixed on Nick, Joe started shedding clothes. Feeling his heart in his throat Nick tried unsuccessfully to swallow.
Shaking his head, Joe padded naked across the room to Nick. "I planned to stay in the woods. I couldn't deal with any more problems caused by other people and I didn't want to face my own. After seeing you again, the peace in running as a wolf was gone. We aren't built to be solitary creatures. I missed you. I felt like a coward having left you all to deal with everything while I hid and nursed my wounds." Joe's fingers petted the rough five o'clock shadow covering Nick's jaw.
"I took time to nurse mine. Sometimes the stuff we can't see takes longest to heal." Nick tilted his head, accepting Joe's caress, exposing his throat slightly.
Joe growled as he pressed his mouth against the pulse in Nick's neck. Tugging at Nick's shirt in an attempt to free it from where it tucked into his pants Joe growled again. "Off. I did everything they said I had to do in order to be placed here, jumped through every hoop, because I need you. Please, Nick." Joe's voice shook, his fingers trembled where he touched Nick.
"Joe," Nick breathed, the question gone from his tone. He pulled his shirt off over his head and dropped it to the floor. He fumbled with his belt until Joe had mercy and brushed his fingers away to do it for him. Nick's breath caught as Joe unbuckled his belt, knuckles brushing against his skin. Button, zipper and Joe's hands slid into Nick's jeans, moving around to cup his bottom, forcing the jeans down over his hips as Joe pulled Nick into his space.
"I want you." Joe whispered against Nick's lips. "Since Mara's been gone, I've fought my heart. I don't deserve you. I'm still afraid people will think my love for Mara was a lie."
Nick didn't reply to Joe's baring his soul until he'd stepped out of his jeans leaving them in a pile on the floor as he moved fully into Joe's space, bringing their naked bodies into total contact.
"I know you loved her, you may have dreamed an affair with me that never really happened, but you were devoted to her. I know that, I always have. As long as you have that, my respect and knowledge of the truth, isn't it enough? Fuck what anyone else thinks if they are too blind to see. I failed at marriage completely and was an idiot to try it. You and Mara were magic together, but she's gone, Joe, and I'm still here. I think we can be magic too, if you'll give us a chance. You said you love me."
Walking Nick backwards until the bed hit him behind the knees, Joe pushed him over onto the mattress and climb into bed after him. Crawling up the length of Nick's body to loom over him Joe grinned, his smile wolfish. "Are you a girl now Zander? Do you need soft words and kisses from me?" Joe leaned down and nuzzled Nick's ear. "I love you. I always have, maybe in a different way while I had Mara, but I've never stopped loving you."
The weight of Joe's body over his made Nick's heart pound. The feel of his hot breath against the side of Nick's face combined with the whispered words of devotion he'd given up hope of ever hearing from the man he loved, made rational thinking impossible. "Would you shut the fuck up?"

Joe smiled but it was lost in their kiss. "Since you asked so nicely," he said. His tongue pressed into Nick's mouth licking deep, hungry to rediscover the intimacy they'd once shared. The taste of Nick, so familiar and yet different than the memory, stirred to blazing life emotions Joe had kept banked for so long. Memories he hadn't allowed to surface invaded his mind. Young Nick in high school watching Joe check out the new cheerleader, and later proving Joe didn't need a cheerleader with Nick willing to sink to his knees. Graduation. The early days at the academy when Joe began to suspect he might love Nick, and wonder if they could have a future together. Meeting Mara and how she changed his world. Her loss still cut through Joe like a blade. And after it all, kind of miraculously, Nick still loved him.

"Thinking too much," Nick accused Joe.

Braced over Nick, with only their foreheads touching, the kissing having ended long moments before, Joe had no defense. Nick's hand ran down Joe's sides, fingers seeming to count his ribs making him squirm.

"No more thinking or talking. Just feel Joe, touch me, and take what I'm trying to give you."
Joe rolled his hips, bringing their cocks together between them and Nick whimpered. His legs fell wider apart in an eager invitation. Leaning in Joe captured Nick's lips in a kiss, plundering his mouth, tongue sliding over teeth and gums, pulling a hungry moan from him. Nick arched under him, throat bared for the greedy press of Joe's lips against the tender skin. Joe tried not to think about the times he'd lost control and all but attacked Nick during the investigation. It had been so long since they'd come together like this both eager and willing. Joe had dreamed of such a moment for the past weeks, never believing it would come true. In his dreams he had an absurd amount of control, using lips and hands to drive Nick insane with lust.
The dreams hadn't come close to the reality of Nick naked under him, panting and sweating, hands clutching. The scent and taste of Nick was quickly threatening to drive Joe beyond control. The wolf that was never absent demanded more and now. Joe tried to manage his lust, licking a hot stripe up Nick's neck before biting a trail of kisses along his collarbone to the hollow of his throat. Joe's nose brushed against Nick's skin and the scent made him dizzy. He gasped, leaning on one forearm and gripped Nick's shoulder with the other hand, fingers pressing deep into the muscle. Nick reached behind his head, under the pillow, on the back of the night stand. Joe didn't know where it came from but moments later a cool container of lube was pressed into his hand.
Joe didn't pause to ask questions. Words were done between them, the act all that was left. Joe lifted his head to look down at Nick, watching as his throat corded with his attempt to restrain his howl. With a satisfied half growl, Joe kissed his way down Nick's torso. Pausing to tease and bite at his nipples, first one then the other. Licking and sucking until they were hard little peaks and Nick cursed him, pushing on Joe's head urging him lower. Willing to oblige his demanding lover, Joe continued his explorations of Nick's body, laving salty skin with an eager tongue, nipping and sucking gently in turn. Remembering how Nick used to love being marked Joe left a trail of love bites down the center of his chest to the top of his navel.
Nick's cock brushed against Joe's skin, trailing sticky pre-cum and filling the air with the scent of his need. Joe struggled to keep from pouncing on Nick and burying himself balls deep without thought for Nick's comfort or pleasure. Man or wolf the heat curling in his belly, drawing his balls into hard knots at the base of his dick was selfish and demanding. Joe clenched his jaw until the muscle knotted and ignored the insistent pulse of his cock.
Joe nuzzled Nick's groin. The quiet moans his action pulled from Nick sent his own pulse racing. Threading his fingers in through Joe's hair, Nick tugged hard. Joe chuckled against his hip.
"Want something?"
"Bastard," groaned Nick.
Joe glanced up at him and licked a hot path up the length of Nick's sex. Nick glared back, and with a cocky grin Joe wrapped his lips around Nick's cock and flipped the top on the lube one-handed. Nick's head fell back and he groaned, hips thrusting instinctively. Joe didn't realize how out of practice he was, until he gagged. Backing off with a choked chuckle, Joe wrapped his free hand tightly around the base of Nick's cock. On his knees between his lover's legs, Joe suckled the head, fisting slowly up and down the thick length. Swallowing a bit deeper pulled a howl from Nick. Joe continued to work Nick's length as his liberally lubed fingers pressed between the cheeks of Nick's ass. Joe teased him for a few moments, before pressing a finger inside without hesitation.
Gasping, Nick pressed down onto the invading digit, but doing so almost pulled his cock out of Joe's mouth.
"Fuck." He panted and thrust upward.
Joe let his finger slide nearly out of Nick's ass before following his movement and pressing deep as he swirled the head of Nick's dick with a wet tongue.
"Joe, oh my God. Please."
A second finger joined the first and Nick gave up everything but wrapping his fingers in Joe's hair, every other breath exhaled as a plea for more. Joe nuzzled lower, mouthing Nick's balls before adding a third finger, stretching him wide, and caressing his prostate with firm gentle pressure. Nick whimpered, whined, and squirmed, pulling at Joe, driven well beyond coherent communication. Joe lifted up to look down at Nick and felt his balls clench at the sight.
"Hell yeah," Joe breathed as he gazed on Nick's wrecked form lying spread-eagled under him, neck arched in a submissive plea to be taken. Nick's dark hair was plastered to his head with sweat, his mouth hung open as he gasped for air and the eyes that met Joe's through narrowed lids were barely human. Joe's grin was nothing short of smug. As it turned out he had plenty of control. Eyes locked with Nick's, Joe slicked his own cock with a careful touch, unwilling to risk to spilling his release outside Nick's body.
Hooking Nick's legs over his arms Joe leaned forward, rocking Nick's ass upward aligning it with his cock. Bottom lip caught in his teeth, eyes fixed on Nick's, Joe pressed forward. His cockhead slid breached Nick's body and he hissed, jaw clenching and eyes shut tight. Joe froze. Nick's eyes popped open. "Don't you dare fucking stop." Nick's chest heaved with his breathing, his hands reached behind him, groping for the rungs of the headboard. His grip when his fingers closed around them was white-knuckled.
"I won't hurt you." Joe still hadn't moved though it took every ounce of willpower in his body to hold.
"I don't want you to hurt me. I want you to fuck me. I'm not a goddamn girl, Joe. Fuck." Frustration written on his face, Nick's legs wrapped tight around Joe's waist in an attempt to force him deeper. Nick's actions gave Joe a flashback of the rough and ready sex they'd once shared and he buried his dick to the balls in Nick's ass.
"Is that what you want?" Joe bent over Nick, hands braced in the pillows on either side of his head.
Eyes heavy lidded, Nick met Joe's gaze. "Now, make me lose it like you used to."
With a growl Joe pulled back until only the head of his cock remained in the tight heat of Nick's body. Joe's mouth closed on Nick's and he drove his cock deep into Nick's ass, pulling back only to thrust forward again, with movements so hard and fast only the force of Nick pushing on the headboard, biceps knotted rock hard kept Joe from driving him into it headlong.
Joe had not lost his talent for finding the bundle of nerves hidden in Nick's body as easily with his cock as he did his fingers. Nick howled and thrashed until Joe worried he'd ruin his throat. He saw Nick's fingers loosen on the headboard as his body tensed under Joe.
Leaning forward Joe pressed his mouth to Nick's ear. "Don't you dare fucking touch yourself." He watched Nick's fingers retighten around the rungs and growled his satisfaction. "Do you think I lost my touch?"
Joe thrust faster, bending Nick double and nailing his prostate with every stroke. When he came, Nick whimpered. His entire body shook as his cock painted his chest with long ropes of cum. When the throes of his climax eased, Joe wrapped his hand around the softening length and Nick shivered, shuddering as Joe stroked the last of Nick's release from his exhausted body.
Nick slid his legs from Joe's shoulders and wrapped them around his waist. He reached up and Joe caught his hands, lifting Nick onto his lap. Joe's hard shaft sank deep.
"God." Joe shook with the intensity of his reaction to being so far inside Nick.
Kissing and biting Joe's lips Nick stared into his eyes. His hands braced on Joe's shoulders as Joe's hands locked on Nick's hips. Joe lifted Nick and the long slow slide of his body on Joe's cock made him howl, without Nick's pleasure as a distraction Joe knew he wouldn't last long. Nick proved him right, grinding down onto Joe's lap, and filling his ear with a hot wet tongue, Joe's world went white and he spilled inside Nick with a harsh shout. Head thrown back, Nick's teeth on his throat, Joe locked Nick in place with an iron grip on his hips. When the spasms passed Nick hung onto him, arms wrapped around Joe's neck, face buried in his hair. Unclenching his fingers from Nick's hips Joe winced thinking of the bruises left behind. Nick nuzzled his ear.
"No worries, I still like being marked."
Joe huffed a tired laugh. "That doesn't surprise me." He pressed a kiss to the curve of Nick's neck where he'd bitten him so viciously. There was the faint white line of a scar marking where his teeth had broken skin. They hadn't mentioned it then, and they didn't now. With protesting muscles Joe helped Nick off his lap and back onto the bed. He'd forgotten, as he often had in the middle of sex with Nick, how much bigger the other wolf was. Untangling themselves from one another proved awkward at best, someone had too many elbows and the other too many knees, but finally they lay curled together. Joe tucked behind Nick, who'd given up bid for 'big' spoon long ago. Pressing his face into Nick's sweaty hair Joe breathed his scent and felt peace wash over him. Maybe things could be okay after all.
"I hate admitting it but I'm curious how the crazy senator thought he would get his drug into us all," Joe commented after only a few minutes of silence. He had an odd habit of growing chatty after sex.
Nick shook his head. "That guy was one of the most heartless bastards we've ever busted, but in his journal, when it came to how he was going to disperse his drug, he sounded like an arch villain from a comic book. He rambled on and on about tainting the air supply, or the water supply. It'd be funny if the whole damn thing wasn't so horrific."
"Well, at least it's a relief to know there's no secret plan on how to poison us all waiting to be discovered," Joe muttered.
"No kidding." Nick sighed and relaxed back against Joe, who refused to take the hint for a nap.
"So, I was talking to Jamie about his Integrate, not Assimilate thing. He says it's like Star Trek. We can all join the Federation and be parts of a greater whole, or we can be the Borg and lose ourselves completely."
"Star Trek."
Joe gave his habitual half shrug. "That's what he said."
"He would. What do you think?"
"I don't know. Jamie and Rob think Rob's going to win. They said he needs a couple body guards. I think they're going to offer us the job, what do you think of that?"
"I think if Rob's going to be such a pro-wolf human, he's going to need someone to watch his ass and for different reasons than Jamie does."
Joe snorted a laugh. "That's good. I told him we'd do it."
Nick tried to jerk around to face him, but Joe held him tight. "Bastard."
"So I've been told. We can't let him go off and get killed
besides I don't see myself baring my neck for Doug."
Nick sighed. "I can't see that myself. Can we sleep now?"
Joe lay quiet long enough to fool Nick into think he'd gone to sleep. "I guess Doug and Sam are going to be ecstatic over Corbin."
Nick's growled irritably making Joe grin. "Probably."
"Now all they have to do is find the one true love for each of the other wolves and their problem will be solved. How hard can that be do you think?"
"Has anyone ever told you that you suck at postcoitus."
"Someone did, once, a long time ago."
"He's telling you again."
"Is it still coitus if it's man on man?"
"Wolf on wolf."
"Don't nit-pick. What do you want me to do, you girl, cuddle you and lick your ears?"
Nick barked out a laugh. "I don't care what you do as long as it involves you shutting the fuck up."
Joe licked the curve of Nick's ear with a hot swipe of his tongue, and the sound he made curled heat at the base of Joe's spine.
"Holy fuck, Nick." Joe tugged Nick's ear lobe with his teeth making him whine. He pressed back into Joe's arms. His mouth against Nick's ear, Joe whispered. "I didn't know that part of you was so sensitive."
Trembling, Nick turned to face Joe wide-eyed. "I didn't know it about myself."
Cupping Nick's face with his hand Joe kissed him. "When I'm done with you, there won't be a secret left between us." The words meant to be teasing came out with the weight of a promise.
Nick's eyes searched Joe's and he must have liked what he found there. A soft smile curved his lips. "I love you."
Joe's thumb brushed across Nick's bottom lip. Thinking of everything they'd been through and how lucky they were to be there together. "You know, they say there is a time for everything."
"They do say that." Nick looked amused, but Joe didn't mind.
"Maybe it's finally time for us."
"I hope that's true, but you still suck post-coitus."
Joe pushed Nick onto his back and leaned over him. "Actually I suck pre-coitus, post-coitus and during extremely flexible moments during-coitus."
"Joe, would you shut the fuck up."
And he did, but Nick still didn't get to sleep.

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