In Their Footsteps & Thief of Hearts (32 page)

Read In Their Footsteps & Thief of Hearts Online

Authors: Tess Gerritsen

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance, #Suspense

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So Guy Delancey didn’t report the stolen letters, thought Jordan. Or perhaps he never even noticed they were missing.

“This time she slipped up,” said Constable Glenn. “But there’s always the chance she’ll strike again. That’s what I came to warn you about. These things come in waves, you see. A certain neighborhood will be chosen.

Delancey’s house isn’t that far from here, so Chetwynd could be in her target zone.” He said it with the authority of one who had expert knowledge of the criminal mind.

“A residence as grand as yours would be quite a temptation.” Again he looked directly at Jordan.

Again Jordan had that sinking feeling that the good Constable Glenn knew more than he was letting on.
Or is
it just my guilty conscience?

Constable Glenn rose and addressed Beryl. “You’ll let Lord Lovat know of my concerns?”

“Of course,” said Beryl. “I’m sure we’ll be perfectly all right. After all, we do have a security expert on the premises.” She beamed at Richard. “And he’s

“I’ll look over the household arrangements,” said Richard. “We’ll beef up security as necessary.” Constable Glenn nodded in satisfaction. “Good day, then. I’ll let you know how things develop.” They watched the constable march smartly back to his car. As it drove away, up the tree-lined road, Richard said,

“I wonder why he felt the need to warn us personally.”

“As a special favor to Uncle Hugh, I’m sure,” said Beryl. “Constable Glenn was employed by MI6 years ago as a ‘watcher’—domestic surveillance. I think he still feels like part of the team.”


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“Still, I get the feeling there’s something else going on.”

“A woman burglar,” said Beryl thoughtfully. “My, we
come a long way.” Suddenly she burst out laughing.

“Lord, what a relief to hear it’s a

“Why?” asked Richard.

“Oh, it’s just too ridiculous to mention.”

“Tell me, anyway.”

“You see, after last night, I thought—I mean, it occurred to me that—” She laughed harder. She sat back, flush with merriment, and pressed her hand to her mouth. Between giggles she managed to choke out the words. “I thought
might be the cat burglar!” Richard burst out laughing, as well. Like two giddy school kids, he and Beryl collapsed against each other in a fit of the sillies.

Jordan’s response was to calmly bite off a corner of his toast. Though his throat had gone dry as chalk, he managed to swallow down a mouthful of crumbs. “I fail to see the humor in all this,” he said.

They only laughed harder as he bore the abuse with a look of injured dignity.

Clea spotted Guy Delancey walking toward the refreshment tent. It was the three-minute time-out between the third and fourth chukkers, and a general exodus was under way from the polo viewing stands. Briefly she lost sight of him in the press of people, and she felt a momentary panic that all her detective work would be for nothing. She’d made a few discreet inquiries in the village that morning, had learned that most of the local gentry would almost certainly be headed for the polo field that afternoon. Armed with that tip, she’d called Delancey’s house, introduced
Thief of Hearts


herself as Lady So-and-So, and asked the butler if Mr.

Delancey was still meeting her at the polo game as he’d promised.

The butler assured her that Mr. Delancey would be at the field.

It had taken her the past hour to track him down in the crowd. She wasn’t about to lose him now.

She pressed ahead, plunging determinedly into the Savile-Row-and-silk-scarf set. The smell of the polo field, of wet grass and horseflesh, was quickly overpowered by the scent of expensive perfumes. With an air of regal assuredness—pure acting on her part—Clea swept into the green-and-white-striped tent and glanced around at the well-heeled crowd. There were dozens of tables draped in linen, silver buckets overflowing with ice and champagne, fresh-faced girls in starched aprons whisking about with trays and glasses. And the ladies—what hats they wore!

What elegant vowels tripped from their tongues! Clea paused, her confidence suddenly wavering. Lord, she’d never pull this off….

She glimpsed Delancey by the bar. He was standing alone, nursing a drink.
Now or never,
she thought.

She swayed over to the counter and edged in close to Delancey. She didn’t look at him, but kept her attention strictly focused on the young fellow manning the bar.

“A glass of champagne,” she said.

“Champagne, coming up,” said the bartender.

As she waited for the drink, she sensed Delancey’s gaze. Casually she shifted around so that she was almost, but not quite, looking at him. He was indeed facing her.

The bartender slid across her drink. She took a sip and 302

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gave a weary sigh. Then she drew her fingers slowly, sen-suously, through her mane of red hair.

“Been a long day, has it?”

Clea glanced sideways at Delancey. He was fashionably tanned and impeccably dressed in autumn-weight cashmere. Though tall and broad shouldered, his once striking good looks had gone soft and a bit jowly, and the hand clutching the whiskey glass had a faint tremor.
a waste,
she thought, and smiled at him prettily.

“It has been rather a long day.” She sighed, and took another sip. “Afraid I’m not very good in airplanes. And now my friends haven’t shown up as promised.”

“You’ve just flown in? From where?”

“Paris. Went on holiday for a few weeks, but decided to cut it short. Dreadfully unfriendly there.”

“I was there just last month. Didn’t feel welcome at all.

I recommend you try Provence. Much friendlier.”

“Provence? I’ll keep that in mind.” He sidled closer. “You’re not English, are you?” She smiled at him coyly. “You can tell?”

“The accent—what, American?”

“My, you’re quick,” she said, and noted how he puffed up with the compliment. “You’re right, I’m American. But I’ve been living in London for some time. Ever since my husband died.”

“Oh.” He shook his head sympathetically. “I’m so sorry.”

“He was eighty-two.” She sipped again, gazing at him over the rim of her glass. “It was his time.” She could read the thoughts going through his transparent little head.
Filthy rich old man, no doubt. Why else
would a lovely young thing marry him? Which makes her
a rich widow….

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He moved closer. “Did you say your friends were supposed to meet you here?”

“They never showed.” Sighing, she gave him a helpless look. “I took the train up from London. We were supposed to drive back together. Now I suppose I’ll just have to take the train home.”

“There’s no need to do that!” Smiling, he edged closer to her. “I know this may sound a bit forward. But if you’re at loose ends, I’d be delighted to show you ’round.

It’s a lovely village we have here.”

“I couldn’t impose—”

“No imposition at all. I’m at loose ends myself today.

Thought I’d watch a little polo, and then go off to the club.

But this is a far pleasanter prospect.” She looked him up and down, as though trying to decide if he could be trusted. “I don’t even know your name,” she protested weakly.

He thrust out his hand in greeting. “Guy Delancey. Delighted to make your acquaintance. And you are…”

“Diana,” she said. Smiling warmly, she shook his hand.

“Diana Lamb.”


It was three minutes into the fourth chukker. Oliver Cairncross, mounted on his white-footed roan, swung his mallet on a dead run. The thwock sent the ball flying between the goalposts. Another score for the Bucking’shire Boys! Enthusiastic applause broke out in the viewing stands, and Sir Oliver responded by sweeping off his helmet and dipping his bald head in a dramatic bow.

“Just look at him,” murmured Veronica. “They’re like children out there, swinging their sticks at balls. Will they never grow up?”

Out on the field Sir Oliver strapped his helmet back in place and turned to wave to his wife in the stands. He frowned when he saw that she was leaning toward Jordan.

“Oh, no.” Veronica sighed. “He’s seen you.” At once she rose to her feet, waving and beaming a smile of wifely pride. Sitting back down, she muttered, “He’s so bloody suspicious.”

Jordan looked at her in astonishment. “Surely he doesn’t think that you and I—”

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my old chum. Naturally he wonders.” Yes, of course he does, thought Jordan. Any man married to Veronica would probably spend his lifetime in a perpetual state of doubt.

The ball was tossed. The thunder of hoofbeats, the whack of a mallet announced the resumption of play.

Veronica leaned close to Jordan. “Did you bring them?” she whispered.

“As requested.” He reached into his jacket and withdrew the bundle of letters.

At once she snatched them out of his hand. “You didn’t read them, did you?”

“Of course not.”

“Such a gentleman!” Playfully she reached up and pinched his cheek. “You promise you won’t tell anyone?”

“Not a soul. But this is absolutely the last time, Veronica.

From now on, be discreet. Or better yet, honor those marriage vows.”

“Oh, I will, I will!” she declared fervently. She stood and moved toward the aisle.

“Where are you going?” he called.

“To flush these down the loo, of course!” She gave him a gay wave of farewell. “I’ll call you, Jordie!” As she turned to make her way up the aisle, she brushed past a broad-shouldered man. At once she halted, her gaze slanting up with interest at this new specimen of masculinity.

Jordan shook his head in disgust and turned his attention back to the polo game. Men and horses thundered past, chasing that ridiculous rubber ball across the field. Back and forth they flew, mallets swinging, a tangle of sweating men and horseflesh. Jordan had never been much of a polo 306

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fan. The few times he’d played the game he’d come away with more than his share of bruises. He didn’t trust horses and horses didn’t trust him and in the inevitable struggle for authority, the beasts had a seven-hundred-pound advantage.

There were still four chukkers left to go, but Jordan had had his fill. He left the viewing stands and headed for the refreshment tent.

In the shade of green-and-white-striped awning, he strolled over to the wine bar and ordered a glass of soda water. With so much celebrating this past week, he’d been waking up every morning feeling a bit pickled.

Sipping his glass of soda, Jordan wandered about looking for an unoccupied table. He spotted one off in a corner. As he approached it, he recognized the occupant of the neighboring table. It was Guy Delancey. Seated across from Delancey, her back to Jordan, was a woman with a magnificent mane of red hair. The couple seemed to be intently engaged in intimate conversation. Jordan thought it best not to disturb them. He walked straight past them and was just sitting down at the neighboring table when he caught a snatch of their dialogue.

“Just the spot to forget one’s troubles,” Guy was saying.

“Sun. Sugary beaches. Waiters catering to your every whim. Do consider joining me there.” The woman laughed. The sound had a throaty, hauntingly familiar ring to it. “It’s rather a leap, don’t you think, Guy?” she said. “I mean, we’ve only just met. To run off with you to the Caribbean…”

Slowly Jordan turned in his chair and stared at the woman. Lustrous cinnamon red hair framed her face, sof-tening its angles. She had fair, almost translucent skin with
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a hint of rouge. Though she was not precisely beautiful, there was a hypnotic quality to those dark eyes, which slanted like a cat’s above finely carved cheekbones.
he thought.
Panther’s eyes.

It was her. It had to be her.

As though aware that someone was watching her, she raised her head and looked at Jordan. The instant their gazes met she froze. Even the rouge couldn’t conceal the sudden blanching of her skin. He sat staring at her, and she at him, both of them caught in the same shock of mutual recognition.

What now? wondered Jordan. Should he warn Guy Delancey? Confront the woman on the spot? And what would he say?
Guy, old chap, this is the woman I bumped
into while burgling your bedroom….

Guy Delancey swiveled around and said cheerily,

“Why, hello, Jordan! Didn’t know you were right behind me.”

“I…didn’t want to intrude.” Jordan glanced in the woman’s direction. Still white-faced, she reached for her drink and took a desperate swallow.

Guy noted the direction of Jordan’s gaze. “Have you two met?” he asked.

Their answer came out in a simultaneous rush.

“Yes,” said Jordan.

“No,” said the woman.

Guy frowned. “Aren’t you two sure?”

“What he means,” the woman cut in before Jordan could say a word, “is that we’ve
each other before. Last week’s auction at Sotheby’s, wasn’t it? But we’ve never actually been introduced.” She looked Jordan straight in the eye, silently daring him to contradict her.


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What a brazen hussy,
he thought.

“Let me properly introduce you two,” said Guy. “This is Lord Lovat’s nephew, Jordan Tavistock. And this—” Guy swept his hand proudly toward the woman “—is Diana Lamb.”

The woman extended a slender hand across the table as Jordan turned his chair to join them. “Delighted to make your acquaintance, Mr. Tavistock.”

“So you two met at Sotheby’s,” said Guy.

“Yes. Terribly disappointing collection,” she said. “The St. Augustine estate. One would think there’d be
worth bidding on, but no. I didn’t make a single offer.” Again she looked straight at Jordan. “Did you?” He saw the challenge in her gaze. He saw something else as well: a warning.
You spill the beans,
said those cheerful brown eyes,
and so will I.

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