In Too Deep (17 page)

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Authors: Eliza Jane

BOOK: In Too Deep
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Chapter 34

I lie back against my bed,
unable to wipe the smile off my face from my conversation with Taylor. How does she get me to say the things I don’t even know I’m thinking? To admit feelings I didn’t know I had? That’s got to stop. And asking her out on a date? The lack of sex is totally fucking with my system. I swear I’m not thinking clearly. But still, I chuckle at the conversation. Her quick intake of breath when I asked if I could use her computer and all that it implied. I grin at my own cleverness.

s really getting under my skin. My normal response would be to get in, get out, and get on with my life. But somehow I knew once with Taylor wouldn’t be enough. And that scared the shit out of me. She’d want the whole white picket fence, soul mates and romance thing, and damn if this girl didn’t make me want to try. But I knew that was more than I could give. I was in way out of my league. But I’d never backed down from a challenge before. And I didn’t plan to start now.

I turn over in b
ed, punching the pillow into shape and lay back, hoping to get some sleep. Not going to happen.

My shoulders are tense, and all my senses are on high alert after talking to her.
I pick up my phone with one thing on my mind – solving this problem – quenching this desire the only way I know how. I scroll through my contact list. I find Samantha, under
, and knowing nothing else will help me get my mind off things, I type out a text.

Come over tonight

My thumb hovers over
send. The last time she came over I found Taylor in the hall crying. Her eyes blazed deep navy when she cried and little hiccups racked her chest even after the tears stopped.

She isn’t here, I
remind myself. She’ll never know if you’re with Samantha tonight. This used to be so easy. A frustrated growl rips through me and without thinking, I delete the text. I slam the phone down onto the table. This is going to be a long night.

My phone chimes with a new email. Half expecting it to be from Samantha, I’m
surprised to see it’s from Taylor.

A smile tugs at my lips as read the subject line. I open it.


FROM: Taylor Beckett

TO: Colt Palmer

SUBJECT: Horny teenage boys


Mr. Palmer,

On second thought, I would not like you using my technology for your personal pursuits.

Zip up your pants.

I’ll wait.



orn objectifies women and creates unrealistic expectations in men. I know that’s all we are to you, objects to play with, but someone’s got to teach you. And I will gladly take the job.

Go to bed.



I hit reply, but no there’s way I’m leaving that as the subject line. I chuckle to myself at her sassiness.


TO: Taylor Beckett

FROM: Colt Palmer

SUBJECT: Goodnight



If you think I need your computer to get off, you’re insane. I have an extensive
bank of memories stored in my imagination.

BTW – I am
teacher, not the other way around.

Shall we discuss the terms of our date?



A few seconds later, my phone chimes with a new message. I sit up in bed and flip on my lamp.


TO: Colt Palmer

FROM: Taylor Beckett

SUBJECT: Re: Goodnight


Mr. Palmer,

I’m not sure it’s wise for me to go on a date with a teacher.



I roll my eyes and hit reply.


TO: Taylor Beckett

FROM: Colt Palmer

SUBJECT: Re: Goodnight



Stop with the Mr. Palmer shit.


I stare down at my phone, but she doesn’t respond right away.
Maybe I pissed her off. Maybe she’s changed her mind about going out with me. I’ve never tried so hard to win over a girl. This is strange, and entirely new to me.


My phone chimes with a new message.


TO: Colt Palmer

FROM: Taylor Beckett

SUBJECT: Re: Goodnight



We’ll talk about the date when I get back.

Have fun with



I feel guilty for almost texting Samantha in a moment of weakness earlier.
And now am relieved I didn’t. I sense she’s testing me, and for some reason I’m eager to pass her test. I hit reply.


TO: Taylor Beckett

FROM: Colt Palmer

SUBJECT: Re: Goodnight



isn’t coming over tonight.

All alone in bed,



The phone chimes again and I open her next message, my eyes noting the subject line with a smirk.


TO: Colt Palmer

FROM: Taylor Beckett

SUBJECT: Your sexual health



I’m concerned. Do you know how to handle being all alone at night? Why not just call her?



I tap reply.


TO: Taylor Beckett

FROM: Colt Palmer

SUBJECT: Re: Your sexual health



comforting to know you’re concerned about my sexual health, but I won’t be calling her tonight. I saw how much doing so upset you the last time and I don’t want to see you like that ever again. So tonight, I’ll suffer in silence. For you.


Get some sleep.



I sit up straighter, realizing with absolute horror
that what I typed is true, not just some shit to impress her. Cheap thrills are not worth hurting Taylor like that again. I have no idea what that means, but I have an uneasy feeling about it all the same.

I flip off the
lamp, stuff the phone under my pillow and drift to sleep with a smile still on my lips.



In the morning, I’m sitting in McAllister’s office looking over the newest cases. Vera comes in with a tray
balancing two steaming mugs of coffee.

“Thank you Vera. That’s all.” McAllister waves her off.

I treat her to a smile and she nods, backing out of the room.

With the two-week summ
er break, McAllister and I are busy securing new business for the months ahead. He’s obsessed with this oil tanker case, but I can’t figure out his motivation. It’s a ship in the middle of the ocean. He says he just wants to test Taylor’s skills. I’m not sure I believe him.

I’d made the conscious decision when I began here three years ago to never tell anyone that McAllister is my dad. I didn’t want to
be treated differently, or to have anyone think I hadn’t earned my way. I had. And then some. His standards for me were higher than for anyone else. Which was fine by me. I didn’t want his pity. One day I’d be running this place, because I deserved it, not because he felt obligated to give it to me.

I scan the rest of the files on his desk, looking for something that sparks my interest.
Something that will get me out on the road again, hopefully with Taylor at my side. The next time I’m alone with her, I won’t hold back. She will be mine.



Chapter 35

My break is over faster than I imagined. Sunburnt filled days at the pool with Piper, dinner every evening with my mom and dad, and bonfires at night where I successfully navigate Wes’ advances, and actually find, he no longer has any pull over me. His boyish immaturity doesn’t hold a candle to Colt’s sexy masculinity.

I missed
Wilbrook. I missed MJ’s insanity and the balance Logan brought us. I missed training with Colt and the adrenaline of the assignments McAllister gave me. And despite my dad’s home cooking, I missed the food in the café.

Before I know it, it’s time to go back. All my clothes are folded, freshly laundered, and stacked in
a laundry basket in the trunk of my dad’s car, along with my olive green duvet and body pillow.

My parents and I make the journey back to Connecticut, more quiet this time
on the drive than before.

When we arrive, there’s
a barbeque underway, out on the front lawn. Parents are welcome to stay for lunch. My parents stay for a late lunch, but have to get back on the road for their drive back. The entire time we eat and make small talk with Vera and MJ’s parents, my eyes search for Colt. But he’s nowhere to be found. I wonder if he was serious about our date. I try to convince myself he was kidding. After all, we talked on the phone every night and emailed throughout my break, but neither of us ever mentioned that date again.

Once I see my parents off,
MJ and I make our way upstairs. She helps me make my bed with my duvet cover from home.

How was your break? Anything interesting happen?” she asks.

“Funny you should ask.” I know
talking to her about Colt is a stupid idea. I pray she won’t flip out and judge me too harshly. “I kind of need to talk to you about something.”

Her eyebrows dart up.

I pat the freshly made bed. “Sit.”

does, her eyes still on me.

Rip it off like a Band-Aid, Taylor.
“Colt asked me out.”

She cocks her head, shock and horror visible on her face. “Asked you out?” She shakes her head. “He doesn’t ask people out. He takes them back to his room like a caveman. End of story.”

I laugh nervously. “I know. I thought so too.”

“What exactly did he say? And when was this?”

“Over break. We talked and emailed every day. And the first night I was away, he told me he’d make up for his recent
by taking me out.”

“And you said?”
She waits, her eyes conveying her concern.

I look down, plucking at the blanket. “Um, I
sorta said yes.”

“You slut!”

I giggle. “MJ!”

She laughs. “It’s your death, baby.” She pats my leg. “
But I’ll be there to catch you when you fall.”

My stomach twists nervously and I remember her friend Jewel. “Thanks,” I mumble.

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