In Wicked Chains (The Wicked) (4 page)

Read In Wicked Chains (The Wicked) Online

Authors: Avril Ashton

Tags: #romance, #Interracial, #contemporary

BOOK: In Wicked Chains (The Wicked)
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No one spoke, but heavy breathing broke the silence.

Kingston frowned. “Hello? Who’s this?”

Nothing but heavy breathing came through.

Kingston shook his head and ended the call.
Fuckers playing on my line.
He threw the phone on the couch as he walked through his living room and straight to the bathroom. Dry cum acted as glue, sticking the material of his briefs to his pubes and skin.

Shucking his jeans and t-shirt, he crossed his eyes in the mirror. He felt like a kid who’d shot off at the sight of his first pair of tits.

. He’d been completely unprepared for the campaign Elina waged to get him to agree to give her a chance. She didn’t have to work hard.

He pushed his hair from his face and stepped into the shower. He’d been aching for her for so long, her proposal was both a blessing and a curse. Finally he got to have her like he wanted, all of her, but only for a limited time.

King didn’t think he could be satisfied with only a taste of Elina. Sasha would kill him if he hurt Elina, with Niko standing in line for his turn. Sleeping with Elina would change their little family, and not for the good. Was it worth the risk for only one night?

He grunted as he shampooed his hair. He’d answered yes because he’d have the woman he dreamed about. All he had to do was convince himself to let her go when the time came.

His cock swelled and lengthened when he thought of Elina beneath him, moaning, writhing.

“Christ!” He palmed his cock with a hiss and swiped a thumb over the slippery crown. Eyes squeezed shut Kingston stroked himself, hips jerking, heavy balls aching. One hand braced against the wall of the shower, he pictured Elina like she was earlier, with her pink pussy dripping liquid sugar, and her soft cries echoing.

“Shit!” His arm sped up, hips following suit as he fucked his fist. It would never be as tight as the pussy he’d fingered. He remembered the painful clamp as Elina came around his fingers. “Ah fuck. Fuck!” He came hard, his cum flooding his palm and seeping through his fingers. Knees buckling, Kingston blinked his eyes open and washed the cum away.

This wasn’t new. He’d jerked off to the thought of Elina often, but today was the first he had real images, the first time he could call up her aroused scent, the actual look of her wet pussy.

After taking one more rinse under the shower, he stepped out to the ringing of his phone. Naked, he ran out and snatched it off the couch. “Hello?”

“Hey baby,” the sultry voice purred in his ear.

“Hey, DeeAnne.” Otherwise known as the woman deep-throating him in his office a few days ago. He’d promised—

“You promised you’d call me, King,” she whined. “We’re supposed to finish what we started before that girl interrupted us.”

Kingston frowned, remembering why he kept Dee on her knees and his cock stuffed down her throat. She had no tonsils, but the chick whined like no one’s business. “Sorry, Dee. Something came up. I have to cancel our plans.”

“What?” She sputtered, “But-but I was really looking forward to more of you, Daddy.” She lowered her voice. “I didn’t get to do all those things you like so much.”

He choked back a laugh. “Me either.” She did give amazing head. “I’m sorry, but it can’t be helped.”

“Well, when will you be free?” She went back to whiny.

“I don’t really know, but I’ll be in touch.” He hung up before she spoke again. Shaking water from his braids, Kingston made his way to his bedroom. He pulled on a pair of boxers and crawled into bed. Later he’d head out to the club. Though he and Sasha owned the place, he was the most hands-on. They both preferred it that way. His sister wasn’t made for legitimate work. She excelled at all things illegal, but luckily Niko was around to keep her in line.

He chuckled at the relationship between Sasha and Niko. They were joined at the hip, sickeningly in love, but it was nice to see her happy after all the things she’d been through. At times he envied her happiness, but other times he wanted no part of it.

Today with Elina, he allowed himself one brief what-if moment. In the end he discarded it. He wasn’t cut out for it, for commitment, love.

His cell vibrated under his pillow. King groaned. Why in hell was he suddenly so popular? He pulled out the damned thing and checked the caller ID.

Blocked number.

Damn it! “Hello?”

Heavy breathing sounded again.

“All right, obviously this isn’t a one-off, hmm?” He rolled his eyes at the continued heavy breathing. “I’ve got time. We can do this all night.”

The breathing quieted. He counted in his head.
One, two, three, four.


Click. Yeah. King scrolled through his contact list, found the number he wanted, and hit the call button.


Maysin picked up on the third ring. “What’s up, King?”

“I need you to do something for me.” He explained about the calls. “Can you find where they originated from, or who made them?”

“Don’t know, but I can try.” Maysin was silent for a beat. “Can it be an ex?”

“I don’t have exes, Mace. Just jump-offs.”

Maysin chuckled. “Well, can it be a jump-off? You go through a lot of them, you know.”

“I didn’t know that,” he replied with heavy sarcasm. “Thanks for pointing it out.”

His friend laughed. “Hey, I’m just saying. You do keep a steady rotation.”

“Seriously? When did this turn into a discussion of my sex life? Do I call you on your, ah…obsession?”

“I have no obsession.”

King grunted. “Uh-huh.”

“Just consider what I said, okay? It can be one of those women you insist on fucking and dumping.”

“Yeah, whatever.” King waved a hand. “What do you need from me to do this?”

Maysin signed. “I’ll need your cell. Maybe I can install a chip or something to track the calls.”


“Soon would be good.”

“Cool, I’ll stop by on my way to the club later.”

“Alright.” Maysin hung up.

Kingston turned his phone off and placed it back under his pillow. He settled down to sleep, warm chocolate-brown eyes dancing behind his closed eyelids.





Chapter Three


Elina dialed Sasha’s number as she crawled into bed. Her face hurt from smiling, but she couldn’t stop grinning or pinching herself. Now all she needed was Sasha to talk her out of running over to Kingston’s place across town and throwing herself in his arms.

She wasn’t ready. After all this time she still needed to think it over, run the pros and cons in her head.

“Hey, El.”

She swallowed the Pavlovian guilt she’d never be free of. “Hi, Niko.”

“Are you okay? You sound…weird.”

She shook her head. “Yeah. No, I’m fine. Just tired, I guess.”

“Take care of you, El.” His deep voice rumbled in her ear. “How’re your kids?”

Her kids. The children she took care of in the day care center, her little loves. “They’re perfectly rambunctious.” For the first time all day the smile on her face had nothing to do with Kingston.

Niko laughed. “I’m happy to hear that. Happy to hear you’re okay.”

“Me, too.”

“Good, let me get Sasha.”

Elina listened while he shouted for his woman. Envy pinched her chest. She wanted what those two had, so much.

“Hey, El?”

“Yeah, Niko?”

“You know I love you, right?”

She blinked moisture from her eyes. “I do and I feel the same way.”

“Good.” He chuckled. “Here’s your girl.”

Sasha came on the phone breathing hard. “What’s up?”

“I need your help.” Her voice broke, panic setting in again.

“What’s wrong?’

“Kingston came over. He-I…We’re going to make a move,” she whispered.

Sasha giggled. “Why are you whispering?”

“Um, I feel weird talking to you about this,” Elina confessed. Settling back against her pillows, she brushed a lock of hair from her face. “You’re my best friend and here I am crushing on your brother.” She shook her head. “You should be cursing me out or something. Hating me.”

“Oh, is that what I should be doing?”

Elina pictured the sarcastic twist of Sasha’s lips.

“Thanks for letting me know how I should react, El. I’ll let you know when I feel like freaking out.”

She giggled. “I’m simply saying your ass is not normal. Where’s the anger? I half expect you to threaten to beat me down with one of those heels of yours.”

“Bite your tongue.” Sasha gasped. “I’ll never jeopardize my collection in such a way. Besides,” she paused, “It’s you. You love him, and I know if he gives you half a chance, he’ll feel the same. Any other women I’d claw their eyes out.”

“You’re just violent.” They laughed together and once again Elina sent up a silent prayer thanking God for Sasha.

“What did he say when he came over?”

Elina sobered. “He set some rules.”

“What?” Sasha sputtered.

“Uh-huh. You’re not supposed to know about any of it. I think he’s afraid you’ll kick his ass for fucking with me.”

“Damn right I will.”


“Principle, Elina. Principle.”

No idea what that meant, so Elina continued. “He says he’s not looking for anything more than sex and either of us can end it at any time.”

“Who does he think you are, some cheap trick? I’ll kick his ass.”

“That’s why I need your help. You’re going to help me with him. I want him, Sasha.” Her voice shook under the heavy weight of her emotions. “I want him and I can’t remember ever feeling as strongly as I do for him.”

“Then we’ll have to get him, won’t we? What’s your next move?”

“He told me to come to him when I was ready.”

“And are you ready?”

“Ha. Not even close.

Sasha giggled. “What do you need?’

“Shopping. Spa.” Elina ticked them off on her fingers. “I’m aiming to knock his freaking socks off here, I’ll need the works.”

“I’m rubbing off on you in a major way, El.” Humor laced her friend’s voice. “I’m not too sure this is a good thing.”

“Oh, it is. Trust me, it is.”

“Hmm. All righty, I’ll set us up for a spa day tomorrow. This works out for me, too, since I have that engagement party to go to in a few days.”

“That Harper chick?” Sasha made a sound in the affirmative and Elina asked, “Should I be jealous here? You’re getting awfully close to her.”

“She’s…cool. Not like the person you see on TV, El. You’ll like her. Besides, you two have a lot in common.”

She seriously doubted that, but Elina let those words slide unchecked. “Okay, take care of the spa thingy. My schedule is clear for the next two days so I’m good.”


Two nights later, pampered within an inch of her life, Elina set out to surprise Kingston. She had no idea where the time went. One minute she was climbing into her car and the next she was pulling into the club’s parking lot.

Tonight heralded the start of her campaign to win Kingston Hughes’ heart. He was hers and she’d prove it to him once and for all. She found recently she could be quite cold and calculating when it came to winning.

Don’t know whether to curse or thank my father for that, but
I’ll take it.

She remained inside her car and texted Kingston.
I’m ready

Eyes closed, she pinched the bridge of her nose. Need and anticipation hardened her nipples and moistened her panties.

Will I be enough?
She’d never had the opportunity to question her abilities in the bedroom. She’d only been with one man. Kingston was used to experienced women, beautiful women who knew how to please a man, knew what he needed and gave it without him asking.

Her phone vibrated in her lap.

Where are you?

Parking lot.

Give me five

She gripped the steering wheel, chest heaving. The atmosphere inside the vehicle grew increasingly oppressive so she opened a window, gulping the cold Seattle air into her lungs.

Esto es todo
This is it.
No time to back out, to tuck tail and run.

She stiffened her spine.
I want this and I’ll have it.
All second guessing was done for tonight. From here on out it’s all about feeling, experiencing Kingston like she’d wanted for so long. She’d give him all she had in case they never got another night like this.


She gasped and jerked with a hand at her throat. Kingston leaned into her open car window, dark eyes on her. “Damn it!
You scared me.”

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