Incense Magick (8 page)

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Authors: Carl F. Neal

Tags: #incense, #magick, #senses, #magic, #pellets, #seals, #charcoal, #meditation, #rituals, #games, #burning, #burning methods, #chaining, #smudging, #herbal blends, #natural, #all-natural

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Endangered and Rare Ingredients

While some botanicals are abundant and easily located, some are rare and more difficult to find. Sadly, some are endangered and are facing extinction. How we treat Mother Earth and her gifts to us says a great deal about us and our respect for Nature. As incense users (and incense makers) we have legal, moral, and ethical obligations to use Earth's resources wisely.

I want to briefly discuss two primary incense ingredients that are endangered. These botanicals have been in use for thousands of years and are amazing gifts from Nature. The loss of either of these would be far more than a loss to incense users. It would not only deprive future generations from enjoying them in incense, soaps, perfumes, and more—it would also be a tragic loss of biodiversity.


Aloeswood is one of the most unique aromatics. It is not only taken from a particular species of tree but it also requires some very special circumstances to transform into the aromatic that is so beloved. The resin that we treasure is only formed when the tree itself is under attack, such as from insect infestation (this is likely the evolutionary reason that the resin develops) or a physical wounding from animals. This unique circumstance is why aloeswood is such a rare and precious commodity.

Aloeswood grows in some very poor regions of the world, yet it is more expensive than gold in its highest-quality forms. It should not be surprising, then, that where the trees grow, natives exploit them for profit. Frankly, I feel we have no right to criticize them for their desire to feed and clothe their families. As a result of the profits to be made, the trees have suffered terribly from overharvesting. As if that weren't bad enough, because of the peculiar circumstances required to create commercially useful aloeswood, there are those who will intentionally inflict damage on the trees in an effort to force the development of the precious resin. This results in many trees, including quite young ones, suffering intentionally inflicted wounds in the hopes of harvesting resin. Sadly, many of these trees die without producing any resin, which leads to a smaller and smaller species population every year.

Before we are too critical of the people doing these things, consider their plight. Poverty eats away at the soul, and if someone offered you a relatively large amount of money for something that was growing all around you, wouldn't it be nearly impossible to say no? Your first thought would likely be about feeding your children, not worrying that you are selling precious wood to poachers.

The real source of the problem with poachers lies with the consumers. Consumers must know the source of their endangered materials in order to ensure that they are coming from legal, legitimate sources. Such sources do exist, but only the consumer can take the responsibility for looking into this.

Aloeswood is treasured in many cultures. It is used in perfumes and incense, plus there are those who collect aloeswood with the intent to simply hold it in their collection or resell it to another collector. All of this points to the fact that aloeswood is recognized as a true treasure.

In order to incorporate aloeswood into perfume, the resin's essential oils have to be extracted. This process requires large quantities of wood. The quality of the oil depends on the quality of the resin as well as the skill of the person distilling the oil. That means that extracting oils (which are used in some incense as well) has the potential to destroy a great deal of aloeswood for a very small return.

In incense, the wood itself is most often used. Even low-quality aloeswood has an amazing scent, and incense makers generally add the wood to their blends. In Japanese kodo (a formal Japanese ritual akin to the famous Japanese Tea Ceremony), tiny splinters of aloeswood are enjoyed slowly and individually. As far as environmental impact goes, incense making can be far less destructive than perfumery, but that does not relieve us of our duty to ensure we aren't hastening the destruction of this amazing aromatic species.

The clear danger here is that our love of aloeswood could eventually lead to its demise. Overharvesting could lead to extinction by destroying the old-growth trees as well as the destruction of the habitat in the process. The other major danger is one that I have already mentioned: poachers. This is one of the primary ways that we as consumers can help to protect all of the vital resources on Earth, including aloeswood: knowing the source of your materials is key. Purchasing from established, reputable vendors is a great way to protect these resources.

Making your best effort is the only good approach, apart from simply never using any endangered materials. There are two drawbacks to avoiding the use of these materials: The first is that you deny yourself and others from enjoying these amazing aromatics. I admit, that is a bit self-serving, but it needs to be included in your thinking. The second reason is less obvious. The money spent buying these aromatics from legal, legitimate sources helps to support the efforts to conserve and protect these resources.

This all sounds a bit depressing, but there is hope on the horizon. In recent years sustainable, managed aloeswood has come onto the market. While still lacking some of the depth that much older trees can produce, I can't begin to thank enough those who have worked to make these projects come to life. Without them, it is doubtful if future generations would get to enjoy the wonder of aloeswood.

The first hope is the Agarwood Project. The Agarwood Project is sponsored by the Rainforest Project (TRP) and is intended to preserve aloeswood while providing economic support for communities as well. One key aspect of the project is planting and harvesting sustainable aloeswood populations. There is a pilot project in Vietnam right now that is already producing commercial aloeswood. While the quality of this farmed aloeswood has not reached the level of the wild harvested wood, the aloeswood coming out is very nice and improving in quality every year. This is the kind of project that all incense users should support. The future of other aromatics might hinge on the success of projects like this one. The Agarwood Project has been ongoing for some years now, which is why we are able to buy products resulting from it, and it demonstrates the foresight that is needed to save our precious natural resources. I am deeply grateful to everyone involved in this project and hope that it serves as a model for future economically aware conservation efforts.

In 2007 the second agarwood conference was held in Thailand. This was a gathering of specialist from around the world whose goal was to save this species of tree while keeping the needs of native populations, governments, and ecological realities in mind. The conference discussed a wide variety of topics including legislation, nurseries, genetics, sustainability, and more. Visitors heard lectures, attended discussions, and spent time in the field as well. Again, I hope that this is a model for future conservation.


There is perhaps no more universally used aromatic than sandalwood. While there are several varieties of yellow or white sandalwood and scents can vary widely within those species, they are all, in a word, awesome. Sandalwood is another unusual plant that is actually quasi-symbiotic. As a result, it only grows and produces its distinctive scent in the perfect environment. Yellow sandalwood is one of the most amazing aromatics I have used. Its scent is strong, ranging from dark and woody to light and sweet. It mixes well with virtually any other aromatic. And not only does it have remarkable olfactory qualities, it also has excellent burning and magickal properties.

I should point out that, although red sandalwood is in even more danger than white or yellow sandalwood, this discussion is specifically aimed at the white/yellow variety. I haven't purchased red sandalwood in several years and may not purchase any again until I see improvements in the longevity of the red sandalwood species.

Sandalwood is used as a ritual aromatic in many cultures and serves as a holy substance as well. Nowhere is this truer than in India. In this distant land, sandalwood is much more than a nice-smelling wood; it is sacred and serves in many different revered roles. As a result, it has a place in many different phases of life. From birth to death, sandalwood accompanies people at critical moments of life. Traditional funerals in India have often included the burning of huge quantities of sandalwood. When you consider the size of the population of India and the ever-shrinking supplies of sandalwood, it is easy to see the problem. The rituals of death are so important in most cultures, that we cannot overstate the importance of this issue to many in India.

Once you learn to recognize the scent of sandalwood, you will be amazed at how often you smell it. Many perfumes contain sandalwood, as do other scented products. These oils are often synthetic, but not always. The perfume industry is just as enamored with sandalwood as the incense industry. When you consider that many fragrance products (soaps, air fresheners, deodorants, etc.) look to the perfume industry for inspiration and methods, the impact of the perfume industry is significant.

It is hard to imagine the incense world without sandalwood. Its amazing variety of scents, subtle variations, and the depth of its sweetness all make it a nearly perfect aromatic wood. It is used in construction, religious rituals, manufacturing, and more, but to me it will always be a gift for the incense user. Sandalwood has been used in incense since prehistory and its qualities make it clear why. I would weep should we ever lose sandalwood as an incense material. To think that future generations will not get to enjoy its magick is beyond horror for me.

The problems of endangered botanicals have not escaped the attention of governments and other organizations. The government of India has made some attempts at conservation, including the limitation of sandalwood exports from their country, but the success of these efforts is virtually impossible to measure. The level of information about the sandalwood trade in India is limited and poaching is rampant. While I advise people to know the origin of their incense materials, the issue with Indian yellow sandalwood is nearly impossible to overcome. (There is a solution for incense makers that I will discuss shortly.)

There are many dangers in this situation. First there is the financial impact. The destruction of India's sandalwood would destroy many businesses. All aspects of India's fragrance industry would be impacted (including the incense industry). There is also the impact on tradition. India's traditions associated with sandalwood are deep and ancient. The loss of sandalwood would have significant social impacts in India and other cultures. Finally, and honestly less important, would be the impact to incense makers and users around the globe.

I did mention that there is hope for white sandalwood: Australia. In Australia, the sandalwood population was nearly wiped out in the mid-twentieth century. Australia is home to several different species of white/yellow sandalwood and provides some ideal environments for growing sandalwood. Excellent management and cultivation have seen the Australians burst into the incense world in recent years with their own yellow/white sandalwood. This well-managed population is entering the commercial markets and will likely become the dominant source for sandalwood in the coming decade.

The government of Australia is firmly behind the sandalwood industry, and I salute everyone involved for their foresight. Sandalwood could have easily vanished from Australia or been completely marginalized. Instead, people recognized the danger that was looming ahead, even if it was decades away. Years were invested into research and the establishment of commercial production, and people are now marketing these new sandalwood products. This was a case of people looking beyond their own lives and worrying about future generations. We are fortunate enough to be here while the products are coming on to the market.

I don't want to leave anyone with the impression that all yellow sandalwood comes from India or Australia. Sandalwood is found in many parts of the world and is an important aspect of many economies. However, the supply level from other countries is small and the dangers of extinction are ever-present. I know incense aficionados who collect sandalwood from around the world and enjoy nearly endless combinations of scent all composed of sandalwood. I think there's no harm in buying small amounts of sandalwood from nearly anywhere (with the obvious exception of India), but if you make bulk purchases, I would urge you to buy from Australia. Not only are there no concerns about wiping out an endangered population of sandalwood, you are supporting the efforts of people who have created far-sighted policies intended to benefit the world. As consumers, we vote with our money; I urge you to vote for the nations that have taken responsibility for conservation and preservation.

CITES Treaty

The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species is another important step that may help us save many valuable species, and this is not limited to the incense world. The current CITES treaty does not address white/yellow sandalwood, but it does address both aloeswood/agarwood and red sandalwood. This treaty defines how the trade of these endangered species should be conducted and the limitations of the trade.

Sadly, poachers don't respect this treaty, as is seen by many nations that are forced to hire police to protect these gifts of nature. This is a strain on smaller nations, but I think it's important to recognize these efforts and salute those who dedicate their lives to protecting natural diversity. The problems of poaching continue to haunt the world, as those who are more interested in money than their children's legacy will stop at nothing to add a few more dollars to their pockets.


This aromatic is rare because it is so unlikely that it will ever be created and when it is, it is rare that any is found by humans for their use. Ambergris is an excretion from sperm whales. It is believed that they expel this material as self-preservation to protect their intestines from bones or the sharp beaks of squid they consume. When first expelled from the whale, it truly isn't usable as an aromatic. Thankfully, this means no poachers will go out to kill sperm whales in order to steal their ambergris.

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