Incineration (Heart of Stone) (15 page)

BOOK: Incineration (Heart of Stone)
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Mason snarled and his breathing sped up, his rage surfacing
as I told my story “Do you want me to stop?” I asked him gently but he shook
his head and kissed my scalp “No, go on”. I nodded “So I put what belongings I
had in a backpack, raided the foster carer’s purse for £25 and left, catching a
bus to London. I made my spot under a bridge and would scrounge for food and

Mason took a deep breath “Jesus Ava” he sighed “Hey, it was
better than going through what he did to me every night. I knew if I stayed
that he would have eventually killed me” he grunted and I took in a deep
breath, giving me the courage to tell him the next horrific part “that’s where
I met Katie. She was beautiful and so full of life, even though we were on the
streets. We struck a friendship straight away. She was an excellent pick pocket
and I had good fighting skills so we kept each other alive and I loved her so
much” I swallowed and hesitated “one night we were camped behind some garages
when we were approached by two blokes, they thought we were prostitutes and
propositioned us” I had started trembling “Easy Baby, it’s okay, I’m here” he
whispered softly and started stroking my arm gently, his fingers sliding up and
down in a soft rhythm.

I paused for a while, trying to slow my heartbeat “Katie
laughed and told them to fuck off but they just kept goading us” I paused again
and took some deep breaths as I started sweating and my eyes burnt “I could see
they were checking out Katie so I stood up and told them to fuck off. One of
them grabbed my hair and pushed me up against the wall while the other grabbed
Katie” I swallowed the nausea back and Mason stroked my hair, trying to soothe
my shaking “they raped us both but when he tried to rape me again he tried
to…he tried to…” I took some deep breaths and closed my eyes “He tried to take
my…arse” I grated and Mason inhaled harshly “I was 17 and had never done that
and I was scared so I…so I fought back and bit him. I ran over to Katie and
tried to pull the bloke off her but they were too strong for us, needless to
say he tried to finish what he started but I continued to fight. He warned me
that if I didn’t hold still my friend would get hurt but I ignored him”

I started to sob now “Shush Baby” he whispered “Do you want
to stop?” he asked gently but I shook my head severely “I need to tell you
Mason, I need to” I was shaking violently and he gripped me “he warned me but I
didn’t fucking listen” I cried and his own tears were falling now, I was
breaking him with me “when I didn’t stop biting and scratching him he punched
me in the head and I fell to the ground and then he started kicking me in the
stomach and back until I couldn’t move and then he…he
I rubbed my
face with my hands and pulled away from Mason and sat up but didn’t face him
“He…he found a petrol can from one of the garages, poured it over Katie and set
her on fire” I whispered brokenly “Jesus Christ!” he snarled “I couldn’t get to
her, I tried so hard but the flames just swept over her too quickly and he held
me back, laughing at her…he fucking laughed at her!” I sobbed and he leaned
forward, enveloping me again “I can still hear her fucking screams, I can still
smell her fucking flesh burning Mason” I cried “Jesus Christ Ava” he held me tight
as my body shook violently.

Pushing him off I ran up the stairs just managing to get to
the toilet as I vomited vehemently, my stomach revolting at the memories. I
felt Mason squat behind me and swept my hair away from my face as I continued
to empty my stomach.

His hands stroked my sweating back and he whispered my name
over and over until I had nothing left to throw up. He leant me against the
wall and turned on the bath taps, filling the bath and when it was full of
warm, foamy water he peeled off my shirt and lifted me into it, climbing in
behind me and pulling me against him as we lay there, together in silence as my
body shook and his heart broke.


“I’m sorry Ava” he said eventually “I didn’t mean to go
behind your back but I knew something was holding you back from our
relationship” he sighed and I squeezed his hand “I know” I whispered. He shook
his head “I should have trusted you Ava and I’m so sorry” he swept my hair back
and kissed my temple “I only found out the basics. Just your foster carers but
not what you went through in them all, and your injuries from that night but I
didn’t know what had happened although I gathered you were raped, my mother’s
notes didn’t explain anything other than your physical state and the mention of
your mental withdrawal” he picked up the sponge and started to bathe me gently
“I have only ever told George. Courtney knows it was something horrific but not
the specifics” I told him “I should have been patient and trusted you” he
claimed “I know Mason, stop apologising. But I need you to trust me in the
future otherwise there is no basis for a relationship” he nodded “Ava, do
you…do you think you need to talk to somebody, you know like a councillor?” he
asked cautiously but I shook my head “No, I’m not that sort of person Mason.
It’s helped that I have spoken to you” I said quietly and he kissed me again
“George pulled me back up, his patience and care will be something that I will
never forget. He sat up with me when my nightmares haunted me night after
night, he held me when I sobbed and he bought me a punch bag” I chuckled “I
remember his face when he first saw me pound the bag until it split” he scoffed
“Fuck me Ava, you’re a right little warrior” he laughed “I needed to be Mason”
I said sadly “I managed to get free and run that night, and that’s when George
found me, huddled in the corner of the pub car park” I felt him nod behind me
“Did you ever see them again?” he asked slowly and I shook my head “No, George
went out to look but didn’t find them and I never saw them again. I don’t know
whether that’s a good thing or not” I laughed bitterly and Mason scoffed “For
their case, I’d say it’s a good thing” he said but I shrugged “I dunno Mason;
they were too strong for me then, however much I fought. I tried to save her
but…but…” I sobbed and Mason clung to me “it’s my fault she died Mason!” I
pulled away from him and drew my knees up and hugged them to me “Baby no! You
did what anybody would have done” his voice broke and his fingers stroked up
and down my spine. 

I shook my head again “But he told me, he warned me…I should
have just let him do it and then Katie would still be here” I rasped as a tear
slid out “Ava, you can’t think like that. How do you know they still wouldn’t
have done it even if you gave in?” he kissed my back, his arms slid round me
and hugged my legs with me “You…you…” he swallowed heavily “they could have
done the same to you Ava, if you hadn’t run” and I shrugged “But it would’ve
been better than having to see Katie’s pain every day. Her face…the terror and
agony…” I broke off and rested my head on my knees “Her face never leaves me
Mason, nor does the way she screamed my name in torture…” I retched and Mason
pulled me back “Shush Baby, its over. I’m gonna help you through, I’m here for
you Ava” he whispered against my head and I gripped his arms tightly and nodded
“I know” his mouth slid round to my neck, kissing it gently “I love you Ava.
I’ve never felt like this about anybody but you…I will kill anybody that harms
you. I won’t let anybody hurt you again…ever!” I tilted my head and cupped his
face as he kissed me lovingly “I love you too Mason, so much that it frightens
me” he frowned severely but nodded “Don’t be scared of how you feel Ava, never
be afraid to love” he whispered as he breathed against my lips and made love to
me slowly and tenderly, our need to soothe each other evident in the way we
held each other as we both climaxed together, joined in body and soul.



Mason dropped me back at my cottage late afternoon so I
could dress for Brian’s party. He was due to pick me up at 8 O’clock and I felt
lighter than I had done in years; His support and tenderness had cracked more
of my shell.

My phone rang just before Mason arrived “Hey Ava” Courtney
said “You didn’t ring me babe and I was getting worried” I groaned “Oh god,
sorry Hun” she laughed “it’s okay Ava. How did it go with Mason?” she asked
cautiously “Good, we talked and I opened up and told him everything” I told her
and I heard her heavy sigh of relief “Oh babe. I’m glad but just be careful
okay. Take it slow and see how it goes, I don’t want to see him hurt you
anymore. You’re the usual fighter in our circle but I swear to god, if he hurts
you…” she broke off and I smiled at her protectiveness “I know Courtney. I have
to go Hun, I’m off to Brians’ party”

We said our hurried goodbyes as Mason knocked on the door. I
swung it open, turning quickly to slip into my shoes and grab my bag and when I
turned back round to him he was frozen in the doorway.

 His eyes were dark and hooded, his bottom lip pulled
severely in his teeth and his fists were clenched at his sides. His eyes were
boring into me “Mason?” I asked, confused at his expression “Jesus Ava, you
look…you look…
” he groaned and raked his hair with his hands.

I wore a deep grey silk dress that plunged down to my navel
at the front, my breasts secured with special tape. The rear was pure lace down
to the tip of my ass and luckily came with a built-in crotch. I grinned slyly
“You like my dress?” I asked, my eyebrow and lip lifting “Fuck! I’m not gonna
be able to keep my hands off you” he growled and I laughed and pulled him back
through the door, locking up and leading him to the limo he had waiting for me
“You hired this for me?” I asked and he nodded, still unable to speak.


He grabbed the champagne and poured us both a glass. His
hands were trembling and his pupils were still shot as he took a sip and I
placed my glass in the holder and trailed my finger over his jaw and leant into
his ear “Are you hard for me Mason?” I breathed and he groaned as I cupped his
erection “Ava don’t touch me, not unless you want me to embarrass myself” I
gave him a slow grin and slid his zip down, pulling his rock hard erection free
“Wow, that looks painful” I teased and nibbled his earlobe.

He moaned loudly and sucked in his lips “Would you like me
to help you out?” I asked him huskily and he panted as I took him in my hand
tightly squeezing “Ava please Baby?” he begged and I chuckled and slid down.

I mouthed his sack and sucked gently as my thumb slid over
his tip, smearing the pre-cum that had escaped. He groaned louder and gripped
my hair as my tongue swept the full length of his huge cock, flicking at the
tip and then I slid my mouth round him and plunged all the way to the base of
him. He hissed harshly and bucked his hips and I groaned against him “
growled as my murmurs reverberated around his shaft.

His grip tightened in my hair as he pumped his hips,
thrusting himself into my mouth and as I bared my teeth and slid them over him,
he jerked violently, filling my mouth with his hot, salty cum “
Fuck, Fuck,
 He snarled and struggled for breath “Christ Ava” he rasped. I
reached up and kissed him “You taste even better with my cum on your lips” he
breathed and I moaned and squirmed against him. His finger traced the edge of
the gape on my dress and I sucked in a breath and just as his fingers slid onto
my thigh there was a tap on the privacy screen of the car. I groaned loudly “So
not fair” I pouted and Mason chuckled “I’ll make it worth the wait Baby. I’m
gonna fuck you into next week when I get you home” he whispered and I slapped
his arm “Mason stop! Otherwise it will be my turn to embarrass myself”. He
laughed and climbed from the car as our door swung open and the driver stood
waiting for our departure.


As we approached the doors to the private club that Brian
had hired, I hesitated; the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end and my
body exploded in a cold shiver, goose bumps erupting all over my body. I spun
round, checking out my surroundings as the feeling of being watched overwhelmed
me. “Ava?” Mason queried, moving his gaze to where I was scanning, a deep
furrow on his forehead. I shook myself and cleared my head “Nothing, just a
strange feeling” I shrugged and entered the building, Masons hand tightly
gripping mine.


The room was filled to the brim and I was pleased that so
many people admired Brian enough to turn up. I quickly found him in the crowd
and as soon as he saw me a huge grin erupted on his face and he hugged me tight.
“Ava, you look beautiful sweetheart” he beamed, cupping my face and kissing my
forehead. Masons hand tightened in mine and he glared at Brian “Put her down
Brian” he said light-heartedly but I could feel the tension in him.

I stole a quick scowl at him and shook my head slightly “Oh
simmer down Mason, I don’t see her like that. She’s like family” Brian scolded
and Mason nodded and dropped my hand as he scooped Brenda into a hug. She
squeezed him hard and then turned to me “Ava Darling. You look incredible. That
dress is gonna make some men hot under the collar tonight” she winked and Mason
growled. I rolled my eyes at him “Don’t panic Baby, I’m here with you” I told
him and he huddled me close, kissing my lips sensually.

Brenda cocked her head and pursed her lips “Mason” she
uttered and he turned to her “I am just going to say this once and then it’s
done with. You hurt her and I will personally make it my mission to destroy
you” she said bluntly. Mason nodded and took her hand “Brenda, if I hurt her I
will personally destroy myself” he told her frankly and they held each other’s
gaze for a moment and when she nodded, everybody relaxed.


Brian and Brenda left us to go and mingle and Mason led me
to the bar “Vodka and cranberry and a scotch on ice” he ordered “I’ll take a
vodka and cranberry then” I mocked and he rolled his eyes “Don’t be awkward
Ava” he said stiffly and I childishly poked my tongue at him.

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