Inconvenient Relations (11 page)

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Authors: Simi K. Rao

BOOK: Inconvenient Relations
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“Whatever, I don’t care! She only has vengeance on her mind!”

So you want to kill me! I need to get my hands on that Swiss army knife.

“Hold that pose. You look like a girl who swallowed a vile-tasting insect!” He laughed, pulling out the Nikon.

“Shaan! You—”

“Do you folks want a picture together? You make a handsome couple,” a man in a French beret offered amiably, and Shaan immediately handed him the camera.

“What are you doing?” she asked irritably when he hugged her from behind, placing both arms around her waist.

“Playing pretend as you like to do so often. Now smile!” he whispered, leaning his head close to hers while Mr. Beret snapped away.

I hate you. I really do!
she screamed inside, her eyes welling up with unshed tears.

“C’mon, cheer up, Bee. Wipe that sour look off your face. We are good friends and housemates remember? Now tell me if you recognize this one!”

She blinked hastily, dabbing her eyes with a tissue.
Let me enjoy myself while I can.

“Oh my god! It’s
by Van Gogh!” She stared agape at the very familiar painting. “Don’t tell me it’s the original!”

“Are you out of your mind? It is
original! It was painted when the artist was in an asylum the year before he died. It’s evidence genius doesn’t require a sane mind. Poor chap, he received only three hundred Francs for it,” Shaan muttered as he dolefully regarded the canvas.

“How much is it worth now? A million, two?”

Shaan Googled on his cell. “For crying out loud! It was last valued at over one hundred million! It is one of the most expensive pieces of art in the world. Poor Van Gogh.”

Later at the museum café while Shaan frowned at his lackluster cappuccino.

“Perhaps you should steal it,” Ruhi interjected casually, taking a bite of her cold tomato mozzarella sandwich.

“Steal what.
? Are you kidding me?”

“No, I’m serious. I could help,” she said eagerly.

Throwing his head back, he guffawed. “Good god! No wonder I love you. You are one of a kind!”

She flushed beet red, unable to swallow.
What is he trying to say?

“What are you doing?” She drew back when she saw him approaching too close for comfort.

“There is ketchup on your chin. There… Now it’s gone, my beautiful friend.”

I hate you, Shaan.

I love you, Ruhi!


“So what is next on the itinerary, Mr. Grey? Care to enlighten this curious bee?” Ruhi asked as they proceeded along a narrow winding road, which appeared to be steadily climbing into the hills. She had been tolerating her husband’s curiously aloof behavior for at least the past half hour and it was driving her berserk.

When will you stop calling me with that pathetic excuse of a name, Ruhi? Don’t you know I hate it already?

“We are bound for some education and entertainment.”

“Education and entertainment!” she exclaimed. “How is that possible?”

“Anything is possible here in LA…you shall see.” He was back at his enigmatic best.

“Oh this is marvelous. I should compliment you on your choice of sights, Grey!”

They had just stepped inside the Griffiths Observatory, one of the most popular landmarks and destinations in Los Angeles located on the south side of Mount Hollywood, which houses one of the largest telescopes in the world.

“I should tell you that this place was my most favorite haunt while in school and during the first two years at work. I used to come here on clear nights to gawk at the planets and stars and dream that perhaps one day I could journey to them as well.”

Laughing when he saw her eye him incredulously, he said, “I don’t mean in person but via one of the spacecrafts I helped design.”
And it does feel like the dream may finally come true.
He sighed, gazing into the distance.

That’d mean you were preoccupied with Des for the last couple of years. That sick witch!

I hate it when you look at me like that, Ruhi! What’s biting you?

“Anyway, this is the Foucault’s Pendulum.”

“What in crazy hell is that?”
I know you’re trying to distract me, Shaan, but I do not intend to make it easy for you.

“Oh calm down, Ruhi, or Bee, or whoever you are right now,”

Shaan blurted out his poorly disguised exasperation.
Why can’t you just spill the beans instead of throwing casual barbs now and then?
“It demonstrates the rotation of the earth. The free-swinging pendulum, suspended by a forty-meter long steel wire knocks down each of the pegs, which the earth’s rotation brings into its path about every seven minutes.”



Then as if to prove his point, in precisely the space of seven minutes a peg toppled down from its upright position. Ruhi who had been watching with baited breath, let out a whoop of delight and clapped her hands loudly, which brought forth a few titters from the late-afternoon crowd.

“Get a grip, Ruhi, you are creating a scene!” Shaan growled, dragging her outside.

“But I want to see more pegs being knocked down, Shaan. That pendulum is way cool!” She struggled to free herself.

“I’ll show you something even cooler. It’s high time for some entertainment,” he said through clenched teeth, roughly shoving her into the passenger seat.

“Look at what you’ve done!” she griped, blowing over a sizeable bruise taking shape on her arm.

“Sorry, but we are running late, and you were behaving like a regular clown!”

“No I wasn’t! How can you—Why are we stopping here?” she demanded, suddenly antsy as the car drew to an abrupt halt along a lonely stretch of road. He didn’t answer instead sprung out, ran over to her side, and held her door open pointing up the verdant hillside.

“What’s that? Yikes!”

“Presenting the famed Hollywood sign up close and personal. The iconic symbol of wealth, success, and entertainment!” He grinned, watching her as she stared openmouthed.

“Oh, thank you!”

“Now what was that for?” he asked, momentarily taken aback after she treated him to a quick hug and a miniscule peck on the cheek.

“For rough handling me so you could show me this. You are simply too cute sometimes. Oops!” She colored, clamping a hand on her mouth.

God, do I love you my poisonous insect!

“Shall we make a move?” he asked with an inscrutable smile, which made her nerves reverberate under her skin.

It’ll be a pity to waste such gorgeousness, but it has to be done
, she thought regretfully as she strapped herself in.


“My feet are killing me!” she moaned, draping herself on a lamppost. “You didn’t say we’d be walking this much!”

He shrugged, unperturbed. “You didn’t ask. Anyways, I’m not too familiar with the layout.”

They had just passed the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and he’d gotten thoroughly riled watching her squander a good half hour hunting for Leonardo Di Caprio’s nonexistent star. “Why are you not interested in Charlie Chaplin, Albert Einstein, or even Neil Armstrong who happens to be my idol?”

“Yes, I am. But Leo.” She sighed, closing her eyes. “When he froze to death in those icy waters in order to save the love of his life…”

“Gosh you sound like an out-of-work mortician.” He smirked. “Yes, that would be your opinion because for you love is a gimmick and anyone who gives up his life for it, a moron!” Her eyes bore into him like two very cold steely knives before she whipped around and marched away in a swirl of white.

“I didn’t mean it that way! God how do you make this woman tick?” he mumbled, hurrying after her. He didn’t have to go far. She was doubled over at the corner brooding at her three-inch heels.

“You could always take them off or—”

“Now don’t say you’re offering to give me a ride!” She stepped back in a flurry.

“What…and break my back!” he burst out as though at some fantastic joke. “I meant you could also choose to suffer by keeping them on.”

“Thank you for great advice!”

“Anytime, sweetheart!”

They stood at the intersection of Hollywood and La Brea, scowling at each other for several minutes.

“I think we are lost.”

“You’re bang on target for once!”

“Don’t you even know how to read maps?”

“I do, but I have no clue where I parked the blasted car!”


“Hey wait!”
do I always seem to be running behind her?

The strains of MJ’s “Bad.”

Hooking around the corner, they came upon a small group of young black men jiving to the very familiar beat. They had managed to attract a sizeable crowd, and everybody was having a very good time.

“Let’s move on now. You can see this some other time.” Shaan grabbed her hand.

“No wait, that time may never come,” she retorted with spirit and pushed herself to the front.

I don’t think I’ll ever get her to myself today
, he thought miserably when suddenly he heard the song change and a collective gasp from the crowd followed by loud applause. He gaped in disbelief when he saw his wife grooving with a pimply teen to the tune of PYT, and to make matters worse, she appeared to enjoy it. “How dare you dance with anyone else besides me?” he said as he hauled her angrily into his arms.

You don’t own me!

I think I do…very much so!

She tried to elude his grasp but found him too agile and determined.

“Not too shabby for a guy who spends most of his time in front of the computer. You are a revelation, Mr. Grey. Now you better feed me something cold or else I’ll melt into the sidewalk!” she said, all flushed and hot.

They had ice cream at a place he knew. She chose raspberry and cream while he requested his float to be spiked with generous dollops of rum, which the proprietor kept hidden under the counter just as Eric had told him. He took all his girlfriends there.


Venice Beach.

“Did you come here to show me couples necking on the sand?” she asked, giggling.

Blast! She sounds more drunk than me!
Shaan thought, feeling stone-cold sober.

“No, I brought you here so you could walk barefoot. Sand is good for achy feet.”

“Shut up and stop making excuses, Shaan!” She laughed before darting away on the famed boardwalk, deftly avoiding the scores of avid skateboarders.

What does she mean? Does she know how I feel?

He cursed himself, following slowly behind, looking toward the horizon for inspiration and not finding any; the sun had set awhile ago.

“Sorry!” he muttered, nearly stumbling over a couple who were indeed “necking on the sand.” What could be going on in their minds?

The girl I’m sure believes herself to be in love while the guy…I bet he doesn’t even know her name.
He chuckled.

Gawd! Is that what Ruhi takes me to be? A rake who would dump her soon after he has had his fill? Damnit! I bet that’s it. I need to set her mind right, but how?

His eyes scouted earnestly for her white figure. Where the hell has she disappeared?

“Ruhi! Holy crap! Are you out of your bloody mind!”

After a harrowing search for what seemed like an eternity, he came upon her standing waist deep in the warm waters, her arms stretched out in front as though reaching for someone.

“I’m not suicidal if that’s what you’re worried about,” she said, trying to flick away the restricting hand he had placed on her shoulder. “It just feels so good when the sand erodes beneath your feet and the sea slowly pulls you toward her, like a mother calling to her child.”

“It all sounds very cool, but in reality, this is how most imbeciles like you lose their lives! It’s called oceanic current darling, and it’s simply ruthless!” he hollered, roughly dragging her back to safety.

I’m certain I’m marked for premature death, but dying happy is always better than dying lonely
, he agonized as she wrenched herself from his grasp.

“You called me an idiot!”

“Of the first order!”

She blundered away in a huff.


“Don’t call me that!”

“Fine then, Bee. Anyhow, it fits you better,” he mumbled. Then, in a barely audible whisper, which the wind carried to her ear, he said, “Please, shall we call it quits now? My heart can’t take it anymore.”

In response, he was bestowed a dazzling smile, and her arms reached out to him. Her eyes sparkled with something he dared not guess.

They walked side-by-side, hand in hand on the beach, stealing furtive glances of each other, wondering, hoping, wishing.

“Shaan?” She stopped in her tracks and took a step, bridging the void between them.

“Yes?” He waited holding his breath.

“Let’s perchance imagine for just one moment that the world as we know it was coming to an end tomorrow.”
I don’t know why I’m saying this, but I don’t care. Perhaps the sea is affecting me.

“What do you mean, Ruhi? Nothing like that is going to happen.”

“What is the last thing you’d want to do before you die?” she persisted, peering up into his eyes, her face gleaming ethereal in the moonlight.

I’d want to make mad love to you if it’s the last thing I do!
He pulled her in to his arms, defying her to read his mind, battling against his instincts.

Yes, that’s what I’d want, too.
Her hands reached up to clutch at his shirt, finding comfort in the heat that radiated from his skin and closed her eyes wishing the moment would never end.

But it’s the only thing he wants from you, Ruhi.

A sob escaped her mouth as she pushed him away.

“Don’t you dare run from me!” he yelled, pulling her back. “Stop playing these ridiculous mind games. Say what you wish to say right now and get it over with. Scream, shout, or even hit me! Just let it all out, Ruhi, just do it!”

Damn those lips are begging to be saved
, he thought as their faces drifted closer and their breaths mingled…raspberries and cream. Her mouth parted; she felt drawn to him like a magnet.

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