Indebted (5 page)

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Authors: A.R. Hawkins

BOOK: Indebted
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Pushing the third finger in, I go back to sucking him furiously while thrusting in at a fast pace. I curve them slightly, tapping his hot spot.

That’s all it takes to push him over the edge. “Fuck, yes! Ahhhh…. Urgh.”

Spurt after spurt spills into my mouth and I greedily gulp it down, sucking hard, trying to get every last drop. Slipping my fingers out of his ass, I lean him against the desk, letting his softening cock slip out of my mouth.

I sit back a little to enjoy my handy work. Aaron is trembling and panting hard, his face and chest flushed with a thin sheen of sweat. I peek up into his eyes to see a stunned, dazed expression.

Damn, man, you’re the shit.

With what I’m sure is a satisfied look on my face, I let him catch his breath. It’s my fuckin’ turn now, and I start unbuttoning my black dress shirt. Gazing up at him, I notice him staring hungrily as my chest is slowly revealed. I know I look good because all that time in the gym gives me more than strength. I got a kick-ass body too. Running my eyes over his body again, my dick twitches.

I pull my shirt apart and tell him, “Touch me.”

Spurred into action, he peels his hands away from the table and leans over me, chewing on his lip as he places his unsure hands on my chest.

Almost to himself, Aaron says, “You have a fucking beautiful body.”

I watch as he lets himself go and trails his fingertips over my pecs. My skin is tingling wherever his soft tips touch. He pinches my nipples much the same way I did to him. Another jolt of electricity shoots straight to my dick as Aaron’s hands start lightly outlining the ridges of my abs.

Groaning and needing to relieve the pressure, I quickly undo my fly and lift my ass off the seat, pushing my pants down to my knees as I peer back up at him. He reaches down and wraps his long fingers around my cock, gently starting to pump me.

I slam my head back against the cushion and grunt, “Oh shit, that’s good.”

Emboldened by my reaction, he grips me harder and starts moving faster. It’s all I can do not to bust a nut right there.
Jesus Christ, I gotta stop this before I embarrass myself.
I grip his hands, pulling him away from the throbbing appendage.

He turns and nervously says, “Was I not doing it right?”

“You’re doing great. I want to be inside that ass of yours when I come,” I reassure him. “Come, sit on my lap.”

Climbing into my lap, he straddles me. “Is this alright?”

Hell yes, it’s all right. He looks like a debauched angel sitting on top of me, and I can’t wait to defile him more.

I take the condom and tear it open, rolling it down my length. Popping open the lube, I rub a generous amount on my cock. I reach around and dip two fingers, then three, into his hole again. Grunting above me, Aaron lets out a long moan. I pull out of his ass, gripping his cheeks to center his entrance right above the head of my dick.

I meet his eyes. “Since this is your first time, I’m going to let you control the speed.”

He nods his head in understanding. “Thank you, sir.”

“Call me Liam,” I instruct him. “I want to hear my name when you scream it, not ‘Sir.’”

“Yes, si…. Liam.”

“You ready?” I ask anxiously.

“Yes.” With that, he starts lowering himself on me, hissing as the head breaks through the barrier muscle. “Fuck, it burns.”

“Take a deep breath and try to relax. When the burn eases, move to take more of me.”
Fuck, please take more of me. What I’m feeling already is incredible. I’ve never felt a tighter hole in my life.

He works his way down until I’m fully seated in him and I’m in fucking heaven. Feeling his body unclench from the vice-like grip it has on my dick, I know I can finally move.

Thank fuck.

Clutching his cheeks, I start moving him. As the sensations bombard me, my eyes roll back into my head for a moment, enjoying pure bliss.

He reaches behind my head, gripping the seat cushion, and starts riding me. I’m surprised at the little tiger coming out. Moaning, I bend forward, clasping on to one of his nipples with my mouth. I start sucking and biting my way across his chest. Aaron’s pleasured sounds are loud now.

Between pants, he babbles, “Fuck… never… never knew it… it could be like… like this… unh.”

Groaning, I fist his hair and attack his throat. My hips start pumping upward to meet his downward thrusts. I run my tongue up his neck, nibbling on the soft skin I find there.

Lost in a lust-induced fog, I pant in his ear, “You feel so fucking good on my cock, baby. You like having my cock in your ass?”

He whimpers, “Yes—so good…. So full…. Not going to last.”

I’m damn glad to hear that, because I’m gonna blow any second. Shifting my position, I look for his gland to push him over the cliff. When Aaron cries out, I know I’ve nailed it. Pounding into him over and over, I’m racing fast to the edge.

He throws back his head. “Fuck, Liam! I’m coming! Argghh…. Oh God!”

I feel his hole clamp down on my dick, and seeing him squirting come all over my chest does me in. Grunting and groaning, I slam into him a few more times before my orgasm shoots through me like liquid fire. I explode, filling the condom, while calling out Aaron’s name.

Panting heavily, he rests his forehead on my shoulder and I rub his back, trying to catch my own breath. That was so fucking hot. I’ve never fucked anyone sensitive enough to come without any stimulation to their cock. I’ve read about shit like that, but I didn’t truly believe it—I’m drained.

Resting back in the seat, I whisper in his ear, “You okay?”

He sighs, mumbling into my shoulder. “Yeah, that was intense.”

I laugh, “Hell yeah, it was.”

Lifting him up slightly, I pull the condom off, tie it, and throw it in the trash. I feel great. I’ve had the best orgasm of my life, and all the tension from earlier is gone. Maybe his dipshit daddy has done me more of a favor than I did him.

The intercom goes off, making us jump out of our skins. Aaron sits up, but stays in my lap as I tap the button.

“Yeah?” I’m pissed—work is the best mood killer.

Addison’s voice comes through. “Are you two done yet? I have someone out here waiting on you.”

Shit, she’ll never let me live this down.
Best to skip that little discussion for a moment.

“Who is it?” I question, my mind not really on the topic.

“Jeremy. I was going to send him in, but you two were making so much noise, I decided to wait.” That right there is why I hired her—smart.

Not using my brain, I ask, “What exactly did you think was going on in here?”

“Please, even if I were a virgin schoolgirl I’d know what was going on in there.” She snorts. I can’t help it, the thought of Addison as an innocent schoolgirl cracks me up, and I start laughing. She gives an outraged grunt. “Fuck you, Liam. So anyway, are you ready for me to send him in?”

“Give me ten minutes.” Shutting off the device, I turn to Aaron, who is beet red. “I got business to get to. Why don’t you go get cleaned up in the bathroom?” I point to the adjoining room to my office.

“Um… okay.” He eases off my lap and picks up his clothes.

It appears he wants to say something more, but doesn’t. Turning around, he heads to the restroom. I kinda feel bad dismissing him like that, but business is business.
That’s all he is too, Liam.

Grabbing some wipes from the drawer, I focus on getting myself cleaned up. After redressing, I signal Addison to send in Jeremy. He walks in and helps himself to a seat like he owns the place. His eyes roam over my body and he gives me a salacious smile. I hate fuckin’ dealin’ with this guy. He thinks because I’m the only other gay man in the outfit, we should hook up.

Not in this lifetime.

My good mood has lasted all of ten minutes. “What the hell do you want, Jeremy? I don’t have time for your shit.”

“Well, from the sounds coming from this room, I would say that’s exactly what you have time for.” Disgust and anger flow through me at the thought of him hearing us.

“Don’t start your shit with me, I’m in no mood,” I warn while still trying to stay calm. “You have a purpose for being here, so get to it.”

He gives a pouty face. “Fine—I was sent over by Thomas. He wants you to handle a situation.”

“Why me, and what problem?” I ask.

“It seems those gangbangers didn’t listen to the last warning they received. They knocked over two stores under our protection. He wants you to handle it personally because you’re of a similar rank to Sam.”

Well, that’s great. Those little punks have been starting shit with us now for about two months. They call themselves “The Natives” because they are mostly derived from the Native American tribes in the area. They’ve been brainwashing recruits to think they’re about brotherly love and town pride, telling themselves they want to push us out because it’s better for the neighborhood. Of course, the true reason is they want the run of the place themselves. Sam Matthews is a captain, which is sort of my rank in the scheme of things.

Fine, I’ll shut the asshole down. “When does he want it done?”

He gives me the answer I knew he would. “Now.”

God damn it!

“Wait for me in the reception area.” I give my orders. “Tell Addison to call a couple of guys to meet us at that junk heap Sam calls a house.”

After Jeremy leaves, my mind is racing. What the hell am I going to do with Aaron while I deal with this shit? Speaking of Aaron, he’s been in there an awful long time. I hope he’s not in there crying or something. Getting up, I walk over and lean into the closed door, trying to hear something.

I listen to his voice, and it sounds like he’s talking to someone. “… No, Chloe, I’m fine, really. He was sorta nice once he decided I wasn’t busting his balls about being gay…. I know you’re pissed at Dad, but don’t be. This is my fault. If I hadn’t flunked out of med school this wouldn’t have happened…. It doesn’t matter if my mom died, I should’ve manned up and passed my classes…. Chloe, he didn’t guilt me into it. What he said was true…. Shit, Chloe, I gotta go, and I’ve been in here too long. I wanted to call and tell you I’m still alive…. Love you too…. Bye.”

Motherfucker better be glad I told Aaron I wouldn’t hurt him. He and my dad really are two peas in a pod.

Stepping back from the door, I return to my desk. I finish grabbing my gun and throwing my suit jacket on when Aaron walks out, still slightly flushed with that just-fucked look. I feel myself harden a little at the sight of him.
Liam, get yourself under control. Unfortunately, you have other things to do besides go for round two.

He’s wringing his hands again, so I ask, “Aaron, you still doing okay?”

Nervously, he continues to fidget. “I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do now. Am I coming home with you or am I coming back tomorrow?”

Good question. The deciding factor for me is the thought of having him in my bed all night.

“You’re staying with me. In fact, we’re leaving for the day right now. I have to stop and handle something, but after that we can go to my place. Sound good?” Nodding his head, he follows me out, and I stop at the front desk to talk to Addison. “Hey, babe, who’d you get to meet us?”

“Tristan and Luke should be there about the same time you arrive. You watch my man’s back, you hear?” She gives me a warning glare.

“Well, of course, darlin’.” She nods her head, silently directing my attention behind me, so I turn around and see that Jeremy has backed Aaron toward the wall, speaking very softly to him. Aaron is frantically glancing around the room. I take a few steps toward Jeremy and I demand, “What the fuck is goin’ on?”

He turns around and replies, “I was telling… Aaron, is it…? That he looks quite tasty. Maybe I can have a little fun with him when we get back, hmm?”

The thought of him even touching Aaron enrages me. Advancing quickly, I grab Jeremy by the throat, banging him against the wall, and his eyes widen with fear. Slowly, I lift him off his feet as he tries to speak, but the only thing coming from him is gurgling.

“Let’s get something straight right fucking now!
No one
touches Aaron but
! You got that, you piece of shit?” He scratches at my hand as he nods his head in affirmative, and I let him down while he starts gasping for air. “Good, now let’s get this shit done with so I can start my weekend.”

Leading Aaron out, we head to the car and get on the road.

Chapter 4



down in the passenger seat of the black sedan, stunned.

I’ve never seen brute strength like that before. He picked him up with one hand—off the floor. Jesus Christ! Even though I’m partially scared of what that strength can do, a whole other part of me is turned on. He protected me from that creep, and the possessive attitude he displayed excited me.

You’re twisted. This guy’s a murderer, and you’re panting after him like a puppy dog. You need to stop this right now!

Jeremy is in the backseat with his arms crossed. He truly looks like he’s pouting, and he hasn’t said a word since we left—thank God.

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