Independent Women - the Complete BWWM Romance Series Boxset (8 page)

Read Independent Women - the Complete BWWM Romance Series Boxset Online

Authors: Lena Skye

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction, #Short Stories

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“I refuse to be played.”



Kalena looked at Joseph with adoration; he was everything that she wanted and more. Where in the world did he come from? Lucky, would describe one of the emotions that was surging through her veins.


“Damn, I feel I’ve known your ass forever,” Joseph expressed as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.


“That feeling is mutual. It’s absolutely crazy. I’m kind of glad that you bothered me at the coffee shop.”


“Oh, so I bothered you, huh?”


“Well, what would you call it?”


“I was asking for a seat because you were hogging an entire space.”


Kalena laughed loudly, “Whatever makes you feel better.”


“See, you’ve got jokes,” Joseph grinned.


“But you seem to be able to keep up.”


“Yeah, in more ways than one. I just wish that you would let me show you.”


Kalena bit her bottom lip. The power of suggestion was real because now her body was begging for the chance to see just what Joseph had to offer.


“Here’s your check, sir, pay it whenever you’re ready,” the waiter said.


She didn’t even want to look at the bill because they were at 2 West, an expensive restaurant inside the Ritz Carlton in Manhattan. He promised to pull out all of the stops for her on their date and he did. They went to a Broadway show and now he was wining and dining her. He had an element of class that she never knew of. Every now and then, during the show, her eyes would gravitate towards him and he was engrossed in the show. It impressed her.


“Today has been amazing,” Kalena admitted.


“It has, I don’t want it to end. Is there something else that you would like to do?”


“I was thinking that maybe you could come back to my place.”


“Are you going to try to put the moves on me?” he asked,  flirtatiously.


“Yes, is that going to be a problem?”


Joseph looked shocked, “Damn, I was just playing around. But of course that won’t be a problem. I’ll let you take advantage of me tonight.”


“Lucky me, let’s get out of here.”


“Actually, how about we stay?”


“At the hotel?”


“Yeah, besides I don’t really want to wait until I get you home.” He slid his hand along the flesh of her inner thigh causing her to close her eyes and enjoy the feeling of his warm hand against her skin.


“Sounds good to me.”


After they settled their bill they went to the front desk and booked a room for the evening. The elevator ride felt like it took forever but they were only on the 11
 floor, she was just being impatient. Would she even enjoy sex with him? What in the hell did sex with a white boy feel like anyway? What if he had a small dick? Would it be mean to make an excuse to get out of it?


They got to the room and Joseph used the key card to open the door. The flashing green light signified so much more than access to a room. There was finality in it all. The sexual drought  was about to be over and she hoped that it was all worth it. Adding sex to a relationship can either end it or cause it to blossom.


As soon as the door closed, Joseph got to business. He pressed his lips against hers and slowly undid a couple of buttons on her dress; there was no resistance from her as he stroked her soft flesh. She walked them over to the couch and straddled him as he lifted her dress over her head. Revealing her plump firm breasts and perfect naked body, she was exposed to him.

It was happening so fast, her ability to think clearly was failing and instinct was taking its place. It had been far too long since someone invoked those feelings of passion inside of her. His dick was hardening against her center and all fears that she possessed about his size disseminated.


“Let’s completely undress,” he suggested.


She rose to her feet quickly and got rid of her clothing and he followed suit. Looking at the expensive room could wait until after there were a few orgasms under her belt, they had all night.

His lips closed over her nipples and sucked them hard as she stroked his length. It was slender, powerful, and long. She pushed him back against the couch and sat next to him. His hands explored her legs before getting on the floor and positioning himself between them. Her look was quizzical when he took her foot into his hands, earning a grin from him before he licked the soles of her feet and sucked her toes.


The sensation was unbearable and it made her squeal although she didn’t want him to stop. It was something that she’d never experienced before and it felt like pure heaven. His tongue went to her ankle, ran up the inside of her leg, around the back of her knee and up to the top of her inner thigh where he inhaled her feminine scent. His tongue ran over the soft skin either side of her womanhood and then over her stomach and dipped into her navel. 
Kalena’s legs were wide open as her body trembled with each stroke of his tongue. Her hands covered her face as his tongue explored the soft fleshy folds of her labia. When he connected with her clitoris she twitched and gave a soft gasp that turned into a moan of pleasure as his tongue delved deep into the entrance of her cavern.


Her orgasm was so close and he could feel it. He gave extra attention to her bundle of nerves, suckling wildly and French kissing her center until she gave him what he craved. 
With no warning, a jolt of lightning went throughout her body; she tugged his hair and kept him in place as her body bucked against his talented mouth.

He showed no signs of stopping and drank the juices of her pleasure. Another spasm engulfed her entire body causing her leg to cramp. It hurt like hell, but she ignored it, it was miniscule in comparison to the pleasure that she was experiencing. The tidal waves that were going through her body gradually subsided, she was spent from her sweet release. 
Joseph tugged at her legs and pulled her down on the floor with him. She lay on her back with her knees up and legs wide open. He positioned himself on top of her and placed her arms above her head as his skin pressed against hers. His hands clasped in hers and they kissed tenderly. She was a bundle of emotions and feelings. She finally reached down between them and gently squeezed his balls before guiding his dick inside of her. Their names were on each other’s lips as every inch of him was consumed deep within her. There was hardly any pause  before he fucked her with long, slow, deep strokes.


Mindless whispers of how good it felt exchanged between them and the tempo increased. She wrapped her slender legs around him and raked her fingernails up and down his back. 
She squeezed her muscles in an effort to clench him and was struck by another orgasm. Ecstasy enveloped her body as every stroke pounded against her swollen clit. They disconnected from each other and he lay on his back, his dick pointed towards the ceiling.


Instantly she was astride him, stroking his shaft sensuously, enjoying their contrasting skin colors before gliding it back into her body. She rocked back and forth on him, feeling his rod deep inside of her as far as it would go and pressing against her womb.


She wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled, knowing that he was close to cumming. She lifted from him and got on all fours, playfully wiggling her ass in his direction. It didn’t take him long to get the hint. He joined her and rested his chest on her back so that she could feel his stiffness nestling between her cheeks. He trailed long wet kisses down her back and kissed the bottom of her spine before slipping his phallus inside of her with a smooth forceful thrust. 
They fucked energetically and he was so close. His pace picked up and he came quicker than she expected. She thought that he at least had a few more strokes left, but he was finished. Being upset was pointless because he’d given her more than a fair share of orgasm.


“I’m so sorry,” he panted.


“It’s okay.”


“It’s not, but I’m going to make it up to you in the morning and we’re actually going to use the bed,” he laughed.


“Aww, I was hoping that we would use the shower.”


“I like the way you think.”


They made their way to the bedroom and intertwined their bodies.


Kalena confessed, “You make me feel so good when I’m with you, you’re easy to be around. That says a lot.”


“The feeling is mutual,” he said sleepily before he kissed her forehead.


Kalena heard her phone buzzing and she didn’t want to get up to check it, but the idea of it being important was too much to bear. She went to her purse and saw that it was a text from Crystal. She called an emergency brunch at her house. Kalena considered calling her but decided against it and opted to climb back in the bed.




“Okay, so what’s so important that I had to rush my morning to get over here?” Kalena asked irritably.


“Wow, someone is cranky. Do you need a nap?” Tamika asked.


“As a matter of fact, I do.”


“That’s just too bad,” Crystal said, “I need you more than you need your nap.”


Crystal finally checked the information that she’d imported from Martin’s phone. She took her sweet time doing it because there was no turning back.


“Okay, so please share it with me,” Kalena said as she sipped her coffee at Crystal’s kitchen table.

“So I finally looked at the shit on Martin’s phone and I was kind of shocked at what I saw. I don’t want to admit it but you both were right.”


Crystal powered up her laptop and turned it towards her friends. They went through the messages and shook their heads as they read. Martin was sending a lot of the same messages to her that he sent to other women and he was flat out begging for sex from some women. Then they came across a photo of a huge cock.


“Oh shit,” Tamika said as she covered her eyes.


“You would think that you’ve never seen a dick before,” Crystal laughed.


“I have, just not that many.”


Crystal rolled her eyes, “Can you believe it? He’s never sent me these kinds of pictures before.”


“Now I see why men act crazy about their phones,” Kalena said, “They’re some foul motherfuckers.”


“So how do you feel about this?” Tamika asked. They were unsure of what was going through her head because she was so calm.


“For starters, I think that he’s an asshole. I dumped him last night…well after I sold his iPad on eBay yesterday morning,” she snickered. “It’s going to take his broke ass a while to replace it.”


“Broke? He doesn’t look broke,” Kalena said.


“Honey, looks can be deceiving. All of his money is sunk into that ghetto ass car of his, his wardrobe, and child support. I shouldn’t have been messing with him anyway. Ladies, ‘Bitch Crystal’ is back and the male species better watch out. I’m not taking any prisoners this time. I refuse to be played.”





Four weeks later, Kalena was lying in the bed with Joseph, he was consuming a lot of her time in random spurts. They constantly messaged each other and met up for sex at her apartment whenever they could. She didn’t see him nearly as much as she wanted to but the moments that she got from him were well worth it. Once again, her phone went off after sex and it was Tamika saying that she needed to talk and was heading over “right now.”


Kalena’s inner alarm went off because she still wasn’t’ ready for her friends  to meet Joseph. She looked over at him as she was checking and phone and told him.


“Hey Babe, I’m so sorry but you’ve gotta get ready to get out of here.”


“Wow, why?”


“It’s complicated but it’s nothing scandalous, trust me.”


He was confused, “Do you have a boyfriend or something?”


She shook her head, “No it’s just a friend.”


“Then why are you keeping me a secret?


“It’s just complicated.”


He rolled out of bed, put his clothes on and gathered his things. It sucked to see him leave.


On his way out of the door he asked jokingly, “It’s because I’m white isn’t it?”


She shook her head, “I’ll see you later.”


“Bye sexy. I’ll text you later.”


They kissed and he headed to the elevator.  After giving it some thought, she realized that she was being extremely silly about keeping their relationship a secret. Why was she doing it at all? There wasn’t a reason to hide. It seemed that he had a point. It was because he was white.

Trying to uphold the ridiculous standards that her father set in place for her wasn’t going to get her far. Her dad and mom always wanted her to marry a black man. It was an unspoken rule in their household. It wasn’t a secret as to how her dad felt about white people and although she didn’t hold those same beliefs, she was ashamed. It was time for her to get the hell over it and finally be happy.




20 minutes later, Tamika was at Kalena’s door looking as if she’d seen a ghost. Her breathing was erratic and she looked flustered. Kalena hadn’t seen her look like that in a long time. Tamika always seemed to have it together so there was something seriously wrong.


“Are you okay?”


“No, I’m not okay,” Tamika said as she stormed into her house.


“So tell me what’s going on.”


“My period is late and I couldn’t do this myself!” She pulled a pregnancy test from her purse.


“Calm down and breathe. Do you need me to get you drunk?”


Tamika looked at her as if she’d lost her mind.


“Oh right. I guess you probably shouldn’t, just in case. So weed is out of the question too?” She said it jokingly in an attempt to lighten the mood.


“I swear you’re just too damned silly.”


“How about you just go and get it over with. Go to the bathroom, pee on the stick and let’s see what happens. There is no use in freaking yourself out either way.”


“Okay, I’m going to do it now.”


Tamika slowly walked towards the bathroom the way that a pirate is forced to walk the plank. She felt like she was going to throw up. She was on the pill so there wasn’t any reason for her to be late. Sometimes life wasn’t fair even when proper precautions were taken.


A few minutes later Tamika emerged from the bathroom, “I can’t look so in ten minutes go in there and look.”




They sat quietly because it was clear that Tamika wasn’t going to be the best conversationalist, her body was full of nervous energy.


Kalena eventually went to the bathroom and it said very clearly “Pregnant.”


Kalena wanted to jump up and down in excitement. She knew how badly Tamika secretly wanted a baby even though she denied it. She came from the bathroom and said, “Congratulations, Mommy!”


Tamika looked pale as a sheet.


“What’s wrong?”


“The dates don't make sense. I don't think the baby is Reggie's, it must be Jin's!”.






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