Read Indirect Lines: Halle Shifters, Book 5 Online

Authors: Dana Marie Bell

Tags: #werefox;werebear;small town;shapeshifters;bear;fox;law enforcement;shifters

Indirect Lines: Halle Shifters, Book 5 (14 page)

BOOK: Indirect Lines: Halle Shifters, Book 5
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Chapter Twenty-Four

“You scared the fuck out of me,” Barney growled. He led his wayward mate into the bedroom they’d been assigned. He was ready to paddle her ass for coming to Sedona. “I know the email came from my email address, but why didn’t you call and make sure I’d sent it?”

“I did. I even left you a voicemail message, but you never called back.” She flopped down on the bed, her arms spread, her legs dangling over the edge. “Oh, this is comfy.”

“Heather.” He crossed his arms over his chest and glared at her, trying to ignore how cute she was being. She was acting like a kitten, rolling on the bed and practically purring in happiness.

“What?” She was now curled up in the middle of the bed. She’d managed to kick off her shoes, so her bare toes were peeking out from beneath the hem of her jeans.

She was so adorable, so innocent, he couldn’t imagine anyone taking that away from her. He’d fight to the death to keep her the way she was. He’d lose, he knew. Life did that to people, made them wary, even cynical. But he’d try and keep it to a minimum with his precious little Hobbit.

“You should have stayed home.”

“You too!” She winced. “Sorry. You said this would wear off in an hour or two?”

“Yes.” He ran his fingers through his hair as everything that could have happened to her ran in a loop behind his eyes. He’d seen some pretty horrific things in his time as a Hunter, and he was picturing his mate in each and every one of them. “I don’t care how many ways you checked things out or that Artemis was with you, or that everything turned out okay in the end.”

“Whoa.” She sat up, her expression serious, finally. “Calm down, big guy.”

“Your job is not to protect me.” He could feel his Bear rising, determined to make her understand that it would be him, not her, who did the protection thing.

“You better not say my job is to be barefoot and pregnant.” She glared at him, her eyes turning Foxy brown.

“Hell no.” He was the last person who’d say something like that. “But I’m trained to Hunt.” He stepped toward the bed, trying desperately to get her to understand. “I’ve killed when I’ve been forced to. I know how to protect myself.” He lifted his shirt and showed a small scar. “This? This is the worst damage I’ve ever sustained, and I healed it. It took me two days, but I did it.” He lowered his shirt again. “But if something happened to you, there’s no way I could heal it.” He held out his hand, letting her see him shaking, showing her his vulnerability. “I still have nightmares about you being shot.”

She closed her eyes and leaned her forehead against his stomach. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you worry like this.”

“Tell me it was stupid.” He needed to hear her acknowledge that.

“I knew it might be a trap, and I took precautions, but yeah. I’ll tell you it was stupid.”

She was placating him. “You’d do it again.”

She looked up at him and grinned. “Fuck yes.”

He pulled her against him, lifting her until she was held against his chest. “Stupid Hobbitses.”

“If you call me your Precious, I’m gonna—” she squinted up at him as his hold on her tightened, “—be extremely flattered.”

She looked so irritated at the thought that he had to laugh. His Bear had begun to settle down now that she was in their arms, safe and secure. It might not be his den, but with Kincade and Sebastian Lowe in bedrooms near them, it was almost as good.

He brushed his chin over the spot where her mark was. The sensation would be muffled by her T-shirt, but she’d still feel something.

She moaned, hiding her face against his chest.

The scent of desire began to fill the air around her. He breathed it in, letting it fill his senses. The need to fuck her, to prove that she was alive and well, filled him.

He pushed her down on the bed, ignoring her squawk of surprise. She had to move her legs so that her feet were on the mattress. He took hold of her knees and spread her thighs, kissing each fabric-covered knee in turn.

“Barney?” Her eyes were wide, but he could see the building desire in her.

“You make me crazy, you know that?” He took hold of her wrists and held her down. “You always have.”

“I figure it’s my job to make you nuts.” She gave him a cheeky grin. “Right, Gandalf?”

He coughed. “Aragorn. I’m definitely Aragorn.”

She tilted her head, still grinning at him. “Hmm. You’ve got that pretty blond hair.”

His brows rose. “Pretty?”

“And dazzling blue eyes.”

Oh hell no. “I’m not Legolas, damn it.”

“But Legolas was a Hunter too, remember?” She was barely holding back her laughter.

He pressed down against her so she wouldn’t accidentally knee him when he blew a raspberry on her neck.

She squealed, wiggling under him, her body rubbing against him in all the right ways. “Stop that!”

“Stop trying to give me a heart attack.” He stared down at her, hoping she’d pick up on how serious he was. “Nobody asked you to throw the ring in the volcano, Frodo.”

“He volunteered,” she pointed out. “Besides, I had Samwise with me, remember?”

Uh-huh. Speaking of which, he had a bone to pick with Artemis the next time he saw him. “And why didn’t he try to stop you?”

She looked away for a moment. “His eyes. They turned silver. Then he was shaking hands with Mr. Holmes like they were long lost buddies.”

Barney froze. “Tiger told him to go.”

“I think so.” She cupped his cheek. “We really didn’t plan on scaring you. We took every precaution we could think of.” Suddenly, she scowled. “And I have to call my mom.”

“What?” She was pushing at his shoulders, trying to get him off of her.

“I told her I’d call when I arrived. For all I know, she’s already—why are you dialing?”

He smiled down at her. There was no way in hell he was going to allow the Bunsun-Allen clan to descend on the Leo’s home. The man would never be the same. “Hello, Mrs. Allen?”

“Oh, hello, Barney. Is my daughter there?”

He heard the edge in Stacey Allen’s voice. “She got distracted by meeting the Leo.”

“That’s no exc— Who? My baby met the

He chuckled softly as Heather glared at him and her mother damn near choked to death.

“She’s here, safe and sound, and I’ll have her call you tomorrow. All right?”

“All right. Tell her I said good-night.”

He said his good-byes and hung up the phone. “Now. Where were we?”

She looked anywhere but at him. “I have no idea.”

“Mm.” He kissed her chin. “Then let’s get ready for bed.”

Her cheeks started to turn red. “We can do that.”

He hadn’t had a second chance to make love to her before returning to Sedona. Perhaps now was his chance to taste her again.

He let her up, watching her wander around the bedroom. Someone, probably Sebastian’s assistant, had seen to it that her luggage was brought upstairs to his room. She began unpacking, watching him out of the corner of her eye as he sat and watched her. “Need help?”

“I’ve got this, thanks.” She turned, smiling, holding a pair of flimsy panties.

“That’s…good.” He could feel his Bear. Both of them were fascinated by the emerald underwear. How would it look against her pale, freckled skin?

“Um.” Her eyes went wide as she shoved the panties behind her. “Yeah. I’ll just put these away.” She turned and nearly fell over the open suitcase. “Fucker.”

“Who, me or your carry-on?”

She glared at him.

He smiled. “Guess I’ll start getting ready, then.” He stood and yawned, stretching his arms over his head. He swore he could hear her gulp as he reached for the hem of his T-shirt. “You need to finish unpacking,” he added as nonchalantly as he could.

“Yes. Unpacking.” Her gaze moved to his groin. “Definitely unpacking.”

He had to bite his lip as she turned around and put her underwear on top of the bureau.

He pulled off the T-shirt. When it was right around his head he heard a distinct thud. She must have tripped over the suitcase again, because when he whipped it off she was righting herself, one hand on the bureau, the other clutching that same pair of green panties.

“Having trouble finding places to put your stuff?” He reached for the button of his jeans.

“Gah.” She turned around and opened a drawer. “Nope. I can put them next to your undies.” She shoved them in, no doubt making a mess out of his orderly pile of tighty-whities.

“Okay.” He unzipped his jeans. “You have pajamas?”

She nodded, digging in the suitcase and holding up a black Pokémon tank top and matching shorts. Those shorts would barely cover her butt.

“Cute.” He kicked off his shoes and pulled off his socks. “Finish unpacking, sweetheart. We have to go to sleep, right?” He began sliding his jeans off his legs.

She whimpered. Before his jeans were kicked off she’d gotten almost everything unpacked except her bathroom stuff. “Bed?”

He nodded. “Want to change in here, or the bathroom?” He knew which one he was hoping for, but he’d understand if…


Sweet mother of mercy. Her T-shirt hit the floor before he could restart his brain, but who’d want to? Skin. She was showing him her beautiful freckled skin, and he was reaching for her before she’d managed to kick off her shoes. “I think we can skip the pajamas.”

She nodded, molding her hand to his cock. The head was already peeking out of the top of his underwear, weeping and ready for her. “I can do that.”

“Guh.” He shuddered as her hand moved, tracing him oh so delicately. Her touch was barely felt, but his skin tingled in the wake of her fingers. “Naked?”

She laughed, and with that won their little round of teasing. “Naked sounds good too.”

“Now?” He pushed into her hand, desperate to make that light touch harder, stronger.

She nodded, giving him permission. “Now.”

No matter how much he needed, he wouldn’t hurt her. He carefully unhooked her bra, her breasts freed from the silken material. Pink perfection, dotted with little brown spots he wanted to touch and lick. Someday he’d do just that. He’d lay her out and kiss every freckle he could find. Hopefully it would drive her as crazy as he already was.

She held still as he pressed a kiss to each breast before unbuttoning her jeans. He slid them down her legs, taking her panties with them, and set them aside.

Heather was staring at him, her pupils expanding, her eyes turning brown. “Now yours.”

He stood, shoving his underwear off as quickly as he could. “Bed.” His voice was gravelly, full of want.

With a sweet smile she took his hand and led him to the bed. She turned down the sheets and climbed in. “Now you.”

He crawled on top of her and kissed her before she could say anything else. What else was he supposed to do? She was there, bare and waiting. He stroked his hand up her thigh, tracing the length with his hand, feeling her muscles move as she reacted to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, somehow managing to smile even as he kissed her.

“Why are you smiling?” He had to know.

“It’s just…” She bit her lip, her expression suddenly shy. “I never thought we could laugh together like this, you know?”

No, he didn’t. “You mean while naked?”

“Yes, Barney. While naked.” She shook her head, her expression full of amused affection. “I’ll explain it once your brain cells migrate back north, okay?”

“Sure.” Whatever worked for her, he was all on board for. He licked her mark, bringing her back to where he really wanted her to be. She arched up against him with a gasp. Her legs wrapped around him, her heels digging into his back.


“Do that more.”

His eyes narrowed as he gazed at the mark. “You want me to fuck you while I lick your mark?”

She quivered. “Can you? I mean, will that work?”

He smiled. “Let’s find out.”

He slipped inside her slowly, carefully, letting her get used to him again. He lapped at her mark, keeping his hips still while she rocked herself against him. Those tiny little motions of hers were driving him crazy, but he kept still, using up all his willpower.

Her breathing began to change as she panted. She was reacting the same way she had when he’d licked her pussy, sipping at her until she came.

Shit. Was she about to come? Just from this?

He couldn’t hold back any longer. He began fucking her, harder than he’d planned, deeper, but she took it, riding the waves with him. He licked at the mark, waiting for that first hitched breath, the first quiver of an orgasm before sinking his fangs deep inside her.

She screamed, clenching around him so hard he saw stars. His own roar drowned her out as he poured into her, filling her with his seed.

He remembered just in time to flop down next to her, not on her. Squishing her was not on his agenda that day. “Fuck, that was good.”

She nodded, rolling over to wrap herself around him.

He pulled her close, putting his hand just above her ass. Her leg entwined with his, he fell asleep, content that, for now, his little Hobbit’s ass was safe.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Heather moved gingerly down the stairs, her thighs still sore from her night with her mate. Who knew being a cowgirl could be so deliciously painful?

Suddenly she was grabbed from behind, a familiar, sexy scent surrounding her. Barney’s scruffy cheek grazed against her neck, sending tingles down her spine. She loved a little morning fuzz on her mate’s cheeks. Something else she’d learned that surprised her. “Good morning, mate.”

“Good morning.” She tilted her neck, granting him access to the mark he’d given her.

He pressed a soft kiss to her neck, right above her mark. “Let’s go get some food. I think you’re late for second breakfast.”

She jabbed her elbow into his stomach. “Because someone decided to keep me up late.”

“You’re young, you’ll get over it.” He patted her bottom and stepped past her. “C’mon. Let’s find out what the Leo has to tell us this morning.”

Heather shook her head and followed her mate down the stairs. Barney seemed to know his way around the Leo’s home, taking her directly to the dining room.

Sebastian and Kincade stood when Barney and Heather entered. Artemis was busy filling a plate from a buffet filled with eggs, sausages, bacon, Belgian waffles and fruit.

“Good morning, Ms. Allen.” Sebastian waved to the seat next to him. “Please, have a seat.”

“Thank you, sire.” She poked Barney’s arm. “I’ll take the waffles with some fruit, please.”

His brows rose, but he moved to the buffet. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Can we drop the formalities, please?” Sebastian looked pained. “Your mate has been a friend to me, and I’d like the same with you, if that’s possible.”

Possible? The Leo wanted to be friends with her? “I can do that.”

Sebastian and Kincade settled back down as Heather joined them. Sebastian leaned his elbows on the table and put his head on his hands. “So. A number of people in my jail weren’t placed there by me.”

“Who the fuck were they?” Barney continued filling Heather’s plate, his back to the room, but Heather could sense the tension in her mate.

“Some were Hunters, like you. Some were…” Sebastian glanced at Kincade.

“Mercs, like your friends Casey Lee and Derrick.” Kincade shoved a whole piece of sausage in his mouth. “Ah kupuh ruh clurks err wurkfurs fuh luh fennet.”

Heather turned to Sebastian. “That was disgusting.”

The Leo chuckled. “He said that a couple were clerks or workers for the Senate. People who had access to certain areas that normal shifters don’t, people often overlooked by their higher-ups. We’re still questioning them to find out what it was that they knew, and how they arrived in my private jail.”

She tilted her head. “Do I want to know why the Leo has a private jail?”

Sebastian patted her on the head. “Nope.”

“Okay.” She smiled up at Barney as he placed a loaded waffle in front of her. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.”

“You mentioned last night that there was a list in that office you found.” Sebastian’s gaze followed Barney as he went back to the buffet. “I want you and Kincade to fetch it for me.”

Barney nodded, grabbed two slices of bread, and put some eggs between them. “Let’s go, Lowe. The sooner we have that list the better.”

Kincade stood. “You guys stay inside the house. I find out either of you left and you’ll find out why I’m head of security.” Heather thought he was talking to her and Artemis until Kincade turned to Artemis. “Sit on them if you have to, but Sebastian and Heather remain here.”

Artemis nodded.

Barney bent and kissed Heather. “Mm. Strawberries.” He winked and strode from the room, and Heather thoroughly enjoyed the view.

Kincade followed, stopping only once to point at Sebastian. “Sit. Stay.”

“Woof.” The Leo put his hands up like paws and panted. “Grr. Argh.”

Kincade rolled his eyes and followed after Barney.

Heather heard the front door close and took a huge bite of her waffle. Barney would be fine. Kincade was with him, so he wouldn’t disappear on her.

“How is your cousin, Ms. Allen?”

Heather turned back to Sebastian to find him staring at her with what appeared to be genuine concern. “She’s…as good as she’s going to get.”

“I understand she was jumped and almost died.” Sebastian shook his head. “I can’t understand what the hell is going on. There are white shifters who live their lives in peace, like the Kermode, yet someone attacks Chloe Williams.”

Heather held up her hand. “I think you misunderstood something, sir. Chloe wasn’t born a white shifter. She was a red Fox before she was attacked.”

Sebastian blinked. “That’s…odd.”

Heather nodded. “We were surprised too.”

Artemis, who’d taken Kincade’s chair, piped up. “I wasn’t born white either.” He sighed, lowering his head. “I…died.”

“What?” Heather leaned forward. This. This was part of it, she just knew it.

“It was a long time ago, and something I don’t like to talk about.” Artemis stared at Heather before turning to Sebastian. “But after I was brought back I could speak to the spirits.”

Sebastian made a face. “I was born white, but I can’t speak to them.” He looked intrigued and wistful at the same time. “What’s it like?”

Artemis laughed. “It’s like talking to a really annoying older brother who wants you to figure out something for yourself but won’t give you enough clues to do it.” He shook his head. “Hunting with him is cool though.”

“Did Tiger give you the riddle?” Heather was dying to know what Artemis did.

Artemis shook his head. “Nah. He just told me to hightail it to Halle. He said I’d have one hell of a time there.”

“Huh.” Heather turned to the Leo. “So you’re the only white shifter who can’t talk to the spirits.”

“Yeah. It’s awesome.” Sebastian stood and grabbed the coffee pot, pouring himself another cup. “Anyone else want some?”

Artemis held up his cup. “Hit me.”

The Leo poured. “Perhaps I should visit Halle. It sounds…interesting.”

The Puma Alpha would probably welcome a visit from the Leo. Not. She had no idea what sort of protocol would be required for a visit from the Leo. She wasn’t certain the Leo visited
. Didn’t they usually come to him? Senators visited Packs and Prides when a new Alpha was inducted, but the Leo never left Sedona unless it was for personal reasons.

Wait. “Isn’t your sister part of the Poconos Pack?” Charlie Lowe worked for the Luna, Belinda Lowell.

He sat back with a happy smile. “So she is. Maybe I should go see how she’s doing.”

“Sounds like a good idea. I know I miss my family when they’re not around.”

“So do I.” Sebastian sat back down and stared at his empty plate with a pensive expression that he quickly shook off. “So death seems to be the trigger for the white shifters.”

“Except the Kermode, right?” Heather might not be a Bear, but her family was full of them. “They actually go on some sort of spirit journey to see if they are chosen as Kermode or not.”

The Leo blinked, looking confused. “A spirit journey?” He sat back, staring at nothing. “Is that the answer? Not death, but touching the spirit world?”

“Maybe? All I know is, Julian bit Cyn, but she
become a Kermode. She’s a Grizzly. And I heard some mated by Kermode don’t even become Bears, but other types of shifters. Very few become Kermode.” She’d learned a lot from Julian when he visited Cynful. He’d been willing to answer most of her questions, probably because he knew if he didn’t Cyn would.

“Interesting. I’d like to meet this Julian, find out more about him.” Sebastian sipped his coffee. “Their leader is really tight-lipped about his people. Even Carl can’t get anything out of him.”

“Julian is…interesting.” Heather didn’t have any other way to describe Super Bear. “He’s the one who saved Chloe, but he almost died doing it. Kermode have super healing powers, but it costs them to use them.”

“Maybe that’s why their leader is so quiet,” Artemis added. “If it was generally known that we had Bears who could heal near-death wounds and speak to the spirit world, they’d be the target of every greedy Alpha or family that wanted their own personal white Bear.”

“Other Bears are really protective of them too.” Heather had seen it firsthand. “They’re just as reluctant to speak about a Kermode’s powers as the Kermode themselves are. And Julian’s family, so—”

“I didn’t realize he’d mated into your family,” Sebastian interrupted.

“Not exactly. We declared him family when he saved Chloe. His mate is my boss, Cynthia Reyes.”

“Ah, I see. What do you do?”

Heather grinned. “I’m a tattoo artist. Apprentice, but still.” She turned around to show off her two-tailed kitsune tattoo. “I designed this one, and many others.”

She felt a soft touch against her skin. “Very nice.”

“Thank you.” She put her shirt back in place, covering the kitsune.

“Do you think, if you killed me and brought me back, that I’d be able to speak to the spirits?”

Heather spit out the water she’d just started to drink. “Oh
no we are not killing the damn Leo.” She shrugged, hunching her shoulders as Sebastian began to laugh. “Sire.”

“Okay, no killing me. Got it.” Sebastian rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Hmm, I wonder. Artemis, could you talk to the spirits and ask them why I can’t?”

Artemis shook his head. “I think this is one of the things we’re supposed to figure out ourselves.”

“Then taking killing me off the table, there’s no chance I’ll ever hear their voices, huh?” Sebastian grimaced. “I’ve heard tales of how, long ago, the spirits let their desires be known. I was told that long ago the Leo could hear them all, but now?”

“You have spiritual cooties?”

The Leo blinked at Heather, then began laughing again. “I
like you.”

She pointed to her mark. “Happily mated, but thank you.”

He smiled coyly. “Do you have a sister?”

This time it was Heather who started to laugh. “Yup, and she’s hell in heels too.”

“Sounds more like Kin’s type than mine.” He rubbed his hands together. “We’ll have to introduce them to one another.”

Heather thought about her sister and the intense Kincade meeting. “Nuclear war” were the only words that came to mind. “I look forward to it.”

BOOK: Indirect Lines: Halle Shifters, Book 5
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