Read Indulging in Irene Online

Authors: D.L. Raver

Indulging in Irene (17 page)

BOOK: Indulging in Irene
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I sat naked on the edge of Zolt’s bed, waiting for him to come into the room. My heart thumped a crazy tattoo. Fuck, I was so excited, nervous, and turned on. I didn’t have a clue what he planned, but I knew it would be hot.

“I can do this,” I murmured, crossing, and then uncrossing my legs, not sure how I should sit. His only instructions were to take my clothes off and sit on his bed. Geez that had been at least ten minutes ago. If he didn’t come in soon, I was going to melt into a puddle of nerves.

A few minutes later, Zolt came in the room and shut the door. The sound of the latch catching stole my breath, and I gripped the edge of the bed to keep myself from bolting out of the room. Why he’d shut it, I didn’t know. I had to wonder if it was more for effect than necessity.

Maybe I should have taken a shot or downed a glass of wine first,
I thought, lamenting my failure to plan ahead.

As he slowly walked across the room to me, Zolt stripped off his shirt, leaving him in his perfectly fitted jeans.

How very Christian Grey of him,
I thought and bit my cheek to keep from giggling.

Desire liquidized his crystalline-blues, turning them into pools of molten need. The look on his face, with the slight stubble of his beard, reminded me of the layout he’d done for Sports Illustrated all those years ago. In that photo shoot, his hair was a messy arrangement of dark hair and he was shirtless with faded jeans on, palming a football in his huge hand. Though he didn’t have a football in hand now, I could swear it was seven years ago. Zolt hadn’t changed all that much.

I can remember staring at the issue, dreaming that sexy look in his eyes had been for me and me alone. At fifteen, I’d wished and prayed that somehow, someway, Zolt would be mine. I never imagined that wish would come true, and I’d end up here in his bed waiting for him to have his way with me.

I licked my parted lips and commanded myself to calm. Zolt wouldn’t hurt me, I reminded myself. This was about pleasure.

“Do you know how beautiful you look, sitting on my bed waiting for me? The sunshine is bouncing off your silky blonde waves. Fucking beautiful.”

He stopped in front of me and ran his fingers through my hair, and then slowly worked his way up my neck to my jawline, and finally to my lips.

I gasped as his large hands cupped my face and his lips met mine. The kiss wasn’t demanding but promised a snippet of what Zolt had planned for me.

“Lie down in the middle of the bed, Irelyn,” Zolt said forcefully, but not overbearingly.

I didn’t hesitate, doing exactly as he directed, panting with anticipation.

“Good.” He adjusted his growing erection in his pants. I could only imagine how uncomfortable he must be after all that had happened today, all the sexual stimuli tossed in his direction. To be honest, I was totally shocked and a little disappointed he hadn’t fucked me in the car.

Zolt opened the lower drawer of his bedside table and pulled out several black silk scarves.

Just seeing them made my entire body clench in anticipation.

Could I do this? Did I want to do this? Yes. Yes. Yes.

He went to the end of the bed and made short work of binding my ankles to the posts. Now that my legs were securely restrained, I couldn’t squeeze my thighs together to help alleviate the growing ache that had me dripping wet. Just watching him move about was erotic as hell. Zolt was totally in his element as he worked at restraining me to his bed.

When he was happy with his work, he climbed on the bed and straddled me at the waist. I could feel the hardness of his erection pressed against my belly as he leaned over me and repeated the process with both of my wrists.

I pulled on each binding, testing their effectiveness. The realization that I was now at his mercy trapped on his bed, made fear spike inside. I felt my eyes widen in alarm.

“Don’t be afraid, Irelyn. Trust me,” Zolt said and gently kissed me.

“I do,” I said timidly.

“I know this is new for you. But you have no idea how much it turns me on to know you trust me enough to give your control to me.”

So it was a control thing. Well, duh! Of course, it was. How could it not be?

“Giving your lover complete trust is an invaluable gift,” he said, his eyes flashing with untamed need. “I’ve always demanded it from my one-night stands because I needed to control the situation. It’s different with you.”

I squirmed and bucked at my bindings at the thought of Zolt with other women. He was mine.

“Jealous?” He laughed a long sensuous chuckle. “Remember, baby, you’re the only lover who’s ever been in my house and in my bed.”

“I know,” I huffed out.

“I like that you’re jealous. And I fucking love how hot you look bound to my bed open to me in every way. Do you know how hard it is for me not to fuck you right now?”

I glanced down at the bulge in his pants and smiled. He was fully erect now, and the material of his jeans strained against his length.

I shook my head unable to speak or form words.

“Are you willing to go just a little further?” He held up the last scarf he’d taken from his drawer and trailed the end down my neck and breastbone.

“Yes,” I rasped, shivering at the feel of the silk on me.

“Good. Lift your head.”

I did as he asked, and Zolt tied the scarf around my eyes, darkening my world.

“Fuck,” I moaned. This was beyond erotic, scary, and an absolute turn on.

I felt his soft lips just under my ear at one of my most sensitive places.

“Oh, what I’m going to do to you, Irelyn. Thank you for trusting me.”

His words trickled from his lips into my ears, and I felt my body heat. I was so ready for him. With my sight gone, the world around me became much more intense. Zolt’s every breath and move excited me. God, I was so fucking wet and ready for him.

“If at any time you want this to stop, all you have to do is tell me to stop, and I will. Then, if you want me to unbind you, I’ll do that too. But think twice before you say it. For every spike of pain, there will be a burst of pleasure. I promise.”

“Okay,” I said. Amazingly enough, I wasn’t scared. Just the opposite. I was so turned on that all he’d have to do is touch my clit, and I’d explode.

The bed dipped, and I felt Zolt climb off me, but his amazing fragrance lingered, making my mouth water.

I heard a drawer open and the rustling of objects. My jaw clenched with anticipation and frustration. I wanted to scream at him to hurry up. The waiting was a bitch and patience, I decided, was not a virtue. But I knew this was part of the seduction, the ramping up of my heightened senses.

The sound of a match lighting made me start.

What the hell was he going to do with that?

A second later, I smelled the faint aroma of vanilla wafting over me.

“Mmm,” he drawled as he climbed back on the bed. I thought he might be straddling me again but I couldn’t be sure.

“You’re breasts are perfect,” he said admiringly. His hot breath spilled over them, puckering them to hard, almost painful points.

Touch them, suck them, do something, anything to them…

“Please, Zolt,” I moaned.

“Patience, baby,” he chuckled.

Fuck patience! I wanted him to do whatever it was he was going to do, because I was pretty sure one single touch would send me flying over the edge.

He shifted again, and I felt him reach over me. Just the brief contact of his bare chest, with its sprinkling of soft hairs, drove me insane.

I heard him chuckle again as he settled his strong legs on either side of me. For a moment, I worried about his leg. I didn’t want him to have pain while he pursued my pleasure.

“My leg is fine, Irelyn. Don’t worry about it.”

His words surprised me and my eyes flew open under the scarf.

“How did you know I was thinking that?”

“Your gorgeous red lips turned down slightly. I know you worry about me. You have no idea what it does to me to know you care.”

I could hear the smile in his voice even though I couldn’t see it on his sexy face.

“I do. Care that is. A lot.” I almost cursed myself for telling him, but when his lips crushed on mine, my worries faded.

Zolt kissed me for several excruciating minutes. His chest pressed against my overly sensitive breasts, and I moaned, the sensation too exquisite.

“Please,” I begged again.
Why is he torturing me?

“We’ll get there, I promise.”

Then, his weight shifted back, and I felt the sensation of something coming toward my right side near my ear. I tensed in anticipation, not knowing if it would be pain or pleasure. To my delight, several feather-like objects brushed just behind my ear and traveled to my jawline, my neck, and finally stopping at my breasts.

I heard the
of air as he brought the implement down on them. A sting quickly surfaced and was followed by a ticklish feeling of the feathers. I arched my back as pleasure rode down my spine.

When he repeated the same action on my other breast, I cried out. If he kept this up, I’d come without him even touching my clit.

“Irelyn, your nipples are glowing pink. Fuck, I can’t resist them.” His mouth latched onto my left one and sucked, then drew back and captured its peak between his teeth.

My breath hitched as he gently nipped, then sucked, then nipped again.

When he did the same to the other one, I squirmed under him, lifting my hips, hoping to feel his hard cock against me.

“Not yet, you greedy little thing. I’m not done,” he admonished.

“Oh,” I moaned. He may have more planned, but by the quaver in his voice, I could tell he was as turned on as I was.

“Mmm, I can’t wait to fuck you, baby.”

“Then don’t,” I begged. I knew my voice bordered on petulant, but I didn’t care.

When he laughed low, I knew he wasn’t done torturing me.

Zolt shifted over me again, and I held my breath, wondering what would come next.

“I love the way your body reacts to me,” he cooed.

Before I could make a snide remark about him needing to hurry the fuck up, I felt something warm, almost hot, drip on one nipple, then the other.

“Ahh,” I cried as his mouth took my now tender nipple into his mouth. Gently, he licked and teased, driving me fucking wild.

“I love vanilla.” His tongue slipped into my mouth, giving me a taste of my vanilla flavored breast.

I possessively returned his kiss, hoping my hungry kisses would make him give up his sweet torture and finally fuck me.

When he pulled away again, I groaned until I felt the warm, almost hot oil, splash on my belly followed by Zolt’s hands massaging the oil into my oversensitive skin. As he worked his way down my body, I squirmed, praying he was moving the direction of my needy sex.

Then, he settled between my spread legs and gently parted me.

Oh, God,
I thought, pretty sure I knew what was coming.

The oil dripped on my clit, and I screamed just as his mouth descended on me and sucked.

Dancing colors, lights, and I think the entire universe, flashed behind my eyes as I came harder than I ever had. My body arched off the bed and pulled on my bindings. That I couldn’t move freely made the sensation even more intense.

He placed one hand on my hip and held me still as I started to come down. Just when I thought it was over, he slapped my clit with his hand. The overwhelming sensation sent me spiraling once again. Incomprehensible sounds filled the room, and I realized they came from me, some weird sex language I didn’t even know I could speak.

Zolt Hamil had turned me into a blubbering fool, and I was pretty sure I’d find my brains splattered on his headboard behind me.

The next thing I knew, my feet and wrists were unbound, and the scarf over my eyes was removed.

“This is going to be hard and fast, baby,” he said as he stripped off his jeans, revealing his long, hard cock.

I bit my lip as I watched him climb on the bed. Even though my brain was still in a post orgasmic haze, there was no denying the beauty of his male form. He was drawn on classic lines and his muscles tensed and relaxed with his movement. That had always been one of the things I’d loved about watching him play football. He moved with a beauty and grace as he threw the ball. Me and thousands of women panted over him every time he played. That I was in his bed now was fucking surreal.

Zolt maneuvered his amazing body over mine and slipped into me, filling me with his hardness. We kissed as we moved, hard and fast. My nerves quivered and my muscles twitched as he sent me barreling toward another release.

Then, he pulled out of me and flipped me over.

“On your knees,” he said gruffly through his pants.

Quickly, I did as he bid, moving to my knees.

With his knees, Zolt spread my legs apart, and then pushed into me, starting a punishing rhythm.

“You feel so good. You’re mine!”

“Yours,” I agreed, overwhelmed by the depth of his penetration. He continually hit that magic spot in me that could send me rocketing into space. With each of his thrusts, I pushed back into him, pushing him as deep as he could get.

BOOK: Indulging in Irene
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