Inferno & The Good Girl:  (Brothers of Devils Comfort MC) (11 page)

BOOK: Inferno & The Good Girl:  (Brothers of Devils Comfort MC)
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gone Dad

on to the bed, I reach for the phone one more time. When it goes
unanswered, I fling it across the room, smashing it against the wall.

hot rage begins to burn in me, because I know what Trax means when he



need to vent my anger, on something, remembering Toad is still in the
basement and this mess is his fucking fault. He is the reason Baby
Blu is not longer here.

to the basement, the stench of stale piss, shit and blood hits me,
but it does not stop me from doing what I want to do. On the table
the hammer is still there. As I pick the instrument up, I smash it
against Toad

s skull. The fucker did
not even see it coming. Repeatedly, I smash the hammer against his
skull. By the time I
finished there is
nothing left of his skull and my anger has depleted. To be taken over
by another emotion, one I could do without.

to my knees, I cry. When I had lost Baby Blu the first time, she had
left town, gone to college. Not knowing the sweet haven that can be
found in her arms, her smile and her body. This time I had tasted
heaven. She had been mine for three days, in my bed and now she is

get someone to clean this mess up, bag the bodies and return them to
those Black County bastards with our thanks.


has been a month since the shooting and since I
been with Inferno. Each night, I miss his body next to
mine and I have nearly given in to temptation. The first week, when I
had left him. he had constantly rung me, each call went unanswered.
If I heard is voice I am aware that I will break and go back to him,
if he would have me. By the second week, the calls had become less
constant, by the third, they had stopped. I am missing both the call
and Inferno.

I am in town, he is either on his Harley, or just coming out of the
tattoo studio. If he ever saw me, he never acknowledges my presence
just as I never acknowledge his. When I slept, he is in my dreams. My
body crying out for satisfaction when I woke. The dreams at time
appearing to be real. When I woke, I would reach across the bed only
to discover he is not there. In the quiet of the night I would reach
for the phone, bring his number up, tempted to ring him. I just
wanted to hear his voice. I am lonely. Each morning, waking only, to
promise myself that I was not to think of him. Each night, I broke
my own promise as my last thoughts are of Inferno. I realize I
cannot go on like this and that I had to do something. That it has to
be soon. Picking up the phone, I made a plan.

up from what I am doing, as the back door slams, Tommy comes into the
kitchen. In the last month,
Tommy’s home
life has deteriorated to the extent that he is now unofficially
living with dad and me
full time. He is no longer covered in
bruises and has started to put weight on. I am going through the
official channels to get temporary custody of Tommy, unfortunately,
the process was taking longer than I had expected.

how was your day?


dropping his backpack on to seat of one of the kitchen chairs

Tommy reaches for the milk.


for dinner?

a lazy cook.


on his top lip as he taps his fingers on the table. Without looking
me in the eye, Tommy makes his presents known. I have come to know
Tommy, He has something he wants to tell me.


his fingers still tapping on the table.

an eyebrow in his direction,


has asked if I

m interested in
joining the football team.”


s great.

at me

You sure, what about my


I think we can work something out.

a tilt to his head,

Practice is
every Tuesday and Thursday evening and Saturday morning. I

get a rota of the matches.

As he
continues to stare at me,

Will you
and Mr Jenson come and watch?”

will keep us away

he gives a small tilt of his head as he picks up his backpack,
disappearing to his room.

following Saturday dad and I are shopping for the items that Tommy
requires. As we wander round the sports store, ticking items off the
list, which I had procured from Tommy’s coach we bump into

are still uneasy between Trax and I, consequently, we are taking this
new relationship slow. This time, I am not going to give him the
impression that that I am abandoning him, just because his dad and I
are no longer an item.

up to his side, as he browses through the sneakers section. As I
greet him, I have no intentions of taking no for an answer from him,
as I go into my councilor mode.

anything for lunch?

he looks at his watch

No I

on my lunch break

let’s go get something. Little Sammy

ok with you?

meet you in five.

over to dad, I let tell him, we have an extra guess for lunch.

remember my Dad?

I ask Trax as he
saunters into the café, sitting in the chair opposite us.

Hi Mr Jenson, you’re looking good


Dad has never called Trax by any
other name. To him he will always be the little boy from next door.

the first few moments, things are a little uncomfortable as we order


the job going?
” Dad enquires.

but I am not allowed to practice on real skin. How about it Mr

he ask, eyes looking
directly at my father with a twinkle in his eye.

me to do some ink on you?

not sure what reaction Trax was expecting; nevertheless, I
do not think, it was the one, he got.

when you

ve got a worthwhile
portfolio, you come look me up and you can do me some Ink. Deal?


Trax agrees, reaching his hand out to shake dad’s.

at the club ok
” I ask.


talk about the club to outsiders Baby Blu,

he tells me seriously.

if you

re asking how dad

doing. Well he

s doing anything

s got a pussy.

at his words, I feel my face going red at this statement. Not too
sure, how I am supposed to respond.


Ted speaks clear and precise

Just you apologize to Baby Blu, you

t speak to her in that tone. She
is not one of your biker whores.

Trax, turns to me, his own cheeks now a slight pink from receiving
the reprimand.

Sorry Baby Blu, I

t have said it like that. Its
just that he‘s my dad and you dumped him without a word. You
didn’t even have the manners to text him. Never mind to tell
him to his face. He had to find out from the brothers.

guilty of what he says, but I am scared. Scared that if I
had tried to break up with him, that when we came face to face, I
would not have walked way. Therefore, I had taken the cowards way out
and not faced my fears.

was not the first time that Trax has said those words to me. I am
doing all that I can to sustain some kind of relationship with him. I
did not want him to think that I was deserting him, the way I had
deserted his father.

across the table, I remove his hand from his coffee cup.

I could have done or should have done things differently. I don’t
know Trax. All I see are the people I love die. I am not sure if I
want to be around Inferno, when that happens.

happens, Baby Blu, people die and dad will die one day. It might not
be today, it could be tomorrow. When ever it is, you‘ll still
know about it. Is it worth walking away from something, before giving
it a chance?

With those words Trax
walks away without looking back.


s making sense honey, you going
to just let Dante go without making memories

my tea, I think about, what they have both said. It is time for me
to stop being a coward, and to go and get my man.

for my phone, I arrange to go on a shopping trip with Cassie.

Chapter 10

I drive into the parking lot of Devils Comforts Clubhouse: I switch
from my sensible flat driving shoes to heeled ones. Tonight I am
aiming for sexy and flat shoes will not provide the effect I want.
My hands are clammy and heart is thumping far to fast. It is bound
to lead to a heart attack. As I give the mirror one final glance, to
check my appearance. Satisfied with what I see I climb out of the
car, tugging on the hem of my dress. In all of my life, I have never
worn a dress resembling this one.

path leading to the door appears to be longer than I remember. When
I eventually reach the door handle, I take a deep breath before
entering. With no idea on the nature of reception I will receive. I
hold my head up high as I search for the man I want., Yep, there he
is, over by the bar. With his arms around some skanks waist. He
raises his drink to his mouth, as his green eyes meet mine and
darken. As I walk further into the room he appraised my appearance.
His eyes raking over my body slowly, but he does not smile. As he
remains relaxed, his legs crossed at the ankles, watching, as he
waits for my next move.

bastard, he could take pity on me by acknowledging me. It would not
hurt him to drop his arm from the slut’s boney waist.

I take another step, I breath in deep and let the air out of my
lungs. Inferno’s eyes never leave me as I make my way to where
he is standing. I am conscious that he is watching every move I
make, waiting to see what I will do next. As I finally make it to
the bar. To stand next to him without any mishap in my Fuck me Heel
shoes. A sense of accomplishment washes over me.

I had made my way to Inferno, the whole club had descended into
silence. Everyone is watching, waiting to see what will happen next.
It would appear that Baby Blu Jens is tonight’s entertainment.
I will give them a show that they will talk about for a long time.

is behind the bar and I ask her for a whiskey. I do not have to drink
it. Hell if I did, the way my stomach was doing somersaults. I would
only bring it straight up and embarrass myself in front of everyone.
Turning towards Inferno, I give him my best seductive smile. I hope
it is seductive anyway.

stance is one of laziness and he still has not removed his fucking
hand from the whore

s back. Shit, if
he does not move it soon I am going to hit the bitch.

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