Inferno & The Good Girl:  (Brothers of Devils Comfort MC) (17 page)

BOOK: Inferno & The Good Girl:  (Brothers of Devils Comfort MC)
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a hand in each of my own, we head off next door for lunch.

who is dressed in a pale blue, short sleeved dress, shows us in to
the living room, where the three men are waiting for us. Jack is
dressed similar to my dad, however his trousers are black and his
shirt is green, which reflect his green eyes. Looking at Jack, I
knew how Inferno will look; a secret smile plays on my face as I see
him still in his jeans and cut. The way his is dressed now, at that
age and not slacks and shirt.

me on the lips

Care to share?”
against his lips I mutter


is dressed similar to Tommy, the only difference being he is wearing
his prospect cut over his black shirt and on his arms are a couple of

drinks Jack, lunch won’t be long,

Anna request as she walks into the room. When we all have a drink,
the men with a beer, Anna has a wine, Tommy and I a soft drink.
Making our way to the dinning room / kitchenette. There is a
partition wall to the kitchen to give the rooms a secluded look and
we take our places, Anna and Jack are seated at each end of the
table, Trax, Tommy and I take one side, while Dad and Inferno the
other, with Inferno opposite me.

everyone else tucks into roast beef, I have nut loaf; Anna has
remembered that I
a vegetarian. Everyone
is relaxed and the general talk amongst the men is sports.

Baby Blu, how

s your return to
Comfort Springs going, you must find it smaller than the city?


m enjoying it. Everyone may know
your business but if something is to happen, at least someone would
notice. In the city, people keep to themselves and rarely speak to
you, it can be very isolating.

there any old boyfriends in the city who might come looking for you?

Anna asks. At that, I feel all eyes on me, glancing towards Inferno,
it was hard to say what he was thinking. The tic at his jaw pulsing
is the only clue to identify he isn’t happy with the question.

the food in my mouth as I look at Inferno?

no old boyfriend will be coming.

my answer, Inferno

s body relaxes.

do you enjoy your position at the school?

much so.

I am talking to Anna, I feel a socked covered foot stroking my leg,
reaching beneath the table, hopping that I am being discreet I push

s foot away. Only to have it
return. Giving him a speaking look, willing him to stop, which he
returns with on of innocents. A raised eyebrow. Almost immediately
his leg is between my knees, which I clasp together, preventing him
from going any further. His toes rub the inside of my knees and I can
not believe that I

m getting wet,
while sat down to lunch with both our parents. From my side, I hear
Trax give a small laugh, as if he knows what his farther is doing to
me under the table. At this thought, what had started as a light
blush across my cheeks, now turn my cheeks cheery red. Reaching
under the table, I squeeze Inferno

toes smiling sweetly at him.

alright honey

Anna enquires, which
causes my blush to deepen. A blush now reaching my chest.

every things fine, this meal is delicious thank you

I respond giving Inferno what I hope is the dead eye.

onto the back veranda after lunch, we settle down to mint iced tea
and playing cards.

got to go momma,

Inferno informs us
all, leaning over to give his mother a kiss on the cheek.

me to my bike Baby Blu,

he tells me
hauling me up, out of the chair that I was relaxing in, as I enjoyed
the sun.

him, since I had no choice in the matter. We make it to his bike,
where he pulls me into his arms, to kiss me harrd and deep. His hand
slipping under my skirt, moving to slip inside my knickers as his
fingers rub my clit. We are practically on the street and he is
feeling me up. Trying to control my body’s reactions, I squeeze
my thighs together, and all this does is trap his fingers against me
as he continues to stroke between my lips, making me wetter.

one can see Baby Blu, I got you covered, now cum for me

and on those words I have an orgasm. Removing his fingers, he sucks
each finger slowly, his eyes never leaving mine, ensuring that they
are clean of my juices.

dessert I

ve had in a long time

and with those words, he mounts his Harley and heads of to the


part of me is thankful for receiving the text from Linc while I had
been at my parents. Another part, had been disappointed, as it meant
leaving Baby Blu. To postpone the plans that I had for the both of
us, until later this evening. Shit, I can never get enough of that
girl, twice I
fucked her and then we
made sweet long love during the night. Then this morning
before leaving for the club I
fuck her
again. That had not been enough, just before coming to the clubhouse,
made her cum in the street by finger
fucking her. I must pull this shit together. Now is not the time to
be thinking of Baby Blu. The club has urgent business to deal with.
The Black County Stewards are out causing trouble in Comfort Springs
and I need to get my head round this crap.

the clubhouse, I call the meeting to order. Attending the meeting is
Linc, Dec, Fudge, Tabby, Crabby, Sundance and a couple of other
brothers. Seeing, as one of the brothers is Twiggy, I know we have
serious trouble. Twiggy is a mountain of a man and nearly as broad
as he is tall. With his wild sandy bushy hair, yet his goatee is neat
and well groomed. The only time you see Twiggy in Comfort Springs is
when there
major trouble. The last time
had been when I had been shot and now, seeing him here is not boding
well with me.

fill me in, your text didn

t say

to keep the text short Prez, we don

or need any come back on us. Remember when Tabby sacked them girls
from Tie me Down

Facing me directly
in the eye, while I cast my mind back, I nod when the memory becomes

things, first it wasn

t any of the
drugs that we supplied and secondly it was shit stuff. Amy, she was
one of the dancers, she died of an overdose. Her body was discovered
late last night and the autopsy is to be done, in the next couple of
days. Adam rang, gave me the heads up, she lives on the outskirts of
Black County Stewards, Fudge and Dec reckon that
where she got the drugs.

Comfort has strict rules concerning drugs that need to be followed
stringently. We do not sell in our backyard. It is too easy to trace
back. This rule also applies to guns. Our streets are safe, but that
mainly due to the insurance policy the shopkeepers pay to
Devils Comfort. If someone wants drugs, they go to The Scarlet
Runners MC territory.

we should do a sweep down there; find out who else might be buying
off Black County Stewards and who the dealers are?

Fudge recommends.

roll. First port of call needs to be the other dancer. Tabby you lead
on this as you have her details

into the Projects of Comfort Springs, I look round. The place is both
a dump and a deathtrap for anyone who does not know their way about.
With alleys leading to blind spots. On the wasteland, there is a pack
of mangy dogs that could do with a decent meal or destroyed.

when we

re done here, come back with
the cage and get rid of those dogs, if you can

find the owners. If you do find the owners, give them a polite

pleasure Prez.

is the place,

Tabby informs us,
walking into a small house. From the outside, the appearance is not
too bad. It also proves to be clean inside as well.


Tabby greets the striper as he
sits down on the sofa next to her. Twiggy stands on her other side,
while the rest of us block her doorway, filling her living space.

a name like Tabby, you would expect sweetness. That is not the case
with our little Tabby.

keeps swinging her head from side to side, watching both Tabby and
Twiggy. She is very skittish in her mannerism and I
not sure, if this is from the drugs, or if she is nervous
of my two boys.

to the white powder, which lays ontop of her glass table,

you get that shit from?


can he be found?

just off the interstate junction,

Tabby, bends down to the table, gathers the powder and flushes it
down the head.


s going to kill you
Twiggy passes that piece of useless information to Lola.

next stop is the garage and it does not take us long to find Tonka.
no more than a high school kid. Easy
to spot due to the way he is jittery and his eyes are constantly on
the go, shifting from corner to corner, in their constant search.
This one is going to be easy. Twiggy goes over to the boy, towering
over him, it is not long before Tonka is providing us the information
we require.

spend the next couple of hours cleaning up the projects, making more
enquiries and disposing of the drug dealers that should not be there
Satisfied with are progress, we head towards Black County Stewards
territory for a little chat.

dusk, we arrive at our destination and calmly walk into Black Country
Stewards clubhouse. This is why we have Twiggy I love that man.
Finding Boris, their President, I sit myself down next to him,
leaning forward, to rest my elbows on my knees. With a slow appraisal
of my surrounding; I count about fifteen members of Black County
Stewards. If there is trouble, we are prepared. My brothers have
strategically placed themselves. Their hands ready to draw their
weapons if needed. Satisfied, I begin our impromptu sit-down.


ve got a problem over in Comfort
Springs. You know that
it is the territory of Devils Comfort.
We do not allow dealers on our property, especially when their
selling dirty shit. One of our residents moved on last night, I know
I can do without the heat.

Boris straight in the eye

sure you don

t want any unwanted

towards Dec,

bring in Tonka and the
other one

couple of minutes later Dec returned with Tonka and Jo-Jo, two of
Black County Stewards dealers.

at Jo-Jo, who is no longer with us,

find any more of your deadbeats on my land; I

return them in the same state as Jo-Jo.

back in his chair Boris looks first at me, then he checks out the
high school kid, before letting his eyes roam over to Jo-Jo. As he
takes in my men, sizing up the situation, on how to handle it.
Finally, he nods his head

man, I got the message. We

keep off your land, but if the junkies come to us looking for the
stuff we ain

going to say no, capiche

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