Infidelity (10 page)

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Authors: Pat Tucker

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Infidelity
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"Hey, girlfriend, that ain’t even what I’m all about, you know that. You may have your head screwed on backwards, but you know I love you and I always will. That’s why I’m trying to state my position right off the bat. You know I don’t like his chicken ass for what he did when we were back in school, but that was damn near 10 years ago. So now, all I’m saying is he’s headed for disaster, and I don’t want to see you go along for the ride that’s all," she said easily, shrugging her shoulders.

When the waitress arrived to take orders, each snapped out of the conversation as if on cue. And the minute she walked away, Cricket started up again.

"I say you come stay with me at my aunt’s, even with the cats as opposed to being at some married man’s beck and call," Cricket said, rolling her eyes. "That’s all I’m saying."

Cricket leaned back in her seat, waiting for Persha’s answer.

"That’s kind of you," Persha said, "But I think it would be best if I stayed where I am. And no offense, but you know I have allergies, and all those cats; girl, I’d lose my mind."

"But what about your morals, about your dignity, self respect, self love? What’s having a mind if you’ve lost everything else?" Cricket shrugged matter-of-factly.

"Okay, that’s enough, Cricket," Kori said, jumping to Persha’s defence. "If Persha wants to stay in a place her man pays for, leave her alone. You shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that sometimes we just have to accept each other for who we are and leave it at that. Now I don’t want this girlfriend’s day to be ruined with you two arguing and bickering."

They sat back as their food arrived.

"Now, let’s eat and then hit Garden Ridge first, then the malls. We need positive energy, not chaos," Kori said, "As long as she’s happy, we should be happy. I mean, you’re looking a lot better girlfriend," Kori grinned at Persha before digging into her food.

"I feel good too, now that the antibiotics took care of that mold poisoning. I’m good as new," Persha smiled.

Despite her smile, Persha wondered secretly just how long she could keep up the charade.


~ Clarke

Clarke was thrilled to see the weekend finally winding down. Between magnificent blowjobs with his lover, and sex with his wife, he was ready for Kelsa to go back to work and looking forward to some down time to himself.

As he suspected, she never once opened the door to the spare bedroom. He knew his wife had a pet peeve about doors being open upstairs, so they kept all doors closed at all times. That’s how he knew it wouldn’t be a problem to have Persha staying there.

Although he knew for a fact Persha wasn’t sleeping with anyone else, he said a silent prayer in hopes that she wouldn’t need a little fine-tuning when she came back.

Sitting up in bed Sunday evening, Clarke looked over at Kelsa’s Mocha colored skin. She wasn’t a beautiful sistah, but she was all right. Her hazel colored eyes were probably her biggest asset because, in his eyes, her body was average. It was nothing that jumped out in the tits and ass department. But she was reliable.

"What’s the matter?" Kelsa asked with eyes glowing at Clarke.

"Aw, can’t a brotha admire his lovely wife?" Clarke said. He had been trying to score points all weekend. When Kelsa’s car pulled into the driveway just after eight o’clock Saturday morning, he already had breakfast waiting for her. It was only toast, eggs and coffee, but it did the trick.

Not for one minute did she suspect another woman had been in her house, and to make sure she never did, Clarke shadowed her everywhere she went. Kelsa must’ve passed up the guest room hundreds of times and never as much as looked toward the door for more than two seconds.

Since he did most of the house cleaning, she really had no reason to even wonder if the room was straightened up.

"I’m so very tired," said Kelsa.

Clarke snapped out of it and reached over to rub her shoulders. "Here, you need some help getting to sleep tonight?" he asked.

Kelsa gave him a knowing look. She inched forward and adjusted her body to reap the benefits of the impromptu massage.

Clarke was proud of how well things seemed to be going. He knew once he got her off to class and then work, it would be smooth sailing for Persha to come back to the house.

By Wednesday, hump day, the arrangement had been working just fine. That evening he decided he’d make a nice dinner for Persha. Truth be told, he really didn’t like her messing around in the kitchen anyway.

As they sat for dinner the sexual tension was floating thickly in the air. Just before she took a drink from the wine goblet, he noticed how her lips pursed as if preparing to welcome his.

The thin silk slip she was wearing showed off all her curves, from her deep settled bosom, to the small waist and her thick hips. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on her.

Candlelight and soft music added to the ambiance of the evening. After wrapping up dinner, he looked across the table and winked at her. She smiled, matching his flirting.

"Why don’t you go make yourself comfortable in the living room. Push play on the DVD player and wait for me. I’m about to clean this up and I’ll meet you in there."

Persha as glad to take him up on his offer. Clarke watched as she got up from the table and headed toward the living room. Clarke could see her hips swaying in the thin silk fabric.

That’s when it dawned on him that he hadn’t fucked anyone in almost three days. Oh, he was more than ready to get his freak on.

Instead of hand washing the dishes, he started loading the dishwasher. As he stood near the machine, he could feel the bulge growing in his pants.

Now, thinking about it, he could hardly wait to get inside of Persha. She was always warm, wet, and welcoming. No doubt about it, that girl loved sex, and he loved that about her.

He saw the light glaring from the big screen TV, but still heard the soft music blaring through the speakers. He hoped the porno he picked would get her all worked up so that he could handle his business.

After wiping down the table and counters, he started the dishwasher and was by her side within seconds. He was happy when he noticed her thongs underneath the coffee table.

"You picked this, huh?" Persha asked, referring to the porno.

Clarke smiled and replied, "Yeah, I thought you might find it interesting."

In the porno, one woman was servicing several men in a park setting. One at a time, they took turns having their way with her as the camera continued to capture her smiles.

Before Clarke could figure out whether Persha was feeling the vibe, he reached for her slip and yanked it off.

"Shorty, you make me crazy thinking about you," he said.

His mouth cupped hers and they rolled onto the floor. She was just as eager, tugging and pulling at the buttons on his shirt. When she didn’t undo them fast enough, Clarke pulled it open, buttons popping off. Persha feverishly attacked his chest, slopping and kissing all over his nipples.

"Oh, Shorty!" he moaned.

Clarke’s heart was beating faster by the minute. He couldn’t keep his hands off her, exploring and roaming her body in search of any trigger spots.

She was already wet. He leaned back to strip off his pants and release his erection when she put one hand up.

"Hold up a sec," she said, breathing heavily.

His eyes were glued to her stiffened nipples. They made his mouth water and his heart beat faster.

"Whassup, Shorty?" He grabbed his crotch. "I know you want a brotha. Don’t tell me you’ve become a tease all of a sudden."

"Nah, nothing like that, Clarke. But, baby, go get a condom. You got to be strapped."

"Aw, girl! Is that what you’re worried about? We done already did it once. Another time ain’t gonna hurt. C’mon!"

She shook her head. "No, Clarke. You need a condom. I already told you about my pills last time. I’m just getting back on them real good, so we need to use protection."

He fell back onto bended knees. "Damn, Shorty. A brotha ain’t got no damn condoms! You can’t just leave me here like this. I’m harder than a rock!" He looked down at the bulge in his pants with a pitiful look on his face.

Still shaking her head, she looked up at him. "You’ve got to have one condom somewhere around here."

"I don’t! Can’t we just do it this one last time? I promise I’ll go buy some tomorrow, first thing! Damn, I swear," he said with a frown.

"Nah, that’s not good enough." She eased up from her wanting position on the floor and he moved toward her.

"Shorty, just let me put the head in. I just want to feel you. I won’t even go in all the way, I promise. Just let a brotha feel you, and I’ll pull right out! I swear girl!" He rubbed his crotch as if to ease the desire burning in his loins.

"C’mon, Clarke. You’re not thinking straight. If you don’t have a condom, we should just go take a cold shower. Ain’t no need to go any further. If you’re not strapped, you need to step back!"

Looking at the larger than life 62-inch screen of the woman performing various sex acts with her partners, he sucked his teeth and sat down.

"I don’t believe this shit! You been with somebody else?" he questioned.


"I mean, if you ain’t sleeping with no body else, and you know I ain’t sleeping with Kelsa’s ass, I don’t see what the problem is. You act like a brotha gonna give you the heebeegeebees or something."

"Clarke, that has nothing to do with it and you know it. A disease isn’t the only thing we got to think about. I don’t want to get pregnant right now. We just need to be careful, that’s all I’m saying."

He started pouting, hoping that would change her mind.

"Well, maybe you could kiss a brotha off to sleep. I need something Shorty!" He looked down at the bulge in his pants. "Look at this. You gonna let a rock hard thangie go to waste, baby?"

"I’m afraid so; if we ain’t got no condoms."

"Okay." He started unzipping his pants. "Well here. Let me sit on the couch so you can get busy. How’s that sound?"

"Why don’t I go check and see if I have any condoms in my car?" Persha said.

His eyes lit up. "No shit?"

"It might be old, but I may have one or two lying around somewhere. It’s worth a try to go look."

"Cool, okay, but hurry back," he whined.

Persha got up from the floor and picked up her slip. As she was about to put it over her head, he tugged at it.

"Quite surely you don’t expect me to go out there naked do you?" she asked with a sensual grin.

"Nah, Shorty. I’m just admiring your goddess of a body. Okay, go ahead, but hurry back!" He started stroking himself again.

Persha put on the slip and stepped back into her mules. As she reached the door, she turned back and looked at Clarke.

"Dammit, my keys are upstairs in my purse. I’ll be right back," she said as she headed up the steps and retrieved her keys.

When she came back downstairs, she could barely make it out the door before he stopped her.

"Where are you going with your purse?"

"Clarke, if I can’t find a condom in the car, I’m gonna drive down to the corner store."

With a bewildered look on his face he said, "What corner store?"

"I’ll find one," she said, slamming the door behind her.

Ten minutes later, when Persha still hadn’t returned, Clarke thought about going to look down the street but he figured he’d just wait. If worse came to worse, he’d just have to beat himself off then make her work to get it back up.

Things were getting pretty steamy on the flick, and he didn’t know how much longer he could wait. He figured he’d at least get out of the pants, that way she could really get an idea of the seriousness of the situation.

Lying back on the sofa with his eyes glued to the big screen TV, Clarke was getting all worked up. His mind kept thinking of all the ways he’d fuck Persha. Maybe on the coffee table, standing up, or even on a chair, or they’d try them all. But, the way he was feeling, he could probably fuck her for hours non-stop and he’d be okay with that too.

When he looked up nearly 20 minutes later and he was still alone, he started wondering just where the hell she was.

"Damn!" he spat, getting up from his spot in front of some action he’d soon try to match. He walked to the door, and just as he was about the grab the knob, it swung open.

His eyes widened in horror and his mouth dropped.

Kelsa took one look at her husband and started frowning.

"What are you doing up in your underwear?" she asked.

He followed her gaze down to his crotch and shrugged his shoulders. What the fuck? he thought. Suddenly he started perspiring.

"Hey! Kelsa!" he said awkwardly.

"Well, are you gonna let me in or just stand here blocking the doorway?" she asked, sounding irritated.

"Oh, shit! Ah, I’m, oh, yeah, of course you can come in. This is your house!" He watched as she stepped past him and into the living room.

Clarke closed the door and dead bolted the lock. He even looked out the peephole before turning to see his wife standing there with her hands on her hips.

"What the hell is going on in here?" she hissed. He knew she was fuming. He could visualize the smoke that would be coming from her ears if she were a cartoon character.

"Oh, that," he motioned toward the large screen and the people performing various sexual acts and smiled.

Kelsa stood waiting for a response. Clarke walked all the way into the living room. He was relieved he had put the dishes away and cleaned up. He didn’t need her finding out about their little houseguest.

Kelsa cleared her throat and stood firm in her spot.

"I asked what is going on in here Clarke Hudson?" she asked.

"Damn, Baby, why you hassling a brotha? I was just sitting back watching a flick. It’s not against the law in my own damn house is it?" He frowned, staring down her gaze.

"Are you here with someonem Clarke?"

"What?" he asked as if offended by her query.

Kelsa had eased her hands away from her hips. "I said, are you here with someone? You heard me," she snapped, twisting her neck.

"Nah, girl, you crazy. Ain’t nobody here but me."

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