Infinite Desire (11 page)

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Authors: Danielle Jamie

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: Infinite Desire
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yes. Nice to finally meet you, and are you also here about a puppy?” She asks,
turning her attention over to me.

can’t help but laugh as I answer her, “No ma’am. I’m just here with Brooklyn.
I’m Savannah, by the way.”

follow Darla into the back yard where the puppies are running around inside a
large fenced in area. They are so cute! She has yellow and chocolate
Labradors’. They look like little balls of fur rolling around and wrestling
with their brothers and sisters.

soon as we step into the fenced in area, the puppies immediately run towards us,
barking the cutest little bark I’ve ever heard. I kneel down in the grass, and
instantly I have three puppies filling my lap, each of them trying to lick me
to death. One is enjoying itself gnawing on my boot heal. I mentally thank
myself for wearing a pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt, because these little
guys are all over me.

they not the cutest thing!?” Brooklyn asks as she rubs the belly of one of the
chocolate colored puppies rolling around on its back.

one of the puppies in my hand, I stand up and cradle it in my arms. Smiling
down at it, I can’t help but melt as it looks up at me with its big green puppy
dog eyes. It instantly reminds me of Kayden, making me love the little guy even

are! Have you decided which one ya wanna get?” I don’t know how she’ll ever choose,
they are all so adorable.

down, Brooklyn picks up a little yellow lab that’s been keeping herself busy
chasing a butterfly. “I want this one; she’s spunky just like me. I think
she’ll love running around the beach chasing the seagulls.”

know I’ll probably regret this decision after I find my favorite pair of Jimmy
Choos chewed up, but being spontaneous is in my nature. Rubbing the puppy’s ear,
I hug him tightly against my chest. Looking from Brooklyn to Darla, I say, “I
think I’ve changed my mind; I want to buy this one if he’s available.”

jumps to her feet bursting with excitement, “Yay! We can have play dates!

gives me a warm smile and rubs the puppies head that I’m holding, “She sure is;
only the ones with bandanas on have been purchased already. The owners have
just been waiting for them to be old enough to go home with them.

filling out the paperwork and paying for them, we head back to the Jeep. Both
puppies are on their leashes, chasing one another and dragging Brooklyn and me
behind them.

think, we could breed them when they get older and have tons of chocolate and
yellow labs running around!” Brooklyn says with excitement in her voice,
thinking she’s just come up with the world’s most brilliant idea.

let out a giggle as I open my passenger door and climb into the back seat to
sit with the puppies. “Umm, no. I do not want to deal with a horny dog in heat.
I’ll be getting this one fixed as soon as possible, and they’re brother and
sister…you can’t breed them.” I say matter-of-factly, petting both puppies as
they bounce around on my lap.

into the driver’s seat, Brooklyn looks back at me, “You’re such a Debbie Downer.
You know that, right?”

don’t answer her; I just roll my eyes and continue playing with the little
balls of fur wrestling with each other on my lap. They are a little over twelve
weeks old and funny enough she said they were born on Valentine’s Day, just a
few days after my birthday.

a quick stop at Petsmart, and a few hundred dollars later, we’re finally
pulling into the driveway at mine and Kayden’s beach house. I’m a nervous
wreck, as is Brooklyn, waiting to see the reaction of our men to the new

now has a cute little pink bandana with little white daisies tied around her
puppy’s neck. We bought collars and little silver name tags at the store for
them. We thought I’d be cute to make their names similar since they’re brother
and sister, so after naming off a half dozen names, we decided on Bailey and
Bentley. Bentley is very rambunctious and is rolling around on the grass beside
the driveway trying desperately to tear off his Texas Longhorns bandana I
bought him. If his adorable little face doesn’t win Kayden over, I know the
bandana will.

that I’ve had time to think about it, I think it’s a great idea for us to have
a pet. We have horses, but the staff at our house, it still sounds weird
calling it our house instead of Kayden’s, take care of them for us. With
Bentley, he’ll be our responsibility. They always say get a dog before starting
a family, and I think it will help us learn how to work together caring for our
puppy child until we take the next step to having a baby of our own.

thought of being a mother terrifies and excites me all at the same time. It’s a
huge step in a relationship; you’re permanently tied to that person for the
rest of your lives after having a child with them. Also, your life changes
drastically; you go from worrying about yourself to your world revolving around
your child’s life. When I had my period last week I was relieved because I’m
constantly forgetting my pill and having to double up. I’ve been so distracted
lately, but I need to try harder to remember to take it every night. Kayden and
I will get married, and then focus on starting a family. I still have so much
in my career I want to do before starting a family.

think it’ll be good for Brooklyn too. She’s used to going through life without
a worry in the world; a dog will help her grow up. I’ll more than likely get
stuck babysitting every time she goes on location to shoot or to LA to tape an
episode for
As the Days Go By
, but what are auntie’s for? I just hope
the poor dog doesn’t drive her insane. I can’t picture her scrubbing up after
it has an accident on the floor, and I definitely can’t picture Dixon doing it
either. They’ll be forced out of their comfort zone, that’s for sure.

letting the puppies go potty we lug all of Bentley’s stuff into the house. I
set his kennel, dog bed, package of pee pads, dog food, treats, and chew toys
in the living room. I’ll have to set up the spare room off of the living room
as his little room for his toys and dog bed, but right now I feel like throwing
on some yoga pants and walking him down on the beach so he can wear off some of
his energy before Kayden gets home from work.

spends the next hour with me down on the beach with the puppies; we take over a
hundred pictures of ourselves and the dogs. We send one in a bulk text to
Rebecca, Reagan, Mya, my parents and her parents. I don’t send any to Kayden
nor does she send any to Dixon, because we both agreed it would be more fun
showing them in person.

make our way back up to the house as Bentley and Bailey chase each other up the
sandy hill. The once warm sand is now becoming cool as the sun is starting to
set in the horizon. I scoop Bentley up, and make my way towards the stairs
leading up to our front door. Brooklyn sets Bailey in the passenger seat and
shuts the door. She quickly hops up onto her hind legs and pops her head out
the open window barking her cute little bark.

me after you tell Kayden; I cannot wait to hear what he thinks of Bentley!”
Brooklyn says walking around and jumping into the driver seat. She turns the
ignition and Seether’s
starts blasting throughout the jeep.

goodbye, I shout over the music, “Will do! And you better text me too! I can’t
wait to hear what Dixon’s reaction is! Better yet snap a pic of his face once he
sees Bailey and send it me!” I laugh as Dixon’s bewildered face flashes in my
mind. Bentley barking at Bailey momentarily distracts me. I pick him back up
and yell to Brooklyn over the music again, “You coming over early tomorrow,
before the party?” I ask, leaning against the railing and enjoying the breeze
blowing through my hair.

that Spring is here, Galveston is warming up, and I can feel summer swiftly

out of her open roof, Brooklyn flashes me an impish grin, “Of course! We gotta
let our babies play before we go into party mode!”

shake my head and laugh at her referring
to the
as our babies’. She’ll end up having an entire closet bursting with doggy
dresses by the end of the week. I hate to break it to her that these puppies
are going to get big, fast. They are adorable little balls of fur right now,
but soon enough they’ll be big dogs shedding all over and running us ragged.

Chapter Nine

a month of non-stop drama and having the press in our faces, I am more than
ready to have fun with our friends tonight. Nothing’s better than a bon fire,
good music, and relaxing on the beach to help relieve stress. It’s been a crazy
couple of weeks since Nadia retracted her story about Kayden and telling the
press what really happened, and Kayden doing an interview with People magazine
exposing Logan and Giselle.

are finally calming down, and life is getting back to normal. Sadly, with the
way our society works, the bad press has only increased people’s interest in
Logan, which I think was his motivation all along. I’m trying to not pay
attention to any of it. I’m just focusing on my life here in Texas, and
planning our wedding. Life’s a lot less stressful when you remove yourself from
all the LA drama.

hear Bentley barking his cute little bark as I open the front door leading out
to our deck. He spends all day barking at the damn seagulls, and of course they
strut around on the sand taunting him, knowing he’s trapped on the deck out and
of reach.

out with a Twisted Tea in one hand and a Corona in the other, I spot Kayden
lounging in a chair wearing dark blue jeans, a short sleeve button up plaid
shirt and his favorite cowboy boots. He’s got his Longhorns baseball cap in his
hand, swinging it around, teasing Bentley.

heart swells as I watch Kayden play with our new rambunctious puppy. I was
nervous the entire time waiting for Kayden to get home from the office last
night. I wasn’t sure what he’d think of Bentley.

walked through the door, and instantly his eyes fell onto me lying on the
sectional, snuggled up with Bentley and watching
Ghost Adventures
. He
had to work late, finalizing his wind energy project, so he didn’t get home
until after nine.

instantly sucked in a deep breath and held it as I waited for his reaction.
Kayden shut the front door, tossed his dress coat over the arm of the couch and
a small smile stretched across his face. “So, we have a dog now?” He asks with
amusement in his voice, crouching down in front of me and petting Bentley’s

let out the breath I’d been holding and relaxed seeing the smile on Kayden’s
face as Bentley barked playfully. “Yeah, Brooklyn went to get a puppy today and
after playing with them, I couldn’t leave without getting one. I hope you don’t
mind?” I sit up, crossing my legs and settling Bentley on my lap.

laughed and plopped down on the sofa beside me, lifting Bentley off of my lap
and holding him against his chest. “Of course I don’t mind. Whatever you want
darlin’, I’ll give you, always. I love dogs! I had a beagle growing up named
Copper.” He gives me a sideways glance, and chuckling
my expression
, says “I know, so cliché, but hey, I loved
The Fox and
The Hound

think it’s cute actually.” I say, running my hand over his broad shoulder. He
takes my breath away as I drink him in; his white button up dress shirt looks
like it will tear in two if he flexed his bicep. He even makes a suit look

Bentley’s chin, Kayden gazes down at the name tag, and thumbs the bandana,
“Bentley…I like it, and he has good taste in football I see.” Kayden’s husky
drawl sends shivers down my spine. I swear, I could listen to him recite the
alphabet and I’d find it the sexiest thing in the world.

thought you’d like the bandana, he hated it at first. He tried for over an hour
to tear it off, but now he doesn’t seem fazed by it. I think my next purchase
is a Jersey, but I’ll wait until the season starts because who knows how big
he’ll be by then.”

his tie, Kayden turns towards me and leaning over the puppy lying on his lap,
he gives me a short sweet kiss. Pulling away, he smiles at me, instantly making
me melt right there, “He’s adorable. I think a dog will be fun. I can teach him
to duck hunt, too.”

snuggling on the couch with Kayden and Bentley for a few hours watching TV, we
put him in his kennel for the night and went to sleep. I was silly to think
Kayden wouldn’t love him. He has the biggest heart when it comes to animals,
and at least he didn’t object to the name.

awoke this morning to a text from Brooklyn saying Dixon is okay with the dog,
but was none too pleased when she made him walk the puppy at five thirty in the
morning, because she wouldn’t stop howling in her kennel. I couldn’t help but
laugh, because Kayden did the same thing around six this morning.

shake away my thoughts from last night, and walk over to Kayden. “Here ya go.”
Handing him his beer, I sit down on his lap and bask in the warm sun and cool
ocean breeze.

babe.” Kayden murmurs against my skin, before pressing scorching hot kisses
against my neck and taking a swig of his beer.

skin prickles with excitement from his lips being on my body. Ever since we
came back from Vegas it’s as if we can’t get enough of each other.

my naughty thoughts into the back of my mind, I decide to focus on our plans for
the day, “Brooklyn and Dixon should be here soon. I thought we could all have
lunch and bring the puppies down to the water to play.” I snuggle against
Kayden’s chest and laugh as I watch Bentley chase his tail.

rakes his fingers through my hair; which I decided to style in loose curls
today, as he stares out at the water, watching the wave’s crash onto the shore.
The water is slightly choppy today, with small white caps.

like a plan. I can’t wait to talk to Dixon and see what he thinks about
Brooklyn getting a dog. He has never been a big fan of pets.”

she texted me this morning and said so far he’s okay with having a dog. He
wasn’t too thrilled having to walk her at the ass crack of dawn though. It’s
like having a baby when you think about it. So now they actually have to be

poor dog, having Brooklyn and Dixon as parents; that’s terrifying!” Kayden
laughs. “I still can’t believe those two are married, even after a month it
still sounds weird saying it.” 

know. I just hope she doesn’t drive them to the brink of insanity. At least we
lucked out and Bentley has been good so far. Almost twenty-four hours and he
hasn’t had an accident or eaten any of my shoes.” I say matter-of-factly.

jinx us!” Kayden yells with laughter in his voice. “Are we allowed to hire
nannies for dogs?” He asks, before taking another pull from his beer.

cock an eyebrow up at his question, “I don’t know, I suppose ya can? Why? You
wanna get a dog nanny.” I can’t help but giggle, because the words sound
ridiculous coming out of my mouth.

his beer down, Kayden with one quick move has me straddling him on the outdoor
lounger. “Well, I’m thinking about you and I getting away next weekend, and I
made the plans before we got a dog.”

his face, I flash him a big pearly white grin, “Aww, did I ruin your surprise?”
I ask, raking my fingers through his hair.

sets his hat on my head and pulls the brim down almost over my eyes, “Yes ya
did, but darlin’ I know ya would of found out anyways because you’re impossible
to surprise; I can’t get nothin’ past ya.”

can’t help but laugh, “You exaggerate. I’m not that bad!”

my hips, a low growl rumbles in his chest vibrating against mine as he slowly
slides his hands along my sides and around to my back. I wrap my arms around
his neck, and eagerly press my lips against his for a breathtakingly delicious
kiss. Feeling his tongue caressing mine instantly causes me to tingle all over
with desire. Pulling my lips away from his, Kayden lets out an aggravated moan,
“Hey, I wasn’t done kissing those lips.” He purrs, as he pout’s up at me, but I
can see the small smile on his lips.

stop us now before we get so engulfed in one another that we can’t. I gaze into
his mesmerizing pools of green and almost lose what little willpower I have left,

We’ll have company soon,
so we have to stay
decent.” I say, not very convincingly.

flashes me a cocky grin and begins kissing my neck; a moan escapes me as what
little self-control I had left slowly crumbles. “I think we can fit a quickie
in before they get here.”

in, I slide off of his lap and pull him up off the lounger; Bentley is now
passed out curled in a ball while enjoying the warm sun beating down on him as
he sleeps. Just as I begin turning the handle of the door, I hear the all too
familiar sound of Dixon’s exhaust on his Silverado.

me.” Kayden curses, pressing me against the door and resting his head against
the window. He leaves it pressed against the glass for a few moments.

that was the plan.” I say sarcastically, as I duck under his arms and plop down
on one of the chairs at our outdoor table.

around, Kayden leans against the door, raking his hand through his hair, “Yea,
I planned on watching you ride me, wearing nothing but my hat. Even now, Dixon’s
a fuckin’ cock blocker.” I snicker at Kayden as he continues to curse under his
breath and adjust his jeans.

across the deck Kayden flops back down on the lounger and proceeds to drink
down the remainder of his beer.

I mouth and give him a small smile as Dixon and Brooklyn, along with a bouncing
Bailey, walk up onto the deck.

dick head.” Kayden says cheerfully, greeting Dixon as he and Brooklyn join me
at the table.

the fuck crawled up your ass and died?” Dixon asks sarcastically, pulling
Brooklyn tightly against his chest.

sets his beer down, and flashes a cocky, shit eating grin at Dixon, “Well, for
one, your punctual timing. Since when are you ever on time?”

catches on to what’s going on, and my cheeks immediately flush red, “Awww, did
we show up at a bad time?” He asks, eyeing Kayden and then me.

think I need a drink.” I blurt out, jumping to my feet. “Brooklyn, you

yea, I’ll go with you”. Sliding off his lap and standing between his legs, she
asks in her most suggestive way “Dixon, you want anything?”

still really weird seeing them be so openly affectionate and not ripping each
other’s heads off.

I’ll take a beer.” He says, slapping her ass as she walks towards the house
with me. I shake my head and let out a small laugh. There’s the Dixon I know so

into the kitchen I grab myself another Twisted Tea and hand Brooklyn a Mikes
Hard Lemonade; adding some Coronas for Dixon and Kayden.

against the kitchen counter, Brooklyn asks, “So, did we show up at a bad time?”
She says, smiling ear to ear. Brooklyn loves getting Kayden riled up, so she’s
enjoying that she showed up and ruined his plans for a

But I told Kayden you two were on your way; ya only live down the damn street,
but we were betting on you two not being punctual. Go figure, today you’re
actually right on time.” I laugh, rolling my eyes as I head back onto the deck.

about impeccable timing.” Brooklyn laughs, following me out.


as people began arriving, I’m caught off guard when Rebecca climbs out of
Kayden’s Audi with Jax. Kayden wanted to surprise me, so he didn’t tell me he
flew her in from LA this afternoon. He wanted to fly Reagan in too, but he’s in
New York doing a shoot for our next month’s issue.

only here for tonight and flying back to LA tomorrow night, but I’ll take it;
the one thing I miss about LA is Rebecca and Reagan.

sun is setting, and the beach is filling up with all of Kayden and Dixon’s
friends and a few cousins’. Kayden and a few of his friends have been busy
barbecuing tons of food since there has to be about fifty people here tonight.
Dixon, Kayden, and Jax have built a big ass bonfire, which is now roaring.

and Braxton are sitting in lawn chairs beside me, enjoying the warmth of the
fire on this cool spring evening. We have country music blasting up on the
deck, and there are tons of people dancing under the pink sky to Jason Aldean’s
. I absolutely love this song. Just as it gets to my favorite part,
Mya and I start yelling over the music,
“Joe, Joe, Joe Diffie!”
by us falling into fits of laughter.

. Try some of this
.” Kayden drawls,
sitting down and handing me a red solo cup filled about quarter of the way.

it, I give him a questionable look, “What is it?”

is that moonshine?” Mya asks with excitement in her voice.

sly smile stretches across Kayden’s lips, “Yup. Apple pie moonshine, my friend
Corbin made it; he makes the best moonshine in Texas.” He says turning his
focus back onto me.

hold the cup beneath my nose taking in the sweet scent. It smells good but I’ve
heard a lot of crazy story’s from my cousins in Memphis about when they drank
moonshine. It’s super potent, and gets you drunk fast.

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