Inflame (Explosive) (50 page)

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Authors: Tessa Teevan

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Inflame (Explosive)
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“I know it’s probably not what you want to hear, but it’s been ten years, Kale. In order to really move forward, you have to let go of your anger towards her, too.”

He sighs and gives me a small smile. “I know you’re right. And I think I’m starting to. I was angrier at her the other day for upsetting you more than anything else. What she did is done and I can’t ever change it. I need to stop looking back and focus on the future. On you and Sprout. So let’s finish this,” he insists.

Nodding in agreement, I settle in against his chest and listen carefully as he pulls out every item from the box, giving me a brief history. When he pulls out the engagement ring, I turn to look at him, giving him a questioning smile.

“That’s the first thing to go to a pawn shop,” he says, and I laugh, honestly not caring what he does with it. If she was foolish enough to let him go, to return his ring, then the sight of it doesn’t bother me in the least bit.

The last item he pulls out is an ultrasound, and my breath hitches when I see the image. We’re cuddled up on the couch together, and he brings the photograph in so we can both get a close look.

“I wish I could have met him,” I whisper, hoping I’m not speaking out of bounds.

Kale’s lips press softly against my temple. “So do I, baby.” He leans across the couch and opens up the drawer in the coffee table, pulling out a photo. When he hands it to me, I realize that it’s our first image of Sprout, and my heart melts. “This is why I was so messed up that night. I was overwhelmed at the sight of him, at the thought of actually becoming a father, and I was terrified of letting you down. For the longest time, I locked away what happened, and seeing the sonogram brought it all back to the surface, and it freaked me out. I already loved him so much, and the thought of losing him, or you, was more than I could handle.”

“Kale, you could never let me down, and you’re not going to lose me. Ever. All I wanted was for you to open up. Nothing from your past would have ever scared me away from you, and I would never, ever take your son from you. I love you. Who you are, who you were, and who you’ve come to be.” Pausing, I take his hand and rest it on my belly. “My heart breaks for all you’ve lost. I know I can never replace it, and I’d never try. But I’m here now, and he’ll be here soon, and we’re never going to leave your side. But from now on, you have to be one hundred percent honest and open with me. No more secrets.”

Kale’s eyes are on his hand, and then he looks back at the sonogram. Finally, his gaze reaches mine and he gives me a breathtaking smile. “No more secrets. Scout’s honor,” he says, trying to make that damned pledge with his hand as he gives me a small smile. “I can’t dwell on the past anymore, baby, and I don’t want to. I have so much to look forward to, and that’s what I wanna do. Focus on you, on him, on us. I never thought I’d have a family, Lucy, but what I didn’t realize is that I was just waiting for you. You’re everything I’ve always wanted and never thought I could have. I might sound like a pussy, but the fact that you’re sitting here with me after all this time is more than a dream come true, and I’m never going to let you go.”

Curling my fingers around his, I give them a gentle squeeze. “That’s good to know, Montgomery, because I’d never let you, even if you tried.”


opening up about Tara and the baby, Lucy and I have been closer than ever. She’s helped me realize that I never did grieve the way I should have, yet at the same time, I’ve learned that life’s gotten easier as I’ve let go of old wounds.

“Baby, we’ve got to go or else we’re going to be late!” I yell to the back bedroom, where Lucy shooed me out of earlier.

I’m pacing the living room, more than ready to loosen the green tie she encouraged me to wear. It’s late May, and Mother Nature already decided that summer should come early. I know I’ll be losing my jacket and rolling up my sleeves before the night’s over, and I fight the urge to go ahead and do it now.

As I hear the bedroom door open, I turn, my breath taken away as I catch sight of her. She’s an absolute vision, and my mouth waters as I scan her from head to toe. I didn’t think she could get any sexier than she was at her baby shower, but the sight of her now, nearly nine months pregnant and radiating sexuality, has me on edge. She’s grinning at me sheepishly as she watches my eyes creep up her tan, toned legs as I take in the sight of her. Her long blonde hair is twisted and pinned to the side, and she’s gone for the smoky effect with her eye makeup. She’s wearing a short, lacy black dress that clings to every single curve, highlighting her bump. I have no idea how she’s going to be comfortable, but she looks absolutely breathtaking. A silver chain adorns her neck, and the charm bracelet I gave her for the baby shower is on her wrist. She gives me a warm smile as she walks towards me.

“Have I ever told you how sexy you look in a suit?” she asks, her eyes raking over my body.

“Baby, you always tell me I look sexy,” I tease, and I dodge as she goes to give me a playful slap.

“Okay, let’s get a move on. My back’s been killing me all day, and all I want to do is sit.”

She slips into her standard black flats and grabs her purse as we make our way out of the house. Leading her to the car, I gently help lower her into it. Now that she’s nine months pregnant, every move she makes worries me, and I know it’s going to be hard to keep my eyes off her through the night.

When we arrive in Belle Meade an hour later, I’m taken aback as I see the Wellington home. Knowing Knox, I never would’ve guessed he grew up in a place like this. As I hand my keys off to the valet, I try to come to grips with the fact that this is the home of a guy whose bone I’ve seen protruding through his skin. He never let on that he came from money, and as Lucy and I walk down the long hallway, I catch sight of a newspaper clipping that shows him lying on stretcher, waiting for medevac. Lucy’s eyes widen when she sees it, and I wrap an arm around her protectively.

“Just think. If the explosion hadn’t happened, we might not even be here right now,” I whisper to her. “Everything happens for a reason, baby. Believe it.”

She nods in agreement as she continues to scan the article.

“Oh, you made it!” I turn and see Lucy moving towards Charlie, both of them arms wide open. “I know you probably hated sitting in the car on the way here, but I’m so glad to see you. After all, what kind of engagement party would it be without my best friend and maid of honor?”

Lucy grins at her and looks down at her stomach. “Trust me. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. I’m just thankful you set your wedding for August so this little guy doesn’t have to make an appearance in every single wedding photo.”

“Trust me. If it were up to Knox, we would’ve already gone to Vegas and gotten it over with, but I think Dad would kill me if he didn’t get to walk his only girl down the aisle. Knox just has to deal. Speaking of, let’s go get you something to drink and find my groom.” She loops her arm through Lucy’s and then heads off in the direction of the backyard. I follow closely behind.

Finding Knox, Jace, and Lexi, we settle into comfortable conversation as Charlie tries to pry the gender of Lexi’s baby out of her. For some reason, Jace and Lexi are keeping it to themselves, something that’s driving Charlie absolutely nuts.

Knox’s younger brother, Cohen, joins the group. I got to know him a little last year when Knox was laid up, and he’s a pretty cool kid. I watch as Knox wraps an arm around his shoulder then looks at me with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

“Guess who’s got a new main squeeze, Montgomery?” he teases, bringing his brother into a headlock.

“Dammit, Knox. I told you that shit in confidence. Plus, she’s not my main squeeze. She’s not my anything. In fact, I’m pretty sure she hates my guts.”

Jace starts laughing and looks between me, Cohen, and Knox.

“All right, Montgomery. Now’s your chance. Let him have it.”

I shake my head. I’d almost feel bad for the guy if I didn’t know just how well they worked for me. I lean in close, and Cohen looks at me with nervous eyes as soon as I say those two promising words.

Charlie cracks up and gives his hair a ruffle. “Oh, Cohen. This is going to be fun.”



continues on as the live band starts to play. It’s an unusually warm May day, and I’m thankful I thought to put my hair up to keep my neck cool. Although I try to mingle as much as possible, eventually I have to find a seat to rest in. I’m going to be worn out by the time I get home. Hell, I’m already worn out. My back’s still killing me, and my uterus is screaming at me as what feels like menstrual cramps set in. I’m sitting on a bench, enjoying the music, trying to convince myself I’m experiencing Braxton Hicks and that I’m not actually in labor. Looking around, I see Kale across the yard talking with Jace. I take short, shallow breaths, and I close my eyes, willing this not to be happening.

“Um, excuse me, miss. Are you okay?” The slow Southern drawl is sexy, sophisticated, and it’s honestly the last thing I need—or want—to hear as I’m trying to control my breathing.

He crouches down in front of me and takes hold of my hand. Shaking my head, I wince as a sharp pain slices through me, and I squeeze his hand tight, trying to brace myself. Without waiting for me to answer, he snaps at a nearby partygoer, signaling for them to dial 911.

“I… Oh, son of a…” I cut myself off as a warm rush of liquid flows out of me. “I’m so, so sorry, but I think my water just broke. Holy shit. Oh God. Oh God. It got on your suit. Holy shit. Umm, I think I’m having a baby. In a backyard.”

I feel the stranger sit on the bench beside me. He slides his hand around my waist, using his other hand to brush away the hair from my face.

“Shhh. You’re safe. I’ve no doubt you’re a strong, beautiful woman, and you can do this. I won’t leave you. I promise. An ambulance is already on the way, and if you can hold off just a little longer, you won’t have to give birth on the grass.”

When my eyes finally reach his face, I realize that he looks familiar, but I can’t place him.

“Do... Do I know you?” I ask, shivering as the pain of a contraction roils through me.

He allows me to grip his hand, and he doesn’t even flinch at how hard I squeeze, almost as if I can transfer the pain to him.

He leans in and gives me a rueful smile. “Name’s Branson. I’m Knox’s big brother, and I haven’t always been well liked around these parts, which is probably why we’re not acquainted.”

As the pain of the last contraction subsides, I glance up at him. He looks at me with earnest care, and I give him a small smile.

“I’m Lucy. And I don’t know, Branson. You seem pretty okay to me.”

He chuckles, shifting me in his arms as he scans the yard, signaling to an unseen person. “You’d be the only person to say so, but I’m workin’ on it.”

Before I can respond, a sharp pain shoots in my belly, and I double over, wincing at the pain.

“Lucy, you okay?” I can hear the panic in his voice.

Clutching his arm, I grasp as hard as I can. “Branson…” I breathe. “As much as I love clinging to you, can you please find Kale for me? If I’m about to have his baby on your parents’ lawn, I should at least warn him, right?”

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