Ink (27 page)

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Authors: Holly Hood

Tags: #General Fiction

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I can’t believe you would do this!” I yelled, cutting Nona off and charging toward Tucker. Dad snagged me around the waist, pulling me away from him.

I’m sorry, Hope, if you’re upset with me. But, when I saw you earlier today with Slade, I was really concerned. Sir, I was only trying to do the right thing after all that happened.” Tucker swallowed hard, doing his best to lay it on thick.

Nona laid a hand on his shoulder, buying every word he was spewing. Every awful lie. “Honey, don’t worry, you did the right thing. He is such a good boy I tell you. You’re a good boy, and wait until I talk to that mother of yours again. Hope, tell Tucker thank you. If it wasn’t for him in your life, you would be in loads of trouble.” She raised an eyebrow at me. She reminded me of Cruella Deville.

I crossed my arms, challenging her. She raised the other eyebrow now, staring me down. “Well, fine. Darling, do you have this under control now?” Nona asked Dad.

. As if I really was out of control. I shot Tucker another glare. He batted his eyelashes at me, a sick smirk on his face. Nona took his arm and they exited out of our kitchen.

I took a bottle of water out of our refrigerator, sitting at the table. “Well, come on, say whatever it is you need to say so I can go to bed,” I muttered, sucking down half the bottle before Dad even stopped gawking at me in shock.

Is that a hickey on your neck?” he asked, moving closer to inspect me. I covered my neck in annoyance. “No. I scratched my neck when I was surfing!”

Hope. You can’t be running off doing whatever you want. Just because your mom isn’t here doesn’t mean I don’t have the same rules that she did.” Dad pulled a chair out and took a seat across from me. I avoided his eyes, too angry to look at him.

If I was with Tucker it wouldn’t have mattered.”

I don’t want you wandering around with any guys this late. I was a young guy once and I am going to be completely honest with you. Being out this late usually means one of two things.”

I screwed the cap back on my water, looking at Dad now.

You had sex tonight with that kid. Or you were close to having sex tonight with that kid.” He shrugged.

Are you serious? I can’t believe your saying that to me!” I cringed. Sex talk with Dad was a hard pill to swallow.

You’re seventeen. Don’t act like these things don’t happen. Hope, I want you to be safe if you ever decide to do that. You know how to use a condom don’t you?” Dad seemed to be cringing down at the other end of the table. He ran his hand across his chin.

Yes, Mom showed me how. And I had this talk with her when I was twelve. And I know about birth control.” I smacked my head. “So this is how it’s going to be. I like a boy and you have him arrested?”

Dad chuckled. “No, that was Nona and Tucker. Tucker insisted this Slade was up to no good, and you know Nona. I’m sure the Sherriff just wants to get his point across to these boys about running around after dark with young girls. Sometimes a little scare will do wonders.”

No, you don’t get it. Tucker and Slade hate each other. Tucker did this vindictively and I wouldn’t be surprised if he ends up in big trouble seeing Tucker’s dad is the mayor,” I snapped. I felt awful.

He’s the mayor kiddo, not the president. These things happen when two boys are after the same girl.” Dad smirked. It wasn’t humorous.

Tucker and Slade are not enemies because of me. They hate each other for many other reasons. Forget it. Is there anything else you want to say? Am I grounded from society now, along with being expelled from school?” I tossed my water in the trash can, waiting for Dad to say something.

Hope, what is going on with you?” Dad asked, the wrinkles in his forehead deep with concern. “Since when do we talk to each other like this?”

I sighed, realizing I was being a little harsh on my dad. “I like Slade, Dad. And everyone here treats him just the way they treat me. And it’s not fair. I might have been off fooling around after curfew with a cute boy but I promise you I didn’t have sex, and he didn’t do anything wrong.”

Dad touched my shoulder. “I want you to promise me you will be smart about any guys. Just because you think they’re nice guys doesn’t mean that’s the truth. Some guys only have their eyes on the
, if you catch my drift.”

I know. That’s why I didn’t do anything like that, Dad. Please don’t judge Slade like everyone else.” I kissed his cheek and said goodnight.

Crawling into my bed, I was furious. Furious that Tucker thought he could control me. And furious that Slade was sitting downtown because of Tucker.

Snapping off my lamp, I drifted off into a troubled sleep.

Party Crashing


aking up to sunshine at one time would have made me happy. But today it was just a reminder of the new day. And a reminder that I was still pretty furious with all that happened last night.

I walked across my bedroom floor, opening up my blinds. I turned around to my desk. My computer showed a new instant message.

Where are you?
it read. It was from Karsen, she was the only one I knew with the screen name of

I pulled up a seat, letting out a sigh. It had been a while since we had spoken. I flexed my fingers before I started typing back to her.

Oh, so much to say… where have you been? Since when don’t we talk all the time?

The instant message showed she was typing, so I took the time to check the house phone for any missed calls. I was pretty confident I hadn’t heard anything while I slept. I needed to find out what happened to Slade.

You know how it is. School. Rents. Still trying to get to Cali to see you.
she replied back.

I rolled my eyes. It hurt to think we were growing apart. And it hurt even more to think she was making up excuses.

Yeah, for sure. Well, super busy day ahead of me. Call me sometime, XO.

I held back my tears, lingering long enough to see if she said something comforting. Something normal Karsen would come up with.

Morgan is having a big bash at her house tonight. I thought I would go check it out. I’ll see ya.

I huffed, snapping my computer off in frustration. Morgan. The snootiest girl in the school. The one Karsen always swore she secretly despised. They were now friends.

I quickly forgot about it. I had more important people to worry about. I was going to shower and go down to Henry Park to find out if Slade had been released. And I was going to apologize for my family and for Tucker sending him on a ride downtown.

Well, I wasn’t really sure if it was downtown, but back home that’s where the bad guys usually went. Maybe Cherry was a little more trendy and preferred to house their criminals in luxury uptown somewhere.

I let out a long sigh as the water rained down on my head. Running my fingers through my hair, I hurriedly worked the shampoo to the ends like I did every time I showered. I quickly rinsed and repeated and then started on shaving my legs. I was in a hurry but I was still possibly going to see Slade, so I wanted to look my best.

I ignored Elliot and Easton as they pounded on the bathroom door.

When I was finished, I opened the door to find Elliot waiting impatiently on the other side.
“It’s about time you’re done.” Jeez, never can have any peace around here since this Slade guy has been around. You worry more about your looks now then some of those girls at your school,” Elliot griped as I pushed past him.

I swatted him. “You’re just mad you don’t have a girlfriend,” I told him.

Please. I could care less about dating any of these high dollar hookers.” He looked at me as if I was the pathetic one. I couldn’t believe his language, he was barely a teen.

High dollar hooker, wow, wait until Dad hears that one,” I said, heading into the kitchen. Easton sat at the table devouring a giant bowl of cereal.

Dad said the police hauled him off to jail last night,” Easton threw out as I came into view. “Way to pick ‘em. I think it’s kind of cool you’re dating the town criminal,” he said with a laugh.

I groaned, raiding the cupboards for cereal
and coming up empty. Apparently, my twin brothers cleaned us out while I slept. I settled on popping two pieces of bread in the toaster.

He’s not a criminal. When did Dad say he would be back?” I asked, waiting impatiently for my toast to pop up.

Don’t think you’re sneaking out. Nona told Dad she was stopping by in the morning to keep an eye on you or something,” Easton insisted, shoving his bowl to the center of the table and standing up. He was finished with breakfast and finished with talking to me.

Are you serious, she’s coming to keep an eye on me?” I called after him as he headed for the video game in the living room. He shrugged, ignoring me now.

The toast popped up, barely browned, but I didn’t care, I needed to get out of the house, fast. The last thing I needed was Nona trying to hold me hostage all day. Forcing me to rub her feet with lotion and watch old episodes of Dr. Phil with her.

I shuddered at the thought of it.



I was on the beach halfway to Henry Park when I popped the last bit of toast in my mouth. I’d hurried and thrown on the quickest thing I could find, which were Capri’s and a white t-shirt, and bolted. I gathered my hair in a high ponytail, securing it with the black rubber band on my wrist as I walked.

Something off in the distance caught my attention. As I watched the crowds of people on the boardwalk I noticed someone. Tucker, and his sleazy slime ball father and his god awful stepmom. They were all dressed in white clothes, just gallivanting around
the boardwalk. It seemed she was on a shopping spree and they were busy carrying around her things like servants.

I shooed the seagulls out of my way, cutting across the sand to get to the boardwalk. I kept my distance, taking an interest in a display of sunglasses, acting as if I cared more about them than anything else in the world.

Tucker’s stepmom stopped at another little boutique. The ones with the petite mannequins sitting in their windows with some overpriced summer fashion. Tucker’s dad held tight to her waist, gazing into the window with her. She whispered in his ear as she pointed at a maroon jumper. I was sure it was something along the lines of
‘please darling I must have it or I will die’

Hope,” someone called from behind me. I turned quickly to find Campbell standing there.

Oh, hey, Campbell,” I said, trying to hide behind the sunglass rack. But I knew it was no use. They had already spotted me.

Campbell slung her shopping bag over her shoulder, giving me a strange look. “What’s up? Why do you seem like you’re hiding from the police or something?”

I stepped away from the sunglasses, putting a pair on. Trying to play it off as sincere shopping. “I wasn’t. So what are you up to?” I asked, changing the subject quickly.

Well, I came with my mom to get a new dress. There’s a school dance coming soon. I hate dresses. I’m more the jeans and a t-shirt kind of girl,” Campbell said with a smile. Mrs. Ashay motioned for Campbell to stop talking to me and come back into the store, which I was glad for. She gave a wave, heading into the boutique.

I shoved the sunglasses back on the rack, taking off back down the boardwalk. I don’t know what I was thinking, but I needed to get far away from Tucker and his screwed up family. I was too upset at the moment to think rationally.

Leaving so soon?” Tucker called out. I cussed silently to myself, spinning on my heels to face him and his parents. They wore very similar expressions, each of which was not impressed in the least by my presence.

Tucker’s Evil stepmom stared down her nose at me.

I glared at all three of them. This time I wasn’t backing down.

Ooh, I think someone’s upset,” Anita said in a singsong voice. She rocked on her heels, a pleased expression on her face. The passing shoppers took notice of our standoff. It was obvious by the nudges and hushed whisper they were talking about us.

Tucker raked his hand through his brown mess of hair. “Good to see you out and about,” he muttered.

Oh, yeah, I bet,” I said, putting both hands on my hips.

Everett stepped closer to me, his eyebrows meeting up in the center of his forehead. “Just doing a little shopping. No one needs any trouble.”

Yeah, that’s right. Too bad your son doesn’t understand how to stay out of it,” I shot back.

Excuse you,” Anita started, stepping forward and sticking a shiny red nail nearly on my forehead. She waved her manicured hand in my face.

This time I didn’t get upset, I got angry. So angry I shoved her hand out of my face. “Keep your hand away from me!”

Tucker and his father looked deeply concerned as a crowd began to gather, bystanders whispering amongst themselves, making up their own theories on what the whole standoff was about.

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