Inky (25 page)

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Authors: J.B. Hartnett

BOOK: Inky
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“Smooth, Anika” he laughed, “very smooth. I believe the term is outspoken? Is that the one?”

“That seems like a good one, yes.”

“No. This is nothing. Wait ‘til you see her in action. She’s like a chameleon. It’s amazing to watch. I don’t know how she does it. It’s like she’s schizophrenic.”

“Anything I need to know before we get there?” I asked as I transferred my lipstick, powder, ATM card and phone to the little handbag that matched the shoes.

“Stay with me or my mom and you’ll be just fine. Be yourself, no matter what. Don’t let anyone get under your skin.” Famous last words I’m sure.

Chapter 24

There are houses and there are houses. This place was a mansion, no other way to put it. It made Cole’s - what I suspected to be at least a five million dollar home - look like a shack. This was MTV Crib’s nice, but I wouldn’t want to live in it.

“My parents have a house in Newport similar to this.”

“Are you kidding?” I asked through my plastered on smile.

“I wish I was. Relax. It’s gonna be fine.”

“Easy for you to say. These are your people.”

He stopped, gently held my shoulders and looked at me. “These are not my people, Anika. They never were and they never will be. I know the general feeling of having a lot of money is wonderful and I know I should be grateful to have it but it is definitely not everything. I think you get that I’m not showy. I’m happy to spend the money I earn on things I’ve worked for because it has meaning. But this, this life is a game I have no desire to be a part of. It has no soul. Olaf actually feels the same way I do, but he loves to put on a show…hence, this place.”

“I’m sorry. Cole. I only meant that you’ve been exposed to this.” My smile was definitely gone now.

“Don’t be. I don’t want you be uncomfortable, that’s all. Come on, we’ll eat Olaf’s food and drink his champagne.”


It felt like we were the last to arrive but I saw people still entering through the marbled grand foyer an hour later. Eventually, Cole gave me a tour to kill time. But then someone interrupted our bliss, “is that you Cole?’

“Olaf, how are you?”

“I’d be better if I had your hotels. How’s that going by the way?” They shook hands.

“It’s going just fine, thanks for asking. Where are your cousins?”

“Well, let’s see. Willem is with your mother, probably trying to persuade her to have an affair with him…he likes older beautiful women” he said to me. “And Karl is talking to your father, probably trying to talk him out of some hotels.” He winked.

“And what are you doing, Olaf?” He asked. It was clear they were engaging in friendly banter.

“I’m doing a little of both. I’m trying to talk you out of your hotels and your date. You’re Anika, aren’t you?”

“Oh, yes. I’m Anika.” I answered, startled that he knew me at all.

“You look surprised. I recognize you from the exhibit. We have business to discuss. Would you care to join me for a drink and I can tell you what my vision is?”

I knew Cole wanted to come to my aid in some way but I beat him to it. “You’ll have to make arrangements through the gallery. Alicia Emerson will be happy to set up a meeting, I’m sure. In the meantime, maybe you could think about a song or music that’s inspirational to you or has a special meaning? If not, that’s okay but it would help me to create something personal for you. But tonight I was hoping to enjoy the evening with my date if it’s all the same to you.” I flashed him my sweetest smile.

“Oh, you’re very good at this, Ms. Redding. I will give what you suggested some thought. Please enjoy yourselves. I will try to steal you and his hotels away from Cole another day. Well played.”

He walked away laughing. When I glanced over at Cole, he was amused as well. “What?” I demanded. “Do you have any idea how stressful it is to try to think before you speak but having to do it at the same time as you’re speaking? Did that even make sense?”

“Yes” he laughed, “and you were really good at it too. Olaf and I have known each other for years. Like I said, we’re friends but he’s also a good and fair business man. He knows you’re not like the normal women you’d find at these functions. That’s why he was flirting with you.”

“Did he really try to outbid you?”

“Yes. But only because he wanted what I already had. He’ll try even harder, now he knows we’re together, but it’s just playful. He’s respectful. He knew about you after that day at the bar.”


“Oh my God, he wasn’t joking. Willem has his hand on his mom’s ass. We’d better go rescue her.”

“He’s being kind of obvious about it. Wouldn’t your dad be mad if he saw that?” He gave me a look of,
oh puh-lease

“Willem, kindly take your hand off my mother’s ass.”

“Ah, Cole…thought that might get your attention.” He winked.

“You wicked man, teasing me to get to my son. Tsk, tsk, tsk.” She admonished.

“Ah, the Anika from the exhibit. Better watch your back, Cole. Olaf is pretty hot for this one.”

“Stop it, Willem, you know better than to bait my boy. He’s one of the good guys. Plenty of women to go around. In fact, I think I’m woman enough for two Evist boys. Where’s that other cousin of yours?” Mrs. Carlyle asked. The woman had balls. Wow.

“He’s with your husband.” He answered her.

“Ugh. Well, shall we all go do the whole mingle thing and meet back at my place later? Bring me someone delicious and discreet and bring Olaf too. We’ll find some way to take his mind off of Anika here.”

They all walked away and it was as if a force field went up around them. They became very stiff and threw air kisses around like confetti. “Did your mom just invite a man young enough to be her son back to her house, a house she shares with your dad, for some…entertainment?”

“Well” his voice a whisper in my ear as we made our way through another doorway, “Willem is the oldest of the cousins. He’s forty-five so even though he’s younger than my mom, he’s not that much younger. My mom had me young, at twenty. She was nineteen when she and my father married. He seduced her, she got pregnant, they got married.”

“Doesn’t it weird you out? He’s one of your friends, right?”

“Yes but I don’t think he’d do anything with my mom anyway, out of respect for me. I just want my mom to be happy. She does what’s expected of her and as far as I can tell, it’s really just harmless flirting.”

“How does it come to that, Cole? How do people start out loving each other, have a child together and then end up like my parents or your parents?”

“It wasn’t really love I guess.” He shrugged. “When we get married, it won’t be like that. I assure you.”

Head. Exploding. All over the damn place. But no time to pick up scattered pieces of brain matter now because an older thicker version of Cole was coming right for us. Duck and cover! Duck and cover!


I was well aware I had a stupid smile on my face like I was high or something. I was also aware that I needed to have my wits about me if I was going to hold my own with Mr. Carlyle. I’m good with people. I can usually work my sweet-girl card if I need to. I didn’t want this to be any more awkward for Cole than it had to be. I could feel him physically tense up, the closer his father got. I leaned up to his ear, smiling the entire time and whispered in my best come-hither voice, “Every time I squeeze your hand, I want you to think about the fact that I decided to forgo panties with this dress.” I timed it perfectly and when the last seductive word left my lips, his dad arrived.

“Good evening, Cole. You’ve decided to grace us with your ever joyful presence.” His voice left no doubt that he was a man who always got what he wanted, no matter who he hurt along the way. There was no room for failure, no grey area, only black and white.

“Hello, father.” Wow, very formal. I squeezed and I felt him relax a little. “I’d like to introduce you to Anika Redding. She’s an up and coming local artist. Eli Emerson’s wife, Alicia, discovered her. She was a featured artist at the Gillies Exhibition.”

“And why are you here with my son, Ms. Redding? He seems to have a way of collecting trash when it comes to women.”

Oh my God, you’re an asshole. Squeeze!

“Is that so?” I glanced over to Cole who looked as if he might punch his father in the face.

“Well, perhaps you can think of me as his own personal street sweeper.” I wasn’t sure how I was treading but I felt a little bit of relief when Mrs. Carlyle arrived at her husband’s side.

“Ah, Patricia. Have you met, Ms. Redding?” He said with an obvious sneer.

“Of course, we arrived together. Have you seen her work, Richard? She has an amazing way with color and these extremes of light and dark.” I liked Mrs. Carlyle more and more.

“Really. Can you tell me, Ms. Redding, what the artistic term is for light and dark?” He was testing me, the asshole. I hadn’t studied much in the way of art history but I was familiar with the technique I preferred to use and its history.

“You must be referring to
. My pronunciation is terrible, I know. Is that what you were asking, Mr. Carlyle?” I was smiling but I was also letting him know it was game on. Fuck manners. I was going to play this game until I lost the battle. I caught a very amused look in Mrs. Carlyle’s face that said, “Go get him, tiger!”

“Indeed. Nice earrings by the way,” he said pointedly and looked to his wife.

“Aren’t they beautiful? Your wife was nice enough to loan them to me. She insisted they would suit my eyes. I wondered where there were from. I forgot to ask Cole. Are they Madagascar sapphires or Australian?” Cole looked like he might just pass out but I wasn’t sure which emotion he was having.

“They’re from Madagascar.” Mr. Carlyle said tentatively. I probably should’ve left it at that but seeing as how I was on a role…

“I read an article in National Geographic about the mining industry and various gems. That little tidbit stayed with me I guess.” Cole was squeezing my hand. It wasn’t supposed to work this way but maybe I was overdoing it. Mr. Carlyle looked redder than he did when we began speaking.

“Don’t believe everything you read, Ms. Redding.”

“Did you read that article as well?” I asked him.

“Yes.” He answered curtly.

“Was there a problem with it? Didn’t they paint your company in the best light? Ah, paint! Get it?” I smiled. He didn’t think I was funny. Not at all.

“No, they did not. It was wildly exaggerated and inaccurate.”

“Sounds like something the Enquirer would do, not National Geographic. But what do I know? I’m just the trash your son picked up and brought with him to this swish affair but, hey, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure.” Cole had now cut off the blood supply in my hand. “We have another commitment to get to. He’ll meet us there?” I fictitiously asked him as I squeezed.

“Yes.” Cole answered abruptly.

“It was so nice to finally meet you, Mr. Carlyle. I know how busy you are. Mrs. Carlyle, it’s been an absolute pleasure.”

“Oh my dear, the pleasure has been all mine, all mine.” She grinned.

“Goodnight father, mom.” He turned and led me quickly from the room.

“Cole, slow down but not too much because I think I’m gonna pee my pants.” I giggled.

“I’m gonna fuck you ‘til you scream, Anika. I can’t tell you how turned on I am right now.”

“Cole? Anika? Everything alright?” Olaf asked as we reach the front door.

“My father…” Cole began.

“Say no more. I understand. Do you have a car here?”

“Yes. I wish you’d seen it, Olaf. He just got kicked in the balls by Anika here.”

Olaf’s eyes went wide, “What?”

“Figuratively. But the effect was the same.” He laughed. We better go. Thanks, Olaf. I owe you one.”

“You owe me nothing, Cole. Have a good night. Anika, I hope I’ll see more of you.”

“Thanks. Your home is beautiful.”

Chapter 25

Once inside the car, I realized I was shaking like a leaf. Cole closed the privacy glass and we headed toward his house. “Are you cold?” He asked me, concerned.

“No, I think it’s the adrenaline. Sometimes it makes me throw up. Just so you know.” I was trying to relax but the reality of my brazen behavior was making me jittery.

“Please don’t take this the wrong way, but how did you know about the sapphires? Oh, and I admire how you schooled my father on art. That was impressive.”

“I Googled it in the car on the way there. It led me to the article about mining and I just went from there. I have really good short term memory.”

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure
…oh, that was fantastic. I bet you, well I don’t want to wager anything with you, but I’m sure my mom is going to call before we get to my front door.”

“She’s not at all what I expected. I love her! Your dad though. He’s an asshole. He pretty much called me trash to my face. I completely forgot but I’m sure he could see my ink and that didn’t help.”

“Well, you showed him now, didn’t you? I would never have you hide who you are to impress anyone and especially not him.” He laughed and his phone began to ring. “Hi mom.” He looked at me with an
I told you
so look. “I know. Oh, I won’t let her get away. Sure. Not too early though. It’s our last day together. Thanks. Maybe Amigos? Let me ask her – do you want to go to brunch at Amigos with my mom tomorrow?”


“Okay, we’ll see you then. I love you too. I will. I will. Bye.”

“What’d she say?”

“She said I should marry you.”

“What did she really say?” I asked sarcastically.

“She really said I should marry you but in addition to that, she wanted me to tell you she admired the way you stood up for yourself against my father. People don’t usually speak to him that way.”

“You’re not a little bit mad? I mean, you were going nuts with the squeezing.”

“No, not at all. I was trying to warn you he might unleash his wrath on you but he never did, for whatever reason. I think you caught him off guard. All I know is, I was getting hard just watching and listening to you. Your confidence was unprecedented.”

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