Innocence Defied (New York) (16 page)

BOOK: Innocence Defied (New York)
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With his fist full of hair, he pulled her up till her back was flush to his front. “Good God, girl,” he whispered roughly in her ear as he swept his other hand over her hip and between her trembling thighs. “Do you have any idea what I am going to do to you?” His words ended on a groan when he found her not just wet, but molten. “Answer me, pet,” he demanded as he thrust two thick fingers into her. She cried out at the invasion and tried again to break free, even as Gage felt the responsive clench of her inner muscles. “Say it.” His voice got rougher and he thrust again, grinding his palm against her swollen clit.

“Oh God,” she pleaded in a breathless pant. “No. No. Stop.” And with a feral cry she lunged forward and tried to crawl away.

“That’s it.” He snapped. She’d pushed as far as he could allow her to go and it was time to finish this. For them both. “Fucking hold still.” He pulled her hips back and she gave a shout when he ground his erection against her melting core. She tried to squirm out of his hold and he landed a stinging slap on one trembling succulent ass cheek. She gave a guttural shout and tried to kick backwards.
Her other cheek went up in flames. She screamed again, and this time her knees straightened so she was balanced on hands and toes and Gage gave her three more smacks in rapid succession. Then he wrapped his arms around her thighs and lowered his head.

Her ass pillowed his face as his tongue drove deep. He growled as her taste hit him like one hundred proof alcohol and when she squirmed to get away, he pulled until her feet were dangling off the ground. With her hips held aloft, she had to brace her hands in front of her to keep her face out of the dirt. She was helpless to stop him. There was a roar in his head urging him to feast and it was a call he was helpless to ignore. He wanted to consume her until every inch of his body was coated in her juices and every inch of her soul was owned by him.

When the compulsion to bite and bite hard became too tempting, he shifted and fed that need on the juicy apple of her right buttock. The firm flesh there was the perfect balance of resilience and softness and her surprised shout was just the right seasoning to his meal. Big open-mouth bites followed—suckling ones that would leave her entire ass tender and pink.

God, the fragrance of her—hot, wet and violently aroused was putting him in the highest top space he’d ever experienced. Gage dove back into her pussy with a moan and drank from her in long thirsty pulls. Sucking and tonguing every inch of her soft folds until he felt her heels drumming against his sides. “That’s right,” he taunted without lifting his head. “Come for me. Come because you’re helpless to stop me.”

Zoe’s entire body locked up tight, her clit swelled and stiffened like a tiny fat cock, and with ruthless intent, he latched on to it and sucked until the thing damn near exploded.

The orgasm tore a scream from her that he was sure could be heard in New York and he drew it out relentlessly. Keeping her tight to his face, he tormented her as she flailed in his grasp and every breath he took was filled with the perfume of her climax.

Her screams faded to moans and the moans passed to pleas and still he kept feasting—not letting up until he brought her back to that edge.
There she goes
, he thought when her feet started beating with intent on his ribs and stomach. He felt and tasted the rush of renewed desire pour from her as her struggles increased and she found she couldn’t get free. Gage continued until he felt the bundle of her clit emerge and swell again to its fullest and ripest state. When he could tell that with just one more lick she’d come again, he dropped her with a suddenness that brought a yelp from her lips and left her in a sprawl beneath him.

Her knees folded when she collapsed and she laid her face in the cradle of her arms. He took the reprieve to rip open his fly, and just like that he was ready.

“Tell me you want this,” he ordered, holding his control by a thread. When she only shook her head no and moved as if she was going to flee again, he grabbed her biceps and held her torso off the ground. “You’re trapped in this position, girl.” To prove his point, he lifted her upper body higher, then lower, illustrating how little control she had. “I can do anything I want to you.” He pulled her back and ran his tongue up the side of her from neck to cheek to hairline. “There ain’t a damn thing you can do about it.” As she whimpered, he adjusted his hips until he was at the delta between her legs. “And you fucking love that. Don’t you?”

Then with a surge, he thrust into her and pulled back on her arms at the same time. She broke with a scream, “Yes! Yes, Gage. Oh my God, yes.” As her body set fire to his, he released her arms and grabbed on to her hips, pounding into her like his soul depended on it. Her hair was a tornado around her shoulders as she thrashed within his hold, thrusting back into him with every bit of force she could muster. God, it was magic. It was sex to the millionth power and the force of it only grew and grew as they clawed and strained at each other like beasts.

Sweat rained from his pores like a tsunami and his balls felt like they were caught in a steel trap and still he kept pumping. Zoe seized up and froze—he felt her cunt clamp onto his shaft like a fucking wrench and just like that, his orgasm was ripped from him as violently has he’d brought hers. Gage was sure the top of his dick blew off, and roared the blinding pleasure of it to the heavens, as her climax continued to strangle his own out of him with every viselike pump.


Since her dress was in tatters, Zoe made the trek back to the house wearing Gage’s shirt. It hung past her knees and smelled deliciously of him. Her favorite thing about wearing it, though, was he was now bare-chested, and the pleasure of walking next to him like this was the perfect ending to their day.

“I think you’re ready for the next step, darlin’.”

“What’s that?”

“Tonight I’m having a friend over for dinner.” Gage lowered his voice and leveled her with a look. “And you.”

“What’s that mean?” Zoe had a sneaking suspicion she already knew the answer but asked anyway.

He pulled her to a stop and cupped her face between his rough palms. “It means I’m testing both of us. Both of us, because by God I’m not so sure I’m going to be able to handle watchin’ another man put his hands on you.”

Her smile was so big Zoe felt like her face would split in two. “Well, Sir, just remember your safe word and I’m sure you’ll be okay.” Then she tapped him on the cheek and dashed away with a laugh.

“Better run faster than that, you little smartass.” Rich laughter filled his voice as he called after her. “If I get my hands on you before you reach the house, you’ll be wearin’ a ball gag.” Then with a roar, he pounded after her and Zoe squealed as she poured everything she had left into her legs. It wasn’t enough. Just as the porch was in sight, he banded his arm around her waist and snatched her off her feet. As she struggled and shrieked, he simply hefted her under his arm like she was a misbehaving puppy and marched her right into the parlor.

Oh well
, she thought,
I was bound to find out what a ball gag was like eventually.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Ball gags are nasty
. Zoe had this thought for the millionth time since Gage had strapped the monstrous thing to her face. She was going to do whatever was necessary to ensure he never had cause to put one on her again.

Dressed in a French maid costume, Zoe stepped into the dining room to her master’s and his guest’s plates. Gage was seated at the head of the dark mahogany table, with his companion on his right. The soft twinkling glow from a crystal chandelier was the only light in the elaborate hall. Her spike heels made no sound on the plush burgundy carpet as she made her way across, and the room was silent as a tomb since the men had stopped talking the moment she walked in.

Her steps were small and slow. There were two reasons for that. The first was walking in these ridiculous heels was almost impossible and the second was the getup she was squeezed into. The top portion was corset tight with little puff sleeves that did nothing to keep the plunging neckline in place. Her nipples were barely covered under the small white ruffle that edged the black silk and her breasts wobbled and swayed with even the smallest movements.

Then there was the skirt. It poofed out almost as much as a ballerina’s tutu and only if she stood absolutely straight did it cover her ass cheeks.

As soon as she reached Gage’s side, she stood how he had shown her earlier. Feet spread shoulder-width apart, back straight, chest out, chin high and arms clasped behind her back. She was to keep silent unless asked a direct question—a moot point considering the gag, but she kept that thought to herself—and not to move unless directed by them.

It was hard to hold the stance. She was a squirmy kind of girl who was always bouncing around, even when sitting. Zoe tried tuning in to the conversation in hopes it would be enough to distract her, but the men were talking business. Now, Zoe considered herself an intelligent person, but they were throwing around terminology that was way beyond her skill level. They may as well have been speaking another language. The thought was a little daunting. She wanted to be a perfect match for him. If he came home after a long day of work and needed to vent, she wanted to be able to converse coherently with him about his issues.

She’d seen up close this summer what he dealt with in his work and it was intense. Zoe knew she’d been a help to him in his office and even his admin, Karin, had complimented her more than once on how quickly she’d taken to the tasks they’d assigned her.
, she determined,
I’m just going to have to add in more business classes when I go back to school.

Her thoughts were jolted out of her mind when Gage reached behind her and stroked his fingers over her crotch. As casual as he pleased, while he talked about the financial pros and cons of organically raised beef, he started to finger her. Almost like he wasn’t aware of what he was doing, he slid his hand out and tapped on her inner thighs—the signal to widen her stance—then went back to sliding in and out of her now damp flesh.

Master Evan didn’t even seem to notice where Gage’s hand was. He did, Zoe was certain of it, but the fact that he chose to act as though she were even there somehow excited her just as much as what was being physically done to her. He just kept eating and talking and sipping his wine with all the manners of a gentleman, while a half-naked woman was about to come less than two feet from his face.

Zoe gulped around the gag and tried to keep herself from climax. It was not easy. Gage had been working her in that area a lot, but she always exploded before he was ready to give her permission. To her, it felt impossible to hold her orgasms back—it was like trying to hold your breath. Sure, she could hold her breath for a couple seconds, but to hold out as long as Gage asked of her? No way. Not yet, anyway.

Since she was only allowed to look straight ahead, she couldn’t be sure, but she thought Evan was watching her now that she was no longer so quiet. Her breathing had grown choppy and as hard as she tried to stop it, tiny whimpers escaped around the ball. Her legs were quivering too, and there was a wet, slurping sound as Gage’s fingers slipped in and out of her. He picked up the speed, increasing all the noises in the room. It was Evan who spoke to acknowledge her presence.

“She’s coming along nicely for being so new to the scene.”

“That she is, Evan.” Gage’s voice was as casual, as if he were still discussing cows and market rates.

“Hard to believe someone so beautifully submissive and sensual lasted past the age of sixteen with her virginity intact. Let alone making it all the way to twenty.”

Gage’s other hand stroked up her thigh in a gentle caress. “She is remarkable, my friend. I told you she’d blow yer mind.” His plunging fingers took on a fierce rhythm and he added, “Watch how much control she’s learned already. Zoe.” The command had her eyes seeking his. “You will not come under any circumstance, you hear me?”

Zoe gave a pitiful little moan at that, but nodded her compliance and mumbled a sloppy, “Yes, Sir,” around the gag.

Faster, deeper, he tormented her with relentless thrusts, and she could do nothing to stop the shouts and pleas that broke from her at will, and tumbled out from around her gagged mouth. Gage, the monster, started his cow talk up again and Zoe thought she was going to lose her mind.

Just when her wails got so loud and high she was sure only dogs could hear her, he stopped. He kept his fingers lodged deep inside, thick and hard and still while her abused sex pulsed around them and she tried frantically to calm her breathing.

“Darlin’,” Gage drawled without looking her way. “Please take these plates to the kitchen and bring out the deserts.”

“Hmm-mmm.” She mumbled an ascent around the gag. Gage had given her a full rundown of what would be expected from her tonight as far as the maid/servant part went, so she swallowed any plea she wanted to make. Although it made her, “jumpy as a cat on a cactus” as Gage had commented, she was going to be fully compliant tonight. She’d do anything for him as long as he kept looking at her the way he was right now—with that pride and ownership in his eyes. It was all she could do to keep from curling up like an adoring puppy at his feet.

Just as she reached for his plate, he nudged it beyond her fingertips. She straightened and looked at him with eyebrows raised in question.

“Go on, pet,” he said with perfect calm, as though he had no idea why she’d stopped. “Get these cleaned up.” Sure enough, as soon as she reached for the plate a second time, he nudged it again. And again. With a huff of pique, she made a quick grab only to miss since he pushed it even farther and the move caused one of her breasts to pop free of its miniscule prison. When she jerked up to fix it, Gage caught her wrist. “Leave it, darlin. Now, get the plates.”

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