Innocent (16 page)

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Authors: Aishling Morgan

BOOK: Innocent
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They embraced again, cuddling close, Lia-Gau's hand slipping between Cianna's thighs. Cianna gasped as a finger slid into the wet hole of her sex, fucking her quickly, to withdraw and rub at her clitoris.

‘You're wet for me, you little slut!' Lia-Gau said, and pushed the finger at Cianna's mouth.

Cianna took it, eyes closed as she sucked up her own juice. Lia-Gau kissed her on the cheek, pulling close once more.

‘One more round of play then, little one,' she whispered, ‘and I'll have you. Later I'll tie you, spank you, fuck you with your own dildo, up your sweet little arse, then have you suck it clean. How you'd love me to do that, yes?'

‘Yes,' Cianna sighed.

Lia-Gau stepped back, grinning openly. Cianna took another swallow of water, put her hand to her necklace to say a brief prayer, all the while struggling to fight down her arousal. Her nipples were straining, her tuppenny so wet that the juice was running down her thighs, her belly full of the urgent need to be filled. She blew out her cheeks, resting her hands on her knees as she gave Lia-Gau a weak smile and hurled herself forward even as the gong sounded.

Lia-Gau was taken completely by surprise, caught in the midriff by Cianna's shoulder and hurled back, winded, against the wall of the pit. Immediately Cianna was on her, slamming her down onto the sand, mounting her before she could regain breath. Two quick moves locked Lia-Gau's arms, twisted high behind her back. Rising, Cianna put a knee into her victim's spine, and pressed. Lia-Gau gasped in pain, frantically kicking her legs against Cianna's bottom. Cianna tightened the hold.

‘Submit!' Cianna demanded, Lia-Gau shaking her head to spray out droplets of sweat.

Again Cianna tightened her hold, drawing a whimper from Lia-Gau. A coin struck her, hard, but she ignored it. Lia-Gau kicked up suddenly, but again her heel caught only the full flesh of Cianna's bottom.

‘Don't!' Lia-Gau panted. ‘Please!'

‘Enough tricks,' Cianna snapped. ‘Submit!'

Once more Lia-Gau shook her head, frantic with pain, but with her teeth set hard. Cianna set her knee in place, not wanting to risk the damage that would mean disqualification, nor to really hurt Lia-Gau. The crowd were demanding submission, calling for Faerdahl, cheering Cianna, and suddenly Lia-Gau was calling out her submission, over and over. Cianna let go and rose, slowly, to curtsey towards the boxes, then to Moloa, who returned a hard stare. At the corridor was Babalyn, holding out the dildo, which Cianna took, raising it to let the crowd see properly before starting to strap it into place.

Lia-Gau had not bothered to get up, but was crawling, still on her belly, towards the centre of the pit. Cianna stayed still, standing with her hands on her hips and the dildo sticking out from her crotch, until Lia-Gau reached her, to look up with big, moist eyes. Cianna ducked down, took Lia-Gau by the hair and kissed her on the mouth.

‘My own dildo, in my bottom ring?' Cianna demanded. ‘Was that not what you were going to do to me?'

Lia-Gau nodded weakly

‘I think you know what to do then,' Cianna answered and dropped Lia-Gau's head.

As Cianna scrambled round in the sand, Lia-Gau lifted her hips, her knees wide, parting her sex. The noise from the crowd had died, to a delighted whisper, as Cianna adjusted Lia-Gau's thighs to the right height for entry. She laid the dildo into the sweat slick crease between the firm black buttocks, eased the head down, found the hole of Lia-Gau's vagina and slid up, deep in, then back. The dildo came out coated in thick white slime. Cianna put her thumb to the dildo, wiping up the juice, showing the glistening blob to the crowd, and smearing it onto Lia-Gau's anus.

Delighted gasps went up as the crowd realised that Lia-Gau was to be sodomised. More coins rained down. Cianna pressed the ball of her thumb to Lia-Gau's anus, watching the tight, fleshy hole give, opening to reveal a brilliant pink interior. Lia-Gau gasped, then gave a low moan as the full length of Cianna's thumb was pushed up her bottom. Cianna added a finger, then a second, stretching Lia-Gau's anus wide, to show the tube of moist pink flesh leading into blackness.

Grinning, Cianna put the head of the dildo to the straining bottom hole, pushing as she withdrew her fingers. Lia-Gau gave another broken moan as her anus filled with the thick, smooth head of the dildo, then grunted as Cianna began to jam it up. It went in, all of it, filling Lia-Gau's rectum until the fat, carved balls where pressed to her empty sex. With that, Cianna began to wiggle her hips, rubbing herself on the base of the dildo and the wrinkled balls against Lia-Gau's sex.

Lia-Gau gave a despairing moan as she realised she was to be masturbated as well as buggered. Cianna found herself giggling, and rubbed harder, watching Lia-Gau's buttocks wobble as the dildo moved in her anus. Her shame at masturbating in public had gone, and she knew she was going to come, as was Lia-Gau. Delighting in her victory, and the sodomy as well, she began to spank Lia-Gau, all the while squirming herself against the dildo.

The climax began, Cianna's pleasure rising high, her eyes focused on the quivering black bottom below her, a bottom stuffed full of thick wooden dildo, the anus gaping on the shaft. Suddenly Lia-Gau cried out in shame and ecstasy, coming against the rough wooden balls, a response that was too much for Cianna. Crying out her pleasure to the pit, she came, climax after climax tearing through her as she jammed the dildo in and out of Lia-Gau's bottom, mercilessly hard, wringing out breathless screams in response as they came together.

Cianna giggled, staggering and clutching at the arm of Bulzar, who was supporting her through the lamp-lit streets of Kea. At the party thrown by Faerdahl after the contest, she had signalled him out as soon as the small ceremony that gave her an official rank had been completed. With some eight men to each of the girls, he had been delighted by her attention, and the more so when she had refused to let any others lead her aside.

Bulzar had suggested leaving while the party was still in full swing, gaining a purely formal permission from Jelkrael to use her as he pleased. Jelkrael had laughed, sending Cianna off with a firm swat to her bottom and remarking that he would never understand women. She had simply giggled, high on the excitement of victory and the numerous goblets of strong red wine that had been pressed on her.

As she left, her last view had been of Babalyn, equally drunk, being tied firmly to a frame as six men stood behind her, ready cocks in their hands. Now, despite the cool breeze blowing on her bare skin, she found her head spinning and her steps uneven as Bulzar helped her up the long, shallow slope of one of Kea's main thoroughfares. As he put his arm around her his hand went to her bottom, clutching one full cheek, his little finger delving into the crease between them.

‘Is that where you mean to put your cock?' she giggled. ‘Up my bottom ring? Did you like it when I buggered Lia-Gau? How she squealed!'

Immediately his hand delved lower, a finger tip prodding at her anus.

‘Here?' she said. ‘Go on then. Bugger me in the street. Let everyone see me, with your fat cock up my bottom. I bet you've a large one, haven't you?'

She made a grab for his crotch but he caught her wrist, then gave her bottom a resounding smack.

‘Patience,' he said,' it will not do for a man of my station to be seen buggering slave girls in the street, wrestling champions or not. Besides, I have something else for you.'

‘You do?' Cianna asked.

‘Something to satisfy even you,' he replied. ‘Now come on.'

As he spoke he had ducked down. Catching Cianna under her bottom, he lifted her, up across his shoulder, so that her bare rear end was sticking out to the front, with the lips of her sex pouting out between her thighs. She gave a squeak of alarm at the sudden rude treatment, but made no attempt to fight, allowing herself to be carried, head down, with passers-by laughing and making suggestions as to what Bulzar should do with her.

Showing considerable strength, he carried her much of the length of the road, to a villa set back in a grove of palms. Within, she was dumped onto a couch, Bulzar quickly dismissing the two slaves who had come to greet him at the door.

‘Now,' he stated, his hand going to the hem of his robe, ‘for my pleasure.'

‘As you like,' she sighed. ‘Shall I finger my ring, to make myself ready?'

‘Wanton slut,' he answered. ‘No, not yet. Wait.'

He pulled up his robe, exposing a massive, stocky body, heavy with both muscle and fat, and quite hairless. He wore a breechcloth, no more than a twist of linen, which he left on, walking from the room. Cianna sighed and stretched, reaching for a grape from a nearby bowl. She felt ready, moist and wanton, eager for cock for its own sake, and to come herself while one was in her. In moments Bulzar returned, holding on his hand, on which rested a wad of some kind of grease, thick and greenish brown

‘For your cunt,' he explained, ‘your anus too. You will need it for lubrication.'

‘I am moist from the fight, thank you,' she giggled, ‘although perhaps a little for my bottom ring, as you mean to bugger me.'

‘You need it all, I assure you,' he insisted. ‘Come, pack your cunt. I like to watch it done.'

Reluctantly, Cianna took the wad of grease, wondering if Bulzar truly had a cock so vast that all the lubricant was needed, or if he was merely boasting, as all Makean men seemed to. The grease felt cool, and slimy, with a smell she remembered from the heavy oil used to grease the axles of the wagons. She made a face, but cocked up her legs and slid forward on the couch, exposing her sex and the crease of her bottom.

Bulzar watched, grinning, as she slapped the thick wad of muck to her sex. Some went up her vagina, then more as she pushed it in with her fingers, filling herself until her hole was stretched and she could feel the irregular mass plugging the open mouth of her sex. What was left she pushed down further, between her buttocks, finding the tight dimple of her anus and slipping her finger inside. He began to touch himself as he watched her finger her bottom, squeezing what was obviously an already erect cock through his cloth.

‘There you are, I'm ready,' she announced, taking hold of her ankles to make herself easily available for penetration. ‘Fuck me then, or straight up my bottom if you'd rather.'

‘You are bold for a slave,' he answered, ‘and yes, you'll get your fucking, and my cock up your arse as well. Presently.'

He stepped back, pushing at the door he had just come through, giving a peculiar call as he did it. Cianna watched, expecting that a servant or slave had been invited to share her, even a cunt dog, only for her mouth to drop open as a vast, yellow-grey troll shambled out into the room. It stood, tiny eyes slowly registering her presence, nose wrinkling to the smell of her sex. Her eyes went down, instinctively, to its crotch. A cock hung down, vast beyond all human proportions, both thick and long, and as gnarled and uneven as the rock the creature resembled.

‘Meet Voqual,' he said. ‘Normally he lives in my villa at Julac, to guard against intrusion and keep the slaves in proper awe. By good fortune I brought him in today, to have his tusks capped. Fine are they not?'

Cianna managed to nod, unable to speak, as Bulzar pushed up the troll's thick grey lip, exposing twin tusks, each capped with golden filigree. In response its eyes turned slowly towards him, then back to between Cianna's still open thighs.

‘Don't be scared,' Bulzar went on. ‘He's quite tame, so long as you don't try and thwart him anyway. Voqual, fuck cunt.'

Bulzar pointed to Cianna, who simply lay there, staring open mouthed at the monster. Voqual gave a low growl, his massive hand closing on his cock. Cianna lay still, thighs wide, knowing full well that it was pointless to try and close them. Bulzar stepped back, grinning broadly as he pushed his hand down the front of his cloth.

The troll came forward, his cock already stiffening in his hand, a great pillar of grey flesh, grey-pink where the prepuce had began to roll back. With a quick prayer to her mother, Cianna rolled up her thighs, offering her grease filled sex. Voqual sank down, the floor trembling as he went to his knees. Poking out his cock, he touched it to Cianna's sex, rubbing the head in the grease flesh. With the firm, rough cock head right on her clitoris, Cianna could only gasp in pleasure, a sound that changed abruptly to shock. The massive head had been pushed to her greasy hole, and was going in, stretching her wider, and wider still. She was gasping and shaking as her tuppenny filled, sure she would tear at any moment, while her whole body seemed to be crammed with cock.

Only when she found the courage to look down did she realise that the full width of the monstrous thing was in her, her vagina stretched wider than she had every expected it to go, save in childbirth, yet unbroken. Much of the grease had been pushed out, over the troll's cock and down over her buttocks, adding a fresh obscenity to the sight of her penetrated ring.

She sighed, lying back as Voqual's massive hands took her thighs, clamping her in place as he very slowly began to fuck her. Panting, helpless to the short, hard thrusts, she could only let it happen, her body jerking on the massive penis, her head swimming with the sensation. Bulzar watched, his own cock standing proud from his cloth, thick and meaty, with a big, purple-brown head, but nothing compared to the one inside her.

The fucking was getting faster, shock after shock going through her body, her breasts wobbling back and forth, the huge cock jamming ever deeper up her hole. She was crying out, and gasping, her vision blurred, her hands clutching at the smooth surface of the couch. It got faster and faster still, until suddenly her whole belly seemed to expand as the troll came up her hole, his sperm bursting out inside her. Cianna screamed, clutching at her sex, feeling the straining ring of her vagina, the taut bud of her clitoris. She was coming, slapping at herself, over and over as Voqual jammed his penis in, deep in, one last time, until his balls squashed into the cleft of her bottom.

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