Inside the Machine: An Illustrated Introduction to Microprocessors and Computer Architecture (4 page)

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Authors: jon stokes

Tags: #Computers, #Systems Architecture, #General, #Microprocessors

BOOK: Inside the Machine: An Illustrated Introduction to Microprocessors and Computer Architecture
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Vector Processing Improvements ................................................................ 262

Memory Disambiguation: The Results Stream Version of

Speculative Execution ........................................................................ 264

Summary: Core 2 Duo in Historical Context ................................................ 270



General .............................................................................................................. 271

PowerPC ISA and Extensions ................................................................................. 271

PowerPC 600 Series Processors ............................................................................. 271

PowerPC G3 and G4 Series Processors .................................................................. 272

IBM PowerPC 970 and POWER ............................................................................. 272

86 ISA and Ext
ensions ........................................................................................ 273

Pentium and P6 Family .......................................................................................... 273

Pentium 4 ............................................................................................................ 274

Pentium M, Core, and Core 2 ................................................................................ 274

Online Resources ................................................................................................. 274




Contents in Detail


“The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers.”

—Richard W. Hamming (1915–1998)

When mathematician and computing pioneer Richard

Hamming penned this maxim in 1962, the era of digital

computing was still very much in its infancy. There were

only about 10,000 computers in existence worldwide;

each one was large and expensive, and each required

teams of engineers for maintenance and operation. Getting results out of

these mammoth machines was a matter of laboriously inputting long strings

of numbers, waiting for the machine to perform its calculations, and then

interpreting the resulting mass of ones and zeros. This tedious and painstak-

ing process prompted Hamming to remind his colleagues that the reams of

numbers they worked with on a daily basis were only a means to a much higher

and often non-numerical end: keener insight into the world around them.

In today’s post-Internet age, hundreds of millions of people regularly use

computers not just to gain insight, but to book airline tickets, to play poker,

to assemble photo albums, to find companionship, and to do every other sort

of human activity from the mundane to the sublime. In stark contrast to the

way things were 40 years ago, the experience of using a computer to do math

on large sets of numbers is fairly foreign to many users, who spend only a

very small fraction of their computer time explicitly performing arithmetic

operations. In popular operating systems from Microsoft and Apple, a small

calculator application is tucked away somewhere in a folder and accessed

only infrequently, if at all, by the majority of users. This small, seldom-used

calculator application is the perfect metaphor for the modern computer’s

hidden identity as a shuffler of numbers.

This book is aimed at reintroducing the computer as a calculating device

that performs layer upon layer of miraculous sleights of hand in order to hide

from the user the rapid flow of numbers inside the machine. The first few

chapters introduce basic computing concepts, and subsequent chapters work

through a series of more advanced explanations, rooted in real-world hard-

ware, that show how instructions, data, and numerical results move through

the computers people use every day. In the end,
Inside the Machine
aims to give the reader an intermediate to advanced knowledge of how a variety of

microprocessors function and how they stack up to each other from multiple

design and performance perspectives.

Ultimately, I have tried to write the book that I would have wanted to

read as an undergraduate computer engineering student: a book that puts

the pieces together in a big-picture sort of way, while still containing enough

detailed information to offer a firm grasp of the major design principles

underlying modern microprocessors. It is my hope that
Inside the Machine
’s blend of exposition, history, and architectural “comparative anatomy” will

accomplish that goal.




This book is a distillation and adaptation of over eight

years’ worth of my technical articles and news report-

ing for
Ars Technica
, and as such, it reflects the insights

and information offered to me by the many thousands

of readers who’ve taken the time to contact me with

their feedback. Journalists, professors, students, industry professionals, and,

in many cases, some of the scientists and engineers who’ve worked on the

processors covered in this book have all contributed to the text within these

pages, and I want to thank these correspondents for their corrections, clari-

fications, and patient explanations. In particular, I’d like to thank the folks

at IBM for their help with the articles that provided the material for the part

of the book dealing with the PowerPC 970. I’d also like to thank Intel Corp.,

and George Alfs in particular, for answering my questions about the processors

covered in Chapter 12. (All errors are my own.)

I want to thank Bill Pollock at No Starch Press for agreeing to publish

Inside the Machine
, and for patiently guiding me through my first book.

Other No Starch Press staff for whom thanks are in order include Elizabeth

Campbell (production editor), Sarah Lemaire (copyeditor), Riley Hoffman

(compositor), Stephanie Provines (proofreader), and Megan Dunchak.

I would like to give special thanks to the staff of
Ars Technica
and to the site’s forum participants, many of whom have provided me with the constructive criticism, encouragement, and education without which this book would

not have been possible. Thanks are also in order for my technical prereaders,

especially Lee Harrison and Holger Bettag, both of whom furnished invalu-

able advice and feedback on earlier drafts of this text. Finally, I would like to thank my wife, Christina, for her patience and loving support in helping me

finish this project.

Jon Stokes

Chicago, 2006




Inside the Machine
is an introduction to computers that

is intended to fill the gap that exists between classic

but more challenging introductions to computer

architecture, like John L. Hennessy’s and David A.

Patterson’s popular textbooks, and the growing mass

of works that are simply too basic for motivated non-specialist readers. Readers with some experience using computers and with even the most minimal

scripting or programming experience should finish
Inside the Machine
with a thorough and advanced understanding of the high-level organization of

modern computers. Should they so choose, such readers would then be well

equipped to tackle more advanced works like the aforementioned classics,

either on their own or as part of formal curriculum.

The book’s comparative approach, described below, introduces new

design features by comparing them with earlier features intended to solve

the same problem(s). Thus, beginning and intermediate readers are

encouraged to read the chapters in order, because each chapter assumes

a familiarity with the concepts and processor designs introduced in the

chapters prior to it.

More advanced readers who are already familiar with some of the

processors covered will find that the individual chapters can stand alone.

The book’s extensive use of headings and subheadings means that it can

also be employed as a general reference for the processors described,

though that is not the purpose for which it was designed.

The first four chapters of
Inside the Machine
are dedicated to laying the conceptual groundwork for later chapters’ studies of real-world microprocessors. These chapters use a simplified example processor, the DLW, to

illustrate basic and intermediate concepts like the instructions/data distinc-

tion, assembly language programming, superscalar execution, pipelining,

the programming model, machine language, and so on.

The middle portion of the book consists of detailed studies of two popular

desktop processor lines: the Pentium line from Intel and the PowerPC line

from IBM and Motorola. These chapters walk the reader through the chrono-

logical development of each processor line, describing the evolution of the

microarchitectures and instruction set architectures under discussion. Along

the way, more advanced concepts like speculative execution, vector processing,

and instruction set translation are introduced and explored via a discussion

of one or more real-world processors.

Throughout the middle part of the book, the overall approach is what

might be called “comparative anatomy,” in which each new processor’s novel

features are explained in terms of how they differ from analogous features

found in predecessors and/or competitors. The comparative part of the book

culminates in Chapters 7 and 8, which consist of detailed comparisons of

two starkly different and very important processors: Intel’s Pentium 4 and

Motorola’s MPC7450 (popularly known as the G4e).

After a brief introduction to 64-bit computing and the 64-bit extensions

to the popular
86 instruction set architecture in Chapter 9, the microarchitecture of the first mass-market 64-bit processor, the IBM PowerPC 970, is

treated in Chapter 10. This study of the 970, the majority of which is also

directly applicable to IBM’s POWER4 mainframe processor, concludes the

book’s coverage of PowerPC processors.

Chapter 11 covers the organization and functioning of the memory

hierarchy found in almost all modern computers.

Inside the Machine
’s concluding chapter is given over to an in-depth

examination of the latest generation of processors from Intel: the Pentium

M, Core Duo, and Core 2 Duo. This chapter contains the most detailed

discussion of these processors available online or in print, and it includes

some new information that has not been publicly released prior to the

printing of this book.




Modern computers come in all shapes and sizes, and

they aid us in a million different types of tasks ranging

from the serious, like air traffic control and cancer

research, to the not-so-serious, like computer gaming

and photograph retouching. But as diverse as computers are in their

outward forms and in the uses to which they’re put, they’re all amazingly

similar in basic function. All of them rely on a limited repertoire of tech-

nologies that enable them do the myriad kinds of miracles we’ve come to

expect from them.

At the heart of the modern computer is the
—also commonly called the
central processing unit (CPU)
—a tiny, square sliver of silicon that’s etched with a microscopic network of gates and channels through which

electricity flows. This network of gates (
) and channels (
) is a very small version of the kind of circuitry that we’ve all seen when cracking open a television remote or an old radio. In short, the microprocessor isn’t just the “heart” of a modern computer—it’s a computer in

and of itself. Once you understand how this tiny computer works, you’ll have

a thorough grasp of the fundamental concepts that underlie all of modern

computing, from the aforementioned air traffic control system to the silicon

brain that controls the brakes on a luxury car.

This chapter will introduce you to the microprocessor, and you’ll begin

to get a feel for just how straightforward computers really are. You need

master only a few fundamental concepts before you explore the micro-

processor technologies detailed in the later chapters of this book.

To that end, this chapter builds the general conceptual framework on

which I’ll hang the technical details covered in the rest of the book. Both

newcomers to the study of computer architecture and more advanced readers

are encouraged to read this chapter all the way through, because its abstrac-

tions and generalizations furnish the large conceptual “boxes” in which I’ll

later place the specifics of particular architectures.

The Calculator Model of Computing

Figure 1-1 is an abstract graphical representation of what a computer does.

In a nutshell, a computer takes a stream of instructions (code) and a stream

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