Inside the Machine: An Illustrated Introduction to Microprocessors and Computer Architecture (80 page)

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4 elements, where each element is either a 32-bit signed or unsigned

integer, or a single-precision (32-bit) IEEE floating-point number.

Figure 8-3 can help you visualize how these elements are packed


16 × 8 Bits

8 × 16 Bits

4 × 32 Bits

Figure 8-3: Vectors as packed data formats

AltiVec Vector Operations

Motorola’s AltiVec literature divides the types of vector operations that

AltiVec can perform into four useful and easily comprehensible categories.

Because these categories offer a good way of dividing up the basic things you

can do with vectors, I’ll use Motorola’s categories to break down the major

types of vector operations. I’ll also use pictures similar to those from Motorola’s AltiVec literature, modifying them a bit when needed.

Before looking at the types of operations, note that AltiVec’s instruction

format supports up to four operands, laid out as follows:

AltiVec_instruction source1, source2, filter/mod, destination


Chapter 8 Page 171 Thursday, January 11, 2007 10:28 AM

The main difference to be noted is the presence of the

operand, also called a
control operand
control vector
. This operand specifies a register that holds either a bit mask or a control vector that somehow

modifies or sets the terms of the operation. You’ll see the control vector in

action when we look at the vector permute.

AltiVec’s four-operand format is much more flexible than the two-

operand format available to Intel’s SIMD instructions, making AltiVec a

much more ideal vector processing instruction set than the Pentium line’s

SSE or SSE2 extensions. The
86 ISA’s SIMD extensions are limited by their two-operand format in much the same way that the
86 floating-point

extension is limited by its stack-based register file.

Motorola’s categories for the vector operations that the AltiVec can

perform are as follows:


intra-element arithmetic


intra-element non-arithmetic


inter-element arithmetic


inter-element non-arithmetic

Intra-Element Arithmetic and Non-Arithmetic Instructions

Intra-element arithmetic operation
is one of the most basic and easy-to-grasp categories of vector operation because it closely parallels scalar arithmetic.

Consider, for example, an intra-element addition. This involves lining up

two or three vectors (VA, VB, and VC) and adding their individual elements

together to produce a sum vector (VT). Figure 8-4 contains an example of

intra-element arithmetic operation at work on three vectors, each of which

consists of four 32-bit numbers. Other intra-element operations include

multiplication, multiply-add, average, and minimum.

Intra-element non-arithmetic operations
basically work the same way as intra-element arithmetic functions, except for the fact that the operations per-

formed are different. Intra-element non-arithmetic operations include

logical operations like AND, OR, and XOR.

Figure 8-4 shows an intra-element addition involving three vectors of

pixel values: red, blue, and green. The individual elements of the three

vectors are added to produce a target vector consisting of white pixels.









Figure 8-4: Intra-element arithmetic operations

Intel’s Pentium 4 vs. Motorola’s G4e: The Back End


The following list summarizes the types of vector intra-element instruc-

tions that AltiVec supports:


integer logical instructions


integer arithmetic instructions


integer compare instructions


integer rotate and shift instructions


floating-point arithmetic instructions


floating-point rounding and conversion instructions


floating-point compare instructions


floating-point estimate instructions


memory access instructions

Inter-Element Arithmetic and Non-Arithmetic Instructions

Inter-element arithmetic operations
are operations that happen between the elements in a single vector. An example of an inter-element arithmetic

operation is shown in Figure 8-5, in which the elements in one vector are

added together and the total is stored in an accumulation vector—VT.




Figure 8-5: An inter-element sum across operation

Inter-element non-arithmetic operations
are operations like vector permute, which rearrange the order of the elements in an individual vector. Figure 8-6

shows a vector permute instruction. VA and VB are the source registers that

hold the two vectors to be permuted, VC contains the control vector that tells

AltiVec which elements it should put where, and VT is the destination register.









Figure 8-6: An inter-element permute operation


Chapter 8

The following list summarizes the types of vector inter-element instruc-

tions that AltiVec supports:


Alignment support instructions


Permutation and formatting instructions


Pack instructions


Unpack instructions


Merge instructions


Splat instructions


Shift left/right instructions

The G4e’s VU: SIMD Done Right

The AltiVec extension to PowerPC adds 162 new instructions to the PowerPC

instruction set. When Motorola first implemented AltiVec support in their

PowerPC processor line with the MPC 7400, they added 32 new AltiVec

registers to the G4’s die, along with two dedicated AltiVec SIMD functional

units. All of the AltiVec calculations were done by one of two fully-pipelined,

independent AltiVec execution units.

The G4e improves significantly on the original G4’s AltiVec implemen-

tation. The processor boasts four independent AltiVec units, three of which

are fully pipelined and can operate on multiple instructions at once. These

units are as follows:

Vector permute unit

This unit handles the instructions that rearrange the operands within a

vector. Some examples are permute, merge, splat, pack, and unpack.

Vector simple integer unit

This unit handles all of the fast and simple vector integer instructions.

It’s basically just like one of the G4e’s three fast IUs, except vectorized.

This unit has only one pipeline stage, so most of the instructions it exe-

cutes are single-cycle.

Vector complex integer unit

This is the vector equivalent of the G4e’s one slow IU. It handles the

slower vector instructions, like multiply, multiply-add, and so on.

Vector floating-point unit

This unit handles all vector floating-point instructions.

The G4e can issue up to two AltiVec instructions per clock cycle, with

each instruction going to any one of the four vector execution units. All of

the units, with the exception of the VSIU, are pipelined and can operate on

multiple instructions at once.

All of this SIMD execution hardware is tied to a generous register file

that consists of 32 128-bit architectural registers and 16 additional vector

rename registers.

Intel’s Pentium 4 vs. Motorola’s G4e: The Back End


Intel’s MMX

The story of MMX and SSE/KNI/MMX2 is quite a bit more complicated

than that of AltiVec, and there are a number of reasons why this is so.

To begin with, Intel first introduced MMX as an
SIMD solution, so MMX doesn’t support floating-point arithmetic at all. Another weakness

of MMX is the fact that Intel jumped through some hoops to avoid adding

a new processor state, hoops that complicated the implementation of MMX.

I’ll deal with this in more detail
in “SSE and SSE2” on page 175.

Where AltiVec’s vectors are 128 bits wide, MMX’s are only 64 bits wide.

These 64-bit vectors can be subdivided into:


8 elements (a packed byte), where each element is an 8-bit integer;


4 elements (a packed word), where each element is a 16-bit signed or

unsigned integer;


2 elements (packed double word), where each element is a 32-bit signed

or unsigned integer.

These vectors are stored in eight MMX registers, based on a flat-file

model. These eight registers, MM0 to MM7, are
onto the
87’s stack-based floating-point registers, FP0 to FP7. Intel did this in order to avoid

imposing a costly
processor state switch
any time you want to use MMX instructions. The drawback to this approach is that floating-point operations and

MMX operations must share a register space, so a programmer can’t mix

floating-point and MMX instructions in the same routine. Of course, since

there’s no
mode bit
for toggling the register file between MMX and floating-point usage, there’s nothing to prevent a programmer from pulling such a

stunt and corrupting his floating-point data by overwriting it with integer

vector data.

The fact that a programmer can’t mix floating-point and MMX instruc-

tions normally isn’t a problem, though. In most programs, floating-point

calculations are used for generating data, while SIMD calculations are used

for displaying it.

In all, MMX added 57 new instructions to the
86 ISA. The MMX instruc-

tion format is pretty much like the conventional
86 instruction format:
MMX_instruction mmreg1, mmreg2

In this instruction,
is the both the destination and source operand, meaning that
gets overwritten by the result of the calculation. For the reasons outlined in the previous discussion of operand formats, this two-operand instruction format isn’t nearly as optimal as AltiVec’s four-operand

format. Furthermore, MMX instructions lack that third filter/mod vector

that AltiVec has. This means that you can’t do those one-cycle, arbitrary two-

vector permutes.


Chapter 8

SSE and SSE2

Even as MMX was being rolled out, Intel knew that its 64-bit nature and

integer-only limitation made it seriously deficient as a vector processing

solution. An article in an issue of the
Intel Technology Journal
tells this story: In February 1996, the product definition team at Intel presented

Intel’s executive staff with a proposal for a single-instruction-

multiple-data (SIMD) floating-point model as an extension to IA-

32 architecture. In other words, the “Katmai” processor, later to be

externally named the Pentium III processor, was being proposed.

The meeting was inconclusive. At that time, the Pentium®

processor with MMX instructions had not been introduced and

hence was unproven in the market. Here the executive staff were

being asked essentially to “double down” their bets on MMX

instructions and then on SIMD floating-point extensions. Intel’s

executive staff gave the product team additional questions to

answer and two weeks later, still in February 1996, they gave the

OK for the “Katmai” processor project. During the later definition

phase, the technology focus was refined beyond 3D to include

other application areas such as audio, video, speech recognition,

and even server application performance. In February 1999, the

Pentium III processor was introduced.

Intel Technology Journal, Second Quarter, 1999

Intel’s goal with SSE (Streaming SIMD Extensions, aka MMX2/KNI) was

to add four-way, 128-bit SIMD single-precision floating-point computation to

86 ISA. Intel went ahead and added an extra eight 128-bit architectural registers, called
XMM registers
, for holding vector floating-point instructions.

These eight registers are in addition to the eight MMX/
87 registers that were already there. Since these registers are totally new and independent,

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