Instant Temptation (16 page)

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Authors: Jill Shalvis

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Instant Temptation
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“There you go, tempting karma again.”

Harley made it to the east ridge and back by early evening, with an hour or so of daylight to spare. She’d had no surprises along the way, for which she was grateful, and had been able to replace the bad battery pack on the camera.

It’d been another warm Indian summer day. When she got back to where she and TJ had spent the night before, it took her about one minute to decide she wanted to bathe in the creek. Stripping felt a little brazen, but she hadn’t seen or heard signs of another soul, so she decided to brave it.

When she was done, she sat at the cliff to watch the sun set, hoping to catch a glimpse of the coyotes. As dusk fell, she heard the yips and watched breathlessly as first one, then two, then three coyotes appeared in that last motionless beat between daylight and nightfall.

As they tipped their heads up and began their nightly howls, goose bumps rose on her skin at the eerie beauty. She took as many pictures as she could until the light was completely gone, and then suddenly the coyotes were gone, too, and she was utterly alone.

And that’s when it hit her, when she realized that she had an entire night to get through by herself. Time for a rip-roaring fire.

But to her frustration, she couldn’t get it to light, not even with one of TJ’s magic Fritos under the kindling. Chip number two didn’t work either, nor chip number twelve.

So she sat in the growing dark and ate them. She ate them all, and when they were gone, her stomach hurt.

And it was really dark.

What now? She’d never been the girl to call for help. The path of needing someone had always irritated her. It reminded her of her mom, much as she loved the woman. Harley liked to depend on no one but herself.

But that path seemed like a cold one tonight. She blew out a breath, pulled out her cell phone, scrolled through her contacts for the Sexy Jerk—she really needed to change that—and called him.

“Miss me already?” he asked in a quiet voice, as if maybe he wasn’t alone.

Which reminded her—he was in the middle of a rescue, and she was interrupting. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think—never mind.”

“Are you okay?”

“Yes, but I can’t get a chip to light. What am I doing wrong?”

“Try a pile of chips, not just one.”

She hesitated. “I ate them.”

She could almost hear his smile. “Did you eat the bag, too?” he asked.

She blew out a breath. “No.”

“Then light that. The oils are still in it.”

She kept the cell in the crook of her shoulder as she held a lit match to the bag and whoosh, she got fire. “Thank you.”


“You keep giving.” And giving. “I’m running up a tab here.”

“I told you, no tab. Ever.” His voice lowered. “So…about that missing me thing.”

“What about it?” she asked warily.

“What are you wearing?”

She rolled her eyes and hung up. She used his utility knife to open another can of soup, and set it near the flames to heat.

She hoped TJ had a spare knife on him.

Which was ridiculous. Of course he did. And why was she wasting energy worrying about him? She’d never met anyone better equipped to take care of himself. Crouching in front of the fire, she held out her chil ed hands. The night wasn’t that cold, it was more nerves than anything else. Because while she’d planned for this trip, had wanted this trip, had even looked forward to this trip, the reality of being alone out there was suddenly a little daunting.

You were lucky you weren’t alone last night, she told herself. So get over it. She got into her sleeping bag fully dressed and ordered herself to sleep.

It took a very long time.

She had no idea how much time passed before she came suddenly wide awake, blinking like an owl. She could see nothing but complete blackness, no stars, no fire, nothing. Panic licked at her and she struggled for a minute before realizing she was completely engulfed by her sleeping bag. Clearing her face gave her fresh air and some meager light from the stars. She peered at the cell phone she was still clutching in her hand.

Four a.m.

She’d done it, she’d made it, with no problems. Or almost, anyway. She smiled at that, then went still at the odd noise in the woods behind her. Not the harmless hum of an insect, or the hoot of a bird, but the snapping of a twig.


She slowly crept out of the bag and pulled the mace and her flashlight from her backpack. Feeling far too out in the open, she backed into the woods on the opposite side of the clearing from where she’d heard the noise, and vanished into the dark.

Then, eyes straining, she circled around, hoping to catch sight of whoever was watching her. Her heart was pounding in her ears, her blood pumping through her veins as she shoved the flashlight in her waistband and pulled her phone from her pocket. She had her thumb on her contact list, ready to hit TJ’s number, when she saw a shadow walking through the woods about ten yards from her.

Coming right at her.

Little gray dots danced in her vision. She talked herself out of fainting and reviewed her options at the speed of light. Plan A—she could run. Run like hell. Problem with that was she didn’t have her pack, which meant she didn’t have the GPS or her compass, and in the dark she’d get lost for sure. Plan B—

she could scream. That wasn’t going to work either, as she doubted the bears and coyotes were going to do anything to help her. Plan C—she could simply go up to him and demand to know why he’s spying on her. No. Not big enough balls for that.

Plan D—stun gun. Yeah. That was her best option, and she lifted it at the ready.

He was tall. Built. And…and he had familiar unruly hair, a stubbled jaw, and piercing green eyes. “TJ.”

He came to a stop before her and looked at the stun gun. “Huh. And here I thought you’d be happy to see me.”

“You are so not funny.” She pressed a hand to her thumping heart and shivered.


“No.” She shivered again. Fear. Excitement. Maybe going to pass out. “You scared me half to death.”

He reached out very carefully and relieved her of the stun gun. “You’re shaking.”

“I know. Dammit.”

He nudged her up against a tree and pressed his body to hers. “It’s adrenaline. You need an outlet for it.”

“Gee, let me guess.” She meant to sound sarcastic, but it was hard to pull that off when she was trembling so hard she was stuttering almost to the point of being unintel igible.

TJ had his hands and forearms flat on the tree, bracketing her head. He was warm, and though his voice had indicated a certain level of frustration, exhaustion, and that bafflement she always seemed to cause in him, she didn’t feel threatened.

The opposite.

Which meant that it was official, she was crazy. Certifiably so. Because she wanted to curl into him, wanted to wrap herself up with him and lose herself. Which is exactly what would happen if she let her guard down. She had no doubt that a relationship with him, fleeting as it would be, had the major potential to shatter her heart into a thousand pieces.

But God, she wanted another TJ-induced orgasm.

Tipping up her head, she looked into his face. His jaw was dark with almost three days’ worth of stubble. His eyes weren’t giving much away other than hunger. Hunger for sleep? Hunger for food?


And hunger for her. No question, she thought, a little shaken at the deep, raw look of desire in his gaze.

Helplessly reacting to that, she shifted against his body, seeking to ease an ache from deep inside.

He let out a low sound. “If you’re not doing that on purpose, Harley, you need to stop.”

She had no idea what came over her, but she did it again, and felt him respond.

He was hard.


She dropped her gaze to his mouth, and he groaned as he shifted his hands from the tree to her face, gently cupping it, stroking her jaw with his thumbs. While staring into her eyes, he angled her head to his liking and kissed her. It started out slow, but progressed to holy shit pretty quickly, and then without warning, he lifted his head and looked at her, all sleepy eyed. Before leaning in close again, pressing his mouth to the spot beneath her ear, then her throat as he fisted his hand in her hair to turn her face, exposing the other side of her neck.

She felt his open mouth there, and just the tip of his tongue touched her skin as his other hand slid across her stomach, slipping beneath her shirt.

“I’m starting to forget why this is a bad idea,” she said, her own hands making themselves at home on his chest, gliding them back and forth for the sheer delight of feeling the play of his muscles.

“Me, too,” he murmured, heading for her mouth again, but she pulled back a fraction, breathing hard.

“I think I have a handle on myself now,” she said, knowing that wasn’t quite true.

He merely redirected his mouth to her throat, nibbling wet, hot kisses that made her knees wobble.

“I’ve got something else you could get a handle on.”

She choked out a laugh.

“Sorry.” He grimaced and pressed his forehead to hers. “I’m so fucking tired. I say really weak shit when I’m tired.”

She dropped her head to his chest and realized she was still touching him, beneath his shirt, making her no better than him.

He lightly skimmed a warm finger up her spine and made her shiver. “Let’s go back to your sleeping bag.”

She gave a full body shiver. “Oh, God.”

His voice sounded strained. “Is that oh, God please?”

Yes, said her body.

What happened to hanging tough? asked her brain.

Stupid, logical, careful brain. “Why were you spying on me?” she asked.

“I wasn’t. I didn’t see you by the fire and didn’t want to scare you into stunning me.”

“Where did you think I was?”

“Checking on your equipment, peeing in the woods, I don’t know. But I’d armed you myself, and was being cautious.” He grinned. “With good reason.” He pulled the stun gun from his pocket. “Except you didn’t have it on.”

“I was working up to that part.”

He laughed. “Glad I wasn’t a hungry bear.”

“You’re more dangerous,” she muttered, and pushing free, walked back to the fire in tune to his soft laugh. It sounded hollow, and she took a closer look at him. His eyes were lined with exhaustion, his mouth grim. “How did the search and rescue go?” she asked. “You find your missing people?”

“Kids. They are barely teenagers. They’d gone up the Red Rock cliff on a dare and one of them stepped off the cliff. It’s a sixty-foot drop.”

She gasped. “Are they okay?”

“Yeah. With the ground and slopes so wet and loose, the kid set off a mud slide, which is what saved his life. He caught a roller-coaster ride like no other, though. It was hell to get to him without finishing him off with another slide over the top of him.”

Above them, the sky had gone from black to…a slightly paler black. Dawn was coming. She looked up and found TJ watching her. Was it her imagination, or was he not looking so tired anymore? Suddenly, she wasn’t feeling so tired either.

Uh oh.

His eyes darkened, and she felt the hitch in her breathing. Damn, she really needed to work on her selfcontrol.

“You don’t trust yourself around me,” he said.

“Not even a little.”

“Smart woman,” he said softly, with something else in his voice, a quality that said he was proud of her, and also…hurt? She’d had absolutely no idea she had that power, and reaching out, she lay a hand on his arm, which was rigid with strength and warmth.

And bloody. “Oh my God. You’re hurt.”


“It’s nothing,” TJ turned to tell Harley, pulling his arm back. “Trust me, I’ve had worse.” And he had.

“It’s more than nothing.” Harley grabbed his hand and tugged, and because he liked her touch, he let her. She squinted against the harsh glare of her flashlight as she tried to see. “You’re all cut up. Come sit down.” She pulled him to the fire pit and pushed him to a log, putting her hands on her hips as she stood over him. “Are you hurt anywhere else?”

“If I say yes, will you strip-search me?”

She rolled her eyes and pulled out her first aid kit. “We need to wash off the dirt so you don’t get an infection.”

“I like the ‘we.’ You can bathe whatever part of me you like.”

She laughed, a sweet magical sound that he didn’t hear often enough from her. “You wish.”

“Aw, you’re no fun.”

She’d dropped to her knees at his side and stared at him. “I wasn’t aware that we were having fun.”

“We’ve had our moments,” he said silkily, then laughed softly at her blush, knowing she was remembering yesterday morning, and how he’d made her come.

“Take off your shirt,” she commanded softly, wielding antiseptic and gauze.

“I like it when you get all bossy.” He yanked his shirt over his head and smiled as her nipples hardened and pressed against her white, long-sleeved T-shirt. Nice view.

She ignored him and once again made the antiseptic her friend, going for the largest cut on the underside of his forearm first. He hissed in a breath and she winced as if she hurt for him. Then she lifted the gauze, bent her head, and blew softly.

Good Christ. “What did I tell you about that?”

“That wasn’t foreplay. I’m nursing you.”

“Yeah, well, my brain’s fuzzy on the difference.”

She shook her head, probing at the cut. “This one looks deep enough for stitches, TJ.”

“Butterfly me up. I’ll have Emma look at it when we get back.”

“Speaking of Emma, why didn’t you go straight home?”

Good question. It was one he’d asked himself more than a few times during his not so pleasant, hardas-hell middle-of-the-night hike back there. Stone had flat out laughed his ass off at him for skipping the helicopter ride home to come there instead. “I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“According to you,” she said, “you already knew I would be. So the question stands. Why?”

Because he cared about her. He might as well deal with that. She cared, too, in spite of trying to keep her distance. She cared deeply, and they both knew it.

In a world where he was often the one in charge, where he was the one doing all the caring, it felt good.

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