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Authors: Lisa Y. Watson

Interview with Love (10 page)

BOOK: Interview with Love
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Chapter Twelve
Natural Splendor

“Welcome to L'Auberge,” a woman greeted her in the lobby.

Sienna eyed several people curiously as they stood around a table, sipping wine and snacking on cheese.

The greeter followed Sienna's line of sight. “You're right on time,” she said, cheerfully. “This is our welcome, mixer. Feel free to stay and get acquainted with fellow guests.”

I'm not getting acquainted with anyone before I've had a chance to shower and change.
Sienna thought. “Oh, I'd love to, but actually I'm meeting a friend.”

“No problem, the woman smiled. “You're coming at a very exciting time at L'Auberge. We've expanded our resort to offer our guests even more unparalleled luxury.”

By the time she had finished listing their improvements Sienna was in awe. “It sounds spectacular.”

“We hope you'll enjoy your stay with us. Now let's get you checked in and then we'll have someone escort you to your room.”

As she read over information on the resort, and nearby excursions, a young man greeted Sienna with a hearty handshake. He scooped up her luggage and took it out to a GEM car.

“That's cute,” Sienna gushed eyeing the tiny vehicle.

“It's electric too, so we're doing our part for our environment. We offer our guests rides to shopping, restaurants, and other places so you let us know when you're ready to check out Sedona.”

“Absolutely,” Sienna had to laugh. His excitement was contagious.

“Here we are,” he said, pulling into a space. He hopped out and got her bags off the back seat. She looked around the log cabin-type cottages as she followed him down a pathway.

“Do I hear water?”

“Yes, ma'am. You're creek side which means you're right next to Oak Creek.”

“I'm staying creek side,” she mouthed.

“Here we are.” He walked up the stairs onto a porch.

The bellman opened the door, allowing her to enter first. Sienna's eyes widened when she realized the “room” Vaughn got for her was actually a cottage. It reminded her of a quaint ski chalet, or at least what a ski chalet would look like if she'd ever gone skiing. The floors were hardwood and there was a fireplace. There was an armoire for her clothes and an entertainment center across from a brown leather sofa. The pièce de résistance was the king-size bed. It had an intricately carved head and foot board in a dark, rich color. It looked elegant and stately. She loved it.

“If you'd like your fireplace lit for you, just call the desk.”

“Huh?” She'd been drooling over the room so long she'd forgotten she wasn't alone.

“We offer a fire lighting service. On cool desert nights it comes in handy.”

“Are you serious?”

He nodded. “The wood is right outside on your porch. Don't hesitate to call if you need anything.”

“I will,” she promised.

Once she was alone, Sienna leisurely explored her small piece of luxury. The bathroom would easily rival any spa. Thick waffle-patterned towels were stacked neatly on shelves. She peeked in a small container to find cotton balls. “They thought of every comfort.” Next were Q-Tips and spa quality toiletries. There was even an aromatherapy diffuser. She sniffed the wooden sticks sitting in scented oil. “This is unbelievable. Vivian is going to flip.”

Strolling into the main room, Sienna unpacked before she freshened up. While she was walking to the armoire she noticed a bouquet of flowers on a small table. She set her armful of stuff on the couch and walked closer. Lowering her head, she sniffed the fragrant petals. That's when she noticed the card. Easing the small square envelope off its holder, Sienna opened it.

I am thrilled you came, Doc. I'll pick you up at seven o'clock sharp. Can't wait to see you. Vaughn.

Sienna glanced at her watch. It was ten minutes to six. She did a double take. That barely gave her an hour to put her things away and get ready. She kicked herself into high gear. Her clothes and toiletries were put away in no time. She had chosen a red wrap-around dress with matching sandals. She wore tiny diamonds on her wrist, neck and ears. Her hair was in a chic pony tail. She'd left the bathroom after fixing her hair, not bothering to giver herself a once over. A knock sounded at her front door.

Sienna ran her hands nervously over her outfit. Her tongue flicked over her front teeth. Confident that she was ready, she walked gracefully to the door and opened it.

They stood staring at one another.

Sienna immediately noticed he was wearing his glasses. She loved when he wore them, which wasn't often. The dark frames made him look more stud than studious.

“You don't wear those enough,” she blurted out.

Vaughn grinned, boyishly. Taking her in his arms, he hugged her tightly. “Hello to you, too. We just finished up work for the day. Usually I only wear them when I have reading to do, but I was so eager to get here I forgot to take them off.” A few seconds later, he let her go. His eyes scanned over her appreciatively. “Doc, that red on you is…you look…truly amazing.”

“Thank you.” She shyly stepped aside. “Vaughn, why do you call me that all the time?”

He followed her into the room and shut the door. “I don't know. I just like it. I guess it's a term of endearment or something. “Why?” He studied her closely. “You don't like when I call you Doc?”

This time the tone he used when the nickname rolled off his tongue made her throat tighten. Truthfully, she didn't care what Vaughn called her so long as he said it like that. It took her a moment to realize he was waiting for an answer. “Uh…no, it's fine. I don't mind at all.”

“Good. I'd hate to have to figure out another name this late in the game,” he mocked.

Without warning, Sienna closed the distance between them. This time she initiated the embrace. Her arms snaked around his neck. His arms encircled her waist.

“Vaughn, this was a wonderful surprise.” She blinked back the moisture forming in her eyes. “One I'll treasure forever.”

He tilted her face up to meet his. He rubbed her tears away with his thumb. “It was my pleasure. I'm very glad you came. I'll be the envy of every man we see tonight.”

“Oh please.” Sienna looked away, sniffing. “I'm not that big a deal.”

“You have to know how hot you look in that dress. A man would have to be in a coma not to notice you.”

“Now you're just exaggerating,” she protested.

“Exaggerating?” Vaughn repeated in a shocked tone. “Come with me.”

When she didn't move Vaughn took her hand and tugged her along behind him. He guided her into the bathroom and positioned her in front of the mirror. “If you don't believe me, see for yourself.”

Sienna gazed at her reflection. It was an exercise that she didn't like at all. She never spent too much time pondering how she looked—at least not anymore. Years ago she had been all-consumed with her image and how others saw her. One dark and terrifying night had changed that forever. Shaking off old torments, Sienna glanced up at Vaughn's reflection in the mirror. If anyone was causing heart palpitations it was
. He wore a pair of black slacks with black leather shoes. The shirt was a long-sleeved midnight blue that buttoned down the front. Vaughn looked sexy.

That was an understatement. Vivian's voice echoed in her head.
Girl, the man would have to drop that magnetism down a few levels to be considered just sexy.
Lately, Sienna was having all sorts of trouble keeping her mind from conjuring up thoughts that were off limits.
Who said they were off limits?
Her inner voice questioned. “I thought we did.”

“You thought we did what?”

Sienna pinned Vaughn with a shocked stare. She'd sworn she'd said that to herself.
Rule number fifteen: Men don't like to be put on the spot.
“Brought a camera,” she lied. “I thought I brought a camera is what I meant.”

He laughed and tweaked her nose. “I'm sure I've got one. So, are you ready for dinner?”


They dined on the terrace at the Oak Creek restaurant. White lights were woven around the trees near their table. Vaughn chose the Filet Mignon while Sienna couldn't resist the Rack of Lamb. While sipping her wine, she observed the water rushing over the various rocks that sprinkled throughout the creek. There weren't many diners about so it was almost as if they had their own private spot. She felt enveloped in the serene beauty surrounding her. After they had finished their meal, her eyes settled on Vaughn. Sensing her scrutiny his head lifted. “I can't imagine this weekend getting any better than this,” she sighed, contentedly.

“I wouldn't make that claim just yet. You know how I love challenges,” he countered. “How about a walk?”

“Sure, but I warn you. I'm so relaxed you may have to pour me out of this chair.”

Calling their waiter over, Vaughn asked for the check. After he'd settled the bill he and Sienna walked around. “You can't see it now, but we'll check out the Snoopy Rock tomorrow.”

Her face lit up. “Oh, I heard about that rock. It looks just like Snoopy lying down. They said the rock just behind it looks like Linus playing on his piano with Lucy sitting on top of it.”

They chatted amiably for several minutes. “So, how is work going? You haven't mentioned anything about it since you got here.”

“And I'm not going to,” Vaughn clarified. “Tonight I want to focus on spending time with my best friend in one of the most beautiful places in America.”

Sienna skidded to a halt staring at Vaughn curiously. “I'm one of your best friends?”

Vaughn turned. “Of course you are, Sienna. How could you doubt it?”

Oh, I don't know, maybe because I'd like to do a lot more with you than be best buddies.
She said to herself. As they walked, Sienna studied his profile and continued to carry on a full blown conversation with herself.
I can't believe you brought your “buddy” to what is hands down one of the most romantic places on the planet. It is also astounding that I could barely salivate over the best lamb I've ever had because I was sitting there going gaga over how good you look. And how's this for irony? It was the best evening I have ever spent with a man—fully dressed. This was by far the most perfect date I've ever been on with someone that isn't interested in getting my clothes off.
The more she talked to herself the more distressed she became.
Rule number sixteen: Never ask a man why he wants to be your best friend instead of your boyfriend.

Before she could stop herself, Sienna turned and blurted out, “Vaughn, what's wrong with me?”

He gave her the once over. “How do you mean?”

Seconds ticked by without a response from her. Sienna prided herself on her ability to think fast; to be able to assess a situation with clarity and respond accordingly. She did it every day in her profession, and yet she was standing in front of Vaughn like she had forgotten the mechanics of the English language.
Tell him,
her inner voice coached.
Tell him how you feel.

“Sienna? Are you okay?”

She stared into Vaughn's concerned face. It was amazing how he became more attractive the longer she was around him. “I'm cold,” she lied—again.

He studied her. “Cold?”

“Yes, isn't it crazy? Here we are enjoying this wonderful view and I'm freezing.” She shivered for effect.

“Oh. Let's get you back then,” he replied, draping his arm around her. “I'm sorry I didn't think to bring my jacket, or to suggest you grab something before we left your cottage.”

“It's not your fault. I should've remembered. It's the desert, right? Deserts are chilly at night.”

By the time they'd reached her residence she didn't have to fake the chills running over her. Vaughn's arm draped around her shoulder was wreaking all sorts of havoc.

Chapter Thirteen

The insistent ring of a telephone roused Sienna from a deep sleep and an incredible dream. She sat up and glanced around the room.
Leaning over, Sienna picked up the telephone receiver. “Hello?”

“Did you sleep well?”

“Well? That would be an understatement. I slept the entire night in one spot. That's unheard of for me.”

Vaughn chuckled. “I'm going to have to take your word for it. Are you hungry?”

She took a second to think about it. “Oddly, not yet.”

“Good. There's a surprise waiting for you by the creek in thirty minutes.”

“Thirty?” she glanced frantically at the clock. “Vaughn, women don't get ready in thirty minutes.”

“Then you'd better be the exception,” he joked.

“Seriously what should I wear? What are we doing?”

“You'll see. Just wear something comfortable.”

Vaughn hung up the phone.

Sienna glared at the receiver. “You aren't funny, Mr. Deveraux.” Throwing the covers back, she jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom to shower.

Twenty minutes later, Sienna was twisting her hair into a knot on top of her head. Dressed and ready to go, she was searching for her glasses when a knock sounded at her door. “Coming,” she yelled running to open the door.

Vaughn was standing there with a small bag and cup in his hand. “Good morning.”

“What's this?” Sienna asked when he handed them to her.

“A Chai latte and bran muffin. I figure we can have a real meal afterwards.”

She tilted her head to the side curiously. “Okay, what are you up to?”

“You'll see.”

“I'm sorry. Where are my manners.” She stepped aside. “Come in.”

Vaughn stepped in and shut the door behind him. They sat at the small table. Sienna popped the lid off her tea and blew gently. Vaughn stared at her. So much so that Sienna looked up. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“It's rare I get to see you with your glasses off. You look good with them on, but without them…”

“Isn't that funny? You like me with mine off, I like you with yours on.”

He smiled at her. “I guess we're an odd couple.”

Now she was the one staring. It was strange, but the more she tried to turn away, the harder it got. “Where are you staying?”
Oh, that sounded lame,
she told herself.

Vaughn ran a hand over his jaw. “My team is staying in a house by the creek. It's big enough that we can stretch out and not have to go searching for people when we need to do a group huddle. We'll stop by later today so you can see it.”

“The resort has a house you can rent, too? It figures. Nothing about this place is ordinary,” she observed.

“Hey, we'd better get going. I don't want you to be late,” Vaughn remarked, edging toward the door.

She wished Vivian were here to give her some insight on how to get things moving. Vaughn wasn't making any moves and she'd done just about everything except parade naked in front of him.


“Yep, coming,” she said, quickly. She took her tea, but left the muffin. Vaughn told her she wouldn't need her purse. She opted for her prescription sunglasses and they were out the door.

As they walked down the path, Sienna told Vaughn about her parents. “You've got to meet them soon. My father is a retired Army Colonel. My stepmother, Cassandra owns a dance studio. She has a lot of wonderful programs.”

“Your stepmother?”

“Yes. My real mother died when…I was six.”

“I'm sorry to hear that. I've seen with Angella just how difficult it can be when your mother dies. “Maybe Angella would benefit from taking dance lessons. Right now she's into golf, baseball, and soccer. I suppose a little variation might be a good thing.”

“Sure. Talk to her about it and see if she's interested. You can bring her to Cassie's studio and she can check it out for herself.”

They walked up to a portable cabana next to the creek. A woman was standing waiting for them. “Good morning, I'm Victoria. You must be Sienna?”

“Uh yes, I am,” Sienna replied looking questioningly toward Vaughn. He was the picture of serenity. Sienna's eyes narrowed. “This is the surprise?”

He nodded. I figured an hour-long massage by the water would be just what the Doctor needed.”

Sienna was flabbergasted. “Vaughn. You are unbelievable.”

“I try,” he winked. “So, you get going on the nature thing and I'm going to check back in with the troops. I'll come back and get you and we can go explore Sedona together. Will that work?”

“Sounds wonderful. Only make it my place. I want to change after this is done.”

After Vaughn bid the two ladies goodbye he strolled back to the house. His thoughts drifted to Sienna. He retrieved his cell phone from his pocket. He dialed Carlton.

“You got a minute?”

“Sure, Angella's aunt just picked her up for a sleepover. What's up?”

“A lot. I swear, the more I'm around her, the more difficult it is to think about anything but kissing her.”

“We must be talking about Sienna.”

“Will you be serious? Who else would I be talking about? I'm telling you Carl, last night would've been the perfect opportunity; either on our walk back to her place or when we were sitting in front of the roaring fire at her cottage.”

“Perfect time for what?”

“To make a move. Will you keep up? We've grown close since I crashed and burned when we met in Catawba. She's one of my best friends now. Sienna adds meaning to my life you know? She fills a space I didn't even know was empty. She's witty, smart, sensitive, and beautiful—inside and out.”

“From what you've told me she's also feisty enough to put you in your place.”

“Which of course makes her that much more appealing.”

“Of course,” Carlton retorted.

“Despite the bizarre bun she wears more times than not, she's sexy as hell.”

“Do you want my advice?”

“Carlton, that's what I called you for.”

“Good. Here it is. You need to get off the fence and make a move. Find out how she feels about you.”

Pierce's voice echoed in his head.
You need to dazzle her, baby.

“Vaughn? Are you there?”

“Yes, sorry. I was just thinking.”

“Wasn't that the whole point of this trip? Wasn't it because you were missing her like crazy and you wanted to see where things stood?”

“Yes. If I tell Pierce this I'll never hear the end of it, but I guess I did bring her here to…dazzle her.”

“So what's with all the indecision?”

“I don't know if she's even ready to be in a committed relationship—with me.”

“How about asking? Vaughn, you've told me how much it kills you to listen to her chat about the men that hit on her at almost every focus group. It's obvious you care about her. Stop being a baby about it and just tell her you want to see her naked.”

“Will you be serious?”

“Well, isn't that what Pierce would tell you?”

“That's why I didn't call Pierce,” Vaughn complained. “We already know I want to see her naked—that's a given. The question is when do I tell her and how?”

“Going from friends to lovers isn't always a smooth transition,” his friend cautioned. “Things could backfire and then you're stuck with it being awkward if it doesn't work out.”

“That won't happen,” Vaughn dismissed.

“How do you know?”

“Because I won't let it.”

“You're that sure of her feelings?”

“I'm that sure of mine. I can't imagine my life without Sienna Lambert in it. I also know that once we cross that line, and we most definitely will be crossing it, we won't be going back to just friends. She's everywhere, Carlton,” Vaughn said, with a touch of awe. “My heart, mind, soul and Lord knows my body. I can't escape her.”

“Then I guess you know what you need to do, buddy.”


Sienna had just pulled on a pair of shorts when her cell phone rang. Walking over to the night stand, she picked it up and hit the talk button. “Hello?”

“Did you do it, yet?”


“Who else would it be…Cassie?” Vivian quipped. “Did you sleep with him?”

Sienna collapsed against the bed. She sighed loudly. “No, nothing like that, but last night…I thought for sure it was going to happen.”

“Well, why didn't it?”

Sienna stared at the ceiling. “I don't know, Viv. Something is holding both of us back. It's like neither one of us wants to make the first move.”

“That's just crazy. One of you better get to it before you die of terminal sexual build-up.”

“Vivian that's silly.”

“No it isn't. I was watching the discovery channel and I—”

“You saw no such thing. Look, maybe he doesn't want anything more. I wore the
red dress
last night. The girls were front and center,” she said, referring to her cleavage. “I had the sexy heels on, make up—the whole nine, Viv. Nothing. Not even a kiss. I can't force him to want to sleep with me.”

“Are you insane? Women have been doing that since the freaking dawn of time. Heck, pick a civilization. Egypt, Africa, Asia, India. Does the Kama Sutra ring a bell?”

Vivian was silent for a moment. “Tell me you wore your hair down last night.”

Sienna hesitated.

“Sienna Elizabeth Lambert. This has got to stop.”

“I don't know what you mean,” she evaded.

“You darn well do. Look, I hate to burst your bubble, but you are a beautiful woman. You hiding behind glasses and wearing your hair straight out of a magazine you borrowed from the Library of Congress doesn't matter. One jealous woman's ranting at you for a beauty pageant disaster doesn't alter that fact.”

“Please…don't go there,” Sienna ground out.

“Oh I'm going there. Sienna, it's time to move on. That drama happened when you were a teenager. It doesn't change who you are.”

Suddenly the well-erected wall she'd constructed cracked. “Yes it does, Vivian,” she said, tearfully. “Can't you understand how I felt? He practically raped me. He would have if someone hadn't come along. You know he had the nerve to tell me he'd never met a girl as beautiful as me? How ironic. You know she actually blamed me for it? He almost ruined me and it's
fault? That's what I can't forgive.”

The line went silent. Eventually, Vivian spoke. “Sienna, listen to me. You weren't to blame. Not for any of it. What happened was not your fault. You shouldn't let it compromise your self-esteem. He wasn't worth it. Do you hear me? He wasn't and still isn't worth the pain and torture you are putting yourself through. That horrible night doesn't define you as a person. I know deep down you want it to. You think it should, but it doesn't. You are still going to be beautiful, talented and smart. Not wearing make-up and all the props you put on are not going to change any of that. It's time to move on,” she said, gently. “Let it go.”

Sienna blew her nose. “So what do you suggest I do? She took his side, Viv. Despite what we were supposed to mean to each other she believed
. Am I supposed to forgive her after all these years of animosity between us?”

“I won't even begin to counsel you on that. Whether you forgive her is completely up to you. What I will suggest is that you live, Sienna—for you. That's how you get past that dark moment in time. You live your life, and you start now. I don't know Vaughn that well, but from what I can see you care about him. Truly care. You can't trivialize that. So get those contacts you've been wanting, lose the Princess-Leia-wannabe hairdo, get a new wardrobe, and go seduce your man.”

BOOK: Interview with Love
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