Intimate Danger (Empire Blue) (20 page)

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He didn’t hold back. His hot tongue licked a slow, thick path right across her core.

She arched her back, her neck, and moaned loudly.

“Fuck, Charlie.”

Without waiting for a response, he swirled his tongue over her, dove in and licked a torturous path along every crevice of her sex. She couldn’t hold herself up any longer and fell back against the cool fabric, a direct contrast to the fire he sparked between her thighs. She shivered, and goose bumps prickled along her skin.

He growled a deep rumbl
e and it vibrated against her core. It was almost too much. She shifted, her muscles shaking from the direct focus of his touch. With another growl, he stood and maneuvered her until she lay lengthwise on the couch. Palming her ass, he pushed her back until she lay sprawled, like an offering, completely given to him. He turned his head, and in one of the sweetest gestures she’d ever seen, he pressed a delicate kiss to the inside of her ankle.

He lowered himself—oh
so fucking slowly—shoving her thighs apart with his wide shoulders, until his hands opened her completely. She was at his mercy, on full display, and all too vulnerable. His nose brushed along the crease of her thigh, hot breath whispered over her.

She shook her head
, unable to handle all the different sensations and then gasped as Trent pushed two fingers in and out of her. His fingers moved easily, her sex drenched with desire and more than ready for him. The sound of him pumping into her, of her pussy greedily clinging to his fingers, of her increasing wetness drove her mad with pleasure as a moan escaped her lips.

His mouth settled over her clit
and suckled. She cried out and curled her toes. A low rumble vibrated its way from his chest, and combined with the thrusting of his fingers, she got lost in pleasure. He was everywhere, licking and sucking along her folds, nipping the lips of her sex, and biting gently on her clit. She couldn’t contain the sounds that came out of her and moaned as he drew the swollen bud into his mouth.

She was lost—
with every thrust of his fingers, every swirl of his tongue, pleasure carried her further over the edge. Gasping, she called his name, wove her fingers through his hair, and pressed his mouth closer. Pressure built inside her stomach and released with a sudden tingling rush. She screamed her release, curled her toes, and pulled at his hair. As she came down, she panted, her body relaxed, but not sated.

There was no moment for rest
as he rose above, impatiently tugged on his jeans, forced them down with jerky movements, fell forward, and closed his mouth over hers. Thrusting his tongue inside, a shiver went up her spine as she realized this man owned her and everything in her wanted him to.

Consequences be damned.

Pulling back, he grabbed her by the waist and flipped her over onto her knees. The top half of her body hung over the arm of the couch and her clothes lay in a path from the door. She barely registered any of it, and instead all of her concentration was on him as he pushed her knees apart, making her ready to receive him.

She wasn’t afraid really, but the power beneath his touch put her on the edge,
and had her anticipating what was coming.

He pressed
her head down and drew her hips to arch up. Trent held the tip of his shaft at her entrance, circling it there.

Her breath caught.

Still, no words were spoken, but as he thrust his erection into her, they both groaned loudly, merging into one. Holding onto her hips, he pounded into her with an intensity that both exhilarated and scared her. Faster and harder, he slammed forward, and with each thrust, she held onto the couch as she was shoved closer to the side.

Sensations swamped, the wetness smacking between them speaking volumes
about the desire engulfing them both. His thighs slapped hers, and his heavy balls pounded against her swollen sex, making it impossible for her to hold on any longer. Her walls clenched around him, and he stiffened, then shoved inside as far as he could go. A loud shout filled the air as he filled her and they both went flying over the edge.

Staying inside her
while they came floating back, Charlie could not help but smile. His arms, like steel, came around and cradled her body as he throbbed inside.

“Mmmmm,” Trent murmured.

He pulled out, kissed the back of her neck, just a flutter of lips, a direct contrast to the raging lust he had pounded into her. She was out of sorts, thrown off balance by that one touch after such an explosive tumble.

Guiding her down to the couch,
her body laden, as if cooked noodles replaced what bones she had left. The world buzzed in a sensual haze. She watched, half out of it, as he crossed the room, disappeared behind a door, then returned a moment later.

He stood in front of her, and she allowed her eyes to take in the shear perfection of
him. If she thought he looked good in clothing, it was nothing compared to the beautiful man in the flesh. He had a body built for hot, sweaty nights, one that spoke of how he kept in shape. Trent was not insanely muscular, but he filled out in all the right places and his lean shape told her he remained active.

He fell to his knees in front of the couch and warm fingers brushed along the top of her thigh, urging her to part them. She followed his directions and a cool cloth brush against her heated sex. Charlie hissed.

“Sorry,” he mumbled. “Charlie, I forgot the condom.”

She shook her head,
and tried to clear the fuzz. Nothing else seemed to matter to her anything more than being with him, here. Alone.

“Don’t worry. I’m clean
and on the pill.”

He pursed his lips. “I’m clean, too. So you know. It’s expected we get tested every six months due to the job.
I don’t like it, though, how much I lose control with you.”

He seemed to be holding
back. She frowned and lifted a hand to his tightening lips.

“What’s wrong?”

He pulled the cloth from between her legs. “I lost myself with you, Charlie. I was rough, too rough. I just lost control. I don’t understand how you make me forget who I am, dismiss everything.”

His words warmed her.
She shifted, sat up and moved until she cradled him between her thighs. After wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled closer until their torsos touched from navel to chest. His eyes flared and filled with lust again.

“What are you doing?”

She cut him off and kissed him. This merging was slower, less frantic, but no less powerful than the ones from before. She wanted to seduce him, take the time to learn his body as he did hers and get lost in this small piece of time where it was just him and her.


He pulled back, his gaze searching hers before a vibration worked its way up his throat. Then finally, his decision apparently made, he sealed his mouth over hers.

Chapter Fifteen


“I don’t know, Charlie. That’s a lot of manpower
. Do you think it could help?”

let out a heavy sigh and ignored the chief’s frown. It was the morning following a spectacular night she had spent in Trent’s hotel room. She was deliciously sore, rested, and stopped counting orgasms at five. More than anything, any lingering suspicions she had at Trent being involved in the crime spree were gone. The way he’d touched her, so soft and reverent, as if she were something special, was enough to cause butterflies to take flight in her stomach—even now, several hours later.

Where she should be exhausted after her wild night, instead she felt rested, her mind clear and alert. Ready to get on the right track and get this guy behind bars. It all led
to ideas of the direction they could take in the investigation. So she’d come in and explained them to Woolsey. Why would he want to fight her on this? They had a lead and it was one they needed to follow up on. While the chance was small, there was a gamble they could stop this guy and get him off the streets.

“Yes, I do. What can it hurt? We have the tire identification and
, since it’s rare, it’s a lead. Setting up checkpoints around town could lead us to identifying a suspect. Or at least, put us on the right track to finding one.”

He sat back in his chair, st
eepled his fingers and glanced at Trent. Raised a brow. “What do you think, Agent Rossi?”

She fought not to be hurt by
the chief not listening to her one hundred percent on this. Ever since visiting Trent’s room, things between them had been simple, easy, so far from the conflict of their earlier days. Even with the investigation, things had been quiet, and while she hadn’t forgotten about their suspect on the loose, it’d given them all a chance to take a deep breath and refocus. Charlie got the chance to convince herself that Trent couldn’t be involved in any of the crimes, and it was all just one big ole coincidence.

Trent glanced at Woolsey and back at her, indecision making its way across his features
with a frown.

It’s worth a shot, a small one, but it’s there. Are you sure about this, Charlie?”

he nodded.

He turned to
Woolsey. “You’re right, Chief, it’s a hell of a lot of manpower. But I agree with Charlie. As it is now, I don’t see any other option.”

She frowned,
not exactly encouraged by Trent’s mixed message. “Yes, as much as you may not like the idea...” She gave a pointed glance to Woolsey. “It is our only option and one we need to move quickly on. Each day we let pass is just one more step closer to his next attack. Have you noticed that even with the public knowledge of both the crimes and the FBI being in town, he hasn’t let up? With what Echols and Rossi had relayed with their suspicions on this perp being linked to previous cases, as well as this guy’s history in DC, and now with how much he has escalated here, we may be running out of time. If history repeats itself, he may move on to his next town soon.”

A low chirp broke through the tense silence, and
everyone turned to Trent who leaned back, glanced down at his phone, and frowned.

“I need to get this.”

She sputtered in disbelief. This was a pivotal part of the briefing, and he was taking a call? He rose.

“Rossi, wait.”

He lifted a hand and cut her off, then pushed open the door as he put the phone to his ear. She scowled, an old feeling of dread making its appearance as she watched him through the glass walls.

Woolsey cleared his throat. “Charlie

dragged her gaze from Trent. “What?”

The c
hief lifted his brows and studied her in silence for a few moments. “I’m unsure what’s getting to you more. This case or that agent.”

Not really in the mood to hear a lecture and unwilling to admit that what he said was the truth, on both fronts,
Charlie jerked in response. “I’ve got no clue what you’re talking about. You know I’m right on the checkpoints, and really, all I want is for Agent Rossi to be fully dedicated to catching this asshole.”
Am I that transparent?

He leaned forward, tented his fingers beneath his chin and gave her the full force of his stare. She fought not to fidget, to keep her attention on him and not the agent at her back. What t
he hell was wrong with her? Her attention was all over the place and unfocused. She wanted to spend time with Rossi more than she wanted to be in this room. And even with the faces of the victims passing behind her eyes, she knew that wasn’t right.

“Charlie, I’ve known you since you were a baby.”
The chief’s eyes softened, and she could practically see the memories rush through his mind, the same ones that were running in hers. “I know your expressions, understand when you’re stressed and when you’re unhappy. This, though, is one that worries me as much as it seems to unsettle you.”

She sighed
and slumped in the chair. The leather creaked under her weight. “Chief, spit it out already. I know there is something you want to say.”

“There’s a connection
almost visible between you and Rossi. I want you to be smart, Charlie. Don’t rush in to this thinking it’s going help you get over the past. I’m not saying I think Rossi isn’t
guy or a good guy to help you move on, I’m just trying to remind you that Nyack isn’t his home. He hasn’t made a life here like you have.”

She tilted her chair back, pushing with her toes
, and scrubbed both hands over her face.
Good God.
“We’re so not having this conversation, Uncle Woo. I love you and appreciate you always looking out for me, but what I may or may not be doing with Rossi isn’t your concern. Please.”

his face brightened at the use of her childhood nickname, and he held up his hands and rose to his feet. Looking across the table, she noticed something she hadn’t paid much attention to before. There was gray at his temples, tired lines around his eyes, and an age in his features. Soon enough, he’d leave her, too. She fought the stinging in her eyes and softened her stance, understanding she was not the only one who experienced the stress of this case. He looked older than she had ever seen him before, and it gave her heart a painful lurch. He was the one thing she had left.

“Okay, we won’t talk about it—yet. But Charlie, I can’t help but worry.”

She had nothing to say, doubted she could speak through her tight throat.

He huffed out a tired breath.
“All right, set up the checkpoints, take what you need, and let me know how much this is gonna run in overtime. I’ll be waiting for your updates. One week, Charlie.” He pinned her to her seat with the same stare she had seen break bigger men into tears. “That’s all you got.”

She pursed her lips and blew out the third breath in ten minutes, relief
loosening the tightness in her shoulders and chest. “Okay, thanks.”

He nodded and turned from the table. “Don’t let me down, Lopez.”

“Chief,” she called.

He glanced over his shoulder and she

“Thank you
.” That’s all she said and all that was needed. He returned her smile and nodded.

The door opened, and he stepped out as Trent walked back in.

The breath she attempted seized in her chest. He moved with a lethal kind of grace. It wasn’t just a prowl, but more like every movement was written with purpose and intent. Even the lines etched into his handsome face had a role and added to his edgy appeal. His gaze landed on her, and a spark of heat flared. She shivered and wondered if he was remembering last night.

“Charlie,” he warned in a low, rumbling voice.
“You keep looking at me like that and I won’t be able to keep myself off you.”

She shook her head, blink
ing as he rounded the table, sat in the chair, and turned to face her. The aroused look from earlier slowly dissipated into cool concern.

“I need to go.”

All heat zapped out of the room as if a flame had blown out.

“Go?” She paused
and worked on catching up. “Now?”

His lips thinned and he dropped his head, avoided her gaze.
No! Don’t close yourself off again!

“Yeah, I need to head out for a few days. I know this is bad timing, but I need to take care of this.
While I’m out of town, run the checkpoints and keep in touch, let me know if anything comes up.”

He didn’t give her any more.

She clamped her jaw shut and clenched her fists, then stood. She wanted to scream, shout, and demand he let her in. The resolve sitting in his eyes, the same she had seen time and time again told her she wouldn’t get any answers. Again.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. As if sleeping with him would get you any closer. You can't say he didn’t warn you, girl.

“I wish you would open up to me,” she said softly, turning away
, needing to get away before she lost it. Damn her and her frigging heart.

His sigh was audible and the creak of the chair told her he stood, too.

“Charlie, come on, cut me some slack here.”

She halted at the end of the table, a war raging inside. She wanted to go to him, needed to understand, and craved his trust and touch more than anything else. But it was pointless. She recognized what the
chief had been trying to tell her. Rossi wasn’t bound to her or her town. He was only here for the case, and would do things on his own terms. To think that some time spent between the sheets would get this man to open up was not only a wrong move, but an entirely stupid thought. She twisted around and threw her hands in the air, slapped them to her sides.

“What, Trent? You warned me
, right? Told me exactly what you could give. Trust or a little faith wasn’t included in that package was it? That’s fine. Do what you have to do, run off and keep your little secrets, but don’t expect me to be happy about it.”

“Fucking hell, don’t
do this. Getting mad about this won’t change anything. You knew who I was before we slept together, you had to know one night wouldn’t change anything.” He dry-washed his face and growled. How could that sound be just as sexy when he was mad as when they were behind closed doors was beyond her and just amped up her anger. “I like you, Charlie. But I’m going to have to ask you not to twist this around.”

“Stop it.” She tilted her head toward the ceiling and breathed deep, tried to get control over her emotions and the pain his actions, not words—because there never seemed to be any words from him—caused. Bringing her head
back down, she stared at him, hating what she saw, what she predicted was going to happen. “It’s okay, Trent.” Her voice was almost a whisper. “I allowed this to happen. Questioned myself before I even gave in to it. This falls on me. I shouldn’t have come to you, but I couldn’t resist. I wanted something. Something apparently you can’t give. Something I had no right asking for. It was just a few quick fucks, right?”

He took a step forward. “
Is that what you think?” He let out a frustrated sound. “What is it you want, Charlie? What do you see when you look at me?” The blue of his eyes shone across the room, lit up the bleak world she was sinking into. She wanted to bask in his light but knew the darkness would soon take them all over. It always did. She wasn’t meant for happiness in love or relationships.

“God,” she choked out, gave a harsh self-depreciating laugh. “I have no clue what I see. You know why? Because I really don’t know you, do I? We’re practically strangers, Trent
. You’ve never really let me in. You haven’t given me even a line of trust to hold on to.” She turned to the windows overlooking Broadway, fought like hell to stay under control. “It’s a bitter pill to swallow. But it’s something I brought on myself. It’s okay, seriously.”

He cursed, but she continued. “As for the man I see? I don’t know which you want me to look at. On one hand, Rossi, you’re this stranger, one whom I think needs help, but battles the need to do what he does.
You don’t let anyone in. What more am I supposed to think? To say?”

He coughed and tried to interrupt. “Do what?
What the hell are you talking about?”

“On the other hand, the man you’ve shown to me is loyal without a fault, gives himself completely to the moment, and expresses his desires in the sweetest way. Yet your words—”
She took a step toward him. “Your words can cut deeper than a bullet, even when unspoken.”

harlie, I…” He glanced down at his cell phone when it beeped again and let out a ragged sound. “I need to go, damn it. I have to. I don’t have a choice here.” The words were laced with pain as he closed the distance between them and gripped her shoulders. “We need to talk when I get back. And I will be back, that much I can guarantee.”

His gaze softened, and he cup
ped her face. “I can see the doubt in your eyes. I can’t explain anything now, but I will later. I know I can’t ask for this, but I need you to trust me. I’m begging you to give me some time.” Trent kissed her, the softest brush of his lips over hers. The brief connection touched her soul. She hated it, despised that this man could move her so much in such a short period.

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