Into the Ashes [The Arcadians 2] (17 page)

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Authors: Laurie Roma

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Into the Ashes [The Arcadians 2]
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sure they were males of honor. If a

trio took a liking to a particular

female, they announced their intention

of mating and had one month to

convince the female to agree.

Kadan had the guards wait outside

while he and Raven entered the

building. He was always pleased

when he looked around inside of one

of the large buildings, even as it

made him sad there was a need for

such places for so many females

under his rule. It made him furious to

see the bruised and battered faces of

those females who had been in the

hands of the rogues, but he ruthlessly

controlled his rage, not wanting to

scare the females.

There were many mated females

who worked at the havens, caring for

the ones who needed protection and

they were always honored when one

of the kings came to visit. There was

always a slight feeling of guilt that

came when they praised him for his

patronage. He and his brothers did

what they could to help, but there

was always more that needed to be


He and Raven were given a tour of

the facility and the females came out

from their private rooms to greet

Raven. He stood back and watched

with pride as she talked with

everyone there. She was a natural

when it came to speaking to the

females. Perhaps it had been the

training that she learned on her home

world, but the females instinctively

knew she was there to help and

opened up to her about their fears and


After a few hours Raven came back

over to where he sat waiting for her

on one of the large couches in the

main sitting room. Even though she

was smiling, he could see the pain in

her eyes. Immediately alarmed, he

stood and pulled her into his

embrace. “What is wrong, mate?”

“Nothing,” she replied then sighed.

“Is there somewhere we could just

have a moment alone?”

“Aye. Come, Raven.” Not waiting

for her to follow him, he scooped her

up in his arms and quickly made his

way up the stone steps to the rooftop.

Once they were through the door, he

nodded at the two guards that were

patrolling who quickly stood at

attention upon their arrival.

“My king!” one of the guards said

in a rush. “Is something wrong with

the queen?”

“Nay. We would just like a moment


Both guards bowed and quickly left

the rooftop. Kadan looked down at

Raven and blinked in surprised when

he saw her smiling at him. “What?”

“You’re better than an elevator,”

she said, making him chuckle.

Raven sighed as Kadan sat down

on a large lounge chair holding her

on his lap. The rooftop had been

made into a sort of zen-like garden,

with strange big-ass flowers and

several sitting areas. Curling up

against his large body, she relaxed

and looked out over the cityscape.

The citadel really was a beautiful

city. It was a strange mixture of

futuristic and old-world structures.

The bright sun had begun to set and

she leaned her head back to look up

into the darkening pink sky at the two

purple moons.

Today had been an interesting

adventure. She loved the pride that

Kadan had in his city. It was obvious

he loved it, and from the way

everyone they met had greeted him, it

was clear that he and his brothers

were excellent rulers.

She had been excited to visit one of

the havens, but once they arrived it

had broken her heart to see the faces

of several badly beaten women. It

reminded her of her work back on

Earth, dealing with victims of crimes

and struggling to find ways to get

justice for them. In a sick sort of way,

seeing the victims here made

everything seem more real to her and

that was just depressing.





sweetling?” Kadan asked softly.

She could tell by the veiled

frustration in his voice that he was

aggravated her mind wasn’t open to

him. So, she took a deep breath and

tried to put what she was feeling into

words. “So far everything has been

out of some sort of fairy-tale. Like

some fantasy come to life. Women

from my world dream of having one

man who wants to love and protect

them, and here I have three. I know

we got off to a rough start, but I feel

things for you, Savitar and Tristan

that I never knew I could feel. It

scares me at times, but since it’s been

like my own fantasy come to life,

I’ve sort of just been going with the


She paused for a moment, grateful

that he was quiet and willing to just

listen to her. “Back home I worked

with victims of violence all the time.

I became a cop, a warrior, because

they were the ones who saved me

when I was too young to save myself.

I was a victim once, and swore it

would never happen again. That’s

why I do…did what I did. To make

sure that those who couldn’t get

justice for themselves had someone

who would fight for them. Seeing

these poor women today just made

this more real to me.”

“My sweet, beautiful mate,” Kadan

whispered in a voice filled with

emotion. “We will never let anyone

hurt you ever again.”

“I’m not looking for you to give me

a promise like that, Kadan. I’m a big

girl who has seen way too much

reality to know better. It just makes

me sad that most of those women in

there don’t even believe that sex with

a man can be good or pleasurable.

And some of those girls are so

young…it breaks my heart.” Her

breath hitched as she struggled to

contain her emotions.

Kadan tilted her head up so she

was staring into his intense golden

eyes that burned with conviction.

“Hear me now, mate. I will never let

another harm you. Not while there is

breath left in my body or my heart

still beats.”


Raven was overwhelmed with

emotions. His, hers, it didn’t matter.

There was a connection between

them and it was making her crave him

with a hunger that would never be

sated. She could feel the sincerity of

his words and was grateful for the

blood bond between them. It made it

so mates could never lie to one

another and helped her trust him like

nothing else could.

“I am sorry for your past,

sweetling. I am sorry for every

minute of fear you have ever had to

feel in your life, but I cannot be sorry

that all of it has brought you to me.

Having you here in my arms is my

every wish, my every dream come

true. You are who I have been

waiting for my entire life and I will

spend the rest of my days proving it

to you.”

“Wow,” Raven said on a breathless

laugh. “You totally get bonus points

for that.”






“Never mind.” Raven smiled. “Just

shut up and kiss me.”

Kadan’s eyes darkened with desire.

“Aye, my queen.”

He moved one of his large hands to

support the back of her neck and

lowered his lips to hers. Her mouth

opened under his and their tongues

met in a sensual dance, touching and


Raven shifted on his lap, sitting up

and swinging her leg over his so she

was straddling him. She could feel

his thick erection pressing against her

heated core and couldn’t help but rub

against it. His answering growl and

the slight tug of his hands in her hair

made her shiver with the need to feel

his cock deep, filling all those empty

spaces inside her. He pulled her head

back, breaking the kiss and the

inferno burning in his eyes had her

pussy clenching.

“I wish to do this right for our first

time together, sweetling. I wish to

make up for my earlier blunder and

show you how much you mean to me.

You deserve more than this when I

truly make you my mate.”

“This feels right, Kadan. You and

me. Right here. Show me now, right


Feeling bold, Raven circled her

hips so his cock rubbed against her

pussy. She wished their clothes to

hell and gone. Her body felt like it

was on fire. Instinct and need driving

her now, she gripped his hair and

smashed her lips back down on his.

The urge to mate with him was like

a compulsion now.

She couldn’t wait.

Pushing him back on the chair,

Raven slowly lowered herself onto

the ground in front of him so she was

kneeling between his legs. Confusion

clouded his glowing eyes.

“What are you doing, Raven?”

“You are mine, right?”




making her smile.

“Then I want to see what belongs to

me.” With her eyes on his, she

reached for the front of his leather

pants and unfastened them. She

watched his eyes grow wide as he

realized what she was doing and felt

a thrill at the power of taking control.

She knew that oral sex on Arcadia





received very often, if ever. They

excelled at doing it to females to

prepare them for mounting, but very

few females ever offered to return the


“Raven…” His words faded into a

growl as she took hold of his

enormous shaft in her small hands.

She pulled his cock out so it was

sticking out of the opening of his

pants, stroking his length as she

continued watching him.

His eyes closed in pleasure as she

moved her hand up and down his

entire length. Looking down she got

her first good look at his cock. With

Savitar she hadn’t had a chance to

really look at it before it was deep

inside her, but now with Kadan she

could take her time to appease her


Sweet Jesus, they were big boys.

The bulbous head was larger than

that of a human man and there were

three ridges right underneath the head

that acted as an extreme pleasure spot

from the way Kadan shifted in the

chair every time she touched it. The

shaft of his dick was so large there

was no way she could close her hand

around it, so she used both hands to

continue to stroke him. She ran her

thumb over the head and worked it

back down along the veined column

of flesh. A pearly drop of liquid

appeared at the tip and Raven leaned

forward to taste it.

The taste of him exploded on her

tongue like the sweetest candy. It

would almost be impossible to take

him like she wanted, but she would

try. Wanting more of the sugary taste

of him, she opened wide and took the

large head into her mouth, sucking

lightly. Kadan’s eyes popped opened

and the snarl he unleashed would

have frightened her if she didn’t feel

the acute pleasure he was feeling

through their blood bond. Raven

stroked her tongue over the ridges

under his cock with her tongue and

felt him jerk.

“My mate,” Kadan snarled, making

her look back up at him. His glowing

eyes were wild, almost insane with

the pleasure she was giving him. Her

jaw stretched wide, she began to

slide her mouth up and down him,

working him deeper each time until

she could no longer take anymore.

Working one of her hands up and

down his shaft, she continued to suck

on the head of his cock and used her

other hand to rub at her throbbing clit

through the barrier of her pants.

“Mine!” Kadan’s control snapped

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