INTO THE FIRE (Forbidden Love) (21 page)

BOOK: INTO THE FIRE (Forbidden Love)
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But what hurt the most was his torso. His back and chest felt like he had been chewed up and spit out. Kinda like he imagined it would feel like if he pissed Leigh off and she used him for her own personal chew toy.

In fact, the only thing that seemed to be working correctly was his sense of smell. With all the pain he was feeling, Gage figured all he should smell would be rotting flesh and blood. But he didn’t smell anything like that. No antiseptics either. No, the only scent he registered was like a fresh bouquet of spring flowers. It was like standing in a field surrounded by every damned flower imaginable.

And didn’t that perk up his curiosity.

Well he was gonna have to open his eyes and look. There was no way he was talking right now. He could feel that there was a tube shoved down his throat. What it was for, Gage could only speculate. He knew he had been injured somehow and Jacque most likely stitched him up. The tube was likely breathing for him.

Quick check. Breathe in, breathe out. Yep, the tube was doing all the work. Surely something was working correctly. He couldn’t move his limbs, but maybe he could at least open his eyes and take a quick look.

It took a bit of effort, but he was able to peel his eyelids back from his eyeballs. At first, all he saw was blinding light and he had to fight the urge to close them again. But after a moment, his eyes adjusted and holy mother of the Creator. What he saw took his artificially supplied breath right away from him.

“Oh, you’re awake,” Serena said, moving closer to the injured vampire on the bed. “Jacque said you might wake up but he said to tell you not to try to move or talk for a while.”

She brushed the sandy hair back off his forehead and felt for a temperature like a mother would do for a sick child. His skin was so smooth. She lingered there longer than necessary to determine that his temperature was quite normal for a vampire. She didn’t understand why, but the fate of the injured man was important to her. Not that she had ever cared for vampires in her life, but this one was different. Even through the trauma and the blood, she could see that he was very beautiful… in a gross vampire sort of way.

He had dark hair that was probably going to be a bit lighter when all the blood was washed from it, beautiful dark blue eyes that expressed so much fear and confidence at the same time. He had the tiniest wrinkles at the corner of each eye. Not from old age, she decided, but from years of laughter. Laugh lines. This was a happy soul indeed.

She had watched him sleep after the vampire called Jacque finished putting him back together. She had remained strong and continued her fae prayers for his well-being. And for her safety as well, since Jacque had promised her own demise should any ill fall on his brother on her watch. And she knew he would keep that promise. It was in his tone as well as his eyes. The vampires had already lost the dragon and one of their own, and they really weren’t going to be happy to lose another.

But what could she do that she had not already tried? Of course, her spells were aiding his healing time, but even her magic was no match for Death. Once Death decided to claim a soul, it would be hers. But perhaps they dodged a bullet this time. Perhaps the vampire would make it.

He opened his eyes, after all. In fact, those lovely eyes were the exact shade of the water in the ocean near her home. And those eyes were staring right at her. Questioning. Expectant.

He wanted to know who she was.

“I am Serena,” she told him. She leaned over him slightly so that he would be able to see her more clearly. “You were injured and I am supposed to watch over you until Jacque gets back.”

He blinked at her and continued the stare. She had not answered his question.

“I don’t think I am supposed to talk to you,” she said quietly. “He told me he would cut out my heart and I think I should like to keep it right where it is for now.”

Gage laughed. Or, rather, he tried to laugh but the tube in his throat wouldn’t allow it so instead it came out as a wild shaking of his chest and garbled noise from his mouth.

“What’s wrong? Do I need to get help?”

Gage shook his head. He could almost hear Jacque making that very promise to her and in fact keeping it. He willed his hand to move and reached for her arm.

She didn’t pull back from his touch. The look in his eyes was humorous and those little lines around them crinkled up. Serena thought that made him even more beautiful than before.

“I will go and get someone to help you,” she said and hurried off into another room. Gage watched her go. Why oh why would Jacque leave him with a damned faery? It became obvious to Gage what she was the moment she spoke. Her voice was like hearing the gospel from the heavens. The most beautiful symphony ever created. That, combined with her complexion, lightly tanned and dusted with crushed diamonds, told Gage everything he needed to know.

Everyone knew the Fae were tricksters. Why Jacque trusted this one was beyond understanding for him. She must have done something pretty amazing to even be allowed in the house, let alone left with an injured member of the family.

Which reminded him again, he knew he was hurt, but the question still remained… What the fuck happened?



Ma Cher
, I’ll see you soon.” Angel flipped his cell phone shut and stuffed it in his back pocket. He and Sebastian were still at the hotel waiting for the sun to go down. “They are coming home,” he told Sebastian. “Brea had some measure of luck with the Boston Clan Leader. Victor has promised use of his militia and they can be here tomorrow night.”

“Will that be soon enough?” Sebastian asked. “And why don’t we have militia?”

“It’s going to have to be,” Angel replied. “That gives us an additional fifty men. Combined with the few we have gathered, that makes seventy. I never thought I needed to have a personal army but in light of recent events… maybe that’s something I should think about. I haven’t talked to Serena yet about her clan. Hopefully they will help too.”

“Damned Faes are always ready to brawl,” Sebastian remarked with a roll of his eyes. “Maybe this time they can be on our side.”

“Perhaps. I can only pray that she is as good as her word. She has been nothing if not helpful since coming here. I believe her when she says she was tricked and wants to help.” Angel tossed his hair over his shoulder and began to tie it in a knot to keep it back. “I swear one day I’m gonna cut it off.”

“Ha!” Sebastian laughed. “Not only was that way off subject, but I think Brea might kill you if you do.”

Angel smiled. “I think, yes, I think you’re right.” It felt good to smile. Finally, there was a ray of hope to save Leigh. And finally a good chance to avenge Antonio.

Sebastian’s phone vibrated in his pocket. He lifted it to his ear and said, “Tell me some good news.”

Angel waited patiently while Sebastian shook his head and made several “Yeah” and “Goods” before raising a brow in question.

Sebastian shoved his phone back in his pocket and told Angel the news. “Serena left to see her people, Gage is awake, and Jacque is with him now. Everyone is meeting at home at sunset.”

“Then we best not be late,” Angel replied.


Dammit Cowboy, where the fuck are you??
Leigh thought in what she hoped was Rebel’s direction. She had been trying to contact him for almost two days now, and hadn’t heard a peep since. She knew in her heart that Rebel and his family wouldn’t just leave her here to rot with Merrick. She knew he would come for her. But the longer it took and the longer she went without hearing even a whisper of a thought from him, the more she began to doubt.

Yeah she knew she had been taking a chance, giving herself up to Merrick like that. But she also knew Rebel would come for her; hopefully with a plan and not guns blazing in a wild rage. Never had it crossed her mind that it might take longer than a minute for him to find her. In retrospect, she was beginning to doubt her own judgment.

God, what had she done? Went and thrown herself into the fire is what she did. She was stuck in the monsters lair and she had to assume that no one who could help her had any fucking clue where to find her. With no contact with Rebel, there was no way of knowing if he could sense where she was. He should be able to, in theory, but they had never had a chance to test it. And time was running out. Fast. Merrick was going to drug her. It would happen. She hadn’t had any nourishment of any kind in almost forty eight hours and she was beginning to feel it. Anyone could go a few days without eating and survive. No one, not even a mighty dragon, could live without water.

And man was she thirsty.

The baby wiggled inside her belly as if in agreement. The lack of water was taking a toll on it as well. Leigh could tell the baby was getting weak, much faster than she was. And that was the point of her dilemma. She could call on her magic and break free and run headlong back to her family. But at what cost? Shifting could harm the baby. She had no way of knowing. Of course, the second Merrick discovered her condition, and he would, the baby’s life would be in serious danger.

Was she really contemplating which was the lesser evil?

Yeah, she was.

She looked around her little cell. There were several water bottles on the floor, just begging to be drunk. Maybe just a little sip wouldn’t hurt. After all, surely he wouldn’t have drugged them all… Leigh gave herself a mental slap.

What if they were all drugged? How in the fuck would that help her situation? No, it was better to remain strong and wait for her cowboy to rescue her like the damsel in distressed she was.

And didn’t that give her a punch in the ego.

So she kept trying to reach her mate. And prayed.


Serena stood ramrod straight in front of her mother, Anora. The woman was very intimidating when she wanted to be, but Serena couldn’t show that she even feared her in the least. Her mission was important, and she knew if she could just get her mother to listen, she and the fae community would stand beside her. But getting her to listen was the problem. Anora had no use for cowards, and even less time for what she deemed to be trivial matters.

Of course, anything that didn’t directly affect her own happiness was trivial to her mother. But the fae were vengeful by nature; and that was the card Serena hoped to play here.

“What do you want, child?” Anora demanded, irritated. “I am late for my bath.” She nodded in the direction of the beautiful fae man who waited to bathe her.

“We have been deceived Mother,” Serena began. “Tricked. Lied to.” She waited and kept eye contact while her mother decided if she was interested.

Anora raised an eyebrow but said nothing. It was obvious to Serena that she was waiting for her to continue. But she didn’t continue right away. Instead she waited just a minute to build Anora’s curiosity.

“The dragon Merrick. He came to us and asked for help to acquire his mate from the vampires. He told us she was his mate and that the vampires had kidnapped her and meant to keep her away from him,” Serena said.

“I was under the impression that they were the last two remaining dragons on Earth,” Anora said. “She bears the mark of a mated dragon. She was indeed with the vampires. How is that a deception?”

“Mother, while those are facts, it is not the whole truth. The female dragon wears a mark, yes, but it is not Merrick’s. It belongs to the vampire named Rebel. And he wears her mark as well. I have seen this for myself, along with the carnage caused by the actions of our people. We were led into a battle under false pretenses. Because of our aid, one of their vampires is dead, another gravely injured, and the female dragon sacrificed herself and the safety of her unborn to Merrick to protect the rest of her family.” Serena stopped to take a breath. “I have never felt friendly to vampires but I cannot abide destroying a family because one ass cannot accept the truth.”

“I was not aware the female was with child,” Anora said. “Are you certain?”

“None of us knew, Mother. It was only when I spoke to the leader that I learned of her condition.”

“And what sort of child would be born to a dragon and a vampire?” her mother mused aloud.

Serena felt her stomach ball up into a knot and her teeth ground together on their own accord. Not once in her life had she felt anger towards her mother, and the emotion surprised her. It didn’t, however, stop her from speaking. “What does it matter what the child is? It is a child. We, the Fae, know better than anyone how precious that is. I would have ten children if I could! But I cannot, and I will not stand by and watch another woman’s child be destroyed! And that is surely what will happen once Merrick learns of it.”

“I am surprised you raise your voice to me child,” her mother chastised. “I don’t know whether to be proud of you for finally growing a spine or to be cross with you.”

“I meant no disrespect Mother, but I am passionate that aiding the vampires to return the female dragon is the only course of action for me. I have come to ask for your help. I need help from others to make this right. They will listen to you.” Serena took two steps closer to her mother and took her hand in her own. “I beg of you Mother, please.”

“Why the exceptional passion here?” Anora asked. “There is more that you are not telling me. I believe you wish to save the child, and I believe you feel remorse for assisting in their losses, but I also know that there is another reason.”

“They are down two soldiers, I only want to help. I helped to speed the healing of the injured vampire, but I can do so much more,” Serena answered.

“Oh so that’s it then,” her mother said. “It’s the vampire. You have taken to him.”

“Don’t be silly,” Serena said, but couldn’t look her mother in the eye while she lied. Instead she looked at her feet.

“We will help retrieve the dragon,” Anora said, “and after she is safe with her family, you will not see that vampire again.”

“As you wish, Mother, thank you.” Serena felt a flood of relief to know her family would help, but at the same time, her heart was breaking and she didn’t even understand why.

BOOK: INTO THE FIRE (Forbidden Love)
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