Into the Storm (2 page)

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Authors: Ruth D. Kerce

Tags: #fiction, #romance, #erotic, #short story, #sexy, #contemporary, #bondage, #chocolate, #fetish, #sensual

BOOK: Into the Storm
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He laughed, and she blushed even deeper.
"That's okay." Even though he held a pint of frozen ice cream, his
body felt on fire. Sexual fire. "I was enjoying the view."

She shifted and averted her eyes.

Man, she was gorgeous. He'd always thought
so. They worked in different divisions in the management firm, so
they'd never really spoken in depth. Just a few words here and
there in the hallways or during departmental meetings. He'd had his
eye on her for a long time and would have made a move by now, but
he'd heard she was dating some asshole -- his buddy's description
of the guy -- in the research department. He hadn't known they were
no longer together until Janine told him.

"So," she finally said. "Are you going to
spill your guts?"

He supposed so. He'd almost hoped that she'd
forgotten about his failed marriages, especially since the evening
had turned quite pleasant over dinner. They'd talked about their
mutual love of travel and rock climbing, and they'd made a real

"There's really not that much to tell."
Reliving the past seemed useless to him. He couldn't change
anything that had happened and normally didn't like talking about
those bygone years. But for Val, he'd do it. "My first marriage was
right out of high school. We were young and in lust more than love.
Once the realities of life and handling responsibilities hit us,
well, we both knew we'd made a mistake." He hesitated, thinking
back. Maybe if he'd tried harder. "At least it was an amicable

"And the second marriage?"

He watched as she took another spoonful of
ice cream. The ecstasy on her face when she sucked it into her
mouth made his thoughts turn to her sucking something more

She pulled the spoon from her lips.

"Um, yeah. Second marriage was a train wreck.
She wanted kids. Me too, truthfully. But we found out that I
couldn't. Bad sperm or something. She didn't want to adopt." He
shook his head. He had a lot of regrets about how he'd handled
things back then. "The strain tore us apart."

"So another mutual decision to divorce?"

"More on her end, than mine. But yeah. That
was several years ago now. I've been kind of gun shy ever since.
Even about casual dating." His voice lowered. "It's been a long
time." He looked away and took a spoonful of ice cream. Why had he
said that?

"It's been a while for me, too," she said in
a low voice.

Nathan raised his gaze to meet hers. What he
saw shook him to the core. Reflected in her light green eyes was
understanding, compassion, and desire -- the same feelings that
coursed through him right at that very moment.

Slowly, he set his ice cream on the coffee
table, then took Val's pint from her hand. He didn't want to live
his life as he had been. Alone. Lonely.

"What are you doing?"

She looked like a trapped little lamb, not
sure if he was the big bad wolf or a harmless puppy dog. He stuck
the spoon in the ice cream and scooped out a hunk. "Open up." He
held the chocolate in front of her mouth, and she opened. He slid
in the spoon. "Suck on it for me."

She closed her eyes and sucked.

"No." His voice lowered to a husky whisper.
"Look at me while you're sucking it."

Her eyelids fluttered open, and her gaze met
his. His heart raced, and a wave of need hit him, more fierce than
the storm raging outside. "Use your tongue to get every last

Val followed his instructions. She didn't
know how things had taken such a fast physical turn, but she was
enjoying the sexually-charged game. With the storm surrounding
them, it felt as if they were in their own little world, where no
one could disturb their play. He pulled the spoon out of her mouth,
and she licked her lips. "Mmm, good."


Nathan's slight smile made her wonder what he
was up to now. "Oops?"

He set the pint down. "Drop."

Before she knew his intentions, he leaned
over and licked a spot just above the neck of her sweatshirt. Her
heart slammed against her chest at the feel of his tongue on her
bare skin.

She mewled and tangled her fingers in his
hair, holding him to that spot, which she'd wager hadn't really
been chocolate stained. She leaned her head to the opposite side to
give him greater access. Nathan took full advantage, creating
sensation after sensation through her body.

Gradually, he worked his way up to her mouth.
She loved every moment of his attentions. He brushed his lips
across hers, then traced the outline of her mouth with his

"Cool," he murmured.

"From the ice cream."

"Lips should be warm."

From the light tone of his voice, Val knew he
wasn't criticizing, but teasing her into an invitation. She was
happy to oblige. "Maybe you can help me out?"

"I can do that." He covered her lips with

Val returned his kiss, opening her mouth for
his exploration. His tongue teased hers. He tasted of chocolate and
spice. She guided his hand beneath her sweatshirt, needing him even

She felt him stiffen and pull back, as if
surprised. But then he relaxed and feathered kisses across her
cheek to her ear. She was a little disappointed that he hadn't
ravaged her mouth and body right then. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." He looked into her eyes. "Are you
sure about this?"

The fact that he took the time to ask
endeared him to her. "Very sure."

His pupils dilated, and his fingers stroked
the bare flesh under her sweatshirt. He eased his hand up her ribs.
"Your skin is so soft," he whispered. When he cupped her breast, he
groaned. "No bra."

She almost groaned, too. His hand felt so
warm against her cool skin. "I don't like being bound."

"Too bad," he responded with a chuckle.

It took her a moment to catch his meaning.
She slapped his shoulder. "You're teasing me again."

Nathan looked into her eyes, his gaze
intense. "Not entirely."

A jolt of excitement made her tremble. She'd
never done anything like what he was hinting at. But she felt
adventurous tonight, and somehow she trusted Nathan. Fantasy after
fantasy rushed through her head.

She reached down and slowly untied the belt
of the robe he wore. The robe gaped, revealing his bare,
perfectly-toned chest and black boxers. So sexy. She needed to
touch his body, feel his muscles, but she resisted, waiting to see
how serious he really was, and how far he'd take this. Her heart
pounded furiously, as she slid the belt from the loops and held it
out to him. "Do it."

Nathan gulped as he took the belt from her.
Was she really willing to be bound by him? Neither of his wives had
trusted him enough to allow such a loss of control.

His pulse raced, and he felt a light sheen of
sweat on the back of his neck. He gently placed Val's wrists side
by side and looped the belt around them, tightly enough for her to
feel constrained, but not so tight that she felt helpless. He
glanced up at her, wary of what he'd see in her eyes or what she'd
say, but she simply smiled.

Excitement coursed through him. "Lie back,"
he ordered.

After she was flat on her back, he pushed her
arms over her head. He got up and lightly tied the end of the belt
around the leg of the side table next to the arm of the couch. "If
you pull against this too hard, you'll topple the table and break
the lamp."

"Making sure I don't move?"

He smiled. "Making sure you understand that
you can get loose, but there will be a consequence." He lightly
kissed her lips. "Are you sure you're okay with this?"

Her gaze met his. "Yes. I trust you."

The acceptance in her eyes, along with her
soft words, struck his heart. She looked so innocent, lying there
in an old, casual sweatshirt pushed up just enough to reveal her
stomach. Her slightly mussed hair and eager expression did funny
things to his insides. It made him want to love her, protect her,
possess her.

He shook his head. The storm was jumbling his
emotions inside as much as it was jumbling the neighborhood
outside. It had to be the affects of the storm, because he'd never
felt so connected to a woman. Not this quickly. He felt as if
they'd known each other for years. And more than just in

Val nudged him with her knee. "Hey, you
losing interest already?"

The question brought him back to reality. "No
way. Just planning my strategy."

"Ooo, I like the sound of that."

Nathan sat next to her and fluttered his
fingertips across her stomach. The lights flickered, and she
glanced around the room. He felt her stiffen and knew what she was
feeling. "It's okay. I won't leave you until the storm is

Their gazes locked once more. "Thank you,"
she whispered. "That means a lot to me." Her expression softened,
and she started to say something more, but stopped herself.

At her hesitation, curiosity filled him. He
longed to ask her what she'd wanted to say but decided not to push
her to open up to him. Not yet. He didn't want to strain the trust
building between them.

He leaned down and kissed her lips, lightly
at first, then deepening the kiss when she opened her mouth for
him. He pushed the sweatshirt up her body, until his hands made
contact with her bare breasts. Full and soft. He cupped one mound,
testing the weight, then he rubbed his thumb across the nipple.

Val arched her back. The table shook,
rattling the items on top.

"Easy," Nathan warned. "I think I have you
tied too tightly." He reached for the belt.

"No. Please. I like it this way."

His pulse jumped at her words. "Okay." He
cupped both her breasts in his hands and squeezed lightly.
He leaned down and licked one nipple, smiling
when Val gasped at the wet contact. He lightly nibbled on the plump
nub, and she moaned and squirmed beneath him.

Oh, the things he'd love to do to her.

He trailed kisses down her ribs and across
her stomach. His fingers hooked inside her sweatpants, and he
dragged them down her long legs. Her plain white socks quickly
followed. He deposited each item on the carpet. When he glanced
back at her, his lips twitched, and he tried his best to contain
the chuckle that threatened to spill from his mouth.

"What?" Val glanced down her body. "Oh,
shoot!" Her face reddened. "I wasn't expecting to be seduced."

Nathan played with the elastic of her black
and white, puppy-paws underwear.

"I'm so embarrassed."

"Don't be. They're cute." He eased her
underwear down her legs and stuffed the item into a pocket of the
robe he wore. He'd remember to retrieve it before he left. A
souvenir of this night together. A juvenile act maybe, but he
couldn't help himself just this once. He'd buy her something really
nice in return.

As he looked down at Val, tied up and naked,
except for the sweatshirt pushed above her breasts, every nerve in
his body came alive. He'd never seen a more erotic sight.

She lifted her leg and pushed her foot inside
his robe, sliding her thigh around his waist. "Take that thing

"Hey, who's in charge of this seduction?" he
asked, caressing her leg with a light touch. Nevertheless, he
stripped off the robe, as she instructed, and stretched out,
covering her body with his. He felt her moist heat right through
his boxers. He hardened even more than he already was. His need for
her was more painful than he thought possible. He kissed the side
of her neck, letting his tongue stroke her skin. He wanted to taste
every inch of her flesh.

Val writhed beneath him as his hands roamed
up and down her body. "You're torturing me. I need to feel you
inside me. Please."

He stilled. "Damn." He moved off her and
stood up.

"What's wrong?" Her eyes widened. "You're not
leaving, are you?"

The panic in her gaze caused a feeling of
protectiveness to wash over him. "Not a chance. We're all right. I
just need to get a condom." He saw her visibly relax. "I'll be
right back." He walked into the laundry room and grabbed his wallet
off the shelf. Though he hadn't been with a woman in a while and
definitely hadn't expected anything to happen tonight, he always
made sure he was prepared.

When he returned to the living room, the
sight of Val restrained and at his mercy struck him again. He had
to have her. Now. He stripped off his boxers.

Her gaze immediately zeroed in on his cock.
The slight smile on her lips made him feel more than worthy in her

As Val's hungry gaze remained on his body, he
took several deep breaths to try to get somewhat of a grip on his
desire, so he didn't take her too quickly. He wanted this to be
good for the both of them. At the same time, he felt the need to
plunge his cock inside her like some feral creature. He'd never
experienced such an urgency to join with a woman.

Val spread her thighs. "Please, Nathan."

Her blatant invitation, and his name spoken
in her passion-laced voice, undid him. He sat beside her and pushed
his fingers between her thighs, past her curls, to make sure she
was ready for him.

"Oh, yes!" She bucked against his hand.

He rolled on the condom, and with an almost
animalistic growl, he shifted, positioning himself between her
spread thighs. As he looked into her eyes, he pressed his hardness
into her body, one thick inch at a time. She never broke eye
contact and her warm, moist folds squeezed him tightly.

He about lost it. He knew if he wasn't
careful, this would all be over with way too soon. "Don't move," he
hissed, closing his eyes, trying to get a grip on his body and his



Chapter 3


Val remained motionless beneath Nathan,
watching his jaw clench and sweat form on his brow. She wanted to
tell him not to hold back, to just take her. But she remained
silent, letting him set the pace.

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