Into The Sunset: An Erotic Romance Anthology (21 page)

Read Into The Sunset: An Erotic Romance Anthology Online

Authors: Vivian Wood

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BOOK: Into The Sunset: An Erotic Romance Anthology
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"You watched me and grandpa build the deck?" I
ask, trying to figure out what else he saw.

"I watched you for a long time that day," he
said, "and night."

Oh, my God!
My eyes grow into saucers, sudden panic setting in. He
watched me on the deck masturbating that night, I know

"I made sure I had those binoculars with me
every day from then on," he teases.

I try to recall that night four years ago, the
night the deck was built. Grandpa was fast asleep, and I was so
proud of our work I went out and laid on my back on the deck,
looking at the beautiful stars in the warmth of the midsummer
night. I decided that a dip in the water would cool me off, and I
thought since I helped build it, I should be the first to jump off
of it.

Slipping my cut-off jeans down my legs, I
tossed them away with my shirt. Then believing that I was alone and
anticipating how good the water would feel on my warm bare skin, I
shimmied my panties down my legs and unfastened my bra, throwing
them onto the deck.

Diving in, the cool water encompassed me in
circular waves. Bobbing my head under the water, I swam around
before heading back to the deck. When I reached the wooden ladder,
I looked around having the strangest feeling of being watched. I
didn't think anything of it at the time, so I climbed up the ladder
and sat on the edge of the deck, my feet dangling into the lake

My knees spread apart as I sat on the wooden
deck, I leaned back on my elbows pushing my breasts out toward the
tree tops. The feeling of being naked was thrilling as I reclined
near the water. A light breeze dancing by me grazed my nipples into
rigid buds in the moonlight. I touched the peaks with my fingers
squeezing each one.

Looking back to the cabin to make sure all the
lights were out, I laid my back down on the wood and trailed my
hand down my stomach and over my mound toward my pussy. Thinking
about some mysterious, dark stranger telling me to touch myself and
make myself come for him so he could watch, I started rubbing
myself, lightly at first and then harder. I moaned out into the
night as I made myself come on the deck, all alone, or so I

Trying to focus on the tall, dark stranger
standing in my kitchen, a personification of the image in my head
that night, I try to regain my composure, "I am sure you have seen
much nicer things than whatever it is you thought you saw in your
binoculars." That should show him I'm not intimidated by

"Darlin', I don't think I have ever seen
something more erotic than you on that deck. The way you spread
your legs and pumped your hips. You are lucky I didn't swim across
the lake and take you right then and there, because when I do take
that pretty little ass of yours you won't ever be the

Images of his naked body emerging out of the
lake, water dripping down his frame seep into my mind. My nipples
harden under my shirt, and an interest in discovering exactly what
he means starts deep inside me. Feeling torn between begging for
him to take me and slapping him across the face, I take a deep
calming breath. Just as I am about to tell him what I think about
his arrogant, yet unforgettable ass, he takes two strides toward me
and wraps his hand around the back of my neck moving swiftly to
press his lips to mine.

For just a moment, my mind recognizes the need
my body is screaming out, and my lips act as if on instinct,
seeking his taste. He plunges his tongue into my mouth, and I moan
my acceptance. Before I lose myself completely in his embrace, I
place both of my hands against his shoulders and push hard. He
recognizes my attempt to break free and slowly draws back away from
my mouth, releasing me as he allows me to step away from him.
Feeling confused and a bit surprised he didn't resist my efforts to
break our kiss, I take a deep breath as he exhales a

"Now that is just what I thought," he says
with a sexy smile.

"The next time you come on that deck, you will
be riding my cock." Every muscle in my body tenses with awareness
and desire, I watch him walk out the front door, turning to cast
one last glance, letting me know he is in control.

The rest of the day I spend fantasizing about
my neighbor, alternating between tossing him in the lake and
tossing him on my bed. Thank God, I had a lot of work to do to air
out the cabin. Without something to keep me busy, I probably would
have ran insanely back to his marvelous house, stripped down naked,
and begged him to touch me. Resisting that urge took working until
my muscles ached and I needed a shower in the worst possible





Into the Lion's Den

Fortunately, the bathroom was not as badly
neglected as the rest of the cabin which required the better part
of the day to clean. Just a coat of dust covering the bathroom was
easily removed. Peeling down my sweat-drenched shirt and shorts,
sadly aware of the fact not all lake houses have ice-cold
air-conditioning like my extravagant neighbor, I grumble wondering
again why he thought he needed to put such a luxurious paradise
next to my little fishing cabin.

A cold shower is just what I need to cool me
off after working all day in the smoldering cabin. I turn the
shower knobs on, waiting to hear water gush out. Nothing seems to
be happening, so I wait another minute or so. No sound comes from
the shower nozzle at all. Taking a deep breath to help the
disappointment dissipate, I cringe at the thought of putting my
sweat-soaked clothes back on, and I reject the idea of wearing my
dry clean clothes from my bags.

Wondering if my neighbor is still at home, he
still hasn't told me his real name, I grab my swim suit and towel
from the my bags. The suit clings to my body as I pull it up my
sticky torso, but I know it will be okay once I get wet. Wrapping
my towel around my chest to make sure I don't give Mr. Enormous
House any cause to think I am flirting with him, I head outside and
into the cooler evening air.

"I thought you would stand me up," he says, as
I try unsuccessfully to sneak toward the lake without

"Actually, I am standing you up," I

"I am going for a swim," I let him know, clear
contempt in my voice.

As if he did not hear me at all, he continues,
"You know, I thought you would want to wear something comfortable
for our steaks tonight, but you surpassed my expectations with that
number you have on. Take that towel down and let me see you shimmy
out of that suit."

He sips a beverage that appears to
have been made with orange juice, probably a screwdriver. I love
screwdrivers and after today's work, I could sorely use the cool
juice sliding down my throat. Telling myself to come back to my
senses, I squeeze my towel against myself and inform him, "I am
very comfortable in this towel, thank you, and if you don't mind, I
need to get in the water." Shuffling away, I reach the lake in
almost a dead run. Sneaking a look over my shoulder, I see that he
is still watching me with his drink in hand.
Great, he is going to watch me swim now.

"Go ahead," he yells, "have a nice swim, but
don't forget about the deck. I gave you fair warning."

He is obviously enjoying himself,
making me squirm, and I do not feel like being his
I remind myself, I just need to lay down some
limits with him, and then we can share the lake for the next two
weeks until I go home.

An unpleasant thought crosses my
What if he is at his lake house
every time I come to visit Grandpa's cabin?
Deciding to cross that bridge when I get to it, I pull the
towel up around my chest and walk straight back from the water's
edge and onto his back deck. The aroma of grilled steak invades my
senses, and my mouth moistens at the tantalizing scent of spiced

"Look, Sir, I understand you have a right to
be in this house on this lake, and thank you for helping with my
bags before. I think it will be nice to be friends, but you are not
going to get what you want from me. I am not into casual- err-
whatever it is you want to do here, so if you don't mind, I am
going to swim in the lake because I'm sweaty and need to clean off.
You can wave and say "hi" to me from your property if you like, but
that will be the extent of our relationship. Do I make myself
clear?" I press. Hoping that I did not just sound like a colossal
bitch, but instead like I'm just getting my point

Pushing himself off his posh throne, he leans
toward me and brushes my temple with his lips. Frozen in place
again by his touch, I wonder why my body can't seem to be properly
outraged by his outrageous attentions.

"I will make you one of these while you
shower. The bathroom is just up the stairs where you saw me this
morning. You remember what I mean, right? I was almost naked and my
prick was rock hard under my towel from looking at your sexy
cleavage with those breasts pressed together," he says.

"I am getting hard again thinking about what
you look like in the swim suit, you can take off your towel, and I
promise I won't bite to leave marks."

He pulls my towel loose from my hands and
drags it across my body. I let him, eager for him to see me almost
naked, and too far gone to think to resist.

Pointing into the house, he gently nudges my
arm and steps behind me to direct me into his home. Memories of the
cool air in his living room have me moving toward the door, seeking
relief from the hot weather. Deciding to take him up on his offer,
I let him lead me into the lion's den.





Cool Showers

"There are clothes in the bathroom for you and
towels under the sink," he informs me.

"Thank you," I reply as reprieve from the
harsh day sooths my heated skin. Registering his last words in
confusion, "How do you have clothes for me in the bathroom?" I ask,
a thought occurring to me maybe he has a girlfriend.

Surprised by unmistakable jealousy, I convince
myself it is none of my business whether he has a girlfriend or
not. I am going to shower then go straight home in the morning
since I need a plumber in the cabin before I can use it.

"I took the liberty of grabbing a tank top and
shorts from your bag this morning, just in case I end up ripping
yours off tonight. Fortunately, you came over in only your swim

"Wait," stopping in my tracks, I turn around
to face him, "you took my clothes from my bag this

"Yes, I just told you that. Try to keep up. I
thought you would need an extra set here and I was right. Now go
wash up. Dinner's almost ready," he instructs, pointing toward the
bathroom door.

Too tired and hungry to resist his offer, I
head up the stairs and step inside the magnificent bathroom. Of
course, a man straight out of my wildest fantasy would have to have
a dreamy bathroom as well.

Everything looks so pristine and elegant. A
black marble countertop with a transparent basin stands next to a
walk-in shower and multi-jet bathing tub. I guess there will be no
privation in using this bathroom. Locking the door in an attempt to
regain some sense of control, I turn on the numerous shower heads
and step into paradise.

Just as promised, when finished with my
shower, I find my clothes folded neatly in the top drawer of the
wooden cabinet near the tub. As I step out of the shower and towel
dry, I slip in to my shirt and denim shorts noticing he
suspiciously neglected to grab one of my tank tops with a built-in

Deciding he may need some of his
own medicine, I leave my swim suit in the bathroom, letting my
perky full breasts stretch against the material of the
Now we will see who ends up
drooling after whom tonight.

Making my way into the living room, I enjoy
the cool air-conditioning and then climb into the overstuffed sofa,
closing my eyes in pure bliss. Hearing stirrings in the kitchen, my
eyes open to see Mr. Brawny Butt walking toward me, two drinks in
hand. He sits next to me, offering the refreshing drink, and I take
it eagerly.

"Thank you," I sigh, and sip the sweet drink.
The aroma of grilled steak has grown stronger and now permeates the
entire house. The bar connecting the kitchen to the great room is
set for dinner. The small quaint space has two place settings
adjacent to one another. On each plate, a huge steak, cucumber and
tomato salad, and baked potatoes are arranged, inviting me to come
and enjoy.

"Oh, my God, it looks delicious -
thank you for dinner." Upon seeing the food, I decided dinner with
him will not be such a difficulty after all. Looking back toward my
neighbor, I see that my efforts to tease him have been successful
as he gazes at my chest.

Too quickly, he looks back to my eyes, "I
decided it was too hot for you to eat outside tonight. You need to
be in the cool air. Is there an air-conditioner in the

"There was when I was a kid, but that old
window unit has long since retired. It feels like heaven in here,"
I say honestly.

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