Into the Void (The Godhunter, Book 10) (21 page)

BOOK: Into the Void (The Godhunter, Book 10)
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Chapter Thirty-Seven


“Okay,” Luke's voice was soft. “Close your eyes and relax. Breathe in deep and then out slowly. Squeeze your toes very tight and then release them so they can totally relax. Now continue up your body, squeezing and releasing each muscle group until you've relaxed everything.”

I was laying on the far right side of the bed, Trevor's side, and Luke was sitting beside the bed in a chair. I did as he instructed, going through the motions until my body felt like it could float away.

“Are you relaxed?”

Yes,” I sighed.

Good, now open your eyes and look at this,” he held up my hairbrush. I gave a little frown, how odd. “Focus on this object, see every part of it until you can picture it perfectly with your eyes closed.”

Alright,” I looked it over, realizing that the object didn't matter, it was the deep focus.

My eyes drifted shut and I felt almost weightless, picturing the hairbrush in my mind. Everything else was dark, all I could see was the brush. The wooden handle, curved and polished by countless uses. The boar's hair bristles, spiky black and tangled with my own hair.

“Now, keep your eyes shut,” Luke's voice penetrated the dark. “But look around you. Gaze into the darkness around the hairbrush. If light crosses your vision, ignore it, it will go away. Let it disappear and send yourself into that darkness.”

Light patterns did indeed streak across my eyes but they were brief and once they disappeared, I felt so relaxed, I barely knew I had a body. I started to feel a vibration but I wasn't sure if it was in my body or my soul. It was the strangest feeling, like someone shaking me from the inside.

“You will soon feel a vibration,” Luke said on cue. “Don't be alarmed, it's only your astral body beginning to leave your physical body. Now focus on the vibrations as they travel through you and try to control the frequency and strength of them. When you master that, try to stop them entirely and then start them again.”

I focused on the shaking within me and urged it to speed up. It did, so then I lowered the strength of it till it was the barest flutter. I sped it up and down, increased and decreased the strength, and then finally, demanded that it stop. It was like trying to pull one of those whirling playground rides to a stop. The motion was against me and it took severe exertion to stop it. Starting back up again wasn't as difficult. The vibrations wanted to be released, all I had to do was allow it.

“Now,” Luke said, as if he knew exactly where I was in the training. “Imagine there's a golden cord hanging down from the ceiling right over your chest. Without opening your eyes, see yourself reaching for the cord. After you grab onto the cord, release it and let your hand fall back into your physical body. Slow the vibrations and awaken yourself.”

I saw it above me, a glowing gold rope, but reaching for it was difficult. I felt sluggish, like trying to run in a dream when someone is chasing me. My arm just didn't want to move. I focused harder and tried again and again and again until I slowly was able to lift my hand. After it was about an inch out of my body, it seemed to burst free and it flew up to the cord with no resistance at all. I grabbed the cord with great satisfaction and started to pull. Then I remembered what Luke had said and I released it, letting my hand drift back down into my body and then forcing the vibrations to slow to a stop.

I opened my eyes and was immediately alert, not at all like waking from sleep. I looked over at Luke and smiled.

That was very interesting.”

You did well,” he nodded, “but it's going to take time. That was the first step but you'll be able to do the rest on your own, as long as you have someone watching over your body while your gone. Just in case.”

So what do I do next?” I was eager to proceed now that I had a plan for Odin's soul.

Next time you train, follow those same steps that I taught you but after you grab the cord, pull your other hand up to hold it as well. Then you use the cord to pull yourself up and out of your body. You may feel some resistance and the vibrations will increase to a higher frequency but keep going. You may even feel a bit dizzy, this is normal. You must continue on until you are completely free of your body.”

And then what?”

Then you travel,” he grinned. “Go anywhere you want to go. Just concentrate on it and your soul will take you there.”

Anywhere?” I gave him a mischievous smile. “Can I go to Neverland?”

I suspect you could,” his eyebrows lifted as he considered. “It depends whether there's enough belief in it to actually construct a place. Although mythical places like that would only exist in the Aether.”

You're telling me that amid all those floating memories and focused will, there are worlds?” I thought of my last glimpse into the Aether and shuddered as I sat up in bed.

Sounds like you've peered into the pit,” Luke grinned but it was a serious grin.

I traveled through the Aether in a vein of Inter Realm that allowed me to stop and enjoy the sights,” I grimaced.

The Inter Realm, I've heard this place mentioned before,” Luke leaned forward on his elbows, placing my brush on the floor. “What exactly is the Inter Realm?”

Oh, I'm sorry, it's the Internet,” I was actually happy to have something I could teach him. “You know how the humans made the Internet to transport information?” He nodded. “Well, it's energy, it can be manipulated, and it became it's own realm, laid over the top of the Human Realm and in some cases, the God Realm. We have a vein of it here, it's why there are paths of it through the Aether. We had to pull it through, establishing a link between the God Realm and the Human in order to have internet access here.”

Like I do with my cable,” he nodded thoughtfully.

Yes, exactly,” I agreed. “I learned how to travel through it, though Torrent is much better than I, since he's made of Internet energy.”


You didn't notice anything odd about him?”

We're gods, Vervain,” Luke rolled his eyes. “We're all odd.”

He'd be so glad to hear you say that,” I smiled approvingly. “I'm going to tell him that you did. Anyway, his creator was a god named Iktomi and he made Torrent with pieces of himself and Internet energy. Torrent is very special.”

I see that,” Luke actually sounded impressed.

He can do anything with the Internet,” I admit I was bragging a little. “But I digress. I traveled through the vein of Inter Realm that connects my territory to the Human Realm and saw it for what it is.”

And you saw memories in there?”

Among other things,” I nodded. “It seems that the Aether copies our best memories as a type of payment for letting us through. They remain there, floating around with images of things witches have used magic to create. You know about how witches use the Aether to manifest their spells?”

Yes, of course,” he nodded.

Did you know that the magic humans hold comes from the fey?”

Now that I did
know,” he leaned even closer. “That explains so much. Like why it's different from our own Atlantean magic and why it's so compelling to us. I assume you're saying that the fey bred with humans ages ago?”

Yes, exactly,” I nodded. “So humans have a little magic of their own and it helped them to create the Internet, what we call the Inter Realm, just as the fey created the Aether but the Inter Realm isn't alive like the Aether. It's more like a tool to be used.”

Fascinating,” Luke frowned, “but you didn't enjoy the view of the Aether as much as the Inter Realm?”

The Aether is a place of thought and magic,” I shrugged. “If you got lost there, you'd remain nothing more than a thought forever. It's a little scary. Also, all those memories floating around and playing out around you is disconcerting.”

It's hard enough to stare into the pit,” he nodded, “but then to have it stare back? That's terrifying.”

Exactly,” I sighed. “So maybe I'll take a pass on Neverland. There's only one place I want to go anyway.”

I think it would be best if you let me lead you there,” his eyes sparked once and then seemed to ignite the tattoo on his cheek briefly. “It can be a difficult place to find.”

Okay,” I agreed. “I wanted to teach a friend of mine to project as well. Her husband also died and she wants to have the solace of seeing him once more.”

I understand,” he nodded. “Actually, a group is a better way to travel, having three bodies to return to, as long as they remain together, makes the pull that much stronger.”

Great,” I swept my legs out of bed. “I'll let you know when we're ready.”

















Chapter Thirty-Eight


Just a little further,” Trevor coaxed.

He'd brought me to Fenrir's territory, saying that there was something he wanted to show me. Then he led me out into the wilderness that surrounded Fenrir's Hall and up into the mountains. It was turning into quite a hike and I was very glad he'd told me to wear my boots. At least there weren't any mosquitoes in the God Realm.

The mountains were beautiful though, the crisp air perfumed by pine and juniper, the ground covered in a cushion of fallen leaves and moss, and the slashing lines of the late afternoon sun dissecting it all into golden green patterns. I didn't mind the hike, it was nice to stretch my legs without adrenaline surging through them, but I was extremely curious over what Trevor had brought me way out here to see and I was hoping it would be revealed soon.

Then the ridge we were cresting evened out and started to slope downward into a little valley hidden among the mountain range. At the bottom of the valley there was a lake and on the shores of the lake stood a massive rustic cabin. The lake was crystal clear and from our vantage point I could see straight to the rock covered bottom of it. I saw the slight glimmer of little fish and sunlight caught on the back of white birds that swooped down to the surface to try and catch some lunch.

“Trevor, it's amazing,” I whispered.

This is our little retreat,” he came up beside me, putting an arm around my waist and pulling me into his side.

We stood like that as the sun set, watching it paint the valley in bright orange and red before sliding behind the mountain. Then he led me down a path that took us straight to the cabin, which was much bigger than I'd realized. It was more like what rich people thought a cabin should be. Maybe a lodge was a better word for it. It was very wide and two stories high, with a generous porch facing the lake that was home to several chairs and even a swing.

We went up the stairs and into the building, which of course was open. Why would Fenrir need to lock anything on his own land? However, when I saw the inside, I thought twice about the lock. It was resort quality. Trevor hadn't been kidding when he called it their retreat.

The main room that we entered into was open all the way up to the second floor, where you could see a loft. There was a massive fireplace, set with logs already, made from rough-hewn rock and adorned with a polished wood mantel. The juxtaposition of the elegant mantel with the savage stones was really beautiful and it was a perfect prelude to the rest of the room.

Hardwood floors were covered by sumptuous Persian rugs, couches consisted of thick wood bases with luxurious overstuffed pillows, the coffee table was a cross section of a huge tree polished to a mirror shine and topped with a carved crystal wolf on a silver tray. Above it all hung a sparkling crystal chandelier that would have fit in comfortably inside any European palace.

This is freakin' incredible,” I went through the room and into the kitchen which was open to the living room, separated only by a wood breakfast bar. The kitchen was country chic, with baskets and bundles of dried herbs hanging from the ceiling, and huge windows that looked out onto the lake. I turned and went back out, going to a central staircase that led up to the loft.

I climbed the stairs with Trevor on my heels, grinning widely. There was another comfy sitting area up there, with hallways to either side and display cabinets filled with magnificent pieces of art. I looked over the items on display, it always made me smile to see the delicate things Fenrir liked to collect. Then I ventured a little down each hallway, just far enough to see that there were several rooms to either side and bathrooms as well. The cabin could host a huge gathering of Froekn easily.

From the loft there was an even better view out of the two-story high window set into the front of the cabin and I wandered over to enjoy it. I leaned against the railing and sighed, the lake was displayed perfectly against the backdrop of the lush mountainside. Fenrir had done good.

Beautiful, isn't it?” Trevor leaned against the rustic rail beside me.

It's so very,” I nodded and looked over at him. “Thank you for bringing me here. I really needed a moment of peace.”

I had an ulterior motive,” he confessed.

Oh really?” I smirked and cast an eye back toward the bedrooms.

Well that too but,” he chewed his lip. “Remember how I told you I didn't want you to bond with me?”

You've changed your mind?”

No,” he sighed and looked out toward the view. “I do want something that you could give me but I feel strange asking.”

Honey-Eyes,” I laughed, “come on, you know if I have the power to give you something you want, I'll gladly give it to you. What's this really about?”

I want this,” he waved a hand out toward the lake. “I want you to create a retreat for us up in the mountains surrounding Pride Palace. You could change the terrain there without it affecting the rest of the territory.”

You want this
?” I lifted a brow at him.

It doesn't have to be exact,” he shrugged. “But I'd like it as close to this as possible. This is home to me, Minn Elska. This is the first place I ever felt safe and I never thought that I'd leave it. Everyone of the guys has a place of their own. Pride Palace is Kirill's, as much as I'm alpha, that land is Intare and I don't feel a connection to it. Azrael has Shehaquim, and Arach has a whole damn kingdom. Even Odin had three halls in Asgard, while I have nothing to call mine. I want this.”

Trevor,” I gaped at him. “I had no idea you felt this way. Of course you deserve something of your own. We all need a place where we can say,
this is mine
. I understand that and we should have found something for you sooner. Especially with all of you having to share me, you each need your own domain, someplace yours where we can be together alone, and I've neglected that. I've made you and Kirill share, thinking that you were happy that way but even if you are happy, I should have known that a little bower in the garden wouldn't be enough for you. You've always had Moonshine and I guess that tricked me into believing you had something for yourself but Moonshine is different, it's not a home. I'm so sorry, Trevor.”

No,” he pulled me against him. “Don't apologize, it's not your responsibility to figure out what I need. I should have told you.”

But you're wrong,” I pulled away. “It
my responsibility. We may not have the full Binding but we have enough that I can sense what you need. I know what you require of me and I've neglected those instincts for awhile now. I've just been so distracted with all the other aspects of my life, the changes I've been going through. I should have paid more attention to you and your needs. I promise I'll do better. I won't neglect you or us again.”

You don't know what hearing that means to me,” he exhaled a rush of air. “It's a strange situation we're in and my wolf has moments of confusion when it wants to rebel against the lioness magic that has bound us all together. It gets really difficult around the full moon, when the Froekn magic gets stronger.”

The scent-marking,” I nodded. “I've enjoyed that.”

So have I,” he grinned. “But that's only a bandage on my wolf's appetites. I need someplace like this to bring you to. Someplace where I can let my wolf out fully, to howl and run and claim his mate without any hint of another male in the vicinity. He needs to feel that you're his completely.”

You'll have it,” I promised. “I'll make it exactly like this, down to the crystal wolf on the coffee table. It will be yours, just as I am.”

I love you, Vervain.”

I love you too, Honey-Eyes,” I nuzzled his nose. “Next time I'm acting like an asshole, will you please tell me instead of suffering in silence?”

Absolutely,” he nodded. “I'll be on full asshole alert.”

That sounded kind of gross,” I made a face at him.

Not exactly the hole I prefer,” he chuckled.

Ewww, you're such a boy,” I punched shoulder and ran for the bedrooms.

I'm not a boy,” he bared his teeth. “I'm a wolf, baby.”

Don't you mean, you're a baby wolf?” I laughed as his eyes widened and he ran after me.

I screeched and made a swift turn away from the bedrooms to run instead down the stairs and out the front door. He chased me all the way down to the lake and caught me with a sweeping gesture that lifted me off my feet. I squealed and twisted in his arms so I could wrap both arms and legs around him.

The moon was high above us, shining her silver light over our bodies as he laid me down into the soft grass and began to slide our garments off. I got impatient, yanking at his shirt while he was still removing my jeans and he gave me a little nip on my belly.

Slowly,” he chided.

Fine,” I sighed and relaxed into the pleasure of having Trevor undress me.

It was a bit like torture. The slide of material down my legs and hot breath on my skin. Slow movements of fingertips pushing my shirt over my head and then the rasp of a stubbled chin against the top of my breasts. A nip at my neck, a kiss on my collarbone, cool air on overheated flesh. It all fell just short of being satisfying.

Finally skin to skin, I sucked in a satisfied breath. His hips were warm between my legs, his mouth even hotter at my breast, and his hands were bringing me to new levels of lust by the minute. I sank my hands into his thick hair and then slid them down the muscles of his back, enjoying the way they twitched in response. His back was wide but tapered in to his narrow hips and I followed the angle happily, coming to the end of my journey at the crest of his full ass. I took handfuls of flesh there and pulled him in closer, urging him to make us complete.

So demanding,” he shook his head against my neck, nibbling there for a moment. “I finally got you out here, let me enjoy this.”

But wouldn't you enjoy it more if we were just a little more intimate?”

Little?” He groaned. “Now she's gone and used the word little while we're making love.”

As if you need to worry about that,” I laughed and pulled him up for a kiss.

The kiss was languorous, deep, and fulfilling in a way that most kisses weren't. It went beyond our mouths, tingling its way to places I wish he were already. He was rubbing against them, an obvious tease, and it somehow made the kiss that much richer. Like your first kiss in the back of a car with your teenage boyfriend. Touching and daring but not quite daring enough to go
it still seemed to touch you there anyway, rocketing you over the edge of pleasure with just the touch of lips on lips.

That kiss was a predecessor for the night. Slow and yet grasping with need, we alternated between rampant delight and elegant arousal. By the time he lifted his head and howled to the moon, I was practically glowing in pleasure and it had nothing to do with my lust magic. It was just us, the magic of us.


















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