InvitingTheDevil (10 page)

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Authors: Gabriella Bradley

Tags: #Inviting the Devil,BDSM,Gabriella Bradley,sex,erotica,romance

BOOK: InvitingTheDevil
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He was tight-lipped, his eyes thunderous. I wondered what he was thinking. He kept his feelings completely locked away. No yelling. No apparent fury. Just angry acceptance, but even that anger, he kept tucked away.

“I’ll expect to see you in my office tomorrow morning at ten with your official resignation for both the designer and modeling position. The chauffeur will pick you up.”

I stood, and wrapping the towel around me, walked back into the house. I was positive now that his interest in me was only sexual, that he had no deeper feelings for me. He’d gone into the house ahead of me and approached me carrying some clothing and a pair of sandals.

“These should fit you.”

“Left over from your last submissive?” I could have bitten off my tongue as soon as I uttered the sarcastic question. I thought he would finally explode, but he contained his anger, threw the clothing and sandals on the couch and strode out of the living room. Dropping the towel I quickly got into the sweatpants and T-shirt. The sandals were a bit big, but would have to do. I walked to the front doors and opened them. Before I stepped out onto the front porch, I turned for a moment and looked at the house I’d never see again to imprint its beauty in my mind. I wished I’d had a camera so I could have taken some pictures.

The limo pulled up at the bottom of the steps. I closed the doors and quickly skipped down the steps. The chauffeur held the door open for me. I crouched in a corner of the seat, my heart slowly crumbling, tears burning to escape, but I managed to hold them in.

I had to buzz the super to let me into my apartment. My keys were in my forgotten bag. After shutting and locking the door behind me, I fell on the couch, on top of the pile of clothing, but I didn’t care, and burst into tears. So much for drooling over an elusive man for months, years, finally being with him for a night and coming home thoroughly disappointed. After I dried my tears, I vowed I wouldn’t get involved with anyone for a very long time. I needed to start job hunting and I made up my mind to make my dream of becoming a fashion designer come true, no matter what Kalem had told me.

When I finally got off the couch, I listened to the answering machine. There were quite a few messages from Shannon. She’d probably texted me, too, but my cell was in the bag I had with me yesterday and I’d left it behind in the change room when we left the show. I hoped one of the girls, or Sheldon, noticed it.

I went to the kitchen and poured a glass of wine. It was a bit early, but I didn’t care. I needed something to calm my nerves and soothe my aching heart. I drank half of it fast, then slowed down. The last thing I needed was to get tipsy. The phone rang. I knew it would be Shannon so I didn’t answer it. I didn’t know what to tell her. The answering machine clicked in.

“Danea, I’m getting really worried about you. Where the hell are you? Why haven’t you called me or answered my texts? If I don’t hear from you soon I’m coming over there.”

Did I want Shannon to come over? I decided I did. I needed to talk to someone. I sure as hell couldn’t talk to my mother about any of it. She’d declare me insane. The thought caused me to giggle as I imagined telling Mom about my piercings and last night’s experiences. My moment of mirth didn’t last long though. How could I feel so sad over a man I didn’t really know, a man who wanted to make me his personal slave?

The buzzer rang. Shannon was true to her word and I felt bad for not having picked up the phone when she’d called. I would have been just as worried about her if I couldn’t get in touch with her. We were as close as sisters were.

I let her in and soon as the door shut behind her I embraced her and promptly burst into tears. She held me, patted my back and waited until my sobbing subsided. “I’m sorry,” I said as I stepped back and waited for her to walk into the living room.

“I haven’t seen you this upset since you broke up with Jake. Was the show a flop? The modeling was a fiasco? You fell flat on your face? Talk to me, girlfriend.”

I handed her a glass of wine and giggled through my tears at the thought of falling flat on my face. Although that had been a fear—that I’d trip and make a fool of myself. I shook my head. “The show was a tremendous success. I did well.”

“So? What’s wrong? Talk to me.”

“I don’t know where to begin.”

“At the beginning. I had a feeling you weren’t telling me something.”

We were so attuned to each other, we often knew if the other was hiding something. I started talking. I told her about my first meeting with Kalem and the second one when I’d signed the contracts.

“You actually took all your clothes off and allowed him to paw you? To touch you?”

“I’d signed that damn contract. I had to obey him at all times.”

“That would have set off red flags in my brain right there. I can’t believe you signed it with that clause in place.”

“According to ogre, all the girls got the same contract.”

“That’s what she says. How do you know it’s true? You should have asked to see some of the other models’ contracts.”

“I suppose.”

“You’re so naïve and wet behind the ears and far too trusting. Okay, after that what happened?”

“Well, you know about the crash modeling course and complete makeover.”

“Yes, and I said you were stunning.”

“There’s more.” I told her about the piercings and watched her glass of wine pause at her lips and her mouth drop open.

“Locks? You’ve got to be kidding. Unreal.”

“All the girls had that treatment, at least the external rings and locks to avoid them getting pregnant before their contract expired. I know from one of the other models.”

“It’s barbaric. But it’s not unheard of in the world of BDSM. You say you have more piercings than that. Do the other models have those?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t really look at their clits or examine their pussies. They’re all a bunch of snobs and all except one barely talked to me.”

“My God, woman. I can’t believe you allowed all that and all because of a stupid obedience clause. Show me.”

I dropped the sweat pants and showed her.

“Mm, the clit ring does look exotic, especially against your instant tan. Show me the locks.”

“Kalem took those off this morning. We were at his place. He wanted my pussy exposed to the sun to speed up healing.”

Her eyebrows arched. “Kalem did? Show me the rings.”

I slipped out of the sweats. I’d been standing until then. I sat on the chair, opened my legs and pulled the lips apart.

“Far out. Did it hurt?”

“A little. I actually got turned on while John did it,” I admitted. “The guy who did it specializes in body piercings. He was in his thirties and handsome.”

“So, continue what happened next? You said Kalem removed the locks. How did you end up at his house?”

I told her about the dresses Kalem had designed especially for me. When I described the silver dress and harness, she gasped.

“Whoa! You actually wore it and paraded on the catwalk in front of a shitload of people! You? My Danny did that?”

“There’s more. There was an encore. Kalem joined me on the catwalk, put a leash through the ring on the collar and led me down the catwalk and back again. It brought the house down.”

“I bet it did.”

“Then we had dinner. After dinner, he said he’d drive me home. Except we ended up at his mansion.”

“Where you made wild love. That’s why he removed the locks?”

“He fucked me, but not there. I’m still a virgin. The locks stayed in place until this morning.” I described all my experiences of that night and while doing so, felt myself getting wet all over again, my juices trickling down my slit. Going into all the details had turned me on again. “I slept until noon and found him on the pool deck. I joined him. That’s when he removed the locks and had me sit with my legs spread.”

“And now you’re home and you’re terribly upset. What happened to cause that?”

“I realized I had fallen in love with him and wanted to know him better, so I asked him about his family and he locked up, left me alone for a quite some time. While he was gone, I thought about everything. I don’t think he’d developed the same feelings for me, but merely used me as a sex object, wanted to make me his personal slave. I want more than that out of a relationship. I really don’t think he had serious intentions because he wanted it kept quiet that we were seeing each other. I told him a modeling career wasn’t for me and I wanted to quit.”

“And he got angry?”

“Yes, though he stayed very calm. He said if I walked away, I couldn’t work there at all anymore. So I did. I walked away. He wants me in his office at ten in the morning with two separate letters of resignation for both jobs.”

“You’re going to actually walk away from a lucrative career?”

“Shannon, you know some of his designs are outlandish and risqué. I never want to model another dress like the silver again, and I don’t want locks dangling between my legs. He also wanted me to have other piercings.”

“Dammit, Shannon, for that kind of money I’d let him put a lock on my lips. I agree with you that he went a tad overboard. He shouldn’t have taken you to his house. He should have kept it professional.”

“You don’t think I should quit? I’ve fallen in love with the man. If I continue to work there, I’ll see him. And he’s present at all the fashion shows of course.”

“Keep the appointment tomorrow morning. Tell him you’ve changed your mind but lay down some ground rules of your own.”

“You don’t think last night was kinky?”

“Oh, a tad. I can’t believe you let him fuck you in your butt. That must have hurt like crazy.”

“Strangely enough, it didn’t hurt much at all. He squirted some stuff into me and fingered it first.”

“You told me his cock is huge. If it didn’t hurt that much, he must have worked your asshole well and used some very good lubrication.”

“Oh, he did. I can’t believe we’re talking like this. Are you disgusted with me?”

“Honey, I’ve experimented. I’ve never described any of it to you, knowing how virginal and naïve you are—or were.”

“From what you’ve told me and described, you’ve always had normal sex.”

“I’ve had plenty of that, yeah. Not all men are into kink. Mark’s pretty straightforward but I do like it out of the box from time to time and I plan to train him.”

I hadn’t seen Shannon naked for a long time. Besides her visiting me here, she spent most of her free time dating, and of late, with Mark. She removed her top and bra and I was shocked to see nipple rings. She took off her shorts and thong and bent over spreading her ass. She was tattooed all around her asshole. Then she sat on the couch and spread her legs. She had no pubic hair and above her clit was a tattoo of a dragon, its tail trailing down her outer labia. A clit bar glittered against her dusky flesh. The outer labia had a row of surface studs on each side and I noticed a ring just below her vagina.

I knew she’d had her bellybutton pierced. She’d shown me that a while ago, but I never knew about all the other stuff. It was my turn to stare with my mouth hanging open.

“I like your rings. I think I’m going to get some,” she told me, gazing at my exposed cleft.

“Minus the locks,” I added.

She grinned. “Yeah, I don’t want those. Finger fucking is nice, but I like a cock inside me. Mark is pretty straightforward sexually, but he has a stud on his dick’s head. He loves my piercings and tattoos. They turn him on.”

“You’ve had anal sex?”

“Yes, but it hurt bad at first. The first time was a long time ago with Eric. Remember him?”

“The biker.”

“Yes. He was into some real kink. He took me to a club once where they had food eating sessions. About a dozen couples would each bring their favorite food item. Everyone got naked and started painting other people with the food and stuffing it into vaginas and assholes. It was quite the orgy.”

I grimaced. “That’s disgusting. The thought of that doesn’t turn my crank at all.”

“I didn’t really like it either. It was a onetime experience. He liked flogging me, too, and hogtying me. It was a onetime experience. The length of time it took for him to truss me like a pig seemed to take forever. But the anticipation heightened my libido. I’ll never agree to it again. The flogging was a bit too much, hurt like all bloody hell, and when he wanted to stick hooks into me, I freaked. He’d listened to me and didn’t do it, but it scared the shit out of me. Some of the other women liked it and when he demanded I participate in all their games, is when I broke up with him.”

“I wish you’d told me all this stuff.”

“And shocked the hell out of you?” She laughed. “How about another glass of wine. Now that we’ve shared all this, I’ve never felt as close to you. Don’t ever keep secrets from me again, okay?”

“I promise.” I went to my small kitchen and refilled our glasses to the brim. I was hot and horny then, my grief forgotten. Well, almost. I handed Shannon her wine and sat cross-legged on the floor in front of her. I admired her breasts. They were considerably bigger than the last time I’d seen her naked, before her piercings. Now that she had rings through her nipples, they seemed to have become much larger. I reached out and touched the dragon. I traced it down to the tip of its tail, which curled into her butt crack. Touching her that way had the blood to coursing through my veins, a wanting, a longing to touch her all over filled me.
I’m not a lesbian. What is wrong with me?
I touched the bar running through her hood. It turned easily. Her clit hardened and I felt it pulse as I trailed my fingers down her cleft.

“Shannon,” I whispered, in a voice grown husky with desire.

She got off the couch and joined me on the floor. Taking the glass from my other hand, she set both glasses on the floor away from us. Then she pulled the T-shirt over my head and exposed my breasts. She gazed at my large nipples.

“Oh, look at them. They’re so dark now and they’re huge,” she said softly, tweaking them, rolling them between her forefingers and thumbs. Taking a breast in each hand, she squeezed them hard until the nipples poked out between the digits, then she sucked them hard.

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