iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, 3/e (Big Nerd Ranch Guides) (2 page)

Read iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, 3/e (Big Nerd Ranch Guides) Online

Authors: Aaron Hillegass,Joe Conway

Tags: #COM051370, #Big Nerd Ranch Guides, #iPhone / iPad Programming

BOOK: iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, 3/e (Big Nerd Ranch Guides)
13.96Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub
Silver Challenge: Dismissing a Number Pad
Gold Challenge: Pushing More View Controllers
Displaying Images and UIImageView
Taking pictures and UIImagePickerController
Creating BNRImageStore
Creating and using keys
Core Foundation and toll-free bridging
Wrapping up BNRImageStore
Dismissing the keyboard
Bronze Challenge: Editing an Image
Silver Challenge: Removing an Image
Gold Challenge: Camera Overlay
For the More Curious: Recording Video
Universalizing Homepwner
Determining device family
More Modal View Controllers
Dismissing modal view controllers
Modal view controller styles
Completion blocks
Modal view controller transitions
Bronze Challenge: Universalizing Whereami
Silver Challenge: Peeling Aways the Layers
Gold Challenge: Popover Appearance
For the More Curious: View Controller Relationships
Parent-child relationships
Presenting-presenter relationships
Inter-family relationships
Application Sandbox
Constructing a file path
NSKeyedArchiver and NSKeyedUnarchiver
Application States and Transitions
Writing to the Filesystem with NSData
More on Low-Memory Warnings
Model-View-Controller-Store Design Pattern
Bronze Challenge: PNG
Silver Challenge: Archiving Whereami
For The More Curious: Application State Transitions
For the More Curious: Reading and Writing to the Filesystem
For the More Curious: The Application Bundle
Creating HomepwnerItemCell
Configuring a UITableViewCell subclass’s interface
Exposing the properties of HomepwnerItemCell
Using HomepwnerItemCell
Image Manipulation
Relaying Actions from UITableViewCells
Adding pointers to cell subclass
Relaying the message to the controller
Objective-C selector magic
Presenting the image in a popover controller
Bronze Challenge: Color Coding
Silver Challenge: Cell Base Class
Gold Challenge: Zooming
Object-Relational Mapping
Moving Homepwner to Core Data
The model file
NSManagedObject and subclasses
Updating BNRItemStore
Adding BNRAssetTypes to Homepwner
More About SQL
Trade-offs of Persistence Mechanisms
Bronze Challenge: Assets on the iPad
Silver Challenge: New Asset Types
Gold Challenge: Showing Assets of a Type
Internationalization Using NSLocale
Localizing Resources
NSLocalizedString and Strings Tables
Bronze Challenge: Another Localization
For the More Curious: NSBundle’s Role in Internationalization
Updating Whereami
Using NSUserDefaults
Silver Challenge: Initial Location
Gold Challenge: Concise Coordinates
For the More Curious: The Settings Application
Touch Events
Creating the TouchTracker Application
Drawing with TouchDrawView
Turning Touches Into Lines
The Responder Chain
Bronze Challenge: Saving and Loading
Silver Challenge: Colors
Gold Challenge: Circles
For the More Curious: UIControl
UIGestureRecognizer Subclasses
Detecting Taps with UITapGestureRecognizer
UIPanGestureRecognizer and Simultaneous Recognizers
For the More Curious: UIMenuController and UIResponderStandardEditActions
For the More Curious: More on UIGestureRecognizer
Bronze Challenge: Clearing Lines
Silver Challenge: Mysterious Lines
Gold Challenge: Speed and Size
Mega-Gold Challenge: Colors
Static Analyzer
Allocations Instrument
Time Profiler Instrument
Leaks Instrument
Xcode Schemes
Creating a new scheme
Build Settings
Layers and Views
Creating a CALayer
Layer Content
Implicitly Animatable Properties
Bronze Challenge: Another Layer
Silver Challenge: Corner Radius
Gold Challenge: Shadowing
For the More Curious: Programmatically Generating Content
For the More Curious: Layers, Bitmaps, and Contexts
Animation Objects
Spinning with CABasicAnimation
Timing functions
Animation completion
Bouncing with a CAKeyframeAnimation
Bronze Challenge: More Animation
Silver Challenge: Even More Animation
Gold Challenge: Chaining Animations
For the More Curious: The Presentation Layer and the Model Layer
Creating a Storyboard
UITableViewControllers in Storyboards
More on Storyboards
Web Services
Starting the Nerdfeed application
NSURL, NSURLRequest, and NSURLConnection
Formatting URLs and requests
Working with NSURLConnection
Collecting XML data
Parsing XML with NSXMLParser
Constructing the tree of model objects
A quick tip on logging
For the More Curious: NSXMLParser
For the More Curious: The Request Body
For the More Curious: Credentials
Bronze Challenge: More Data
Silver Challenge: More UIWebView
Splitting Up Nerdfeed
Master-Detail Communication
Displaying the Master View Controller in Portrait Mode
Universalizing Nerdfeed
Constructing a pattern string

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