IRISH: a Bad Boy Fighter Romance (6 page)

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Authors: Olivia Hawthorne,Olivia Long

BOOK: IRISH: a Bad Boy Fighter Romance
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I turned to find Knox, and I was completely unsurprised. I knew in the back of my mind that he would follow me, and I knew that I would want him there.

“I can’t find what you’re looking for,” I said, standing on my tiptoes searching the boxes of alcohol George had stacked.

“I already found it,” he said with a gorgeous arrogant smirk on his lips.

“Oh,” I replied. “Where is it?”

“Right here,” he growled and pushed me against the wall of boxes. I guess I kinda walked right into that one.

“Okay,” I exhaled and bit my lower lip as his eyes scanned my face.

“Yer so fekking beautiful, Lennon,” he said in an exhalation of breath. “I need to taste you before I lose my fekking mind, kitten.”

I didn’t have a chance to respond, his mouth crushed mine and I melted against his hard, muscled body in complete and utter surrender.

Surrendering to Knox was the only thing I could do, denying him felt like something against nature, something against what I was
to do.

His hands were all over me at once, lifting my shirt and touching my bare skin, leaving hot trails of desire everywhere he came in contact with me.

He settled one huge, rough hand on my upper thigh, lifted my skirt as he slid his tongue against mine and groaned, a needy, hungry noise in the quiet of the back room.

His fingers crept to my panties and pulled them aside. I gasped as he found the peak of my wet slit and pushed past it to my swollen clit.

I arched myself against him and let him inside.


Chapter Twelve



Her cunt was a handful of wet heat and I wanted more.

She ground herself against my fingers as I slid inside her body, my tongue moving in time with my hand as I fucked her both ways.

She moaned and pushed her head back, her hips out to meet me and open herself to me further.

I cupped the back of her head with my other hand and her leg slid up mine, wrapping itself around my thigh.

“Fuck, Lennon, I’ve got te have ye,” I growled and bit her lower lip. She gasped again and her bright green eyes flew open as she looked at me, then the door. It was unlocked and we could be discovered at any moment but I didn’t fucking care.

This was my property, both the bar and the girl.

I sunk before her, took that gorgeous creamy thigh and hooked it over my shoulder. “I’m gonna devour ye,” I told her, looking up at her from below. She looked terrified, like a little deer in front of the wolf, but like the deer, she knew there was no point in fighting this. I was going to eat her and she was going to let me.

I ripped her panties off and shoved them in the front pocket up my button up shirt. They were bright pink and I would inhale her scent later when I needed to recall what her body was about.

I slid my tongue along her soaking wet pussy, her cleft parted for me, opening her delicate folds to my assault.

She gasped again as I began to drink her juice and plunge my tongue up and down her swollen cunt.

She moaned and grasped my head as I shoved two fingers into her tight pussy to fuck her with my hand while I tongue fucked her clit.

She was impossibly delicious, a delicate taste and fragrance that assailed my senses and made me feel drunk on her.

She was mine, fuck anything I’d been telling myself, when I made her my wife it would be forever and I would fucking claim her.

I wanted to cover her like a stallion, fuck her and thrust into her, flood her cunt with my seed and put a baby in her. I wanted to watch her grow heavy with my child and I wanted to bellow from the rooftops that Lennon was mine and mine alone.

I wanted so much from her, and I was going to take it, but for now I would be content to drink from her fragrant fountain of love juice and lap at her cunt like a starving man.

She rode my face, her one leg still hooked over my shoulder and the other on her tippy toes, straddling me, grinding herself against me.

I felt her tense up and her pussy walls clamped down on my fingers, drawing them deeper and fluttering against them like a heartbeat.

“Knox,” she exhaled in a guttural moan. “Fuck, Knox, oh my god, fuck…Knox!”

She screamed the last part, my name. She fucking screamed it so anyone in the pub within earshot would know what we were up to in here.

Good, that’s exactly what I wanted. I wanted everyone to know to keep their distance from her or they’d end up with my fist in their face and their nose split apart.

She shuddered hard against me one last time, my nose and tongue were covered in her cunt juices and my fingers were two knuckles deep inside of her.

She came down off her high and I looked up, her pussy framing my face, her thighs clamped on my head. “Was that loud?” she asked with pink flushed cheeks, just as I’d imagined them.

My cock was rock hard, harder than anything I could remember, and I would have done anything in my power to fuck her then.

But it wasn’t the right time. I wanted our first time to be better than a quick shag in a store room.

I nodded and she closed her eyes. “Oh god, this is embarrassing, I never do anything like this.”

I pulled out of her and away from her, licked my fingers slowly as I rose to stand in front of her. “I won’t hold it against ye, kitten,” I grinned and pushed her skirt down over her hips.

“What is everyone going to think of me?” she asked quietly, her long lashes fanning her pink cheeks as she looked down in shame.

I hooked my finger under her chin and pulled her up to look me in the eye. “Don’t ever fekking feel shame for what’s natural, Lennon. I took you, my woman, and made you feel good. There’s nothing shameful in that, and if anyone ever tells ye different, I’ll knock em flat on their ass for ye, got it?”

She laughed and smiled, locked her eyes on mine and said, “Yeah, I got it. It’s just not something I usually would do…be this…bold.”

“Get used to being bold, kitten, because when you’re with me you’re traveling with the King. And there ain’t nothing bolder than royalty.”

I kissed her again, felt her sadness and shame flow through her and away into the atmosphere.

As we exited the storeroom, she giggled and caught my hand in hers.

I knew then that she was mine…hook, line, and sinker; I just had to reel her in.

“Did you find the whiskey?” the bloke behind the bar asked her suspiciously.

“No,” she said, glancing at me and dropping my hand as she took her place at her job.

“I got what I wanted though,” I said with a smug tone. She blushed again and I grinned at her. I couldn’t help but play the part of the wolf with such a delicate little morsel laid out in front of me. “I guess I’ll have the whiskey you’ve got here. Just give me the bottle and I’ll drink it slowly while I watch ye work.”

She handed it to me with a tumbler glass and some ice. “Then you’re going to be pretty bored,” she said with an apologetic smile.

“Not bored at all, I’ve got the best seat in the house,” I laughed and opened the bottle. “Make sure you bend down to get all those things on the lower shelf though.”

I gave her a wink and a wolfish grin and fingered the panties in my shirt pocket, she giggled and playfully whacked me with her towel.

The bloke behind the bar gave us an approving look and I spent my time doing exactly what I said I would.

Watching her.


Chapter Thirteen



Apparently I was for sale and the purchase price was the most intensely amazing orgasm of my life.

I supposed it could be worse, it’s not like he was ugly or wasn’t charming or didn’t have billions of dollars to his name…or fame or fortune.

My god, had my luck finally turned around after all?

It wasn’t all instant love and bliss after that orgasm though, I was still a difficult nut to crack and I wanted to be as logical about this as possible.

He gave me a ride home that night in some expensive looking little sports car and we’d made out like teenagers as much as we could in the narrow interior.

I hadn’t invited him up. I still needed to give myself time. In spite of the animal nature of our attraction, I wasn’t that kind of girl.

The next day he’d been in training and meetings and hadn’t been able to come into the bar. I hadn’t been able to hide my disappointment, but I’d been giddy each and every time he’d texted me.

He’d texted me
a lot
, my phone had buzzed constantly as if he didn’t want a moment to go by without him in my head.

It was impossible for me to clear him from my brain though, fuck, I was so obsessed it was a bit ridiculous.

This morning I woke up early, too early, because Knox had texted me on the way to the gym.

“Come see me today.”

I didn’t have work and had nothing planned really, so I texted back, “Where?”

He told me he’d send a driver to take me to the gym by ten. The driver would text me when he was downstairs. It was seven, time to have a nice breakfast, a super long shower and figure out what the hell I could wear that would make me look fuckable and like I knew what the hell I was doing at a gym.

Jessica hadn’t left for work yet and her jaw dropped when she saw me wander in. “Holy shit, I thought it was like illegal or something for you to wake up before noon!”

“Ha. Ha. Coffee,” I replied grumpily.

“What are you doing up so early? You don’t have to look for work again do you?” she asked as she filled my mug with coal black piping hot liquid caffeine.

“Well, I guess I should fill you in a little on what’s been going on,” I said quietly and sipped my drink. I could feel it flow through my body and perk me up immediately.

“You mean the fifty tons of flowers? The mysterious buyer of the bar?” she asked giving me a sidelong glance. “Do you have an admirer? A very rich one?”

I laughed, “Yeah, I do.” We’d managed to disperse most of the flowers by giving them to people in our building and sending them to Jessica’s work, but I’d kept some of the lilies and orchids. They were still thriving and made me smile whenever I looked at them.

“Okay, tell me everything.”

“Won’t you be late for work?”

“That’s one of the perks of fucking the boss, who gives a shit if I’m late?” she grinned.

“Well, have you heard of Knox O’Connor?” I asked.

“Knox King O’Connor? Are you fucking kidding me? Who hasn’t heard of him? What does he have to do with this? Are you dating a friend of his?”

“Kinda,” I said, “but actually it’s him.”

She squealed, an ear splitting sound that must have woken up half the building. “Knox fucking O’Connor?”

“Yeah,” I nodded and smiled shyly. “Not so much dating though, he asked me to marry him.”

She started laughing and set her coffee mug on the table. “Good one, Lennon. You had me going there for a minute. But seriously, who sent the flowers?”

“Knox,” I replied evenly. “He’s a little obsessed with me and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t obsessed with him.”

She looked at me carefully, suspicion turning to disbelief and finally her eyes widened and she whispered, “Damn!”

“Damn is right,” I laughed. “It’s very surreal. I’m up early because Knox wants me at the gym today to watch him train.”

“Holy shit girl, have you slept with him yet?”

“Not yet, I just met him a little while ago,” I said. The image of his face between my legs flashed into my head and my body felt a little tremble rock through it at the memory.

“After you spend a day watching him rut for you, with all those hormones and sweaty man vibes tossed around? You’ll be ready to rumble tonight.”

“Maybe,” I said, “I think he just wants to get to know each other though.”

“Are you gonna do it?” she asked, her eyes lighted with excitement.

“Do what?”

“Marry him!”

“I don’t know yet,” I said and finished my coffee.

I didn’t really know, most of me screamed to hitch myself to him the first chance I got, but that damned logical stubborn side told me to make him wait.

But making him wait was punishment for both of us, so what did I hope to get out of it?


Chapter Fourteen



“She’s coming here?” Jake asked again. For the hundredth time I swore.

“Yes, she’ll be here at ten,” I said and danced around, jabbed Joe a couple times and ducked his return swing.

“A girl. One you want to fuck. And
. And you’re letting her come
?” Jake asked again.

“Fek, Jake, are ye daft all of a sudden? Too many knocks to the head?” I snarled. “Yes, I’m bringing her here. I want her to see where I train, what I do.”

“And this
the one you want to marry?” he asked, pressing the issue.

I stopped in mid step, glared at him and said, “Yeah. Why’s it so hard to understand?”

“You don’t even know half their names, Knox, and here you are bringing one to your private gym…it’s a little unsettling. Like one of the signs of the apocalypse.”

Joe joined in, “I don’t even know you, dude, and even I think it’s a little over the top. You just met her and she’s just a bar maid.”

I turned on my heel and slammed my fist into his jaw, sending him flying back. “She’s not
a bar maid, not like the little slut you fucked the other night, friend.” I told him. “She’s not like that at all.”

“Shit, sorry,” Joe said, rubbing his jaw. “I’ll keep my mouth shut, fuck whoever you want, dude.”

won’t keep my mouth shut, I still think you’ve had a stroke or something,” Jake said, laughing. “This is so unlike you.”

“She’s unlike anyone I’ve ever met,” I said, helping Joe to his feet so we could continue sparring.

I took a break close to the time Lennon would be arriving so I didn’t have my fist covered in Joe’s blood the first time she saw me in fighting form.

There would be enough blood when she came to my first match, I had to ease her into this world slowly so she didn’t bolt.

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